Beispiel #1
        public override void AddLocalInput(BackrollPlayerHandle player, ref T input)
            GameInput gameInput;

            gameInput      = GameInput.Create <T>(GameInput.kNullFrame, ref input);
            _current_input = gameInput;
Beispiel #2
        // Called only as the result of a local decision to disconnect.  The remote
        // decisions to disconnect are a result of us parsing the peer_connect_settings
        // blob in every endpoint periodically.
        public override void DisconnectPlayer(BackrollPlayerHandle player)
            int queue = PlayerHandleToQueue(player);

            if (_localConnectStatus[queue].Disconnected)
                throw new BackrollException(BackrollErrorCode.PlayerDisconnected);

            if (_players[queue].IsLocal)
                int current_frame = _sync.FrameCount;
                // xxx: we should be tracking who the local player is, but for now assume
                // that if the endpoint is not initalized, this must be the local player.
                Debug.LogFormat("Disconnecting local player {} at frame {} by user request.",
                                queue, _localConnectStatus[queue].LastFrame);
                for (int i = 0; i < PlayerCount; i++)
                    if (!_players[i].IsLocal)
                        DisconnectPlayerQueue(i, current_frame);
                Debug.LogFormat("Disconnecting queue {} at frame {} by user request.",
                                queue, _localConnectStatus[queue].LastFrame);
                DisconnectPlayerQueue(queue, _localConnectStatus[queue].LastFrame);
Beispiel #3
        protected int PlayerHandleToQueue(BackrollPlayerHandle player)
            int offset = ((int)player.Id - 1);

            if (offset < 0 || offset >= PlayerCount)
                throw new BackrollException(BackrollErrorCode.InvalidPlayerHandle);
Beispiel #4
        public override void AddLocalInput(BackrollPlayerHandle player,
                                           ref T playerInput)
            int       queue;
            GameInput input;

            if (_sync.InRollback)
                throw new BackrollException(BackrollErrorCode.InRollback);
            if (IsSynchronizing)
                throw new BackrollException(BackrollErrorCode.NotSynchronized);

            queue = PlayerHandleToQueue(player);
            input = GameInput.Create <T>(GameInput.kNullFrame, ref playerInput);

            // Feed the input for the current frame into the synchronzation layer.
            if (!_sync.AddLocalInput(queue, ref input))
                throw new BackrollException(BackrollErrorCode.PredictionThreshold);

            if (input.Frame == GameInput.kNullFrame)
            // xxx: <- comment why this is the case
            // Update the local connect status state to indicate that we've got a
            // confirmed local frame for this player.  this must come first so it
            // gets incorporated into the next packet we send.

            Debug.LogFormat("setting local connect status for local queue {} to {}",
                            queue, input.Frame);
            _localConnectStatus[queue].LastFrame = input.Frame;

            // Send the input to all the remote players.
            for (int i = 0; i < PlayerCount; i++)
                if (!_players[i].IsLocal)
Beispiel #5
 public override void SetFrameDelay(BackrollPlayerHandle player, int Frame_delay) =>
 throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #6
 public override BackrollNetworkStats GetNetworkStats(BackrollPlayerHandle player) =>
 throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #7
 public override void DisconnectPlayer(BackrollPlayerHandle player) =>
 throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #8
 public override void SetFrameDelay(BackrollPlayerHandle player, int delay)
     _sync.SetFrameDelay(PlayerHandleToQueue(player), delay);
Beispiel #9
 public override BackrollNetworkStats GetNetworkStats(BackrollPlayerHandle player)
 public override void AddLocalInput(BackrollPlayerHandle player, ref T input)
Beispiel #11
 public abstract void AddLocalInput(BackrollPlayerHandle player, ref T input);
Beispiel #12
 // Change the amount of frames ggpo will delay local input.  Must be called
 // before the first call to SynchronizeInput.
 public abstract void SetFrameDelay(BackrollPlayerHandle player,
                                    int frame_delay);
Beispiel #13
 // Used to fetch some statistics about the quality of the network connection.
 // player - The player handle returned from the ggpo_add_player function you
 // used to add the remote player.
 // Returns the network statistics.
 public abstract BackrollNetworkStats GetNetworkStats(BackrollPlayerHandle player);
Beispiel #14
 // Disconnects a remote player from a game.  Will return Backroll_ERRORCODE_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED
 // if you try to disconnect a player who has already been disconnected.
 public abstract void DisconnectPlayer(BackrollPlayerHandle player);