public int VerifyInDepot(int MainID, bool t, int TableTypeID)
            Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI  = new AmountInfo();
            Hownet.BLL.Materiel   bllMat = new Materiel();

            Hownet.Model.ProductTaskMain   modPTM = GetModel(MainID);
            List <Hownet.Model.AmountInfo> liAI   = bllAI.DataTableToList(bllAI.GetList("(MainID=" + MainID + ") And (TableTypeID=" + TableTypeID + ")").Tables[0]);

            Hownet.BLL.Repertory   bllRe = new Repertory();
            Hownet.Model.Repertory modRe;
            Hownet.Model.Materiel  modMat = bllMat.GetModel(modPTM.MaterielID);
            int a = 0;

            if (liAI.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < liAI.Count; i++)
                    modRe              = new Model.Repertory();
                    modRe.Amount       = liAI[i].Amount;
                    modRe.BrandID      = modPTM.BrandID;
                    modRe.ColorID      = liAI[i].ColorID;
                    modRe.ColorOneID   = liAI[i].ColorOneID;
                    modRe.ColorTwoID   = liAI[i].ColorTwoID;
                    modRe.DepartmentID = modPTM.DeparmentID;
                    modRe.MaterielID   = modPTM.MaterielID;
                    modRe.MeasureID    = modMat.MeasureID;
                    modRe.MListID      = liAI[i].MListID;
                    modRe.SizeID       = liAI[i].SizeID;
                    bllRe.InOrOut(modRe, t);
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并生产计划
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StrPPID"></param>
        public int MergePP(string StrPPID)
            Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI = new AmountInfo();
            string[] ss     = StrPPID.Split(',');
            int      MainID = 0;

            Hownet.Model.ProductionPlan modPP = GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(ss[0]));
            modPP.TypeID      = -1;
            modPP.DeparmentID = -1;
            modPP.UpData      = 1;
            modPP.IsVerify    = 1;
            MainID            = Add(modPP);
            DataTable dt   = dal.GetMergeAmount(StrPPID, (int)Enums.TableType.ProductionPlan).Tables[0];
            DataTable dttt = dt.Clone();

            Hownet.BLL.MaterielList   bllML = new MaterielList();
            Hownet.Model.MaterielList modML;
            Hownet.BLL.Materiel       bllMat = new Materiel();
            Hownet.Model.Materiel     modMat = bllMat.GetModel(modPP.MaterielID);
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                dt.Rows[i]["MainID"] = MainID;
                modML                 = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList();
                modML.BrandID         = modPP.BrandID;
                modML.ColorID         = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["ColorID"]);
                modML.ColorOneID      = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["ColorOneID"]);
                modML.ColorTwoID      = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["ColorTwoID"]);
                modML.MaterielID      = modPP.MaterielID;
                modML.MeasureID       = modMat.MeasureID;
                modML.SizeID          = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["SizeID"]);
                dt.Rows[i]["MListID"] = modML.ID = bllML.GetID(modML);
            for (int i = 0; i < ss.Length; i++)
                modPP             = GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(ss[i]));
                modPP.DeparmentID = MainID;
                modPP.IsVerify    = (int)Enums.IsVerify.合并或拆分;
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新一条数据
 /// </summary>
 public void Update(Hownet.Model.Materiel model)
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// 增加一条数据
 /// </summary>
 public int  Add(Hownet.Model.Materiel model)
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得数据列表
        /// </summary>
        public List <Hownet.Model.Materiel> DataTableToList(DataTable dt)
            List <Hownet.Model.Materiel> modelList = new List <Hownet.Model.Materiel>();
            int rowsCount = dt.Rows.Count;

            if (rowsCount > 0)
                Hownet.Model.Materiel model;
                for (int n = 0; n < rowsCount; n++)
                    model = new Hownet.Model.Materiel();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["ID"].ToString() != "")
                        model.ID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["ID"].ToString());
                    model.Name = dt.Rows[n]["Name"].ToString();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["TypeID"].ToString() != "")
                        model.TypeID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["TypeID"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["MeasureID"].ToString() != "")
                        model.MeasureID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["MeasureID"].ToString());
                    model.Sn     = dt.Rows[n]["Sn"].ToString();
                    model.Remark = dt.Rows[n]["Remark"].ToString();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["AttributeID"].ToString() != "")
                        model.AttributeID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["AttributeID"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["SecondMeasureID"].ToString() != "")
                        model.SecondMeasureID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["SecondMeasureID"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["Conversion"].ToString() != "")
                        model.Conversion = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["Conversion"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["IsEnd"].ToString() != "")
                        model.IsEnd = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["IsEnd"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["IsUse"].ToString() != "")
                        if ((dt.Rows[n]["IsUse"].ToString() == "1") || (dt.Rows[n]["IsUse"].ToString().ToLower() == "true"))
                            model.IsUse = true;
                            model.IsUse = false;
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["Designers"].ToString() != "")
                        model.Designers = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["Designers"].ToString());
                        model.Designers = 0;
                    model.Image = dt.Rows[n]["Image"].ToString();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["SelectSpec"].ToString() != "")
                        model.SelectSpec = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["SelectSpec"].ToString());
                    model.TiaoMaH = dt.Rows[n]["TiaoMaH"].ToString();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["ChengBengJ"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["ChengBengJ"].ToString() != "")
                        model.ChengBengJ = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["ChengBengJ"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["LingShouJia"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["LingShouJia"].ToString() != "")
                        model.LingShouJia = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["LingShouJia"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["YiJiDaiLiJia"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["YiJiDaiLiJia"].ToString() != "")
                        model.YiJiDaiLiJia = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["YiJiDaiLiJia"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["ErJiDaiLiJia"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["ErJiDaiLiJia"].ToString() != "")
                        model.ErJiDaiLiJia = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["ErJiDaiLiJia"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["SanJiDaiLiJia"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["SanJiDaiLiJia"].ToString() != "")
                        model.SanJiDaiLiJia = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["SanJiDaiLiJia"].ToString());
        public DataSet GetSchedule(int TaskID, int MaterielID, DateTime dt1, DateTime dt2, int PWID)
            Hownet.BLL.ProductWorkingInfo bllPWI = new ProductWorkingInfo();
            Hownet.BLL.WorkTicketInfo     bllWTI = new WorkTicketInfo();
            Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo         bllAI  = new AmountInfo();
            Hownet.BLL.OtherType          bllOT  = new OtherType();
            Hownet.BLL.Materiel           bllM   = new Materiel();
            DataTable dtOT = bllOT.GetTypeList("进度工序").Tables[0];
            DataTable dt   = new DataTable();

            dt.TableName = "dt";
            dt.Columns.Add("款号", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("颜色", typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("尺码", typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("未领", typeof(int));
            for (int i = 0; i < dtOT.Rows.Count; i++)
                dt.Columns.Add(dtOT.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(), typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("合计", typeof(int));
            int     _colCount = dt.Columns.Count;
            int     _Amount   = 0;
            int     _aaa      = 0;
            DataSet ds        = new DataSet();

            ds.DataSetName = "ds";
            if (TaskID > 0)
                #region  制单
                Hownet.Model.ProductTaskMain modPTM = GetModel(TaskID);
                if (modPTM.IsTicket)
                        DataTable             dtAI  = bllAI.GetColorSize(TaskID, 1).Tables[0];
                        DataTable             dtPWI = bllPWI.GetTopList(1, "(MainID=" + modPTM.PWorkingID + ") And (IsTicket=1)", "Orders").Tables[0];
                        Hownet.Model.Materiel modM  = bllM.GetModel(modPTM.MaterielID);
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtAI.Rows.Count; i++)
                            _Amount = 0;
                            DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                            dr["款号"] = modM.Name;
                            dr["颜色"] = dtAI.Rows[i]["ColorID"];
                            dr["尺码"] = dtAI.Rows[i]["SizeID"];
                            _aaa     = bllWTI.GetNotAmountByOrders(TaskID, Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["ColorID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["SizeID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtPWI.Rows[0]["WorkingID"]));
                            if (_aaa > 0)
                                dr["未领"] = _Amount = _aaa;
                                dr["未领"] = DBNull.Value;
                            for (int j = 0; j < dtOT.Rows.Count; j++)
                                _aaa = bllWTI.GetNotAmountByOrders(TaskID, Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["ColorID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["SizeID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtOT.Rows[j]["Value"]));
                                if (_aaa > 0)
                                    dr[j + 4] = _aaa;
                                    dr[j + 4] = DBNull.Value;
                                _Amount += _aaa;
                            dr[_colCount - 1] = _Amount;
                        DataRow drr = dt.NewRow();
                        drr[0]  = modM.Name + "小计";
                        drr[1]  = 0;
                        drr[2]  = 0;
                        _Amount = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (dt.Rows[i][3].ToString() != string.Empty)
                                _Amount += Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i][3]);
                        drr[3] = _Amount;
                        //  _Amount=0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtOT.Rows.Count; i++)
                            drr[i + 4] = bllWTI.GetNotAmountByOrders(TaskID, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(dtOT.Rows[i]["Value"]));
                            _Amount   += Convert.ToInt32(drr[i + 4]);
                        drr[_colCount - 1] = _Amount;
                    catch (Exception ex)
            else if (MaterielID > 0)
                    DataTable             dtAI  = GetSumAmount(dt1, dt2, MaterielID, PWID).Tables[0];
                    DataTable             dtPWI = bllPWI.GetTopList(1, "(MainID=" + PWID + ") And (IsTicket=1)", "Orders").Tables[0];
                    Hownet.Model.Materiel modM  = bllM.GetModel(MaterielID);
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtAI.Rows.Count; i++)
                        _Amount = 0;
                        DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                        dr["款号"] = modM.Name;
                        dr["颜色"] = dtAI.Rows[i]["ColorID"];
                        dr["尺码"] = dtAI.Rows[i]["SizeID"];

                        _aaa = bllWTI.GetNotAmountByMateriel(dt1, dt2, MaterielID, Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["ColorID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["SizeID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtPWI.Rows[0]["WorkingID"]));
                        if (_aaa > 0)
                            dr["未领"] = _Amount = _aaa;
                            dr["未领"] = DBNull.Value;
                        for (int j = 0; j < dtOT.Rows.Count; j++)
                            _aaa = bllWTI.GetNotAmountByMateriel(dt1, dt2, MaterielID, Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["ColorID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtAI.Rows[i]["SizeID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dtOT.Rows[j]["Value"]));
                            if (_aaa > 0)
                                dr[j + 4] = _aaa;
                                dr[j + 4] = DBNull.Value;
                            _Amount += _aaa;
                        dr[_colCount - 1] = _Amount;
                    DataRow drr = dt.NewRow();
                    drr[0]  = modM.Name + "小计";
                    drr[1]  = 0;
                    drr[2]  = 0;
                    _Amount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (dt.Rows[i][3].ToString() != string.Empty)
                            _Amount += Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i][3]);
                    drr[3] = _Amount;
                    //  _Amount=0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtOT.Rows.Count; i++)
                        drr[i + 4] = bllWTI.GetNotAmountByMateriel(dt1, dt2, MaterielID, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(dtOT.Rows[i]["Value"]));
                        _Amount   += Convert.ToInt32(drr[i + 4]);
                    drr[_colCount - 1] = _Amount;
                catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #7
        public void Save(byte[] bb, int ProductWorkID, int TaskID)
            DataTable Main = Hownet.BLL.BaseFile.ZipDt.Byte2Ds(bb).Tables[0];

            Main.Columns.Add("OneAmount", typeof(int));
            for (int i = 0; i < Main.Rows.Count; i++)
                Main.Rows[i]["OneAmount"] = 0;
            Hownet.BLL.ProductWorkingInfo bllPWI    = new ProductWorkingInfo();
            Hownet.BLL.WorkTicket         bllWT     = new WorkTicket();
            Hownet.BLL.WorkTicketInfo     bllWkInfo = new WorkTicketInfo();
            Hownet.Model.WorkTicket       modWK     = new Hownet.Model.WorkTicket();
            Hownet.Model.WorkTicketInfo   modWKI    = new Hownet.Model.WorkTicketInfo();
            Hownet.BLL.ProductTaskMain    bllPTM    = new ProductTaskMain();
            Hownet.Model.ProductTaskMain  modPTM    = bllPTM.GetModel(TaskID);
            Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo         bllPTI    = new AmountInfo();
            Hownet.BLL.MaterielList       bllML     = new MaterielList();
            Hownet.Model.MaterielList     modML     = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList();
            Hownet.BLL.Materiel           bllMat    = new Materiel();
            Hownet.Model.Materiel         modMat    = bllMat.GetModel(modPTM.MaterielID);
            DataTable dtInfo = bllWkInfo.GetListNoA("(ID=0)").Tables[0];

            //DataSet dsPt = bllPTI.GetBoxID(TaskID, 1);

            //DataTable dtPWIAmount = bllPWI.GetOneAmount(ProductWorkID).Tables[0];
            //int _PJAmount = 0, _WAmount = 0;
            ////dtTem.Columns.Add("ColorID", typeof(string));
            ////   dtTem.Columns.Add("SizeID", typeof(string));
            ////   dtTem.Columns.Add("Amount", typeof(string));
            ////   dtTem.Columns.Add("BoxNum", typeof(string));
            //int BoxNum = Main.Rows.Count + 1;
            //int z = 0;
            //int j = 0;
            //for (int g = 0; g < dtPWIAmount.Rows.Count; g++)
            //    #region 有预设数量分箱
            //    if (Convert.ToInt32(dtPWIAmount.Rows[g]["OneAmount"]) > 0)
            //    {
            //        _PJAmount = Convert.ToInt32(dtPWIAmount.Rows[g]["OneAmount"]);
            //        _WAmount = Convert.ToInt32(_PJAmount * 1.5);
            //        for (int r = 0; r < dsPt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; r++)
            //        {
            //            //某数量少于尾箱数量,直接取该数量
            //            if (int.Parse(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["Amount"].ToString()) < _WAmount)
            //            {
            //                Main.Rows.Add(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["ColorID"], dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["SizeID"],
            //                    dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["Amount"], BoxNum, _PJAmount);
            //                BoxNum++;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                int x = int.Parse(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["Amount"].ToString()) % _PJAmount;
            //                if (x <= (_WAmount - _PJAmount))
            //                {
            //                    z = 3;
            //                }
            //                if (x == 0)
            //                {
            //                    z = 1;
            //                }
            //                if (x > (_WAmount - _PJAmount))
            //                {
            //                    z = 2;
            //                }
            //                switch (z)
            //                {
            //                    case 1:
            //                        {

            //                            for (j = BoxNum; j < (BoxNum + (int.Parse(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["Amount"].ToString()) / _PJAmount)); j++)
            //                            {

            //                                Main.Rows.Add(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["ColorID"], dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["SizeID"], _PJAmount,
            //                                    j, _PJAmount);
            //                            }
            //                            BoxNum = j;
            //                            break;
            //                        }
            //                    case 2:
            //                        {

            //                            for (j = BoxNum; j < (BoxNum + int.Parse(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["Amount"].ToString()) / _PJAmount); j++)
            //                            {
            //                                Main.Rows.Add(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["ColorID"],
            //                                    dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["SizeID"], _PJAmount, j, _PJAmount);
            //                            }

            //                            Main.Rows.Add(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["ColorID"], dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["SizeID"], x, j, _PJAmount);
            //                            BoxNum = j + 1;
            //                            break;
            //                        }
            //                    case 3:
            //                        {

            //                            for (j = BoxNum; j < (BoxNum + int.Parse(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["Amount"].ToString()) / _PJAmount) - 1; j++)
            //                            {
            //                                //  A,ID,ColorID,ColorOneID,ColorTwoID,SizeID,Amount,BoxNum,TaskID,DepartmentID,P2DInfoID,EligibleAmount,InferiorAmount,P2DDepartmentID,MListID,BrandID
            //                                Main.Rows.Add(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["ColorID"], dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["SizeID"], _PJAmount, j, _PJAmount);
            //                            }
            //                            Main.Rows.Add(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["ColorID"], dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["SizeID"], (_PJAmount + x),
            //                                j, _PJAmount);
            //                            BoxNum = j + 1;
            //                            break;
            //                        }
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    #endregion
            //    #region 各色各码总数分为一箱
            //    if (Convert.ToInt32(dtPWIAmount.Rows[g]["OneAmount"]) == -1)
            //    {
            //        for (int r = 0; r < dsPt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; r++)
            //        {
            //            Main.Rows.Add(dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["ColorID"], dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["SizeID"],
            //                dsPt.Tables[0].DefaultView[r]["Amount"], BoxNum, -1);
            //            BoxNum++;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    #endregion
                bool      t         = false;
                DataSet   dsPw      = bllPWI.GetBoxWork(ProductWorkID);
                DataTable dtSpecial = bllPWI.GetList("(MainID=" + ProductWorkID * -1 + ")").Tables[0];//查出特殊工序明细表
                DataRow[] ddrs;
                if (dtSpecial.Rows.Count == 0)
                    #region 没有特殊工序
                    for (int r = 0; r < Main.Rows.Count; r++)
                        modML              = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList();
                        modML.ColorID      = modWK.ColorID = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["ColorID"].ToString());
                        modML.SizeID       = modWK.SizeID = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["SizeID"].ToString());
                        modML.ColorOneID   = modWK.ColorOneID = Convert.ToInt32(Main.DefaultView[r]["ColorOneID"]);
                        modML.ColorTwoID   = modWK.ColorTwoID = Convert.ToInt32(Main.DefaultView[r]["ColorTwoID"]);
                        modWK.BoxNum       = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["BoxNum"].ToString());
                        modWK.Amount       = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["Amount"].ToString());
                        modML.MaterielID   = modPTM.MaterielID;
                        modML.BrandID      = modPTM.BrandID;
                        modML.MeasureID    = modMat.MeasureID;
                        modWK.MListID      = bllML.GetID(modML);
                        modWK.TaskID       = TaskID;
                        modWK.DepartmentID = modPTM.DeparmentID;
                        modWK.OneAmount    = Convert.ToInt32(Main.DefaultView[r]["OneAmount"]);
                        int mainID = bllWT.Add(modWK);
                        ddrs = dsPw.Tables[0].Select("(OneAmount=" + modWK.OneAmount + ")");
                        for (int c = 0; c < ddrs.Length; c++)
                            modWKI.EmployeeID     = 0;
                            modWKI.PWorkingInfoID = int.Parse(ddrs[c]["ID"].ToString());
                            modWKI.WorkingID      = int.Parse(ddrs[c]["WorkingID"].ToString());
                            modWKI.MainID         = mainID;
                            modWKI.OutAmount      = modWKI.Amount = modWKI.NotAmount = modWK.Amount;
                            modWKI.TaskID         = TaskID;

                            dtInfo.Rows.Add(0, modWKI.MainID, modWKI.DateTime, modWKI.IsDel, modWKI.PWorkingInfoID, modWKI.EmployeeID, modWKI.BackID, modWKI.Amount, modWKI.NotAmount, modWKI.TaskID, modWKI.WorkingID, modWKI.OutAmount);
                #region 特殊工序
                    DataRow[] drs;
                    for (int r = 0; r < Main.Rows.Count; r++)
                        modML              = new Hownet.Model.MaterielList();
                        modML.ColorID      = modWK.ColorID = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["ColorID"].ToString());
                        modML.SizeID       = modWK.SizeID = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["SizeID"].ToString());
                        modML.ColorOneID   = modWK.ColorOneID = Convert.ToInt32(Main.DefaultView[r]["ColorOneID"]);
                        modML.ColorTwoID   = modWK.ColorTwoID = Convert.ToInt32(Main.DefaultView[r]["ColorTwoID"]);
                        modWK.BoxNum       = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["BoxNum"].ToString());
                        modWK.Amount       = int.Parse(Main.DefaultView[r]["Amount"].ToString());
                        modML.MaterielID   = modPTM.MaterielID;
                        modML.BrandID      = modPTM.BrandID;
                        modML.MeasureID    = modMat.MeasureID;
                        modWK.MListID      = bllML.GetID(modML);
                        modWK.TaskID       = TaskID;
                        modWK.DepartmentID = modPTM.DeparmentID;
                        modWK.OneAmount    = Convert.ToInt32(Main.DefaultView[r]["OneAmount"]);
                        int mainID = bllWT.Add(modWK);
                        for (int c = 0; c < dsPw.Tables[0].Rows.Count; c++)
                            t = false;
                            modWKI.EmployeeID = 0;
                            int w = int.Parse(dsPw.Tables[0].DefaultView[c]["WorkingID"].ToString());
                            modWKI.WorkingID      = w;
                            modWKI.PWorkingInfoID = int.Parse(dsPw.Tables[0].DefaultView[c]["ID"].ToString());
                            if ((bool.Parse(dsPw.Tables[0].DefaultView[c]["IsSpecial"].ToString())))//判断某道工序是否是特殊工序
                                drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (CompanyID=" + modPTM.CompanyID + ") and (ColorID=" + Main.Rows[r]["ColorID"] + ") And (MaterielID=" + Main.Rows[r]["SizeID"] + ")");
                                if (drs.Length == 0)
                                    drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (CompanyID=0) and (ColorID=" + Main.Rows[r]["ColorID"] + ") And (MaterielID=" + Main.Rows[r]["SizeID"] + ")");
                                    if (drs.Length == 0)
                                        drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (CompanyID=" + modPTM.CompanyID + ") and (ColorID=0) And (MaterielID=" + Main.Rows[r]["SizeID"] + ")");
                                        if (drs.Length == 0)
                                            drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (CompanyID=" + modPTM.CompanyID + ") and (ColorID=" + Main.Rows[r]["ColorID"] + ") And (MaterielID=0)");
                                            if (drs.Length == 0)
                                                drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (MaterielID=0) And (CompanyID=0) and (ColorID=" + Main.Rows[r]["ColorID"] + ")");
                                                if (drs.Length == 0)
                                                    drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (CompanyID=" + modPTM.CompanyID + ") and (ColorID=0) and (MaterielID=0)");
                                                    if (drs.Length == 0)
                                                        drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (MaterielID=" + Main.Rows[r]["SizeID"] + ") and (ColorID=0) and (CompanyID=0)");
                                                        if (drs.Length == 0)
                                                            drs = dtSpecial.Select("(SpecialWork=" + w + ") and (CompanyID=0) and (ColorID=0)");
                                                            if (drs.Length == 0)
                                                                t = true;
                                if (drs.Length > 0)
                                    modWKI.WorkingID      = int.Parse(drs[0]["WorkingID"].ToString());
                                    modWKI.PWorkingInfoID = int.Parse(drs[0]["ID"].ToString());
                                    if (modWKI.WorkingID == 0)
                                        t = true;
                            modWKI.MainID    = mainID;
                            modWKI.OutAmount = modWKI.Amount = modWKI.NotAmount = modWK.Amount;
                            modWKI.TaskID    = TaskID;
                            if (!t)
                                dtInfo.Rows.Add(0, modWKI.MainID, modWKI.DateTime, modWKI.IsDel, modWKI.PWorkingInfoID, modWKI.EmployeeID, modWKI.BackID, modWKI.Amount, modWKI.NotAmount, modWKI.TaskID, modWKI.WorkingID, modWKI.OutAmount);

            catch (Exception ex)