Beispiel #1
 public static string EventLogStyle(string log)
     log = log.Replace("EVENT LOG", "Event Log:");
     log = log.Replace("Time" + Environment.NewLine + "Note", "Time               Note");
     while (log.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "UTC:"))
         int utcIndex = log.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "UTC:") + Environment.NewLine.Length;
         log = log.Remove(utcIndex) + HMail.DecodeUTC(log.Substring(utcIndex, 12)).ToString("F", Hazeron.DateTimeFormat) + "   " + log.Substring(utcIndex + 12 + Environment.NewLine.Length);
     log = log.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "  ");
     log = log.Replace(". ", "." + Environment.NewLine + "                     ");
     log = log.Replace("! ", "!" + Environment.NewLine + "                     ");
     log = log.Replace("? ", "?" + Environment.NewLine + "                     ");
Beispiel #2
        public override void Initialize()
            if (_mail.Body.Remove(4) == "UTC:")
                _lastUpdated = HMail.DecodeUTC(_mail.Body.Remove(12));

            // String working vars.
            string[]      tempArray;
            List <string> sectionsInReport = new List <string>();

            // This is the order of the sections in the mail body, keep them in same order!
            string[] sections = new string[] { "<b style=\"color: rgb(255, 255, 0);\">DISTRESS</b>"
                                               , "<b>DECAY</b>"
                                               , "<b>EVENT LOG</b>"
                                               , "<b>MORALE</b>"
                                               , "<b>POPULATION</b>"
                                               , "<b>LIVING CONDITIONS</b>"
                                               , "<b>POWER RESERVE</b>"
                                               , "<b>BANK ACTIVITY</b>"
                                               , "<b>RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT</b>"
                                               , "<b>SPACECRAFT MANUFACTURING POTENTIAL</b>"
                                               , "<b>SPACECRAFT</b>"
                                               , "<b>FACILITIES</b>"
                                               , "<b>VEHICLES</b>"
                                               , "<b>INVENTORY</b>" };
            Dictionary <string, int> moraleBuildingsPop = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Church", 45);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Cantina", 50);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Retail Store", 55);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Police Station", 60);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("University", 70);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Hospital", 80);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Park", 90);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Grocery", 100);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Zoo", 150);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Arena", 175);
            moraleBuildingsPop.Add("Casino", 200);
            // Time for City spicific things.
            string        race = "";
            int           powerConsumption = 0, powerReserve = 0, powerReserveCapacity = 0;
            List <string> buildingList;
            bool          decaying         = false;
            int           moraleChange     = 0;
            int           populationChange = 0;

            // Check for sections.
            foreach (string section in sections)
                if (_mail.Body.Contains(section))

            // City Resource Zone & Capital check
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(_mail.Body.Remove(_mail.Body.IndexOf(sectionsInReport[0])));
                tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (string line in tempArray)
                    if (line.Contains("Resource Zone"))
                        _zone = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                    else if (line == "Empire Capital City")
                        _empireCapital = true;

            const string headlineDISTRESS = "<b style=\"color: rgb(255, 255, 0);\">DISTRESS</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineDISTRESS))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineDISTRESS));
                //tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                _distressOverview = "[color=red]" + "Distress:" + Environment.NewLine + "  " + tempSection.Substring(("DISTRESS" + Environment.NewLine).Length).Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "  ") + "[/color]";
                decaying          = tempSection.Contains("City is decaying.");

            // DECAY
            const string headlineDECAY = "<b>DECAY</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineDECAY))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineDECAY));
                //tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                _decayOverview = "[color=red]" + "Decay:" + Environment.NewLine + "  " + tempSection.Substring(("DECAY" + Environment.NewLine).Length).Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "  ") + "[/color]";

            // EVENT LOG
            const string headlineEVENT = "<b>EVENT LOG</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineEVENT))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineEVENT));
                //tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                _eventOverview += HCity.EventLogStyle(tempSection);

            // MORALE & Abandonment
            const string headlineMORALE = "<b>MORALE</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineMORALE))
                _moraleOverview = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineMORALE));
                tempArray       = _moraleOverview.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                _moraleColumn   = tempArray[tempArray.Length - 1].Remove(tempArray[tempArray.Length - 1].Length - 1);
                _morale         = Convert.ToInt32(_moraleColumn.Substring(_moraleColumn.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                if (!_moraleColumn.Contains("remained steady"))
                    int posA, posB;
                    posA         = _moraleColumn.LastIndexOf(" by ") + 4;
                    posB         = _moraleColumn.LastIndexOf(" to ");
                    moraleChange = Convert.ToInt32(_moraleColumn.Substring(posA, posB - posA));
                    if (_moraleColumn.Contains("decreased"))
                        moraleChange *= -1;
                        _moraleColumn = _morale.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " (decreased " + Math.Abs(moraleChange) + ")";
                        _moraleColumn = _morale.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " (increased " + moraleChange + ")";
                    _moraleColumn = _morale.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " (steady)";
                int abandonedDays    = 0;
                int abandonedPenalty = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < tempArray.Length - 1; i++)
                    _moraleModifiers.Add(tempArray[i].Substring(tempArray[i].IndexOf(' ') + 1), Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[i].Remove(tempArray[i].IndexOf(' '))));
                    if (tempArray[i].Contains("Abandonment Penalty"))
                        abandonedPenalty = Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[i].Remove(tempArray[i].IndexOf(' ')));
                        int posA, posB;
                        posA          = tempArray[i].LastIndexOf(" in ") + 4;
                        posB          = tempArray[i].LastIndexOf(" days.");
                        abandonedDays = Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[i].Substring(posA, posB - posA));
                    if (tempArray[i].Contains("Harsh Environment Penalty"))
                        _hashEnv = true;
                _abandonment    = ((_moraleModifiers.Values.Sum() + 1) * Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval) - (abandonedDays % Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval);
                _abandonmentMax = ((_moraleModifiers.Values.Sum() - abandonedPenalty + 1) * Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval);
                if (decaying)
                    _abandonmentColumn = " Decaying";
                else if (_abandonmentMax < Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval)
                    _abandonmentColumn = " Unstable";
                else if (_abandonment == _abandonmentMax)
                    _abandonmentColumn = _abandonment.ToString("00") + "~/" + _abandonmentMax.ToString("00") + " days";
                else if (_abandonment > 0)
                    _abandonmentColumn = _abandonment.ToString("00") + " /" + _abandonmentMax.ToString("00") + " days";
                    _abandonmentColumn = " ERROR!?";

            // POPULATION
            const string headlinePOPULATION = "<b>POPULATION</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlinePOPULATION))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlinePOPULATION));
                tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (string line in tempArray)
                    if (line.Contains("Citizens are"))
                        race = line.Remove(line.Length - 1).Substring(13);
                    else if (line.Contains("Population") && !line.Contains("troops"))
                        _population = Convert.ToInt32(line.Remove(line.Length - 1).Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                        if (!line.Contains("remained steady"))
                            int posA, posB;
                            posA             = line.LastIndexOf(" by ") + 4;
                            posB             = line.LastIndexOf(" to ");
                            populationChange = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(posA, posB - posA));
                            if (line.Contains("decreased"))
                                populationChange *= -1;
                                _populationColumn = _population.ToString() + " (decreased " + Math.Abs(populationChange) + ")";
                                _populationColumn = _population.ToString() + " (increased " + populationChange + ")";
                            _populationColumn = _population.ToString() + " (steady)";
                    else if (line.Contains("Garrison"))
                        // Nothing yet
                    else if (line.Contains("arsh environment"))
                        _hashEnv = true;
                    else if (line.Contains("loyal"))
                        _loyalty = Convert.ToInt32(line.Remove(line.IndexOf(' ')));
                        if (line.Contains("disloyal"))
                            _loyalty = -_loyalty;
                        _loyaltyColumn = _loyalty + " (" + Math.Round(((double)_loyalty / _population) * 100, 2).ToString(Hazeron.NumberFormat) + "%)";

            // LIVING CONDITIONS
            const string headlineLIVING = "<b>LIVING CONDITIONS</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineLIVING))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineLIVING));
                tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (string line in tempArray)
                    if (line.Contains("Jobs"))
                        _livingConditionsColumn = line;
                        _jobs = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                    else if (line.Contains("Homes"))
                        _livingConditionsColumn += ", " + line;
                        _homes = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                    else if (line.Contains("Apartments"))
                        _apartments = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                    else if (line.Contains("Food"))
                        _food = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));

            // POWER RESERVE
            const string headlinePOWER = "<b>POWER RESERVE</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlinePOWER))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlinePOWER));
                tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (string line in tempArray)
                    if (line.Contains("Consumed"))
                        powerConsumption = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                    else if (line.Contains("Reserve Power"))
                        powerReserve = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));
                    else if (line.Contains("Reserve Capacity"))
                        powerReserveCapacity = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));

            // BANK ACTIVITY
            const string headlineBANK = "<b>BANK ACTIVITY</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineBANK))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineBANK));
                tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                bool GovAcc = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < tempArray.Length; i++)
                    string line = tempArray[i];
                    if (line == "Citizen Accounts")
                        GovAcc = false;
                    else if (line == "Previous Tribute")
                        line         = tempArray[i].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "");
                        _bankTribute = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                    else if (line == "Starting Balance")
                        line = tempArray[i].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "");
                        if (GovAcc)
                            _bankGovBalanceOld = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                            _bankCitBalanceOld = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                    else if (line == "Current Balance")
                        line = tempArray[i].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "");
                        if (GovAcc)
                            _bankGovBalance = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                            _bankCitBalance = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                    else if (line == "Income Tax")
                        line           = tempArray[i].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "");
                        _bankTaxIncome = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                    else if (line == "Sales Tax")
                        line         = tempArray[i].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "");
                        _bankTaxSale = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                    else if (line == "Bullion Production")
                        line         = tempArray[i].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "");
                        _bankMinting = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));
                    //else if (line == "Research and Development")
                    //    i++;
                    //    line = tempArray[i].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "");
                    //    _bankExpenseResearch = Convert.ToInt64(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));

            const string headlineRESEARCH = "<b>RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineRESEARCH))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineRESEARCH));
                tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 3; i < tempArray.Length; i += 2)
                    if (tempArray[i] != "Technology")
                        _reseatchProjects.Add(tempArray[i].Remove(tempArray[i].Length - 11), Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[i + 1]));
                foreach (int projectProcess in _reseatchProjects.Values)
                    _bankExpenseResearchEstReport += projectProcess;
                    _bankExpenseResearchEstDay    += projectProcess;
                _bankExpenseResearchEstReport *= 780;
                _bankExpenseResearchEstDay    *= 24 * 60 * 60;

            //const string headlinePOTENTIAL = "<b>SPACECRAFT MANUFACTURING POTENTIAL</b>";
            //if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlinePOTENTIAL))
            //    string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlinePOTENTIAL));
            //    tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            //// SPACECRAFT
            //const string headlineSPACECRAFT = "<b>SPACECRAFT</b>";
            //if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineSPACECRAFT))
            //    string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineSPACECRAFT));
            //    tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // FACILITIES
            const string headlineFACILITIES = "<b>FACILITIES</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineFACILITIES))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineFACILITIES));
                tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 4; i < tempArray.Length; i += 3)
                    if (tempArray[i] != "Name")
                        int tl;
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(tempArray[i + 1], out tl))
                            tl = Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '-' })[1]) * -1; // Make negitive because it is not all buildings.
                        _factilitiesTL.Add(tempArray[i], tl);
                        _factilitiesLV.Add(tempArray[i], Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[i + 2]));

            //// VEHICLES
            //const string headlineVEHICLES = "<b>VEHICLES</b>";
            //if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineVEHICLES))
            //    string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineVEHICLES));
            //    tempArray = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // INVENTORY
            const string headlineINVENTORY = "<b>INVENTORY</b>";

            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineINVENTORY))
                string tempSection = HHelper.CleanText(GetSectionText(_mail.Body, sectionsInReport, headlineINVENTORY));
                if (tempSection.Contains("Computer"))
                    _bankExpenseResearchEstReport = (int)(_bankExpenseResearchEstReport * 2.25);
                    _bankExpenseResearchEstDay    = (int)(_bankExpenseResearchEstDay * 2.25);
                if (_hashEnv && tempSection.Contains("Air"))
                    tempSection = tempSection.Substring(tempSection.IndexOf("Air"));
                    tempArray   = tempSection.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 1; i < tempArray.Length; i++)
                        if (tempArray[i].Contains(" Q"))
                            _air += Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[i].Remove(tempArray[i].IndexOf(' ')));

            // Planet Size
            if (!_mail.Body.Contains("Ringworld Arc"))
                int sub = _mail.Body.IndexOf("m dia, ");
                tempArray        = _mail.Body.Remove(sub).Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                _populationLimit = Convert.ToInt32(tempArray[tempArray.Length - 1].Replace(",", ""));
                _populationLimit = Convert.ToInt32(100 * Math.Floor((float)_populationLimit / 1800));
                _populationLimit = 1000;

            // Morale overview
            _moraleOverview = "City's morale:" + Environment.NewLine + "  ";
            if (_morale >= 0)
                _moraleOverview += "[color=green]";
                _moraleOverview += "[color=red]";
            _moraleOverview += "Morale " + _morale.ToString().PadLeft(3) + "[/color]" + Environment.NewLine + "  ";
            if (moraleChange >= 0)
                _moraleOverview += "[color=green]";
                _moraleOverview += "[color=red]";
            _moraleOverview += "Change  ";
            _moraleOverview += moraleChange.ToString("+#0;-#0;±#0") + "[/color]" + Environment.NewLine;
            _moraleOverview += Environment.NewLine;
            _moraleOverview += "City's morale modifiers:" + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> moraleModifier in _moraleModifiers)
                if (moraleModifier.Value > 0)
                    _moraleOverview += "  [color=green]";
                    _moraleOverview += "  [color=red]";
                _moraleOverview += moraleModifier.Value.ToString("+#0;-#0") + "  " + moraleModifier.Key + "[/color]" + Environment.NewLine;
            if (_moraleModifiers.Values.Sum() > 0)
                _moraleOverview += "[color=green]";
            else if (_moraleModifiers.Values.Sum() < 0)
                _moraleOverview += "[color=red]";
            _moraleOverview += "Total " + _moraleModifiers.Values.Sum().ToString("+#0;-#0;±#0");
            if (_moraleModifiers.Values.Sum() > 0 || _moraleModifiers.Values.Sum() < 0)
                _moraleOverview += "[/color]";
            _moraleModifiersColumn  = _moraleModifiers.Values.Sum().ToString("+#0;-#0;±#0");
            _moraleModifiersColumn += " (" + Math.Abs(_moraleModifiers.Values.Where(y => y < 0).Sum()).ToString("-#0") + ", " + _moraleModifiers.Values.Where(y => y > 0).Sum().ToString("+#0") + ")";

            // Population overwiew
            const int populationPadding = 4;

            _populationOverview  = "City's population:";
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _loyalty.ToString().PadLeft(populationPadding) + ", Loyal citizens";
            if (_loyalty != _population)
                int  minutesToLoyal;
                bool disloyal = _loyalty < 0;
                if (!disloyal)
                    minutesToLoyal = ((_population - _loyalty) * 13);
                    minutesToLoyal = (Math.Abs(_loyalty) * 13);
                _populationOverview += " [color=" + (disloyal ? "red" : "orange") + "](";
                if (minutesToLoyal < 120) // Less than two hours.
                    _populationOverview += minutesToLoyal + " minutes";
                else if (minutesToLoyal < 2980) // Less than two days.
                    _populationOverview += (minutesToLoyal / 60) + " hours";
                else // More than two days.
                    _populationOverview += (minutesToLoyal / 1490) + " days";
                _populationOverview += " to " + (disloyal ? "loyal" : "fully") + ")[/color]";
            //    _populationOverview += " [color=green](fully)[/color]";
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _population.ToString().PadLeft(populationPadding) + ", Citizens";
            if (populationChange < 0)
                _populationOverview += " [color=red](decreased " + Math.Abs(populationChange) + ")[/color]";
            else if (populationChange > 0)
                _populationOverview += " [color=green](increased " + populationChange + ")[/color]";
            //    _populationOverview += " (steady)";
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _homes.ToString().PadLeft(populationPadding) + ", Homes";
            if (_jobs >= _homes)
                int needed = (_jobs - _homes + 1); // Need at least one more home than jobs.
                _populationOverview += " [color=red](Overworked, " + needed + " more homes needed)[/color]";
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _jobs.ToString().PadLeft(populationPadding) + ", Jobs";
            if (((float)(_homes - _jobs) / _homes) > 0.2)
                int needed = (int)((_homes * 0.8) - _jobs + 1); // Need at least one more job than 80% homes.
                _populationOverview += " [color=red](Unemployment, " + needed + " more jobs needed)[/color]";
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _populationLimit.ToString().PadLeft(populationPadding) + ", Population limit";
            if (_homes > _populationLimit)
                int needed = (_homes - _populationLimit);
                _populationOverview += " [color=red](Overpopulated, " + needed + " homes too many)[/color]";
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine;
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + "City's living conditions:";
            _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " Citizens are " + race;
                string powerUse     = powerConsumption.ToString("N", Hazeron.NumberFormat);
                string powerSto     = powerReserve.ToString("N", Hazeron.NumberFormat);
                int    powerPadding = Math.Max(powerUse.Length, powerSto.Length);
                _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + powerUse.PadLeft(powerPadding) + " power comsumption";
                _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + powerSto.PadLeft(powerPadding) + "/" + powerReserveCapacity.ToString("N", Hazeron.NumberFormat) + " power capacity (" + Math.Floor(((float)powerReserve / powerReserveCapacity) * 100) + "%)";
                _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " ";
                int minutesToStarvation = (_food);
                if (minutesToStarvation < 120) // Less than two hours.
                    _populationOverview += minutesToStarvation + " minutes";
                else if (minutesToStarvation < 2980) // Less than two days.
                    _populationOverview += (minutesToStarvation / 60) + " hours";
                else // More than two days.
                    _populationOverview += (minutesToStarvation / 1490) + " days";
                _populationOverview += " worth of food";
            if (_hashEnv)
                _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " ";
                int minutesToSuffocation = (_air);
                if (minutesToSuffocation < 120) // Less than two hours.
                    _populationOverview += minutesToSuffocation + " minutes";
                else if (minutesToSuffocation < 2980) // Less than two days.
                    _populationOverview += (minutesToSuffocation / 60) + " hours";
                else // More than two days.
                    _populationOverview += (minutesToSuffocation / 1490) + " days";
                _populationOverview += " worth of air";
                _populationOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + Math.Floor(((float)_apartments / _homes) * 100) + "% apartments";
                int levelAjustment = ((_homes - _apartments) - _apartments);
                if ((levelAjustment / 4) > 0)
                    _populationOverview += " [color=green](" + (levelAjustment / 4) + " more levels possible)[/color]";
                else if (levelAjustment < 0)
                    _populationOverview += " [color=red](Cramped, " + Math.Abs(levelAjustment) + " more non-apartment homes needed)[/color]";

            // Technology overview
            if (sectionsInReport.Contains(headlineRESEARCH))
                _technologyOverview = "City's technology projects:";
                foreach (string building in _reseatchProjects.Keys)
                    if (_factilitiesTL.ContainsKey(building))
                        _technologyOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _reseatchProjects[building].ToString().PadLeft(2) + " (TL" + Math.Abs(_factilitiesTL[building]).ToString().PadLeft(2) + ") running, " + building;
                        _technologyOverview += Environment.NewLine + " [color=red]" + _reseatchProjects[building].ToString().PadLeft(2) + " running, " + building + " (wasted, none in city)[/color]";
            if (_technologyOverview != "")
                _technologyOverview += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
            _technologyOverview += "City's technology levels:";
            buildingList         = _factilitiesTL.Keys.ToList();
            foreach (string building in buildingList)
                _technologyOverview += Environment.NewLine + " TL" + Math.Abs(_factilitiesTL[building]).ToString().PadLeft(2) + ", " + building;
                if (_factilitiesTL[building] < 0)
                    _technologyOverview += " [color=red](not all buildings)[/color]";

            // Buildings overview
            _buildingsOverview = "City's buildings:";
            buildingList       = _factilitiesLV.Keys.ToList();
            foreach (string moraleBuilding in moraleBuildingsPop.Keys)
                if (!_factilitiesLV.ContainsKey(moraleBuilding) && _homes > moraleBuildingsPop[moraleBuilding])
            if (!buildingList.Contains("Military Flag"))
                buildingList.Add("Military Flag");
            if (!buildingList.Contains("Cantina"))
            if (!buildingList.Contains("Church"))
            foreach (string building in buildingList)
                int levels = 0;
                if (_factilitiesLV.ContainsKey(building))
                    levels = _factilitiesLV[building];
                _buildingsOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + levels.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " levels, " + building;
                if (moraleBuildingsPop.ContainsKey(building))
                    int levelsNeeded = _homes / moraleBuildingsPop[building];
                    if (building == "Cantina")
                        levelsNeeded += 1;
                    else if (building == "Church")
                        levelsNeeded += 2;
                    if (levels < levelsNeeded)
                        _buildingsOverview += " [color=red](" + (levelsNeeded - levels) + " levels more needed)[/color]";
                    else if (levels > levelsNeeded && !(building == "Church" || building == "University" || building == "Park"))
                        _buildingsOverview += " [color=orange](" + (levels - levelsNeeded) + " levels too many)[/color]";
                else if (building == "Military Flag")
                    int levelsPossible = (_homes / 150) + 1;
                    if (levels > levelsPossible)
                        _buildingsOverview += " [color=red](" + (levels - levelsPossible) + " flags too many)[/color]";
                    else if (levels < levelsPossible)
                        _buildingsOverview += " [color=green](" + (levelsPossible - levels) + " flags more possible)[/color]";

            // Bank overview
            _bankGovBalanceColumn = _bankGovBalance.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat) + " balance";
            _bankOverview         = "City's finances:";
            if (_empireCapital && _bankTribute == 0)
                _bankTributeColumn = "No tributing";
                _bankOverview     += Environment.NewLine + "".PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + "  Empire capital does not tribute";
                _bankTributeColumn = _bankTribute.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat) + " tributed";
                _bankOverview     += Environment.NewLine + " " + _bankTribute.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " tributed to ";
                if (_empireCapital)
                    _bankOverview += "(overlord/ally)";
                    _bankOverview += "(empire/sector) capital";
                _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + "".PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + "  [color=green](";
                int minutesToMidnight = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay).AddDays(1) - _lastUpdated).TotalMinutes;
                if (minutesToMidnight < 120) // Less than two hours.
                    _bankOverview += minutesToMidnight + " minutes";
                else // More than two hours.
                    _bankOverview += (minutesToMidnight / 60) + " hours";
                _bankOverview += " to next tribute)[/color]";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine;
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _bankMinting.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " bullion production";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine;
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + (_bankCitBalance - _bankCitBalanceOld).ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " citizen account net-change";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _bankCitBalance.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " citizen account balance";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine;
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _bankTaxIncome.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " income tax";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _bankTaxSale.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " Sales tax";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine;
            //_bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + (-_vBankExpenseResearch).ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " research expense (unreliable)";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + (-_bankExpenseResearchEstReport).ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " research expense (estimate per report)";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + (-_bankExpenseResearchEstDay).ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " research expense (estimate per day)";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine;
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + (_bankGovBalance - _bankGovBalanceOld).ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " government account net-change";
            _bankOverview += Environment.NewLine + " " + _bankGovBalance.ToString("C", Hazeron.NumberFormat).PadLeft(Hazeron.CurrencyPadding) + " government account balance";

            // Overview
            _overview  = "Location:" + Environment.NewLine;
            _overview += "  " + _systemName + Environment.NewLine;
            _overview += "  " + _planetName + Environment.NewLine;
            _overview += "  Zone " + _zone;
            if (_distressOverview != "")
                _overview += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _distressOverview;
            if (_decayOverview != "")
                _overview += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _decayOverview;
            if (_eventOverview != "")
                _overview += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _eventOverview;

            // AttentionCodes
            if ((_jobs >= _homes) || (((float)(_homes - _jobs) / _homes) > 0.2)) // Overworked, or too much unemployment.
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x01);                  // 0b00000001
            if (_population < _homes || _population > _homes)                    // Population not full, or more than full.
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x02);                  // 0b00000010
            if (Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval * 2 >= _abandonment)                 // Less than or equal to (Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval * 2) days to decay.
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x04);                  // 0b00000100
            if (Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval >= _abandonment)                     // Less than or equal to (Hazeron.AbandonmentInterval) days to decay.
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x08);                  // 0b00001000
            if (_population == 0 || _population > _populationLimit)              // Population is 0, or zone over populated!
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x10);                  // 0b00010000
            if (false)                                                           // Nothing yet!
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x20);                  // 0b00100000
            if (_morale < 20)                                                    // Morale not full.
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x40);                  // 0b01000000
            if (false)                                                           // Nothing yet!
                _attentionCode = (byte)(_attentionCode | 0x80);                  // 0b10000000