An A* node embeds the status of a processed node, containing information like the cost it's taken to reach it (Cost So far, G), the expected cost to reach the goal (The heuristic, H), the parent where this node came from (which will serve later to reconstruct best paths) the current Status of the node (Open, Closed, Unexplored, see CellStatus documentation for more information) and the F-score that serves to compare which nodes are the best
        private void FindPathAstar(int start)
            var heuristic = getHeuristic(start);
            PathCost = Constants.NO_COST;
            var startNode = new AStarNode(start, 0, heuristic, CellStatus.Open);

            openList.Enqueue(start, startNode.F);
            openListLookup[start] = startNode;

            while (openList.Count != 0)
                var nodeId = openList.Dequeue();
                var node = openListLookup[nodeId].Value;

                //var pos = ((HTiling) map).Graph.GetNodeInfo(nodeId).Position;
                if (node.Status == CellStatus.Closed)

                openListLookup[nodeId] = new AStarNode(node.Parent, node.G, node.H, CellStatus.Closed);

                if (isGoal(nodeId))

                var successors = map.GetNeighbours(nodeId, Constants.NO_NODE);
                foreach (var successor in successors)
                    var newg = node.G + successor.Cost;
                    var successorTarget = successor.Target;
                    var targetAStarNode = openListLookup[successorTarget];
                    if (targetAStarNode.HasValue)
                        if (targetAStarNode.Value.Status == CellStatus.Closed || newg >= targetAStarNode.Value.G)

                        targetAStarNode = new AStarNode(nodeId, newg, targetAStarNode.Value.H, CellStatus.Open);
                        openListLookup[successorTarget] = targetAStarNode;
                        openList.UpdatePriority(successorTarget, targetAStarNode.Value.F);
                        var newHeuristic = getHeuristic(successorTarget);
                        var newAStarNode = new AStarNode(nodeId, newg, newHeuristic, CellStatus.Open);
                        openList.Enqueue(successorTarget, newAStarNode.F);
                        openListLookup[successorTarget] = newAStarNode;
Beispiel #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Performs an A* search following the Node Array A* implementation
		/// </summary>
		public Path FindPath(IMap map, int start, int target)
			this.isGoal = nodeId => nodeId == target;
			this.calculateHeuristic = nodeId => map.GetHeuristic(nodeId, target); = map;

			var heuristic = calculateHeuristic(start);

            var startNode = new AStarNode(start, 0, heuristic, CellStatus.Open);
			var openQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue<int>();
			openQueue.Enqueue(start, startNode.F);

			// The open list lookup is indexed by the number of nodes in the graph/map,
			// and it is useful to check quickly the status of any node that has been processed
			var nodeLookup = new AStarNode?[map.NrNodes];
			nodeLookup[start] = startNode;

            while (openQueue.Count != 0)
                var nodeId = openQueue.Dequeue();
                var node = nodeLookup[nodeId].Value;
                if (isGoal(nodeId))
                    return ReconstructPath(nodeId, nodeLookup);

                ProcessNeighbours(nodeId, node, nodeLookup, openQueue);

				// Close the node. I hope some day the will implement something
				// like the records in F# with the "with" keyword
				nodeLookup[nodeId] = new AStarNode(node.Parent, node.G, node.H, CellStatus.Closed);

			// No path found. We could return a null, but since I read the book "Code Complete" I decided
			// its best to return an empty path, and I'll return a -1 as PathCost
			// TODO: Additionally, all those magic numbers like this -1 should be converted to explicit,
			// clearer constants
	        return new Path(new List<int>(), -1);
Beispiel #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Reconstructs the path from the destination node with the aid
		/// of the node Lookup that stored the states of all processed nodes
		/// TODO: Maybe I should guard this with some kind of safetyGuard to prevent
		/// possible infinite loops in case of bugs, but meh...
		/// </summary>
		private Path ReconstructPath(int destination, AStarNode?[] nodeLookup)
			var pathNodes = new List<int>();
			var pathCost = nodeLookup[destination].Value.F;
			var currnode = destination;
			while (nodeLookup[currnode].Value.Parent != currnode)
				currnode = nodeLookup[currnode].Value.Parent;


			return new Path(pathNodes, pathCost);
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Processes every open or unexplored successor of nodeId
		/// </summary>
		private void ProcessNeighbours(int nodeId, AStarNode node, AStarNode?[] nodeLookup, SimplePriorityQueue<int> openQueue)
			var successors = map.GetNeighbours(nodeId);
			foreach (var successor in successors)
				var newg = node.G + successor.Cost;
				var successorTarget = successor.Target;
				var targetAStarNode = nodeLookup[successorTarget];
				if (targetAStarNode.HasValue)
					// If we already processed the neighbour in the past or we already found in the past
					// a better path to reach this node that the current one, just skip it, else create
					// and replace a new PathNode
					if (targetAStarNode.Value.Status == CellStatus.Closed || newg >= targetAStarNode.Value.G)

					targetAStarNode = new AStarNode(nodeId, newg, targetAStarNode.Value.H, CellStatus.Open);
					nodeLookup[successorTarget] = targetAStarNode;
					openQueue.UpdatePriority(successorTarget, targetAStarNode.Value.F);
					var newHeuristic = calculateHeuristic(successorTarget);
					var newAStarNode = new AStarNode(nodeId, newg, newHeuristic, CellStatus.Open);
					openQueue.Enqueue(successorTarget, newAStarNode.F);
					nodeLookup[successorTarget] = newAStarNode;
Beispiel #5
 public void SetNodeValue(Id <TNode> nodeId, AStarNode <TNode> value)
     _astarNodes[nodeId.IdValue] = value;