Beispiel #1
        public static void UpdateDBField(string ip, string field, string value)
            string             updateQuery = @"UPDATE [Servers] SET " + field + " = @value WHERE IpAddress = @ip";
            MorpheusController m           = new MorpheusController();//so we can add log entries

            using (var context = new ServerContext())
                string currentValue = context.Database.SqlQuery <string>("Select " + field + " from Servers where IpAddress=" + "'" + ip + "'").FirstOrDefault <string>();
                if (currentValue == value)
                ServerContext db = new ServerContext();//instantiates a database context object
                    new SqlParameter("@value", value),
                    new SqlParameter("@ip", ip));
                //Output to the console
                Trace.WriteLine("ERROR: Server is offline: cannot retrieve active users for ip " + ip + " at this time.");
                m.logger.Error("ERROR: Server is offline: cannot retrieve active users for ip " + ip + " at this time.");
        public ActionResult ForceActivate(string ipAddress, int choice)
            string result = IsForceOn(ipAddress);

            if (choice == 1 && result.Equals("OFF"))//cover scenerio where force was manually turned on via server, after the Hydra gui was loaded when force was off
                string subject = "Force Activated on " + ipAddress;
                string body    = "The force has been turned on by " + User.Identity.GetUserName() + " on " + ipAddress;
                string emailTo = "*****@*****.**";
                MorpheusController.SendEmail(subject, body, emailTo);
            else if (choice == 2 && result.Equals("ON"))
                string subject = "Force turned OFF on " + ipAddress;
                string body    = "The force has been turned OFF by " + User.Identity.GetUserName() + " on " + ipAddress;
                string emailTo = "*****@*****.**";
                MorpheusController.SendEmail(subject, body, emailTo);
                Trace.WriteLine("ERROR: invalid choice parameter sent to ForceActivate() in ForceController - FORCE is already ON or OFF");
                //string subject = "FORCE ERROR on " + ipAddress;
                //string body = "An attempt to turn the force on or off was made by " + User.Identity.GetUserName() +
                //    " on " + ipAddress + "- The force may have already been activated or deactivated directly on the server." +
                //    " Contact one of the following active users: " + MorpheusController.GetActiveUsers(ipAddress);
                //string emailTo = User.Identity.GetUserName()  + "";
                //MorpheusController.SendEmail(subject, body, emailTo);
                forceInStateAlready = true;

        //Find all users Active and Disc on the server
        public static string ImpactedUsers(string ip)
            List <string> UserList = new List <string>();

            //Run Script to Query Users
            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("C:\\PSTools\\PSExec.exe \\\\%1 query user /server:%1", scriptPath + @"GetUsers.bat");
            string cmdOutput = MorpheusController.RunBatchFile(scriptPath + @"GetUsers.bat", ip);

            string[] lines          = cmdOutput.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string   usersFormatted = "";

            //Go through each line and get the username line
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (lines[i].Contains("Active") || lines[i].Contains("Disc"))
                    string[] activeUser = lines[i].Split(null);
                    usersFormatted += activeUser[1] + ",";

            //If there are users, format it name,name,name.
            if (usersFormatted.Length > 0)
                return(usersFormatted.Remove(usersFormatted.Length - 1, 1) + ".");
            //else return none if there are no users.
        //Stop force - Disable-FOLGS
        public static string StopForce(string ip)
            KillALLFO(ip); //kill notepads
            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("C:\\PSTools\\psexec.exe \\\\" + ip + " -s -i \"C:\\" + forcePath + "Disable-FOLGS.bat", scriptPath + @"FORCE-OFF.bat");
            MorpheusController.RunBatchFile(scriptPath + @"FORCE-OFF.bat", ip);

        public static bool KillALLFO(string ip)
            //Create script to kill notepads
            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("taskkill /s %1 /im \"notepad.exe\" /f", scriptPath + @"KillAllFO.bat");

            //Run it
            MorpheusController.RunBatchFile(scriptPath + @"KillAllFO.bat", ip);
        public static string EchoIntoFO(List <string> pattern, string ip)
            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("C:\\PSTools\\psexec.exe \\\\%1 cmd /c \"echo %2 > C:\\MTS\\Plugh\\FO.txt\"", scriptPath + @"FORCE-ON-create.bat");
            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("C:\\PSTools\\psexec.exe \\\\%1 cmd /c \"echo %2 >> C:\\MTS\\Plugh\\FO.txt\"", scriptPath + @"FORCE-ON-append.bat");

            if (pattern.Count > 0)
                BatchWithEcho(ip, @"FORCE-ON-create.bat", pattern[0]);
            if (pattern.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 1; i < pattern.Count; i++)
                    BatchWithEcho(ip, @"FORCE-ON-append.bat", pattern[i]);
        public static string AppendToHostsFileOnServer(string ip)
            //Create batch file to update hosts file
            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("find /c \"Secure-Service\" C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts || (echo. >> C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts && echo Secure-Service >> C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts)", scriptPath + @"hostsFileAppend.bat");

            //Create batch file to run hosts file on server machine
            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("C:\\PSTools\\psexec.exe \\\\%1 C:\\" + forcePath + "hostsFileAppend.bat", scriptPath + @"Run-hostsFileAppend.bat");

            //Copy batch script to remote server
            string copyFrom = scriptPath + @"hostsFileAppend.bat";
            string copyTo   = @"\\" + ip + @"\C$\" + forcePath + "hostsFileAppend.bat";

            System.IO.File.Copy(copyFrom, copyTo, true);

            //Run batch script on remote server
            BatchWithEcho(ip, @"Run-hostsFileAppend.bat", "");
Beispiel #8
        //We need to know what PID's have been assigned to WAP, because they can NOT be used for Local Area progressives.
        //This data can be found in the Bingo database, progressives table.
        //Progressive Type 102 is WAP (100 = local, 101 is Turboboost)
        //select Bingo.dbo.Progressives.GameOutcomeID from Bingo.dbo.Progressives where Bingo.dbo.Progressives.ProgressiveTypeLookupID = 102;
        public static string GetMultisitePIDsFromServer(string ip)
            string pids = "";

            MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile(@"sqlcmd -S " + ip + @" -d Bingo -E -o " + scriptPath + @"WAPPIDresult.txt -Q ""SELECT GameOutcomeID FROM Progressives WHERE ProgressiveTypeLookupID = 102"" ", scriptPath + @"GetWAPPids.bat");

            //Run the batch file
                MorpheusController.RunBatchFile(scriptPath + @"GetWAPPids.bat", ip);
            catch (Exception ex)

            //Parse the cmd output and return pids, comma delimited
            //Read WAPPIDresult.txt into a variable
            string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(scriptPath + @"WAPPIDresult.txt");
            //Add desired indexes to the string
            int index = 0;

            foreach (string value in lines)
                if (index > 1 && index < lines.Length - 2)
                    //add to the string
                    pids += value + ", ";
            //delete last comma
            if (!pids.Equals(""))
                pids = pids.Remove(pids.LastIndexOf(','));
                pids = " - ERROR connecting to this server: WAP PID query failed as a result.";
        //Start the force - Enable-FOLGS batch file
        //ISSUE: The LGS cmd window doesnt stay open, which causes LGS service to 'exit'
        //It works fine when running
        public static string StartForce(string ip)
            if (ip != null)
                //Kill notepads
                //Copy force files over to server
                //give host file access to mothership
                //string serverPath = @"C:\hydra\HydraLive\trunk\Scripts\";//Location where the start service bat will end up
                //-s -i flags run as a system user and interactive window, so the LGS window doesn't close unexpectedly
                MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("C:\\PSTools\\psexec.exe \\\\" + ip + " -s -i \"C:\\" + forcePath + "Enable-FOLGS.bat", scriptPath + @"FORCE-ON.bat");
                MorpheusController.RunBatchFile(scriptPath + @"FORCE-ON.bat", ip);
                //Need to manually run NET START EGSSERVICES
                MorpheusController.CreateBatchFile("NET START EGSSERVICES", scriptPath + @"START-SERVICES.bat");
                //Copy the bat file to server
                //Run the file
                MorpheusController.RunBatchFile(scriptPath + @"START-SERVICES.bat", ip);

Beispiel #10
        public static void GetPlayerVersionsOneIp(string ip)
            string             playerFolderName;
            string             playerVersion;
            string             playerRevision;
            string             playerVersionRevision;
            string             playerVersionFinal = "";
            string             pathCopyTo         = scriptPath + @"cjplayer_CVD.xml";
            MorpheusController m = new MorpheusController();//so we can add log entries

                //Declare the lists here so they clear out each time
                List <string> playerFolderNameList = new List <string>();
                List <string> playerVersionsList   = new List <string>();
                string        subFolderPath        = @"\\" + ip + @"\C$\MTS\Player\CJ\CJOS64\3.3\";
                //Get an array of directory names, within the 3.3 directory
                //TODO:check if all servers have a 3.3 directory, if this can be different, then handle that case
                foreach (string s in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(subFolderPath))
                    playerFolderNameList.Add(s.Remove(0, subFolderPath.Length));

                foreach (string s in playerFolderNameList)
                    playerFolderName = s;                                                                                              //get the current player folder name
                    string pathCopyFrom = @"\\" + ip + @"\C$\MTS\Player\CJ\CJOS64\3.3\" + playerFolderName + @"\CVD\cjplayer_CVD.xml"; //set path to copy from
                    System.IO.File.Copy(pathCopyFrom, pathCopyTo, true);                                                               //copy the player xml file from server to this machine

                    //Open xml file and save contents to a variable
                    string readText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(pathCopyTo);
                    Trace.WriteLine("Contents of cjplayer_CVD.xml: " + readText);

                    //Grab the player version
                    playerVersion = GetBetween(readText, "<VERSION>V", "</VERSION>");
                    Trace.WriteLine("Contents of playerVersion: " + playerVersion);

                    //Grab the player revision
                    playerRevision = GetBetween(readText, "<REVISION>", "</REVISION>");
                    Trace.WriteLine("Contents of playerRevision: " + playerRevision);

                    //Build the string that will be saved to a list of playerversions
                    playerVersionRevision = playerVersion + ":" + playerRevision;
                    Trace.WriteLine("Contents of playerVersion with Revision added, on server at ip: " + ip + " -> " + playerVersionRevision);

                    //Add playerVersionRevision to a list

                //Build a comma delimited string of player versions
                if (playerVersionsList.Count > 1)//if more than 1 player version exists in player versions list
                    foreach (string value in playerVersionsList)
                        playerVersionFinal += value + ",  ";
                        //15.3.11:98084 ,15.3.15:108209 ,15.4:110093 ,15.4.1:113486
                    playerVersionFinal = playerVersionFinal.TrimEnd(' '); //get rid of extra spaces
                    playerVersionFinal = playerVersionFinal.TrimEnd(','); //get rid of the last comma
                else if (playerVersionsList.Count == 1)
                    foreach (string value in playerVersionsList)
                        playerVersionFinal += value;
                    Trace.WriteLine("No players exist on ip " + ip);

                //Save to database
                Trace.WriteLine("Saving playerVersionFinal to database...");
                UpdateDBField(ip, "PlayerVersions", playerVersionFinal);
                playerVersionFinal = "";//clear variable contents
                Trace.WriteLine("BAM! There was a problem with locating the xml file on ip " + ip);
                m.logger.Error("BAM! There was a problem with locating the xml file on ip " + ip);
Beispiel #11
        //Run cmd command query user /server:<ip>
        //Save result to a variable
        //Parse the string and grab names of active users
        public static string GetActiveUsers(string ip)
            string             cmdCommand     = "query user /server:" + ip;
            string             cmdOutput      = "";
            string             activeUsers    = "";
            string             updateQuery    = @"UPDATE [Servers] SET ActiveUsers = @activeUsers WHERE IpAddress = @ip";
            List <string>      activeUserList = new List <string>();
            MorpheusController m = new MorpheusController();//so we can add log entries

            //write and run .bat file.
            //System.IO.StreamWriter SW = new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\SHealy\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\Hydra-6-withEmail\\trunk\\QueryUsers.bat");
            System.IO.StreamWriter SW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(scriptPath + @"QueryUsers.bat");
            SW.WriteLine(@cmdCommand);//Add @ sign in front of string to prevent errors caused by unescaped backslash characters
            SW = null;

            // Start the child process.
            Process pr = new Process();

            // Redirect the output stream of the child process
            pr.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            pr.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            //pr.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
            pr.StartInfo.FileName = scriptPath + "QueryUsers.bat";
            // Do not wait for the child process to exit before
            // reading to the end of its redirected stream.
            // Read the output stream first and then wait.
            cmdOutput = pr.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

            Trace.WriteLine("Users Query result: " + cmdOutput);

            //Parse the output for all active users
            //ParseActiveUsers will return a list of active user names

            //Add each active user name to a string
            if (activeUserList.Count > 1)//if more than 1 name exists in active users list
                foreach (string value in activeUserList)
                    activeUsers += value + ",";
                activeUsers = activeUsers.TrimEnd(',');//get rid of the last comma
            else if (activeUserList.Count == 1)
                foreach (string value in activeUserList)
                    activeUsers += value;
                //do nothing, because there are no active users on the server

            //Update the DB with active user names
                ServerContext db = new ServerContext();//instantiates a database context object
                    new SqlParameter("@activeUsers", activeUsers),
                    new SqlParameter("@ip", ip));
                //Output to the console
                Trace.WriteLine("ERROR: Server is offline: cannot retrieve active users for ip " + ip + " at this time.");
                m.logger.Error("ERROR: Server is offline: cannot retrieve active users for ip " + ip + " at this time.");
