Beispiel #1
        public void CreateTeleporter(string name, Vector3S start, Vector3S end, Vector3S dest, byte destLook, byte destRot, HypercubeMap destMap)
            var newtp = new Teleporter {
                Name = name,
                Start = start,
                End = end,
                Dest = dest,
                DestLook = destLook,
                DestRot = destRot,
                DestinationMap = destMap,

            var myTp = _teleporters.Find(o => o.Name == name); // -- Linq is so hacky.. damn.

            if (myTp != null)


            // -- Save to file as well.
            _porterSettings.Write("StartX", start.X.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("StartY", start.Y.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("StartZ", start.Z.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("EndX", end.X.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("EndY", end.Y.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("EndZ", end.Z.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("DestX", dest.X.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("DestY", dest.Y.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("DestZ", dest.Z.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("DestRot", destRot.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("DestLook", destLook.ToString());
            _porterSettings.Write("DestMap", destMap.CWMap.MapName);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new MapHistory object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The map object to hold history for.</param>
        public MapHistory(HypercubeMap map)
            _thisMap = map;
            _baseName = map.Path.Substring(0, map.Path.LastIndexOf('.'));

            if (!File.Exists(_baseName + ".hch"))
                // -- Create a history file.
                using (var stream = new FileStream(_baseName + ".hch", FileMode.Create))
                    var history = new byte[(_thisMap.CWMap.SizeX*_thisMap.CWMap.SizeY*_thisMap.CWMap.SizeZ)*4];

                    stream.Write(history, 0, history.Length);

                if (map.Loaded == false && ServerCore.CompressHistory)
                    GZip.CompressFile(_baseName + ".hch");

            if (map.Loaded && ServerCore.CompressHistory && FileCompressed())
                GZip.DecompressFile(_baseName + ".hch");
            else if (!ServerCore.CompressHistory)
                // -- If the user recently disabled compression, we should decompress it first anyway.

                if (FileCompressed())
                    GZip.DecompressFile(_baseName + ".hch");

            Entries = new List<HistoryEntry>();
Beispiel #3
        static void BoxHandler(NetworkClient client, HypercubeMap map, Vector3S location, byte mode, Block block)
            if (mode != 1)

            switch (client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState) {
                case 0:
                    client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.SetCoord(location, 0);
                    client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState = 1;
                case 1:
                    var coord1 = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetCoord(0);
                    var blocks = Math.Abs(location.X - coord1.X)*Math.Abs(location.Y - coord1.Y)*
                                 Math.Abs(location.Z - coord1.Z);
                    var replaceBlock = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetString(0);

                    if (blocks < 50000) {
                        map.BuildBox(client, coord1.X, coord1.Y, coord1.Z, location.X, location.Y, location.Z, block,
                                ? ServerCore.Blockholder.UnknownBlock
                                : ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(replaceBlock), false, 1, true, false);

                        Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SBox created.");
                        Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EBox too large.");

Beispiel #4
        static void WhiteHandler(HypercubeMap map, string[] args)
            map.CWMap.BlockData = new byte[map.CWMap.BlockData.Length];

            var airBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(0);
            var whiteBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(36);

            for (var ix = 0; ix < map.CWMap.SizeX; ix++) {
                for (var iy = 0; iy < map.CWMap.SizeY; iy++)
                    map.BlockChange(-1, (short)ix, (short)iy, 0, whiteBlock, airBlock, false, false, false, 1);

            for (var ix = 0; ix < map.CWMap.SizeX; ix++) {
                for (var iz = 0; iz < map.CWMap.SizeZ / 2; iz++) {
                    map.BlockChange(-1, (short)ix, 0, (short)iz, whiteBlock, airBlock, false, false, false, 1);
                    map.BlockChange(-1, (short)ix, (short)(map.CWMap.SizeY - 1), (short)iz, whiteBlock, airBlock, false, false, false, 1);

            for (var iy = 0; iy < map.CWMap.SizeY; iy++) {
                for (var iz = 0; iz < map.CWMap.SizeZ / 2; iz++) {
                    map.BlockChange(-1, 0, (short)iy, (short)iz, whiteBlock, airBlock, false, false, false, 1);
                    map.BlockChange(-1, (short)(map.CWMap.SizeX - 1), (short)iy, (short)iz, whiteBlock, airBlock, false, false, false, 1);

            Chat.SendMapChat(map, "&cMap done.");
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the map the client is on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newMap">The map to send the client to.</param>
        public void ChangeMap(HypercubeMap newMap)
            if (newMap.FreeIds.Count == 0) { // -- No more free entity ids (1-127) on the map.
                Chat.SendClientChat(this, "§EYou cannot join this map (It is full).");

            if (!HasAllPermissions(newMap.Joinperms.Values.ToList())) { // -- Check the users permissions
                if (!HasAllPermissions(newMap.Showperms.Values.ToList())) { // -- If they can't see the map, act like it doesn't exist.
                    Chat.SendClientChat(this, "§EMap '" + newMap.CWMap.MapName + "' not found.");

                Chat.SendClientChat(this, "§EYou do not have permission to join this map."); // -- If they can see it but they still dont have permission, tell them.

            // -- Notify clients of the map change.
            Chat.SendMapChat(newMap, "§SPlayer " + CS.FormattedName + " §Schanged to map &f" + newMap.CWMap.MapName + ".", 0, true);
            Chat.SendMapChat(CS.CurrentMap, "§SPlayer " + CS.FormattedName + " §Schanged to map &f" + newMap.CWMap.MapName + ".");
            ServerCore.Luahandler.RunFunction("E_MapChange", this, CS.CurrentMap, newMap);

            lock (CS.CurrentMap.ClientLock) { // -- Update the map client list..

            CS.CurrentMap.DeleteEntity(ref CS.MyEntity); // -- Update the entity..
            CS.CurrentMap = newMap;

            newMap.Send(this); // -- Send the map to the client

            lock (newMap.ClientLock) { // -- Add the client's entity to the new map
                newMap.Clients.Add(CS.Id, this);

            CS.MyEntity.SetBlockPosition(CS.CurrentMap.GetSpawnVector()); // -- Spawn the entity at the spawn..
            CS.MyEntity.Rot = newMap.CWMap.SpawnRotation;
            CS.MyEntity.Look = newMap.CWMap.SpawnLook;
            CS.MyEntity.Map = newMap;
            CS.MyEntity.ClientId = (byte)newMap.FreeIds.Pop();

            ESpawn(CS.MyEntity.Name, CS.MyEntity.CreateStub());

            lock (newMap.EntityLock) {
                newMap.Entities.Add(CS.MyEntity.Id, CS.MyEntity);

            CPE.UpdateExtPlayerList(this); // -- Update CPE listings as needed.
Beispiel #6
        public Entity(HypercubeMap map, string name, Vector3S location, byte rot, byte look)
            Name = name;
            Location = location;
            Rot = rot;
            Look = look;
            Map = map;
            Model = "default";
            Visible = true;
            Id = ServerCore.FreeEids.Pop();

            BuildMaterial = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock("");
            Lastmaterial = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(1);
            ClientState = new BuildState();
            BuildMode = new BmStruct {Name = ""};

            ClientId = (byte)Map.FreeIds.Pop();
Beispiel #7
        public void FillMap(HypercubeMap map, string fillname, params string[] args)
            if (!Mapfills.ContainsKey(fillname))

            if (Mapfills[fillname].Plugin == "")
                Mapfills[fillname].Run(map, args);
            else {
                map.CWMap.BlockData = new byte[map.CWMap.BlockData.Length];
                ServerCore.Luahandler.RunFunction(Mapfills[fillname].Plugin, map, map.CWMap.SizeX, map.CWMap.SizeZ,
                    map.CWMap.SizeY, args);

            map.CWMap.GeneratorName = fillname;
            map.CWMap.GeneratingSoftware = "Hypercube";

            ServerCore.Luahandler.RunFunction("E_MapFilled", map, fillname);
Beispiel #8
        static void CreateTPHandler(NetworkClient client, HypercubeMap map, Vector3S location, byte mode, Block block)
            if (mode != 1)

            var state = client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState;

            switch (state) {
                case 0:
                    client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.SetCoord(location.X, location.Y, location.Z, 1);
                    client.CS.MyEntity.BuildState = 1;
                case 1:
                    var destCoord = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetCoord(0);
                    var destRot = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetInt(0);
                    var destLook = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetInt(1);
                    var startCoord = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetCoord(1);
                    var endCoord = new Vector3S { X = location.X, Y = location.Y, Z = location.Z };
                    var teleName = client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetString(0);
                    var destMap = HypercubeMap.GetMap(client.CS.MyEntity.ClientState.GetString(1));

                    // -- Move things around so the smaller is the start, the larger being the end.
                    if (startCoord.X > location.X) {
                        endCoord.X = startCoord.X;
                        startCoord.X = location.X;

                    if (startCoord.Y > location.Y) {
                        endCoord.Y = startCoord.Y;
                        startCoord.Y = location.Y;

                    if (startCoord.Z > location.Z) {
                        endCoord.Z = startCoord.Z;
                        startCoord.Z = location.Z;

                    client.CS.CurrentMap.Teleporters.CreateTeleporter(teleName, startCoord, endCoord, destCoord, (byte)destLook, (byte)destRot, destMap);
                    Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§STeleporter created.");
Beispiel #9
        static void FlatgrassHandler(HypercubeMap map, string[] args)
            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            map.CWMap.BlockData = new byte[map.CWMap.BlockData.Length];

            var grassBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(2);
            var dirtBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(3);
            var airBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(0);

            for (var x = 0; x < map.CWMap.SizeX; x++) {
                for (var y = 0; y < map.CWMap.SizeZ; y++) {
                    for (var z = 0; z < (map.CWMap.SizeY / 2); z++) {
                        map.BlockChange(-1, (short) x, (short) y, (short) z,
                            z == (map.CWMap.SizeY/2) - 1 ? grassBlock : dirtBlock, airBlock, false, false, false, 1);

            Chat.SendMapChat(map, "&cMap created in " + ((sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000F)) + "s.");
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a message to all clients on a certain map.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SendMapChat(HypercubeMap map, string message, sbyte messageType = 0, bool log = false)
            var chat = new Message {PlayerId = messageType};

            message = Text.CleanseString(message);

            if (log)
                ServerCore.Logger.Log(map.CWMap.MapName, message, LogType.Chat);

            message = EmoteReplace(message);

            if (message.Length > 0 && Text.StringMatches(message.Substring(message.Length - 1)))
                message += ".";

            var sending = SplitLines(message);

            foreach(var c in map.ClientsList) {
                foreach (var b in sending) {
                    chat.Text = b;
Beispiel #11
        static void WireworldHandler(HypercubeMap map, string[] args)
            map.CWMap.BlockData = new byte[map.CWMap.BlockData.Length];

            var airBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(0);
            var blackBlock = ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(34);

            for (var x = 0; x < map.CWMap.SizeX; x++) {
                for (var y = 0; y < map.CWMap.SizeY; y++)
                    map.BlockChange(-1, (short)x, (short)y, 0, blackBlock, airBlock, false, false, false, 1);

            Chat.SendMapChat(map, "&cMap done.");
Beispiel #12
 // -- These functions will provide Lua scripts an interface with the server
 // -- Allowing them to have a great deal on control over the server itself.
 public void Setblock(short clientId, HypercubeMap map, short x, short y, short z, byte type, bool undo, bool physics, bool send, short priority)
     map.BlockChange(clientId, x, y, z, ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(type), map.GetBlock(x, y, z), undo, physics, send, priority);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Search the maps directory for maps and load them.
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadMaps()
            if (!Directory.Exists("Maps"))

            var files = Directory.GetFiles("Maps", "*.cw*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            foreach (var file in files) {
                try {
                    var newMap = new HypercubeMap(file);

                    HypercubeMap m;
                    ServerCore.Maps.TryGetValue(newMap.CWMap.MapName, out m);

                    if (m != null) {
                        ServerCore.Logger.Log("Maps", "Failed to load " + file + ". Map with duplicate name already loaded. (" + m.Path + ")", LogType.Error);

                    ServerCore.Maps.Add(newMap.CWMap.MapName, newMap);
                    ServerCore.Logger.Log("Maps", "Loaded map '" + file + "'. (X=" + newMap.CWMap.SizeX + " Y=" + newMap.CWMap.SizeZ + " Z=" + newMap.CWMap.SizeY + ")", LogType.Info);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ServerCore.Logger.Log("Maps", "Failed to load map '" + file + "'.", LogType.Warning);
                    ServerCore.Logger.Log("Maps", e.Message, LogType.Error);
                    ServerCore.Logger.Log("Maps", e.StackTrace, LogType.Debug);
Beispiel #14
 public EntityStub(int id, byte clientId, bool visible, HypercubeMap cMap, Vector3S location, byte rot, byte look, string model)
     Map = cMap;
     Id = id;
     ClientId = clientId;
     Visible = visible;
     Location = location;
     Rot = rot;
     Look = look;
     Looked = false;
     Changed = false;
     Spawned = false;
     Model = model;
Beispiel #15
        private static void HistoryHandler(NetworkClient client, HypercubeMap map, Vector3S location, byte mode, Block block)
                    ? map.History.LookupString(location.X, location.Z, location.Y)
                    : "§EHistory is not enabled on this map.");

Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads server settings, loads the database, and prepares the system for use.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Setup()
            Setting = new PbSettingsLoader();
            TextFormats = new Text();

            SysSettings = new Settings("System.txt", ReadSystemSettings);

            Rulesfile = new Settings("Rules.txt", ReadRules, "Settings/", false);

            if (RotateLogs)

            Permholder = new PermissionContainer();
            Rankholder = new RankContainer();
            Blockholder = new BlockContainer();
            BmContainer = new BuildMode();

            DefaultRank = Rankholder.GetRank(DefaultRank.Name);

            DB = new Database();
            Logger.Log("Database", "Database loaded.", LogType.Info);

            Nh = new NetworkHandler();
            Logger.Log("", "Core Initialized.", LogType.Info);

            Maps = new Dictionary<string, HypercubeMap>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            HypercubeMap m;
            Maps.TryGetValue(MapMain, out m);

            if (m == null) {
                var mainMap = new HypercubeMap("Maps/" + MapMain + ".cw", MapMain, 128, 128, 128);
                Maps.Add(MapMain, mainMap);
                Logger.Log("Core", "Main world not found, a new one has been created.", LogType.Warning);

            Commandholder = new CommandHandler();
            Fillholder = new FillContainer();

            Luahandler = new HCLua();


            ActionQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<MapAction>();
Beispiel #17
        static void MapaddHandler(NetworkClient client, string[] args, string text1, string text2)
            if (args.Length == 0) {
                Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EThis command requires 1 argument. See /cmdhelp mapadd for usage.");

            if (File.Exists("Maps/" + args[0] + ".cw") || File.Exists("Maps/" + args[0] + ".cwu")) {
                Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§EA file with the name " + args[0] + " already exists.");

            var newMap = new HypercubeMap("Maps/" + args[0] + ".cw", args[0], 64, 64, 64);
            ServerCore.Maps.Add(args[0], newMap);
            newMap.BlockThread = new Thread(newMap.BlockQueueLoop);
            newMap.PhysicsThread = new Thread(newMap.PhysicsQueueLoop);
            TaskScheduler.CreateTask("Memory Conservation (" + newMap.CWMap.MapName + ")", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30), newMap.MapMain);
            TaskScheduler.CreateTask("Autosave (" + newMap.CWMap.MapName + ")", new TimeSpan(0, newMap.HCSettings.SaveInterval, 0), newMap.MapSave);
            newMap.Teleporters = new TeleporterContainer(newMap.CWMap.MapName);

            Chat.SendClientChat(client, "§SMap added successfully.");