/// <summary>
        /// Initialise the physics model to be built
        /// </summary>
        public PhysicsModelBuilder()
            _phmo = new PhysicsModel();
            _phmo.RigidBodies = new List<PhysicsModel.RigidBody>();
            _phmo.Nodes = new List<PhysicsModel.Node>();
            var node = new PhysicsModel.Node();
            node.Child = -1;
            node.Sibling = -1;
            node.Parent = -1;
            //the 'default' stringid
            node.Name = new StringId(1);


            _phmo.Materials = new List<PhysicsModel.Material>();
            var material = new PhysicsModel.Material();
            //the 'default' stringid
            material.Name = new StringId(1);
            material.Flags = -256;
            material.PhantomType = -1;

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds Four-vertex tag-blocks to the physics model. For lists
        /// of vertices that are not multiples of four, the last vertex
        /// is copied. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phmo"></param>
        /// <param name="n">a node that is a list of vertex equations</param>
        /// <returns>the number of four-vertex tag-blocks added.</returns>
        private int AddManyFVS(PhysicsModel phmo, JSONNode n)
            if (n == null)
                Console.WriteLine("could not find \"Vertices\" attribute.");
                return 0;

            if (phmo.PolyhedronFourVectors == null)
                phmo.PolyhedronFourVectors = new List<PhysicsModel.PolyhedronFourVector>();

            int vertCount = n.AsArray.Count;
            int numfvs = vertCount / 4 + ((vertCount % 4) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < numfvs; ++i)
                JSONNode v0 = (i * 4) < vertCount ? n.AsArray[i * 4] : n.AsArray[vertCount - 1];
                JSONNode v1 = (i * 4 + 1) < vertCount ? n.AsArray[i * 4 + 1] : n.AsArray[vertCount - 1];
                JSONNode v2 = (i * 4 + 2) < vertCount ? n.AsArray[i * 4 + 2] : n.AsArray[vertCount - 1];
                JSONNode v3 = (i * 4 + 3) < vertCount ? n.AsArray[i * 4 + 3] : n.AsArray[vertCount - 1];

                var fourvert = new PhysicsModel.PolyhedronFourVector();

                //The plugin had these named incorrectly, the four vectors are really
                //four vertices, with the coordinates grouped (four X's, four Y's, four Z's)
                //This is likely done for SIMD. If the number of vertices aren't a multiple
                //of four, usually the last vertex is copied several times.
                fourvert.FourVectorsXI = v0.AsArray[0].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsXJ = v1.AsArray[0].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsXK = v2.AsArray[0].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsXRadius = v3.AsArray[0].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsYI = v0.AsArray[1].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsYJ = v1.AsArray[1].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsYK = v2.AsArray[1].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsYRadius = v3.AsArray[1].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsZI = v0.AsArray[2].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsZJ = v1.AsArray[2].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsZK = v2.AsArray[2].AsFloat;
                fourvert.FourVectorsZRadius = v3.AsArray[2].AsFloat;


            return numfvs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds planes to the physics model as described by the JSON node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phmo"></param>
        /// <param name="n">a node that is a list of plane equations</param>
        /// <returns>The number of plane-equation tag-blocks added</returns>
        private int AddManyPlanes(PhysicsModel phmo, JSONNode n)

            if (n == null)
                Console.WriteLine("could not find \"Planes\" attribute.");
                return 0;

            if (phmo.PolyhedronPlaneEquations == null)
                phmo.PolyhedronPlaneEquations = new List<PhysicsModel.PolyhedronPlaneEquation>();

            foreach (JSONNode p in n.AsArray)
                var p_vals = p.AsArray;
                var plane = new PhysicsModel.PolyhedronPlaneEquation();

                plane.Unknown = p_vals[0].AsFloat; //i
                plane.Unknown2 = p_vals[1].AsFloat; //j
                plane.Unknown3 = p_vals[2].AsFloat; //k
                plane.Unknown4 = p_vals[3].AsFloat; // dist


            return n.AsArray.Count;
        private bool AddPolyhedron(PhysicsModel phmo, JSONNode n)
            if (n == null)
                return false;

            //In the control flow, it could have been possible to have
            // no polyhedra up to this point.
            if (phmo.Polyhedra == null)
                phmo.Polyhedra = new List<PhysicsModel.Polyhedron>();

            int index = phmo.Polyhedra.Count;
            PhysicsModel.Polyhedron poly = new PhysicsModel.Polyhedron();

            float friction, mass, restitution;
            int polyListOffset = phmo.Polyhedra.Count; //the index this polyhedron will be put into.

            bool fault = false;
            foreach (string attr in new string[]{
                "Friction", "Mass", "Center", "Extents", "Restitution" })
                if (n[attr] == null)
                    fault = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("Polyhedra {0} had no \"{1}\" attribute.", polyListOffset, attr);

            if (fault)
                return false;

            friction = n["Friction"].AsFloat;
            mass = n["Mass"].AsFloat;
            restitution = n["Restitution"].AsFloat;

            var center = n["Center"].AsArray;
            var extents = n["Extents"].AsArray;

            int nPlanes = AddManyPlanes(phmo, n["Planes"]);

            int nFVS = AddManyFVS(phmo, n["Vertices"]);

            if (nPlanes <= 0 || nFVS <= 0)
                return false;

            //This portion of the 'Polyhedron'  tagblock becomes severly 
            // mutated at runtime. The AABB center and half-extents
            // are still there however. This field may not be 
            // correctly named however this  number is always used for it.
            poly.Size = 0;

            poly.Count = 128; // uncertain as to what this does.
            poly.Offset = 32 + index * 128;

            //The axis-aligned fields are used to optimise collisions
            // with other physics objects. If they are set incorrectly,
            // other objects will pass through this object. 
            poly.AabbCenterI = center[0].AsFloat;
            poly.AabbCenterJ = center[1].AsFloat;
            poly.AabbCenterK = center[2].AsFloat;

            poly.AabbHalfExtentsI = extents[0].AsFloat;
            poly.AabbHalfExtentsJ = extents[1].AsFloat;
            poly.AabbHalfExtentsK = extents[2].AsFloat;

            //The field 'Radius' is strange. When the byte at 0x18 of
            // the main-struct is assigned a value x > 0, the 'radius'
            // of the Polyhedron is used to repel other physics objects
            // which enter the radius. This might be used to correctly
            // repel penetrating objects. 
            //poly.Radius = __

            poly.Restitution = restitution;
            poly.Friction = friction;
            poly.Mass = mass;
            poly.RelativeMassScale = 1.0f;
            poly.PhantomIndex = 0;
            poly.InteractionUnknown = 0;
            poly.FourVectorsSize = nFVS;
            poly.FourVectorsCapacity = (uint)(0x80000000 + nFVS); //
            poly.PlaneEquationsSize = nPlanes;
            poly.PlaneEquationsCapacity = (uint)(0x80000000 + nPlanes); //
            poly.GlobalMaterialIndex = 0;
            //A possible improvement could be to calculate this
            poly.Volume = 0.1f;


            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the number of shapes in the list for the particular shape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phmo">the serialized phmo from which to get the counts</param>
        /// <param name="type">the shape for which to get the count</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int getNumberOfShapes(PhysicsModel phmo, ShapeTypes type)

            switch (type)

                case ShapeTypes.Box:
                    return phmo.Boxes != null ? phmo.Boxes.Count : 0;
                case ShapeTypes.List:
                    return phmo.Lists != null ? phmo.Lists.Count : 0;
                case ShapeTypes.Mopp:
                    return phmo.Mopps != null ? phmo.Mopps.Count : 0;
                case ShapeTypes.Pill:
                    return phmo.Pills != null ? phmo.Pills.Count : 0;
                case ShapeTypes.Polyhedron:
                    return phmo.Polyhedra != null ? phmo.Polyhedra.Count : 0;
                case ShapeTypes.Sphere:
                    return phmo.Spheres != null ? phmo.Spheres.Count : 0;

                    return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the type of the shape and adds it. Currently, only 'Polyhedron' is supported.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phmo">the tag to add the shape to</param> 
        /// <param name="n">the json node from which to parse the shape description.</param>
        /// <returns>shape type added, 'Unused0' is used to represent failure.</returns>
        private ShapeTypes AddShape(PhysicsModel phmo, JSONNode n)

            if (n == null)
                return ShapeTypes.Unused0;

            //an element of the top-level JSON array is a map
            // containing values for keys: 'Type', 'Data'
            switch (n["Type"])
                case "Polyhedron":
                    return AddPolyhedron(phmo, n["Data"]) ? ShapeTypes.Polyhedron : ShapeTypes.Unused0;
                    return ShapeTypes.Unused0;