/// <summary>
        /// Insert the children of the current source node under the node pointed to by the destination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dest"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CopyChildren(this BaseElementNavigator dest, ElementNavigator source)
            if (dest.HasChildren)
                return(false);                    // Protect children from being overwritten
            if (!source.MoveToFirstChild())
                return(true);                               // Nothing to copy, but successful anyway
            bool firstChild = true;

                var copiedChild = (ElementDefinition)source.Current.DeepCopy();

                if (firstChild)
                    // The first time, create a new child in the destination
                    firstChild = false;
                    // Then insert other childs after that

                // If there are nested children in the source, insert them under
                // the newly inserted node in the destination
                if (source.HasChildren)
            }while (source.MoveToNext());

            // Bring both source & destination back one step to the original parents

        /// <summary>
        /// Insert the children of the source navigator under the node pointed to by this Navigator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dest"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CopyChildren(this BaseElementNavigator dest, ElementNavigator source)
            if (dest.HasChildren) return false;   // Protect children from being overwritten
            if (!source.MoveToFirstChild()) return true;    // Nothing to copy, but successful anyway

            bool firstChild = true;

                var copiedChild = (ElementDefinition)source.Current.DeepCopy();

                if (firstChild)
                    // The first time, create a new child in the destination                    
                    firstChild = false;
                    // Then insert other childs after that
                // If there are nested children in the source, insert them under
                // the newly inserted node in the destination
                if (source.HasChildren) dest.CopyChildren(source);
            while (source.MoveToNext());

            // Bring both source & destination back one step to the original parents

            return true;
        private static int countChildNameRepeats(ElementNavigator diff)
            var repeats = 1;

            var currentPath = diff.PathName;
            var bm = diff.Bookmark();
                // check whether the next sibling in the differential has the same name,
                // that means we're looking at a slice
                if (diff.PathName == currentPath)

            return repeats;
        //private static void mergeStructure(Profile.ConstraintComponent snapshot, Profile.ConstraintComponent differential)
        //    if (differential.Name != null) snapshot.Name = differential.Name;
        //    if (differential.Publish != null) snapshot.Publish = differential.Publish;
        //    if (differential.Purpose != null) snapshot.Purpose = differential.Purpose;

        private void merge(ElementNavigator snap, ElementNavigator diff)
            mergeElementAttributes(snap.Current, diff.Current);

            // If there are children, move into them, and recursively merge them
            if (diff.MoveToFirstChild())
                if (!snap.HasChildren)
                    // The differential moves into an element that has no children in the base.
                    // This is allowable if the base's element has a nameReference or a TypeRef,
                    // in which case needs to be expanded before we can move to the path indicated
                    // by the differential
                    expandBaseElement(snap, diff);

                // Due to how MoveToFirstChild() works, we have to move to the first matching *child*
                // when entering the loop for the first time, after that we can look for the next
                // matching *sibling*.
                bool firstEntry = true;

                    if( (firstEntry && !snap.MoveToChild(diff.PathName)) ||
                        (!firstEntry && !snap.MoveToNext(diff.PathName)) )
                             throw Error.InvalidOperation("Differential has a constraint for path '{0}', which does not exist in its base", diff.PathName);                   
                    firstEntry = false;

                    // Child found in both, merge them
                    if (countChildNameRepeats(diff) > 1 || diff.Current.IsExtension())
                        // The child in the diff repeats or we recognize it as an extension slice -> we're on the first element of a slice!
                        mergeSlice(snap, diff); 
                        merge(snap, diff);
                while (diff.MoveToNext());

                // After the merge, return the diff and snapho back to their original position
        private void genElement(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, List<Row> rows, ElementNavigator nav, 
                    Profile profile, bool showMissing)
            var element = nav.Current;

            if(onlyInformationIsMapping(nav.Structure.Element, element)) return;  // we don't even show it in this case

            Row row = new Row();
            String s = element.GetNameFromPath();

            bool hasDef = element.Definition != null;
            bool ext = false;
            if (s == "extension" || s == "modifierExtension")
                ext = true;
            else if (!hasDef || element.Definition.Type == null || element.Definition.Type.Count == 0)
            else if (hasDef && element.Definition.Type.Count > 1)
                if (allTypesAre(element.Definition.Type, "ResourceReference"))
            else if (hasDef && element.Definition.Type[0].Code.StartsWith("@"))
                //TODO: That's not a legal code, will this ever appear?
                //I am pretty sure this depends on ElementDefn.NameReference
            else if (hasDef && _pkp.isPrimitive(element.Definition.Type[0].Code))
            else if (hasDef && _pkp.isReference(element.Definition.Type[0].Code))
            else if (hasDef && _pkp.isDataType(element.Definition.Type[0].Code))

            var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForElementDefinition(nav.Structure, profile, element);
            //String reference = defPath == null ? null : defPath + makePathLink(element);
            UnusedTracker used = new UnusedTracker();
            used.used = true;
            Cell left = new Cell(null, reference, s, !hasDef ? null : element.Definition.Formal, null);
            if (ext)
                // If this element (row) in the table is an extension...
                if (element.Definition != null && element.Definition.Type.Count == 1 && element.Definition.Type[0].Profile != null) 
                    Profile.ProfileExtensionDefnComponent extDefn = _pkp.getExtensionDefinition(profile, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile);
                    if (extDefn == null) 
                        row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null));
                        row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, "?? "+element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, null, null));
                        generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, profile);
                        row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, extDefn.Definition, used), null, null));
                        genTypes(gen, row, extDefn.Definition, profile);
                        generateDescription(gen, row, element, extDefn.Definition, used.used, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, profile);
                else if (element.Definition != null) 
                    row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null));
                    genTypes(gen, row, element.Definition, profile);
                    generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, profile);
                    row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null));
                    row.getCells().Add(new Cell());
                    generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, profile);
                row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null));
                if (element.Definition != null)
                    genTypes(gen, row, element.Definition, profile);
                    row.getCells().Add(new Cell());
                generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, profile);
            if (element.Slicing != null) 
                foreach (Cell cell in row.getCells())
                    foreach (Piece p in cell.getPieces())
                        p.addStyle("font-style: italic");

            if (used.used || showMissing)
            if (!used.used) 
                foreach (Cell cell in row.getCells())
                foreach (Piece p in cell.getPieces()) 
                if (nav.MoveToFirstChild())
                        genElement(gen, row.getSubRows(), nav, profile, showMissing);
                    } while (nav.MoveToNext());

        private void mergeSlice(ElementNavigator snap, ElementNavigator diff)
            // diff is now located at the first repeat of a slice, which is (possibly) the slice entry
            // snap is located at the base definition of the element that will become sliced. But snap is not yet sliced.

            // Before we start, is the base element sliceable?
            if (!snap.Current.IsRepeating() && !isSlicedToOne(diff.Current))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("The slicing entry in the differential at {0} indicates an unbounded slice, but the base element is not a repeating element",
            Profile.ElementComponent slicingEntry;

            // Yes, so, first, add the slicing entry to the snapshot. 
            if (diff.Current.Slicing != null)
                slicingEntry = createSliceEntry(snap.Current, diff.Current);

                if (!diff.MoveToNext(diff.PathName))
                    throw Error.InvalidOperation("Slicing has no elements beyond the slicing entry");  // currently impossible to happen
                // Mmmm....no slicing entry in the differential. This is only alloweable for extension slices, as a shorthand notation.                 
                if (!snap.Current.IsExtension())
                    throw Error.InvalidOperation("The slice group at {0} does not start with a slice entry element", diff.Current.Path);

                // In this case we insert a "prefab" extension slice.
                slicingEntry = createExtensionSlicingEntry(snap.Path, snap.Current);


            // The differential and the snapshot are now both positioned on the first "real" slicing content element
            // Start by duplicating the current unsliced base definition as many times as we have slices, so we can
            // update these copies for each slice.
            var numSlices = countChildNameRepeats(diff);
            for (var count = 0; count < numSlices-1; count++) snap.Duplicate();

            var slicingName = snap.PathName;

                merge(snap, diff);
            while (diff.MoveToNext(slicingName) && snap.MoveToNext(slicingName));

            //if (slicingEntry.Slicing.Rules != Profile.SlicingRules.Closed)
            //    // Slices that are open in some form need to repeat the original "base" definition,
            //    // so that the open slices have a place to "fit in"
            //    snap.InsertAfter((Profile.ElementComponent)slicingTemplate.DeepCopy());

            //TODO: update/check the slice entry's min/max property to match what we've found in the slice group
Beispiel #7
        private static string nextChildName(ElementNavigator nav)
            string result = null;

            if (nav.MoveToNext())
                result = nav.PathName;

            return result;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Will match up the children of the current element in diffNav to the children of the element in snapNav.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapNav"></param>
        /// <param name="diffNav"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of Bookmark combinations, the first bookmark pointing to an element in the base,
        /// the second a bookmark in the diff that matches the bookmark in the base.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Will match slices to base elements, re-sliced slices to slices and type-slice shorthands to choie elements.
        /// Note that this function may expand snapNav when it encounters paths in the differential that move into the complex types
        /// of one of snap's elements.  (NO NEED, it just has to match direct children, not deeper)
        /// This function assumes the differential is not sparse: it must have parent nodes for all child constraint paths.
        /// </remarks>
        public List<MatchInfo> Match(ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            if (!snapNav.HasChildren) throw Error.Argument("snapNav", "Cannot match base to diff: element '{0}' in snap has no children".FormatWith(snapNav.PathName));
            if (!diffNav.HasChildren) throw Error.Argument("diffNav", "Cannot match base to diff: element '{0}' in diff has no children".FormatWith(diffNav.PathName));

            // These bookmarks are used only in the finally {} to make sure we don't alter the position of the navs when leaving the merger
            var baseStartBM = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var diffStartBM = diffNav.Bookmark();


            var choiceNames = listChoiceElements(snapNav);

            var result = new List<MatchInfo>();

                    // First, match directly -> try to find the child in base with the same name as the path in the diff
                    if (snapNav.PathName != diffNav.PathName && !snapNav.MoveToNext(diffNav.PathName))
                        // Not found, maybe this is a type slice shorthand, look if we have a matching choice prefix in snap
                        var typeSliceShorthand = diffNav.PathName;

                        // Try to match nameXXXXX to name[x]
                        var matchingChoice = choiceNames.SingleOrDefault(prefix => isPossibleTypeSlice(prefix, typeSliceShorthand));

                        if (matchingChoice != null)
                            throw Error.InvalidOperation("Differential has a constraint for path '{0}', which does not exist in its base".FormatWith(diffNav.Path));

                    result.AddRange(constructMatch(snapNav, diffNav));
                while (diffNav.MoveToNext());

            return result;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// List all names of nodes in the current navigator that are choice ('[x]') elements
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapNav"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<string> listChoiceElements(ElementNavigator snapNav)
            var bm = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var result = new List<string>();

                if (snapNav.Current.IsChoice()) result.Add(snapNav.PathName);
            } while (snapNav.MoveToNext());


            return result;
Beispiel #10
        private static List<MatchInfo> constructSliceMatch(ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            var result = new List<MatchInfo>();

            var bm = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var diffName = diffNav.PathName;
            bool baseIsSliced = snapNav.Current.Slicing != null;
            bool diffIsSliced = diffNav.Current.IsExtension() || nextChildName(diffNav) == diffNav.PathName;

            if (baseIsSliced)
                throw Error.NotSupported("Cannot yet handle re-slicing found at diff {0}".FormatWith(diffNav.Path));

            // For the first entries with explicit slicing information (or implicit if this is an extension),
            // generate a match between the base's unsliced element and the first entry in the diff
            if(diffNav.Current.Slicing != null || diffNav.Current.IsExtension() )
                // Differential has information for the slicing entry
                result.Add(new MatchInfo()
                    BaseBookmark = bm,
                    DiffBookmark = diffNav.Bookmark(),
                    Action = MatchAction.Slice

                    if (!diffNav.MoveToNext())
                        throw Error.InvalidOperation("Differential has a slicing entry {0}, but no first actual slice", diffNav.Path);

            // Then, generate a match between the base's unsliced element and the slicing entries in the diff
            // Note that the first entry may serve a double role and have to result matches (one for the constraints, one as a slicing entry)
                result.Add(new MatchInfo()
                    BaseBookmark = bm,
                    DiffBookmark = diffNav.Bookmark(),
                    Action = MatchAction.Add
            } while (nextChildName(diffNav) == diffName && diffNav.MoveToNext());  // Warning: Subtle use of short-cut evaluation

            return result;
Beispiel #11
        private void merge(ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            var snapPos = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var diffPos = diffNav.Bookmark();

                var matches = (new ElementMatcher()).Match(snapNav, diffNav);

                //Debug.WriteLine("Matches for children of {0}".FormatWith(snapNav.Path));
                //matches.DumpMatches(snapNav, diffNav);

                foreach (var match in matches)
                    if (!snapNav.ReturnToBookmark(match.BaseBookmark))
                        throw Error.InvalidOperation("Internal merging error: bookmark {0} in snap is no longer available", match.BaseBookmark);
                    if (!diffNav.ReturnToBookmark(match.DiffBookmark))
                        throw Error.InvalidOperation("Internal merging error: bookmark {0} in diff is no longer available", match.DiffBookmark);

                    if (match.Action == ElementMatcher.MatchAction.Add)
                        // TODO: move this logic to matcher, the Add should point to the last slice where
                        // the new slice will be added after.

                        // Find last entry in slice to add to the end
                        var current = snapNav.Path;
                        while (snapNav.Current.Path == current && snapNav.MoveToNext()) ;
                        snapNav.MoveToPrevious();       // take one step back...
                        var dest = snapNav.Bookmark();

                        mergeElement(snapNav, diffNav);
                        snapNav.Current.Slicing = null;         // Probably not good enough...
                    else if (match.Action == ElementMatcher.MatchAction.Merge)
                        mergeElement(snapNav, diffNav);
                    else if (match.Action == ElementMatcher.MatchAction.Slice)
                        makeSlice(snapNav, diffNav);
        private void merge(ElementNavigator snap, ElementNavigator diff)
            (new ElementDefnMerger(_markChanges)).Merge(snap.Current, diff.Current);

            // If there are children, move into them, and recursively merge them
            if (diff.MoveToFirstChild())
                if (!snap.HasChildren)
                    // The differential moves into an element that has no children in the base.
                    // This is allowable if the base's element has a nameReference or a TypeRef,
                    // in which case needs to be expanded before we can move to the path indicated
                    // by the differential

                    if (snap.Current.Type.Count > 1)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Differential has a constraint on a choice element {0}, but does so without using a type slice".FormatWith(diff.Path));

                    expandBaseElement(snap, diff);

                // Due to how MoveToFirstChild() works, we have to move to the first matching *child*
                // when entering the loop for the first time, after that we can look for the next
                // matching *sibling*.
                bool firstEntry = true;

                    if ((firstEntry && !snap.MoveToChild(diff.PathName)) ||
                        (!firstEntry && !snap.MoveTo(diff.PathName)) ) // HACK: I don't think it should be allowed for a diff to list constraints in the wrong order...
                        throw Error.InvalidOperation("Differential has a constraint for path '{0}', which does not exist in its base", diff.Path);
                    firstEntry = false;

                    // Child found in both, merge them
                    if (countChildNameRepeats(diff) > 1 || diff.Current.IsExtension())
                        // The child in the diff repeats or we recognize it as an extension slice -> we're on the first element of a slice!
                        mergeSlice(snap, diff);
                        merge(snap, diff);
                while (diff.MoveToNext());

                // After the merge, return the diff and snapho back to their original position
        private static int countChildNameRepeats(ElementNavigator diff)
            //TODO: We use this function to determine whether an element is sliced...doing this by counting repeats of elements
            //in the diff. However, when reslicing, the diff doesn't need to have repeating elements, and you have to derive from the
            //base (snapshot) that the element is sliced.

            var repeats = 1;

            var currentPath = diff.PathName;
            var bm = diff.Bookmark();
            while (diff.MoveToNext())
                // check whether the next sibling in the differential has the same name,
                // that means we're looking at a slice
                if (diff.PathName == currentPath)

            return repeats;