        public FreightReportCreator(string title, List<Order> orders)
            this.dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            grandTotal = 0;

            this.title = title;
            this.orders = orders;
Beispiel #2
        public FileExportForm(Form1 form1)
            this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

            this.form1 = form1;
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            fileManager = new FileManager();
        public SalesReportCreator(string title, List<Order> orders, int[] booksPerOrder, double[] pricePerOrder)
            this.dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            grandTotal = 0;
            indexOfArrays = 0;

            this.title = title;
            this.orders = orders;
            this.booksPerOrder = booksPerOrder;
            this.pricePerOrder = pricePerOrder;
Beispiel #4
         Postcondition: Setup and initialize everything needed */
        private void setup()
            //Intialization of globals
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            fileManager = new FileManager();
            foundCustomers = new List<Customer>();
            allCustomers = new List<Customer>();
            currCustomer = null;
            newCustAndHaventRefreshed = false;

            //Set up column widths
            DataGridViewColumn colFirstName = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            colFirstName.Width = 110;
            DataGridViewColumn colLastName = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            colLastName.Width = 110;
            DataGridViewColumn colAdd1 = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            colAdd1.Width = 120;
            DataGridViewColumn colAdd2 = dataGridView1.Columns[3];
            colAdd2.Width = 120;
            DataGridViewColumn colCountry = dataGridView1.Columns[4];
            colCountry.Width = 60;
            DataGridViewColumn colEmail = dataGridView1.Columns[5];
            colEmail.Width = 182;

            //Set focus to first name box

            //Setup event handlers for when enter is pressed while on textboxes
            boxSearchCustID.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxSearchFirstName.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxSearchLastName.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxSearchInstiution.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxSearchEmail.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
Beispiel #5
        Postcondition: Sets up and initialises everything needed */
        private void setup()
            foundStock = new List<Stock>();
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();

            DataGridViewColumn column1 = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            column1.Width = 50;
            DataGridViewColumn column2 = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            column2.Width = 200;
            DataGridViewColumn column3 = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            column3.Width = 300;
            DataGridViewColumn column4 = dataGridView1.Columns[3];
            column4.Width = 200;
            DataGridViewColumn column5 = dataGridView1.Columns[4];
            column5.Width = 60;
            DataGridViewColumn column6 = dataGridView1.Columns[5];
            column6.Width = 75;


            boxBookID.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxAuthor.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxTitle.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxSubject.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
Beispiel #6
         Postcondition: Sets up and initialises everything needed */
        private void setup()
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            tabPress = false;

            //Setup Event Handler for textboxes to highlight text when they are entered if tab was pressed
            boxFirstName.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxLastName.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxInstitution.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxAddress1.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxAddress2.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxAddress3.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxPostcode.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxCountry.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxEmail.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxComments.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxSales.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxPayment.Enter += textbox_Enter;

Beispiel #7
 private void setup()
     dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
     fileManager = new FileManager();
     allStock = new List<Stock>();
     allCustomers = new List<Customer>();
     allOrders = new List<Order>();
     allOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();
Beispiel #8
  Postcondition: Setup and initialize everything needed */
 private void setup()
     fileManager = new FileManager();
     dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
Beispiel #9
          Postcondition: Does setup and initializes everything needed*/
        private void setup()
            //Initialize globals
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            allOrders = new List<Order>();
            allOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();
            currOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();
            newOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();
            fileManager = new FileManager();
            currCustomer = null;
            currOrder = null;
            canEdit = false;


            //Set up column widths
            DataGridViewColumn colQuantity = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            colQuantity.Width = 50;
            DataGridViewColumn colAuthor = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            colAuthor.Width = 187;
            DataGridViewColumn colTitle = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            colTitle.Width = 270;
            DataGridViewColumn colPrice = dataGridView1.Columns[3];
            colPrice.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colBookID = dataGridView1.Columns[4];
            colBookID.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colDiscount = dataGridView1.Columns[5];
            colDiscount.Width = 75;


            //If this form was opened through customers orders then remove unneccessary controls and adjust form
            if (mainMenu == null)
                labOrderID.Visible = false;
                boxOrderSearchID.Visible = false;
                btnSearch.Enabled = false;
                btnSearch.Visible = false;

                btnNewestOrder.Enabled = false;
                btnNewestOrder.Visible = false;

                btnNewOrder.Enabled = false;
                btnNewOrder.Visible = false;

                btnPrev.Enabled = false;
                btnPrev.Visible = false;

                btnNext.Enabled = false;
                btnNext.Visible = false;

                btnMainMenu.Text = "Close";

                groupBox1.Left = groupBox1.Left - 50;
                btnAddBook.Left = btnAddBook.Left - 50;
                btnMainMenu.Left = btnMainMenu.Left - 50;
                btnCreateInvoice.Left = btnCreateInvoice.Left - 40;
                btnBigMailingLabel.Left = btnBigMailingLabel.Left - 40;
                btnSmallMailingLabel.Left = btnSmallMailingLabel.Left - 40;
                labMailingLabels.Left = labMailingLabels.Left - 40;

                Width = Width - 50;
         Postcondition: Sets up everything that needs to be done when form is initialized*/
        private void setup()
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            customersOrders = new List<Order>();

            labCustomerName.Text = "Orders for: " + currCustomer.firstName + " " + currCustomer.lastName;

            //Set up column widths
            DataGridViewColumn colOrderID = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            colOrderID.Width = 100;
            DataGridViewColumn colRef = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            colRef.Width = 100;
            DataGridViewColumn colInvoiceDate = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            colInvoiceDate.Width = 100;

            //Set column widths of 2nd datagridview
            DataGridViewColumn colQuantity = dataGridView2.Columns[0];
            colQuantity.Width = 50;
            DataGridViewColumn colAuthor = dataGridView2.Columns[1];
            colAuthor.Width = 187;
            DataGridViewColumn colTitle = dataGridView2.Columns[2];
            colTitle.Width = 270;
            DataGridViewColumn colPrice = dataGridView2.Columns[3];
            colPrice.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colBookID = dataGridView2.Columns[4];
            colBookID.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colDiscount = dataGridView2.Columns[5];
            colDiscount.Width = 75;

            //Find the customers orders
            customersOrders = dbManager.searchCustomersOrders(currCustomer.custID);

            //Set up first order from customer if they have any orders
            if (customersOrders.Count > 0)
                currOrder = customersOrders[0];

                foreach (Order o in customersOrders)
                    dataGridView1.Rows.Add(o.orderID, o.orderReference, o.invoiceDate);

Beispiel #11
         Postcondition: Sets up everything needed when form is initialized*/
        private void setup()
            foundCustomers = new List<Customer>();
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();

            //Set up column widths
            DataGridViewColumn colFirstName = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            colFirstName.Width = 110;
            DataGridViewColumn colLastName = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            colLastName.Width = 110;
            DataGridViewColumn colAdd1 = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            colAdd1.Width = 120;
            DataGridViewColumn colAdd2 = dataGridView1.Columns[3];
            colAdd2.Width = 120;
            DataGridViewColumn colCountry = dataGridView1.Columns[4];
            colCountry.Width = 60;
            DataGridViewColumn colEmail = dataGridView1.Columns[5];
            colEmail.Width = 182;

            //Give focus to firstname box

            //Setup keypress handler for when enter is pressed in textboxes
            boxCustID.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxFirstName.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxLastName.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxInstiution.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
            boxEmail.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress_Enter;
Beispiel #12
         Postcondition: Sets up everything needed */
        private void setup()
            fileManager = new FileManager();
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();

            dateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
            dateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = "MMMM/yyyy";
            dateTimePicker1.ShowUpDown = true;
Beispiel #13
         Postcondition: Sets up and initialises everthing needed */
        private void setup()
            //Initialize globals
            orderedBooks = new List<Stock>();
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            fileManager = new FileManager();
            tabPress = false;

            //Setup event handlers for when textboxes are entered
            boxOrderRef.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxProgress.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxInvoiceDate.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxFreight.Enter += textbox_Enter;
            boxComments.Enter += textbox_Enter;

            //Set up column widths
            DataGridViewColumn colQuantity = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            colQuantity.Width = 50;
            DataGridViewColumn colAuthor = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            colAuthor.Width = 187;
            DataGridViewColumn colTitle = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            colTitle.Width = 270;
            DataGridViewColumn colPrice = dataGridView1.Columns[3];
            colPrice.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colBookID = dataGridView1.Columns[4];
            colBookID.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colDiscount = dataGridView1.Columns[5];
            colDiscount.Width = 75;

            //Make it so that user can't enter information into blank row
            dataGridView1.Rows[0].ReadOnly = true;

            //Display the OrderID/Invoice number for the user
            boxInvoiceNo.Text = dbManager.getNextOrderID().ToString();

            string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("d/MM/yyyy");
            boxInvoiceDate.Text = date;


            if (ordersForm == null)
                btnFindCustomer.Enabled = false;
                btnFindCustomer.Visible = false;
                btnNewCustomer.Enabled = false;
                btnNewCustomer.Visible = false;
Beispiel #14
          Postcondition: Initializes and checks to see if files can be imported */
        private void setup()
            fileManager = new FileManager();
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();

            if (!fileManager.checkForImportStorageLocation())
                importFileLocation = fileManager.getStorageFilePath();

                canImport = false;

                MessageBox.Show("Please Set import location before trying to import");
                canImport = true;