Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the name of an expression element from one value to another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">The name of the expression element that the caller wants to remap.</param>
        /// <param name="to">The name to which the caller wants to remap the expression element.</param>
        public void ChangeName(string from, string to)
            if (!m_nameMap.ContainsKey(from))
                throw new ApplicationException(Msg_NameMapDoesntContainKey(from));
            ExpressionElement expressionElement = m_nameMap[from];

            if (expressionElement != null)
                DualModeString dms = expressionElement as DualModeString;
                if (dms != null)
                    dms.Name = to;
                    m_nameMap.Add(to, expressionElement);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a mapping of this string as a DualMode string, mapped under the provided Guid.
        /// This will be a string that represents a step or transition, and which is backed by a Guid so that the
        /// string can be changed (such as when a step is flattened up into its parent, and its name goes from, e.g.
        /// "Prepare-Step" to "B : Xfr_Liquid2.Prepare-Step".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name that is to become a DualMode string.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid by which this element is to be known.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The newly-created (or preexisting, if it was there already) dual mode string element.
        /// </returns>
        public ExpressionElement RegisterMapping(string name, Guid guid)
            bool guidIsAlreadyKnown = m_guidMap.ContainsKey(guid);
            bool nameIsAlreadyKnown = m_nameMap.ContainsKey(name);

            if (!nameIsAlreadyKnown && !guidIsAlreadyKnown)
                #region Create a Dual Mode String and add it into the two maps.
                DualModeString dms = new DualModeString(guid, name);
                m_nameMap.Add(name, dms);
                m_guidMap.Add(guid, dms);
            else if (nameIsAlreadyKnown && !guidIsAlreadyKnown)
                #region There's already one with this name, but it's got a different guid.
                int i = 1;
                while (m_nameMap.ContainsKey(name + "_" + i))
                name = name + "_" + i;
                DualModeString dms = new DualModeString(guid, name);
                m_nameMap.Add(name, dms);
                m_guidMap.Add(guid, dms);
            else if (!nameIsAlreadyKnown && guidIsAlreadyKnown)
                #region There's already one with this Guid, but it has a different name.
                string msg = "Attempting to register a mapping between " + name + " and " + guid + " in a ParticipantDirectory, but the guid is already correlated to a different string, " + m_guidMap[guid].Name + ".";
                throw new ApplicationException(msg);
                // Both name and guid are known - object is already added in.
