public static Tuple <int[], int[][]> GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiWise(Universe.Atom[] atoms, Vector[] coords)
                List <Universe.Atom[]> resis = atoms.GroupByResidue();
                var resi_ca_others           = resis.HSplitByNames("CA").HToTuple();

                Universe.Atom[]   cas     = new Universe.Atom[resi_ca_others.Length];
                Universe.Atom[][] otherss = new Universe.Atom[resi_ca_others.Length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < resi_ca_others.Length; i++)
                    var ca_others = resi_ca_others[i];
                    HDebug.Assert(ca_others.Item1.Length == 1);
                    cas    [i] = ca_others.Item1[0];
                    otherss[i] = ca_others.Item2;
                    if (i >= 1)
                        HDebug.Assert(cas[i - 1].ResiduePdbId < cas[i].ResiduePdbId);

                return(new Tuple <int[], int[][]>
Beispiel #2
            public static HessMatrix GetHessElec(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Nonbonded14> nonbonded14s, HessMatrix hessian, double ee)
                int size = coords.Count;

                if (hessian == null)
                    hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3);

                foreach (Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded14 in nonbonded14s)
                    Universe.Atom atom0 = nonbonded14.atoms[0];
                    Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded14.atoms[1];
                    int           idx0  = atom0.ID; if (coords[idx0] == null)
                    int idx1 = atom1.ID; if (coords[idx1] == null)
                    double pch0 = atom0.Charge;
                    double pch1 = atom1.Charge;
                    TermElec(coords, pch0, pch1, ee, hessian, idx0, idx1);
                    TermElec(coords, pch0, pch1, ee, hessian, idx1, idx0);

            public void BuildHess4PwIntrAct(Universe.AtomPack info, Vector[] coords, out Pair <int, int>[] pwidxs, out PwIntrActInfo[] pwhessinfos)
                HDebug.Depreciated("check idx1 and idx2");
                int idx1 = 0; // nonbonded.atoms[0].ID;
                int idx2 = 1; // nonbonded.atoms[1].ID;

                Universe.Atom atom1 = info.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = info.atoms[1];

                Vector diff = (coords[idx2] - coords[idx1]);
                double dx   = diff[0];
                double dy   = diff[1];
                double dz   = diff[2];
                double radi = double.NaN;
                double radj = double.NaN;
                double epsi = double.NaN;
                double epsj = double.NaN;

                if (typeof(Universe.Nonbonded14).IsInstanceOfType(info))
                    radi = atom1.Rmin2_14; radi = (double.IsNaN(radi) == false) ? radi : atom1.Rmin2;
                    radj = atom2.Rmin2_14; radj = (double.IsNaN(radj) == false) ? radj : atom2.Rmin2;
                    epsi = atom1.eps_14; epsi = (double.IsNaN(epsi) == false) ? epsi : atom1.epsilon;
                    epsj = atom2.eps_14; epsj = (double.IsNaN(epsj) == false) ? epsj : atom2.epsilon;
                if (typeof(Universe.Nonbonded).IsInstanceOfType(info))
                    radi = atom1.Rmin2;
                    radj = atom2.Rmin2;
                    epsi = atom1.epsilon;
                    epsj = atom2.epsilon;
                HDebug.Assert(double.IsNaN(radi) == false, double.IsNaN(radj) == false, double.IsNaN(epsi) == false, double.IsNaN(epsj) == false);

                // !V(Lennard-Jones) = Eps,i,j[(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**12 - 2(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**6]
                // !epsilon: kcal/mole, Eps,i,j = sqrt(eps,i * eps,j)
                // !Rmin/2: A, Rmin,i,j = Rmin/2,i + Rmin/2,j
                // V(r) =           epsij * r0^12 * rij^-12  -        2 * epsij * r0^6 * rij^-6
                // F(r) =     -12 * epsij * r0^12 * rij^-13  -     -6*2 * epsij * r0^6 * rij^-7
                // K(r) = -13*-12 * epsij * r0^12 * rij^-14  -  -7*-6*2 * epsij * r0^6 * rij^-8
                double r     = (radi + radj);
                double r6    = Math.Pow(r, 6);
                double r12   = Math.Pow(r, 12);
                double rij2  = (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
                double rij   = Math.Sqrt(rij2);
                double rij7  = Math.Pow(rij2, 3) * rij;
                double rij8  = Math.Pow(rij2, 4);
                double rij13 = Math.Pow(rij2, 6) * rij;
                double rij14 = Math.Pow(rij2, 7);
                double epsij = epsi * epsj;
                double fij   = (-12) * epsij * r12 / rij13 - (-6 * 2) * epsij * r6 / rij7;
                double kij   = (-13 * -12) * epsij * r12 / rij14 - (-7 * -6 * 2) * epsij * r6 / rij8;

                pwidxs         = new Pair <int, int> [1];
                pwidxs[0]      = new Pair <int, int>(0, 1);
                pwhessinfos    = new PwIntrActInfo[1];
                pwhessinfos[0] = new PwIntrActInfo(kij, fij);
Beispiel #4
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Nonbonded nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
                double        pchij = atom1.Charge * atom2.Charge;

                Compute(coords, ref energy, ref forces, ref hessian, pchij, pwfrc, pwspr);
Beispiel #5
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Atom atom1, Universe.Atom atom2, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                HDebug.Depreciated("check idx1 and idx2");
                int idx1 = 0; // nonbonded.atoms[0].ID;
                int idx2 = 1; // nonbonded.atoms[1].ID;

                Vector diff = (coords[idx2] - coords[idx1]);
                double dx   = diff[0];
                double dy   = diff[1];
                double dz   = diff[2];
                double pchi = atom1.Charge;
                double pchj = atom2.Charge;
                double ee   = 80;

                // energy
                double lenergy = EnergyEs(dx, dy, dz, pchi, pchj, ee);

                energy += lenergy;
                // force
                if (forces != null)
                    Vector f12 = ForceEs(dx, dy, dz, pchi, pchj, ee);
                    forces[idx1] += f12;
                    forces[idx2] += -f12;
                // hessian
                if (hessian != null)
                    //string option = "Spring+Force";
                    //Vector diff01 = (coords[1] - coords[0]);
                    //Vector diff10 = (coords[0] - coords[1]);
                    //hessian[0, 1] += SprngEs(diff01, pchi, pchj, ee, option);
                    //hessian[1, 0] += SprngEs(diff10, pchi, pchj, ee, option);
                        // !V(Lennard-Jones) = Eps,i,j[(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**12 - 2(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**6]
                        // !epsilon: kcal/mole, Eps,i,j = sqrt(eps,i * eps,j)
                        // !Rmin/2: A, Rmin,i,j = Rmin/2,i + Rmin/2,j
                        // V(rij) =           (332 * pchij / ee) * rij^-1
                        // F(rij) = (   -1) * (332 * pchij / ee) * rij^-2
                        // K(rij) = (-2*-1) * (332 * pchij / ee) * rij^-3
                        double pchij = pchi * pchj;
                        double rij2  = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
                        double rij   = Math.Sqrt(rij2);
                        double rij3  = rij2 * rij;
                        double fij   = (-1) * (332 * pchij / ee) / rij2;
                        double kij   = (-2 * -1) * (332 * pchij / ee) / rij3;
                        fij *= optHessianForceFactor;
                        //Matrix Hij = ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[0], coords[1], kij, fij);
                        hessian[0, 1] += ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[0], coords[1], kij, fij);
                        hessian[1, 0] += ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[1], coords[0], kij, fij);
Beispiel #6
            public static HessMatrix GetHessVdw(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Nonbonded14> nonbonded14s, double?Epsilon, string opt, HessMatrix hessian)
                int size = coords.Count;

                if (hessian == null)
                    hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3);

                foreach (Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded14 in nonbonded14s)
                    Universe.Atom atom0 = nonbonded14.atoms[0];
                    Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded14.atoms[1];
                    int           idx0  = atom0.ID; if (coords[idx0] == null)
                    int idx1 = atom1.ID; if (coords[idx1] == null)
                    double lEpsilon;
                    if (Epsilon != null)
                        lEpsilon = Epsilon.Value;
                        switch (opt)
                        case "gromacs":
                            var    nbndpar0 = atom0.ConvertGromacsToCharmm;
                            var    nbndpar1 = atom1.ConvertGromacsToCharmm;
                            double eps0_14  = nbndpar0.eps_14; eps0_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps0_14) == false) ? eps0_14 : nbndpar0.eps;
                            double eps1_14  = nbndpar1.eps_14; eps1_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps1_14) == false) ? eps1_14 : nbndpar1.eps;
                            lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0_14 * eps1_14);

                            double eps0_14 = atom0.eps_14; eps0_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps0_14) == false) ? eps0_14 : atom0.epsilon;
                            double eps1_14 = atom1.eps_14; eps1_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps1_14) == false) ? eps1_14 : atom1.epsilon;
                            lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0_14 * eps1_14);
                    FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx0, idx1);
                    FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx1, idx0);

Beispiel #7
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Nonbonded nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
                double        radi  = atom1.Rmin2;
                double        radj  = atom2.Rmin2;
                double        epsi  = atom1.epsilon;
                double        epsj  = atom2.epsilon;

                Compute(nonbonded, coords, ref energy, ref forces, ref hessian, radi, radj, epsi, epsj, pwfrc, pwspr);
Beispiel #8
            // ! Wildcards used to minimize memory requirements
            //      CUTNB 14.0  CTOFNB 12.0  CTONNB 10.0  EPS 1.0  E14FAC 1.0  WMIN 1.5
            // !
            // !V(Lennard-Jones) = Eps,i,j[(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**12 - 2(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**6]
            // !
            // !epsilon: kcal/mole, Eps,i,j = sqrt(eps,i * eps,j)
            // !Rmin/2: A, Rmin,i,j = Rmin/2,i + Rmin/2,j
            // !
            // !atom  ignored    epsilon      Rmin/2   ignored   eps,1-4       Rmin/2,1-4
            // !
            // HT       0.0       -0.0460    0.2245 ! TIP3P
            // HN1      0.0       -0.0460    0.2245
            // CN7      0.0       -0.02      2.275  0.0   -0.01 1.90 !equivalent to protein CT1
            // CN7B     0.0       -0.02      2.275  0.0   -0.01 1.90 !equivalent to protein CT1
            // ...
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
                double        radi  = atom1.Rmin2_14; radi = (double.IsNaN(radi) == false) ? radi : atom1.Rmin2;
                double        radj  = atom2.Rmin2_14; radj = (double.IsNaN(radj) == false) ? radj : atom2.Rmin2;
                double        epsi  = atom1.eps_14; epsi = (double.IsNaN(epsi) == false) ? epsi : atom1.epsilon;
                double        epsj  = atom2.eps_14; epsj = (double.IsNaN(epsj) == false) ? epsj : atom2.epsilon;

                Compute(nonbonded, coords, ref energy, ref forces, ref hessian, radi, radj, epsi, epsj, pwfrc, pwspr);
Beispiel #9
        public static bool GetPwEnrgFrcSprNbnd(bool vdW, bool elec
                                               , Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded14
                                               , IList <Vector> coords
                                               , double D // = 80 // dielectric constant
                                               , out double Eij
                                               , out double Fij
                                               , out double Kij
            Eij = Fij = Kij = double.NaN;

            Universe.Atom atom0 = nonbonded14.atoms[0];
            Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded14.atoms[1];
            int           id0   = atom0.ID; if (coords[id0] == null)
            int id1 = atom1.ID; if (coords[id1] == null)

            Vector coord0 = coords[id0];
            Vector coord1 = coords[id1];

            double ri0 = atom0.Rmin2_14; if (double.IsNaN(ri0))
                ri0 = atom0.Rmin2;
            double rj0 = atom1.Rmin2_14; if (double.IsNaN(rj0))
                rj0 = atom1.Rmin2;
            double qi = atom0.Charge;
            double qj = atom1.Charge;
            double ei = atom0.eps_14; if (double.IsNaN(ei))
                ei = atom0.epsilon;
            double ej = atom1.eps_14; if (double.IsNaN(ej))

                ej = atom1.epsilon;

            GetPwEnrgFrcSprNbnd(vdW, elec
                                , coord0, ri0, qi, ei
                                , coord1, rj0, qj, ej
                                , D
                                , out Eij, out Fij, out Kij
Beispiel #10
            public static PPotential Elec(Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded, Vector[] coords, double ee)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0]; Vector coord1 = coords[atom1.ID];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1]; Vector coord2 = coords[atom2.ID];

                //double ee = 1; // 80

                double pch1 = atom1.Charge;
                double pch2 = atom2.Charge;

                return(Elec(coord1, coord2, pch1, pch2, ee));
Beispiel #11
            public static HessMatrix GetHessVdw(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.AtomPack> pairs, double?Epsilon, string opt, HessMatrix hessian)
                int size = coords.Count;

                if (hessian == null)
                    hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3);

                foreach (Universe.AtomPack pair in pairs)
                    Universe.Atom atom0 = pair.atoms.First();
                    Universe.Atom atom1 = pair.atoms.Last();
                    int           idx0  = atom0.ID; if (coords[idx0] == null)
                    int idx1 = atom1.ID; if (coords[idx1] == null)
                    double lEpsilon;
                    if (Epsilon != null)
                        lEpsilon = Epsilon.Value;
                        switch (opt)
                        case "gromacs":
                            double eps0 = atom0.ConvertGromacsToCharmm.eps;
                            double eps1 = atom1.ConvertGromacsToCharmm.eps;
                            lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0 * eps1);

                            double eps0 = atom0.epsilon;
                            double eps1 = atom1.epsilon;
                            lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0 * eps1);
                    FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx0, idx1);
                    FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx1, idx0);

Beispiel #12
            // Lennard-Jones
            public static PPotential LJ(Universe.Nonbonded nonbonded, Vector[] coords)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0]; Vector coord1 = coords[atom1.ID];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1]; Vector coord2 = coords[atom2.ID];

                double rad1 = atom1.Rmin2;
                double rad2 = atom2.Rmin2;
                double eps1 = atom1.epsilon;
                double eps2 = atom2.epsilon;

                return(LJ(coord1, coord2, rad1, rad2, eps1, eps2));
Beispiel #13
            public static PPotential LJ(Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded, Vector[] coords)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0]; Vector coord1 = coords[atom1.ID];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1]; Vector coord2 = coords[atom2.ID];

                double rad1 = atom1.Rmin2_14; rad1 = (double.IsNaN(rad1) == false) ? rad1 : atom1.Rmin2;
                double rad2 = atom2.Rmin2_14; rad2 = (double.IsNaN(rad2) == false) ? rad2 : atom2.Rmin2;
                double eps1 = atom1.eps_14; eps1 = (double.IsNaN(eps1) == false) ? eps1 : atom1.epsilon;
                double eps2 = atom2.eps_14; eps2 = (double.IsNaN(eps2) == false) ? eps2 : atom2.epsilon;

                return(LJ(coord1, coord2, rad1, rad2, eps1, eps2));
Beispiel #14
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
                double        pchij = atom1.Charge * atom2.Charge;

                if (double.IsNaN(pchij))
                Compute(coords, ref energy, ref forces, ref hessian, pchij, pwfrc, pwspr);
Beispiel #15
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Nonbonded nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
                double        radij = (atom1.Rmin2 + atom2.Rmin2);

                if (divideRadijByTwo)
                    radij = radij / 2;
                double epsij = Math.Sqrt(atom1.epsilon * atom2.epsilon);

                Compute(coords, ref energy, ref forces, ref hessian, radij, epsij, pwfrc, pwspr);
Beispiel #16
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.AtomPack nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian
                                        , double radi, double radj, double epsi, double epsj, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];

                Vector pos0 = coords[0];
                Vector pos1 = coords[1];

                double rmin  = (radi + radj);
                double epsij = Math.Sqrt(epsi * epsj);

                double lenergy, forceij, springij;

                Compute(coords, out lenergy, out forceij, out springij, epsij, rmin);
                double abs_forceij = Math.Abs(forceij);

                if (pwfrc != null)
                    pwfrc[0, 1] = pwfrc[1, 0] = forceij;
                if (pwspr != null)
                    pwspr[0, 1] = pwspr[1, 0] = springij;

                // energy
                energy += lenergy;
                // force
                if (forces != null)
                    Vector frc0, frc1;
                    GetForceVector(pos0, pos1, forceij, out frc0, out frc1);
                    forces[0] += frc0;
                    forces[1] += frc1;
                // hessian
                if (hessian != null)
                    hessian[0, 1] += GetHessianBlock(coords[0], coords[1], springij, forceij);
                    hessian[1, 0] += GetHessianBlock(coords[1], coords[0], springij, forceij);
Beispiel #17
            public void BuildHess4PwIntrAct(Universe.AtomPack info, Vector[] coords, out Pair <int, int>[] pwidxs, out PwIntrActInfo[] pwhessinfos)
                Universe.Nonbonded nonbonded = (Universe.Nonbonded)info;

                HDebug.Depreciated("check idx1 and idx2");
                int idx1 = 0; // nonbonded.atoms[0].ID;
                int idx2 = 1; // nonbonded.atoms[1].ID;

                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
                double        pchij = atom1.Charge * atom2.Charge;

                if (double.IsNaN(pchij))
                    pwidxs      = null;
                    pwhessinfos = null;

                Vector diff = (coords[idx2] - coords[idx1]);
                double dx   = diff[0];
                double dy   = diff[1];
                double dz   = diff[2];
                double pchi = atom1.Charge;
                double pchj = atom2.Charge;
                double ee   = 80;

                // !V(Lennard-Jones) = Eps,i,j[(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**12 - 2(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**6]
                // !epsilon: kcal/mole, Eps,i,j = sqrt(eps,i * eps,j)
                // !Rmin/2: A, Rmin,i,j = Rmin/2,i + Rmin/2,j
                // V(rij) =           (332 * pchij / ee) * rij^-1
                // F(rij) = (   -1) * (332 * pchij / ee) * rij^-2
                // K(rij) = (-2*-1) * (332 * pchij / ee) * rij^-3
//                double pchij = pchi * pchj;
                double rij2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
                double rij  = Math.Sqrt(rij2);
                double rij3 = rij2 * rij;
                double fij  = (-1) * (332 * pchij / ee) / rij2;
                double kij  = (-2 * -1) * (332 * pchij / ee) / rij3;

                pwidxs         = new Pair <int, int> [1];
                pwidxs[0]      = new Pair <int, int>(0, 1);
                pwhessinfos    = new PwIntrActInfo[1];
                pwhessinfos[0] = new PwIntrActInfo(kij, fij);
Beispiel #18
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Atom atom1, Universe.Atom atom2, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Vector pos0 = coords[0];
                Vector pos1 = coords[1];
                double pchi = atom1.Charge;
                double pchj = atom2.Charge;
                double ee   = 80;

                double pchij = pchi * pchj;

                double lenergy, forceij, springij;

                Compute(coords, out lenergy, out forceij, out springij, pchij, ee);
                double abs_forceij = Math.Abs(forceij);

                if (pwfrc != null)
                    pwfrc[0, 1] = pwfrc[1, 0] = forceij;
                if (pwspr != null)
                    pwspr[0, 1] = pwspr[1, 0] = springij;
                // energy
                energy += lenergy;
                // force
                if (forces != null)
                    Vector frc0, frc1;
                    GetForceVector(pos0, pos1, forceij, out frc0, out frc1);
                    forces[0] += frc0;
                    forces[1] += frc1;
                // hessian
                if (hessian != null)
                    hessian[0, 1] += ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[0], coords[1], springij, forceij);
                    hessian[1, 0] += ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[1], coords[0], springij, forceij);
Beispiel #19
        public void SaveCoordsToPdb(string path, Pdb pdb, Vector[] coords)
            Pdb.Atom[]            pdbatoms   = pdb.atoms;
            Vector[]              pdbcoords  = new Vector[pdbatoms.Length];
            Dictionary <int, int> serial2idx = pdbatoms.ToDictionaryAsSerialToIndex();

            for (int ia = 0; ia < size; ia++)
                Universe.Atom   uatom  = atoms[ia];
                List <Pdb.Atom> patoms = uatom.sources.HSelectByType((Pdb.Atom)null).ToList();
                if (patoms.Count >= 1)
                    HDebug.Assert(patoms.Count == 1);
                    int serial = patoms[0].serial;
                    int idx    = serial2idx[serial];
                    HDebug.Assert(pdbatoms[idx].serial == serial);
                    HDebug.Assert(pdbcoords[idx] == null);
                    pdbcoords[idx] = coords[ia].Clone();

            for (int i = 0; i < pdbcoords.Length; i++)
                if (pdbcoords[i] == null)
                    pdbcoords[i] = new double[3] {
                        double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN

            pdb.ToFile(path, pdbcoords);
Beispiel #20
            public virtual void Compute(Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
                double        radi  = atom1.Rmin2_14; radi = (double.IsNaN(radi) == false) ? radi : atom1.Rmin2;
                double        radj  = atom2.Rmin2_14; radj = (double.IsNaN(radj) == false) ? radj : atom2.Rmin2;
                double        epsi  = atom1.eps_14;   epsi = (double.IsNaN(epsi) == false) ? epsi : atom1.epsilon;
                double        epsj  = atom2.eps_14;   epsj = (double.IsNaN(epsj) == false) ? epsj : atom2.epsilon;
                double        radij = (radi + radj);

                if (divideRadijByTwo)
                    radij = radij / 2;
                double epsij = Math.Sqrt(epsi * epsj);

                if (double.IsNaN(radij) || double.IsNaN(epsij))
                Compute(coords, ref energy, ref forces, ref hessian, radij, epsij, pwfrc, pwspr);
Beispiel #21
        public static HessMatrix GetHessHydroBond(Universe univ, IList <Vector> coords, bool ignNegSpr, double?constSpr, double thres_energy)
            int size = coords.Count;

            double[,] hbond_kij = new double[size, size];
            foreach (var hbond in univ.EnumHydroBondIrback09(coords))
                Universe.Atom Ni           = hbond.Ni;
                Universe.Atom Hi           = hbond.Hi;
                Universe.Atom Oj           = hbond.Oj;
                Universe.Atom Cj           = hbond.Cj;
                double        hbond_energy =;
                double        hbond_spring = hbond.spring; // spring between Hi..Oj

                if (Math.Abs(hbond_energy) < thres_energy)
                if (ignNegSpr && (hbond_spring < 0))
                if (constSpr != null)
                    hbond_spring = constSpr.Value;

                int i = Hi.ID;
                int j = Oj.ID;
                hbond_kij[i, j] = hbond_spring;
                hbond_kij[j, i] = hbond_spring;
            HessMatrix hess_hbond = GetHessAnm(coords, hbond_kij);

            public virtual void Compute(Universe.AtomPack nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian
                                        , double radi, double radj, double epsi, double epsj, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
                HDebug.Depreciated("check idx1 and idx2");
                int idx1 = 0; // nonbonded.atoms[0].ID;
                int idx2 = 1; // nonbonded.atoms[1].ID;

                Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
                Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];

                Vector diff = (coords[idx2] - coords[idx1]);
                double dx   = diff[0];
                double dy   = diff[1];
                double dz   = diff[2];

                //double radi = atom1.Rmin2;
                //double radj = atom2.Rmin2;
                //double epsi = atom1.epsilon;
                //double epsj = atom2.epsilon;

                // energy
                energy += EnergyVdw(dx, dy, dz, radi, radj, epsi, epsj);
                // force
                if (forces != null)
                    Vector f12 = ForceVdw(dx, dy, dz, radi, radj, epsi, epsj);
                    forces[idx1] += f12;
                    forces[idx2] += -f12;
                // hessian
                if (hessian != null)
                    //string option = "Spring+Force";
                    //Vector diff01 = (coords[1] - coords[0]);
                    //Vector diff10 = (coords[0] - coords[1]);
                    //hessian[0, 1] += SprngVdw(diff01, radi, radj, epsi, epsj, option);
                    //hessian[1, 0] += SprngVdw(diff10, radi, radj, epsi, epsj, option);
                        // !V(Lennard-Jones) = Eps,i,j[(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**12 - 2(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**6]
                        // !epsilon: kcal/mole, Eps,i,j = sqrt(eps,i * eps,j)
                        // !Rmin/2: A, Rmin,i,j = Rmin/2,i + Rmin/2,j
                        // V(r) =           epsij * r0^12 * rij^-12  -        2 * epsij * r0^6 * rij^-6
                        // F(r) =     -12 * epsij * r0^12 * rij^-13  -     -6*2 * epsij * r0^6 * rij^-7
                        // K(r) = -13*-12 * epsij * r0^12 * rij^-14  -  -7*-6*2 * epsij * r0^6 * rij^-8
                        double r     = (radi + radj);
                        double r6    = Math.Pow(r, 6);
                        double r12   = Math.Pow(r, 12);
                        double rij2  = (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
                        double rij   = Math.Sqrt(rij2);
                        double rij7  = Math.Pow(rij2, 3) * rij;
                        double rij8  = Math.Pow(rij2, 4);
                        double rij13 = Math.Pow(rij2, 6) * rij;
                        double rij14 = Math.Pow(rij2, 7);
                        double epsij = epsi * epsj;
                        double fij   = (-12) * epsij * r12 / rij13 - (-6 * 2) * epsij * r6 / rij7;
                        double kij   = (-13 * -12) * epsij * r12 / rij14 - (-7 * -6 * 2) * epsij * r6 / rij8;
                        fij *= optHessianForceFactor;
                        //Matrix Hij = ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[0], coords[1], kij, fij);
                        hessian[0, 1] += ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[0], coords[1], kij, fij);
                        hessian[1, 0] += ForceField.GetHessianBlock(coords[1], coords[0], kij, fij);
Beispiel #23
            static Tuple <string, string, double, double, double, int> UnivAtomToTinkKey(Universe.Atom uatom)
                Pdb.Atom           pdbatom = uatom.sources.HFirstByType(null as Pdb.Atom); HDebug.Assert(pdbatom != null);
                Namd.Psf.Atom      psfatom = uatom.sources.HFirstByType(null as Namd.Psf.Atom); HDebug.Assert(psfatom != null);
                Namd.Prm.Nonbonded prmnbnd = uatom.sources.HFirstByType(null as Namd.Prm.Nonbonded); HDebug.Assert(prmnbnd != null);
                string             name    = psfatom.AtomName.Trim();
                string             resn    = psfatom.ResidueName.Trim();
                string             type    = psfatom.AtomType.Trim();
                double             rmin2   = prmnbnd.Rmin2;
                double             eps     = prmnbnd.epsilon;
                double             chrg    = psfatom.Charge;
                int valnc = uatom.Bonds.Count;

                var key = new Tuple <string, string, double, double, double, int>(name + "-" + resn, type, rmin2, eps, chrg, valnc);

Beispiel #24
 public virtual void Compute(Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded, Vector[] coords, ref double energy, ref Vector[] forces, ref MatrixByArr[,] hessian, double[,] pwfrc = null, double[,] pwspr = null)
     Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded.atoms[0];
     Universe.Atom atom2 = nonbonded.atoms[1];
     Compute(atom1, atom2, coords, ref energy, ref forces, ref hessian, pwfrc, pwspr);