Beispiel #1
        //Initialize by making 2 triangles by using three points, so its a flat triangle with a face on each side
        //We could use the ideas from Quickhull to make the start triangle as big as possible
        //Then find a point which is the furthest away as possible from these triangles
        //Add that point and you have a tetrahedron (triangular pyramid)
        public static void BuildFirstTetrahedron(HashSet <Vector3> points, HalfEdgeData3 convexHull)
            //Of all points, find the two points that are furthes away from each other
            Edge3 eFurthestApart = FindEdgeFurthestApart(points);

            //Remove the two points we found

            //Find a point which is the furthest away from this edge
            //TODO: Is this point also on the AABB? So we don't have to search all remaining points...
            Vector3 pointFurthestAway = FindPointFurthestFromEdge(eFurthestApart, points);

            //Remove the point

            //Display the triangle
            //Debug.DrawLine(eFurthestApart.p1.ToVector3(), eFurthestApart.p2.ToVector3(), Color.white, 1f);
            //Debug.DrawLine(eFurthestApart.p1.ToVector3(), pointFurthestAway.ToVector3(),, 1f);
            //Debug.DrawLine(eFurthestApart.p2.ToVector3(), pointFurthestAway.ToVector3(),, 1f);

            //Now we can build two triangles
            //It doesnt matter how we build these triangles as long as they are opposite
            //But the normal matters, so make sure it is calculated so the triangles are ordered clock-wise while the normal is pointing out
            Vector3 p1 = eFurthestApart.p1;
            Vector3 p2 = eFurthestApart.p2;
            Vector3 p3 = pointFurthestAway;

            convexHull.AddTriangle(p1, p2, p3);
            convexHull.AddTriangle(p1, p3, p2);


             * foreach (HalfEdgeFace3 f in convexHull.faces)
             * {
             *  TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DebugDrawTriangle(f, Color.white,;
             * }

            //Find the point which is furthest away from the triangle (this point cant be co-planar)
            List <HalfEdgeFace3> triangles = new List <HalfEdgeFace3>(convexHull.faces);

            //Just pick one of the triangles
            HalfEdgeFace3 triangle = triangles[0];

            //Build a plane
            Plane3 plane = new Plane3(triangle.edge.v.position, triangle.edge.v.normal);

            //Find the point furthest away from the plane
            Vector3 p4 = FindPointFurthestAwayFromPlane(points, plane);

            //Remove the point

            //Debug.DrawLine(p1.ToVector3(), p4.ToVector3(),, 1f);
            //Debug.DrawLine(p2.ToVector3(), p4.ToVector3(),, 1f);
            //Debug.DrawLine(p3.ToVector3(), p4.ToVector3(),, 1f);

            //Now we have to remove one of the triangles == the triangle the point is outside of
            HalfEdgeFace3 triangleToRemove = triangles[0];
            HalfEdgeFace3 triangleToKeep   = triangles[1];

            //This means the point is inside the triangle-plane, so we have to switch
            //We used triangle #0 to generate the plane
            if (_Geometry.GetSignedDistanceFromPointToPlane(p4, plane) < 0f)
                triangleToRemove = triangles[1];
                triangleToKeep   = triangles[0];

            //Delete the triangle

            //Build three new triangles

            //The triangle we keep is ordered clock-wise:
            Vector3 p1_opposite = triangleToKeep.edge.v.position;
            Vector3 p2_opposite = triangleToKeep.edge.nextEdge.v.position;
            Vector3 p3_opposite = triangleToKeep.edge.nextEdge.nextEdge.v.position;

            //But we are looking at it from the back-side,
            //so we add those vertices counter-clock-wise to make the new triangles clock-wise
            convexHull.AddTriangle(p1_opposite, p3_opposite, p4);
            convexHull.AddTriangle(p3_opposite, p2_opposite, p4);
            convexHull.AddTriangle(p2_opposite, p1_opposite, p4);

            //Make sure all opposite edges are connected


            //Display what weve got so far
            //foreach (HalfEdgeFace3 f in convexHull.faces)
            //    TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DebugDrawTriangle(f, Color.white,;

             * //Now we might as well remove all the points that are within the tetrahedron because they are not on the hull
             * //But this is slow if we have many points and none of them are inside
             * HashSet<MyVector3> pointsToRemove = new HashSet<MyVector3>();
             * foreach (MyVector3 p in points)
             * {
             *  bool isWithinConvexHull = _Intersections.PointWithinConvexHull(p, convexHull);
             *  if (isWithinConvexHull)
             *  {
             *      pointsToRemove.Add(p);
             *  }
             * }
             * Debug.Log($"Removed {pointsToRemove.Count} points because they were within the tetrahedron");
             * foreach (MyVector3 p in pointsToRemove)
             * {
             *  points.Remove(p);
             * }
        //Should return null if the mesh couldn't be cut because it doesn't intersect with the plane
        //Otherwise it should return two new meshes
        //meshTrans is needed so we can transform the cut plane to the mesh's local space
        public static List <Mesh> CutMesh(Transform meshTrans, OrientedPlane3 orientedCutPlaneGlobal)
            //Validate the input data
            if (meshTrans == null)
                Debug.Log("There's transform to cut");


            Mesh mesh = meshTrans.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

            if (mesh == null)
                Debug.Log("There's no mesh to cut");


            //The plane with just a normal
            Plane3 cutPlaneGlobal = orientedCutPlaneGlobal.Plane3;

            //First check if the AABB of the mesh is intersecting with the plane
            //Otherwise we can't cut the mesh, so its a waste of time

            //To get the AABB in world space we need to use the mesh renderer
            MeshRenderer mr = meshTrans.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            if (mr != null)
                AABB3 aabb = new AABB3(mr.bounds);

                //The corners of this box
                HashSet <MyVector3> corners = aabb.GetCorners();

                if (corners != null && corners.Count > 1)
                    //The points are in world space so use the plane in world space
                    if (ArePointsOnOneSideOfPlane(new List <MyVector3>(corners), cutPlaneGlobal))
                        Debug.Log("This mesh can't be cut because its AABB doesnt intersect with the plane");


            //The two meshes we might end up with after the cut
            //One is in front of the plane and another is in back of the plane
            HalfEdgeData3 newMeshO = new HalfEdgeData3();
            HalfEdgeData3 newMeshI = new HalfEdgeData3();

            //The data belonging to the original mesh
            Vector3[] vertices  = mesh.vertices;
            int[]     triangles = mesh.triangles;
            Vector3[] normals   = mesh.normals;

            //Save the new edges we add when cutting triangles that intersects with the plane
            //Need to be edges so we can later connect them with each other to fill the hole
            //And to remove small triangles
            HashSet <HalfEdge3> newEdgesO = new HashSet <HalfEdge3>();
            HashSet <HalfEdge3> newEdgesI = new HashSet <HalfEdge3>();

            //Transform the plane from global space to local space of the mesh
            MyVector3 planePosLocal    = meshTrans.InverseTransformPoint(cutPlaneGlobal.pos.ToVector3()).ToMyVector3();
            MyVector3 planeNormalLocal = meshTrans.InverseTransformDirection(cutPlaneGlobal.normal.ToVector3()).ToMyVector3();

            Plane3 cutPlane = new Plane3(planePosLocal, planeNormalLocal);

            //Loop through all triangles in the original mesh
            for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
                //Get the triangle data we need
                int triangleIndex1 = triangles[i + 0];
                int triangleIndex2 = triangles[i + 1];
                int triangleIndex3 = triangles[i + 2];

                Vector3 p1_unity = vertices[triangleIndex1];
                Vector3 p2_unity = vertices[triangleIndex2];
                Vector3 p3_unity = vertices[triangleIndex3];

                MyVector3 p1 = p1_unity.ToMyVector3();
                MyVector3 p2 = p2_unity.ToMyVector3();
                MyVector3 p3 = p3_unity.ToMyVector3();

                MyVector3 n1 = normals[triangleIndex1].ToMyVector3();
                MyVector3 n2 = normals[triangleIndex2].ToMyVector3();
                MyVector3 n3 = normals[triangleIndex3].ToMyVector3();

                //To make it easier to send data to methods
                MyMeshVertex v1 = new MyMeshVertex(p1, n1);
                MyMeshVertex v2 = new MyMeshVertex(p2, n2);
                MyMeshVertex v3 = new MyMeshVertex(p3, n3);

                //First check on which side of the plane these vertices are
                //If they are all on one side we dont have to cut the triangle
                bool is_p1_front = _Geometry.IsPointOutsidePlane(v1.position, cutPlane);
                bool is_p2_front = _Geometry.IsPointOutsidePlane(v2.position, cutPlane);
                bool is_p3_front = _Geometry.IsPointOutsidePlane(v3.position, cutPlane);

                //Build triangles belonging to respective mesh

                //All are outside the plane
                if (is_p1_front && is_p2_front && is_p3_front)
                    AddTriangleToMesh(v1, v2, v3, newMeshO, newEdges: null);
                //All are inside the plane
                else if (!is_p1_front && !is_p2_front && !is_p3_front)
                    AddTriangleToMesh(v1, v2, v3, newMeshI, newEdges: null);
                //The vertices are on different sides of the plane, so we need to cut the triangle into 3 new triangles
                    //We get 6 cases where each vertex is on its own in front or in the back of the plane

                    //p1 is outside
                    if (is_p1_front && !is_p2_front && !is_p3_front)
                        CutTriangleOneOutside(v1, v2, v3, newMeshO, newMeshI, newEdgesI, newEdgesO, cutPlane);
                    //p1 is inside
                    else if (!is_p1_front && is_p2_front && is_p3_front)
                        CutTriangleTwoOutside(v2, v3, v1, newMeshO, newMeshI, newEdgesI, newEdgesO, cutPlane);

                    //p2 is outside
                    else if (!is_p1_front && is_p2_front && !is_p3_front)
                        CutTriangleOneOutside(v2, v3, v1, newMeshO, newMeshI, newEdgesI, newEdgesO, cutPlane);
                    //p2 is inside
                    else if (is_p1_front && !is_p2_front && is_p3_front)
                        CutTriangleTwoOutside(v3, v1, v2, newMeshO, newMeshI, newEdgesI, newEdgesO, cutPlane);

                    //p3 is outside
                    else if (!is_p1_front && !is_p2_front && is_p3_front)
                        CutTriangleOneOutside(v3, v1, v2, newMeshO, newMeshI, newEdgesI, newEdgesO, cutPlane);
                    //p3 is inside
                    else if (is_p1_front && is_p2_front && !is_p3_front)
                        CutTriangleTwoOutside(v1, v2, v3, newMeshO, newMeshI, newEdgesI, newEdgesO, cutPlane);

                    //Something is strange if we end up here...
                        Debug.Log("No case was gound where we split triangle into 3 new triangles");

            //Generate the new meshes only needed the old mesh intersected with the plane
            if (newMeshO.verts.Count == 0 || newMeshI.verts.Count == 0)

            //Find opposite edges to each edge
            //This is a slow process, so should be done only if the mesh is intersecting with the plane

            //Display all edges which have no opposite
            DebugHalfEdge.DisplayEdgesWithNoOpposite(newMeshO.edges, meshTrans, Color.white);
            DebugHalfEdge.DisplayEdgesWithNoOpposite(newMeshI.edges, meshTrans, Color.white);

            //Remove small triangles at the seam where we did the cut because they will cause shading issues if the surface is smooth
            //RemoveSmallTriangles(F_Mesh, newEdges);

            //Split each mesh into separate meshes if the original mesh is not connected, meaning it has islands
            HashSet <HalfEdgeData3> newMeshesO = SeparateMeshIslands(newMeshO);
            HashSet <HalfEdgeData3> newMeshesI = SeparateMeshIslands(newMeshI);

            //Fill the holes in the mesh
            HashSet <Hole> allHoles = FillHoles(newEdgesI, newEdgesO, orientedCutPlaneGlobal, meshTrans, planeNormalLocal);

            //Connect the holes with respective mesh
            AddHolesToMeshes(newMeshesO, newMeshesI, allHoles);

            //Finally generate standardized Unity meshes
            List <Mesh> cuttedUnityMeshes = new List <Mesh>();

            foreach (HalfEdgeData3 meshData in newMeshesO)
                MyMesh myMesh = meshData.ConvertToMyMesh("Outside mesh", MyMesh.MeshStyle.HardAndSoftEdges);

                Mesh unityMesh = myMesh.ConvertToUnityMesh(generateNormals: false);


            foreach (HalfEdgeData3 meshData in newMeshesI)
                MyMesh myMesh = meshData.ConvertToMyMesh("Inside mesh", MyMesh.MeshStyle.HardAndSoftEdges);

                Mesh unityMesh = myMesh.ConvertToUnityMesh(generateNormals: false);

