Beispiel #1
        public UnitShopBox(UnitShop parent, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int capacity, Vector2 pos)
            this.pos = pos;

            textBox = new RectBox(graphicsDevice,
                                  width, textBoxHeight);

            divisorA = new Line(graphicsDevice,
                                new Vector2(pos.X, textBox.GetBottom()),
                                new Vector2(pos.X + width, textBox.GetBottom()),
                                5, Color.White);

            unitBoxes = new UnitShopButton[capacity];

            for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
                unitBoxes[i] = new UnitShopButton(i, graphicsDevice,
                                                  new Vector2(
                                                      (i == 0) ? textBox.GetBottom() : unitBoxes[i - 1].GetBottom()),
                                                  width, unitBoxHeight);
                unitBoxes[i].buttonPressed += parent.SellEntry;

            dimensions = new Vector2(width,
                                     textBox.GetHeight() + capacity * unitBoxHeight);
Beispiel #2
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Player owner, UnitShop.ShopEntry[] entries, Dictionary <Type, Texture2D> unitSprites, Texture2D moneyIcon, SpriteFont textFont)
            //pass in the information about shop entries -- draw for each one.

            //draw underlying alpha box for the box containing text.
            //calculate the size of the text
            Vector2 textSize = textFont.MeasureString(text);
            //calculate the position where the text needs to be drawn to be central
            //  to the text box.
            Vector2 textPos = textBox.GetCentrePos() - 0.5f * textSize;

            //draw the text
            spriteBatch.DrawString(textFont, text, textPos, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);

            foreach (UnitShopButton box in unitBoxes)
                box.Draw(spriteBatch, owner, entries);

            //draw respective information about each entry
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                UnitShop.ShopEntry entry        = entries[i];
                UnitShopButton     boxDrawingTo = unitBoxes[i];
                Vector2            boxPos       = boxDrawingTo.GetPos();
                Texture2D          unitSprite   = unitSprites[entry.unitType];

                                 position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 6, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - spriteScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(unitSprite.Bounds),
                                 scale: spriteScaleVector

                if (entry.Sold)
                    Vector2 size = textFont.MeasureString(soldText);
                    Vector2 pos  = boxPos + new Vector2(width / 3, (boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() - size.Y) / 2);
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(textFont, soldText, pos, Color.White);
                else if (owner.IsBenchFull())
                    Vector2 size = textFont.MeasureString(fullText);
                    Vector2 pos  = boxPos + new Vector2(width / 3, (boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() - size.Y) / 2);
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(textFont, fullText, pos, Color.White);
                    string  text = $"Buy: {entry.cost}";
                    Vector2 size = textFont.MeasureString(text);
                    Vector2 pos  = boxPos + new Vector2(width / 3, (boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() - size.Y) / 2);
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(textFont, text, pos, Color.White);
                                     position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 3 + width / 15 + size.X, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - spriteScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(moneyIcon.Bounds),
                                     scale: spriteScaleVector

            //draw dividing line