/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SessionDispatcher"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public SessionDispatcher()
            TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Initializing dispatcher...");

            EventPublisher = new SessionDispatcherEventPublisher();

            _backupFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "proxies.dat");

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += OnDispatcherProcessExit;

            int maxEntries = 1;

            if (GlobalSettings.IsDistributedSystem)
                    string count = GlobalSettings.Items["MaxSessionsPerDispatcher"];
                    if (int.TryParse(count, out maxEntries))
                        TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Max proxy instances set to {0}".FormatWith(maxEntries));
                catch (SettingNotFoundException ex)

            _proxyControllers = new SessionProxyControllerSet(maxEntries);

            // Load any existing data in case the dispatcher service died.
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the session data from a local cache
        /// </summary>
        public void SessionDataLoad()
            TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Loading proxy references and subscribers");

            // If there is a proxy entries cache file, load it and process it.
            if (File.Exists(_backupFile))
                TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Cache file exists, loading");
                var proxies = LegacySerializer.DeserializeDataContract <SessionProxyControllerSet>(File.ReadAllText(_backupFile));

                // If the number of entries is greater than the max, then we need to adjust
                // the max to account for all entries.
                if (proxies.Count > _proxyControllers.Maximum)
                    _proxyControllers = new SessionProxyControllerSet(proxies.Count);

                // Create a new entry in the proxie entries and then tell the proxy
                // entry to refresh all subscribers.
                foreach (var proxy in proxies.Values)
                        TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Endpoint reloaded for {0}".FormatWith(proxy.SessionId));
                    catch (EndpointNotFoundException ex)
                        TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Endpoint skipped for {0}:{1}".FormatWith(proxy.SessionId, ex.Message));

                    TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("deleted {0}".FormatWith(_backupFile));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TraceFactory.Logger.Error("Error deleting saved proxies file", ex);
                TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Nothing to load...");