Beispiel #1
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error = string.Empty;
            string Value = txtValue.Text;

            if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
            //ACQ10.0 Starts
            if (Value.Length <= 0)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, enter a value!');</script>");
            //ACQ10.0 Ends

            if (chunk != null)
            // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                if (txtValue.Text != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                    chunk.Text    = Value;
                    chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                    chunk.Status  = status;
                chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, Value, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
            if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                if (Value == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                if (!lockTranslations)
                    chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + UITools.CleanJSString(Value) + "');</script>");
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
            lbResult.Visible = true;
Beispiel #2
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error = string.Empty;
            string Value = txtValue.Text;

            if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
            if (chunk != null)
            // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                if (txtValue.Text != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                    chunk.Text    = Value;
                    chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                    chunk.Status  = status;
                chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, Value, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
            if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                chunk.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028

                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                if (Value == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + Value.Replace("'", "\\\'") + "');</script>");
                if (!lockTranslations)
                    chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                    SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;

                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
Beispiel #3
 public static void ForceTranslationsTo(HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk chunk, int userId, ChunkStatus status)
     chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(userId, status);
     //SessionState.QDEChunk = null;
Beispiel #4
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error = string.Empty;
            string Value = string.Empty;

            if (Request["rd"] != null || !dg.Columns.FromKey("InScope").ServerOnly || uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                //#ACQ10.0 Starts
                if (Request["rd"] == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText)
                    uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected = true;
                //#ACQ10.0 Ends
                if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
                else if (Request["rd"] != null) // --> radion button (single choice)
                    if (ViewState["Source"].ToString() == "Lookup")
                        LookupValue lValue = LookupValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["rd"]));
                        Value = lValue.Text;
                        InputFormValue lValue = InputFormValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(Request["rd"]));
                        Value = lValue.Text;
                else // (multi choice)
                    string separator = "; ";
                    bool   success   = true;
                    string curText   = string.Empty;
                    if (dg != null && dg.Rows != null && dg.Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (UltraGridRow r in dg.Rows)
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(r.Cells.FromKey("InScope").Value))
                                //#ACQ10.0 Stats  Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "scrollview", "<script>rowIndex = " + e.Row.Index.ToString() + ";</script>");
                                if ((Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value) != 0) && (Value.IndexOf(HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue) < 0))
                                    //#ACQ10.0 Ends
                                    if (ViewState["Source"].ToString() == "Lookup")
                                        LookupValue lValue = LookupValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value));
                                        curText = lValue.Text;
                                        InputFormValue lValue = InputFormValue.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells.FromKey("Id").Value));
                                        curText = lValue.Text;
                                    if (Value.Length > 0)
                                        Value += separator.ToString();
                                    Value += curText;
                                    Value = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
                //ACQ10.0 Starts
                //If the value is empty the user will get a message asking the select a value and no value will be saved into application
                if (Value.Length <= 0)
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, select a value!');</script>");
                //ACQ10.0 Ends

                if (chunk != null)
                // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                    if (Value != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                        chunk.Text    = Value;
                        chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                        chunk.Status  = status;
                    chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, Value, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
                if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    chunk.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028

                    lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                    lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                    lbResult.Visible  = true;
                    if (chunk.Text == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                        chunk.Text = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + UITools.CleanJSString(chunk.Text) + "');</script>");
                    if (!lockTranslations)
                        chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                        SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;

                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
                    //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                    lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                    lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, select a value!');</script>");
Beispiel #5
        private void SaveChunk(ChunkStatus status, bool lockTranslations)
            string error    = string.Empty;
            string imgValue = txtImagePath.Value;

            if (uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("ilb").Selected)
                imgValue = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue;
            //ACQ10.0 Starts
            if (imgValue.Length <= 0)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Please, enter a value!');</script>");
            //ACQ10.0 Ends
            if (chunk != null)
            // Test if user has made a change that allows database update
                if (imgValue != chunk.Text || ChunkComment1.Comment != chunk.Comment || status != chunk.Status)
                    chunk.Text    = imgValue;
                    chunk.Comment = ChunkComment1.Comment;
                    chunk.Status  = status;
                chunk = new HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk(itemId, containerId, culture.Code, imgValue, ChunkComment1.Comment, status, SessionState.User.Id);
            if (chunk.Save(SessionState.User.Id))
                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                chunk.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028

                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Chunk saved!";
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_success";
                if (imgValue == HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankValue)
                    imgValue = HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.BlankText;
                    XmlDocument xmlInfo = new XmlDocument();
                    System.Xml.XmlNode node     = xmlInfo.DocumentElement;
                    string             fullPath = node.Attributes["uri"].InnerText;
                    if (fullPath.ToLower().IndexOf("notfound") > 0 || fullPath == string.Empty)
                        fullPath = "/hc_v4/img/ed_notfound.gif";
                    imgValue = "<img src='" + fullPath + "?thumbnail=1&size=40' title='" + imgValue + "' border=0/>";
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "update", "<script>UpdateGrid('" + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.GetStatusFromEnum(chunk.Status) + "', '" + imgValue.Replace("'", "\\\'") + "');</script>");
                if (!lockTranslations)
                    chunk.ForceTranslationsTo(SessionState.User.Id, ChunkStatus.Draft);
                    SessionState.QDEChunk = chunk;

                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                ChunkModifier1.Chunk = chunk;
                //Added this line for QCs# 839 and 1028
                lbResult.Text     = "<br/>Error: " + HyperCatalog.Business.Chunk.LastError;
                lbResult.CssClass = "hc_error";
            lbResult.Visible = true;