/// <summary>
      /// Aggregate Data and return UnitInfo List
      /// </summary>
      public DataAggregatorResult AggregateData(FahLog fahLog, QueueData queueData, UnitInfoLogData unitInfo)
         if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
            foreach (var s in fahLog.Where(x => x.LineType == LogLineType.Error))
               Logger.DebugFormat(Constants.ClientNameFormat, ClientName, String.Format("Failed to parse log line: {0}", s));

         var currentClientRun = GetCurrentClientRun(fahLog);
         if (currentClientRun == null)
            return null;

         var result = new DataAggregatorResult();
         result.StartTime = currentClientRun.Data.StartTime;
         result.Arguments = currentClientRun.Data.Arguments;
         result.ClientVersion = currentClientRun.Data.ClientVersion;
         result.UserID = currentClientRun.Data.UserID;
         result.MachineID = currentClientRun.Data.MachineID;
         result.Status = currentClientRun.SlotRuns[0].Data.Status;

         // Decision Time: If Queue Read fails parse from logs only
         if (queueData != null)
            GenerateUnitInfoDataFromQueue(result, queueData, fahLog, unitInfo);
            result.Queue = BuildClientQueue(queueData);
            result.CurrentUnitIndex = result.Queue.CurrentIndex;
            Logger.WarnFormat(Constants.ClientNameFormat, ClientName,
               "Queue unavailable or failed read.  Parsing logs without queue.");

            GenerateUnitInfoDataFromLogs(result, fahLog, unitInfo);
            // default Unit Index if only parsing logs
            result.CurrentUnitIndex = 1;

         if (result.UnitInfos == null || result.UnitInfos[result.CurrentUnitIndex] == null || result.UnitInfos[result.CurrentUnitIndex].LogLines == null)
            result.CurrentLogLines = currentClientRun.ToList();
            result.CurrentLogLines = result.UnitInfos[result.CurrentUnitIndex].LogLines;

         return result;
Beispiel #2
      /// <summary>
      /// Reads the content from a unitinfo.txt file.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="path">Path to the log file.</param>
      /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">if path is null or empty.</exception>
      /// <exception cref="System.FormatException">if log data fails parsing.</exception>
      public static UnitInfoLogData Read(string path)
         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
            throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'path' cannot be a null or empty string.");

         string[] logLines = File.ReadAllLines(path);

         var data = new UnitInfoLogData();

         string line = null;
            foreach (string s in logLines)
               line = s;

               /* Name (Only Read Here) */
               if (line.StartsWith("Name: "))
                  data.ProteinName = line.Substring(6);
               /* Tag (Could be read here or through the queue.dat) */
               else if (line.StartsWith("Tag: "))
                  data.ProteinTag = line.Substring(5);

                  Match projectNumberFromTagMatch;
                  if ((projectNumberFromTagMatch = UnitInfoLogRegex.RegexProjectNumberFromTag.Match(data.ProteinTag)).Success)
                     data.ProjectID = Int32.Parse(projectNumberFromTagMatch.Groups["ProjectNumber"].Value);
                     data.ProjectRun = Int32.Parse(projectNumberFromTagMatch.Groups["Run"].Value);
                     data.ProjectClone = Int32.Parse(projectNumberFromTagMatch.Groups["Clone"].Value);
                     data.ProjectGen = Int32.Parse(projectNumberFromTagMatch.Groups["Gen"].Value);
               /* DownloadTime (Could be read here or through the queue.dat) */
               else if (line.StartsWith("Download time: "))
                  data.DownloadTime = DateTime.ParseExact(line.Substring(15), "MMMM d H:mm:ss",
               /* DueTime (Could be read here or through the queue.dat) */
               else if (line.StartsWith("Due time: "))
                  data.DueTime = DateTime.ParseExact(line.Substring(10), "MMMM d H:mm:ss",
               /* Progress (Supplemental Read - if progress percentage cannot be determined through FAHlog.txt) */
               else if (line.StartsWith("Progress: "))
                  data.Progress = Int32.Parse(line.Substring(10, line.IndexOf("%") - 10));
         catch (Exception ex)
            throw new FormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Failed to parse line '{0}'", line), ex);

         return data;
        private UnitInfo[] GenerateUnitInfoDataFromQueue(QueueData q)
            Debug.Assert(q != null);

             var parsedUnits = new UnitInfo[10];
             _unitLogLines = new IList<LogLine>[10];

             for (int queueIndex = 0; queueIndex < parsedUnits.Length; queueIndex++)
            // Get the Log Lines for this queue position from the reader
            _unitLogLines[queueIndex] = _logInterpreterLegacy.GetLogLinesForQueueIndex(queueIndex);
            // Get the FAH Log Data from the Log Lines
            FahLogUnitData fahLogUnitData = LogReader.GetFahLogDataFromLogLines(_unitLogLines[queueIndex]);
            UnitInfoLogData unitInfoLogData = null;
            // On the Current Queue Index
            if (queueIndex == q.CurrentIndex)
               // Get the UnitInfo Log Data
               unitInfoLogData = GetUnitInfoLogData();

            parsedUnits[queueIndex] = BuildUnitInfo(q.GetQueueEntry((uint)queueIndex), fahLogUnitData, unitInfoLogData);
            if (parsedUnits[queueIndex] == null)
               if (queueIndex == q.CurrentIndex)
                  string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                     "Could not verify log section for current queue entry {0}. Trying to parse with most recent log section.", queueIndex);
                  _logger.Warn(Constants.ClientNameFormat, ClientName, message);

                  _unitLogLines[queueIndex] = _logInterpreterLegacy.CurrentWorkUnitLogLines;
                  // If got no Work Unit Log Lines based on Current Work Unit Log Lines
                  // then take the entire Current Client Run Log Lines - likely the run
                  // was short and never contained any Work Unit Data.
                  if (_unitLogLines[queueIndex] == null)
                     _unitLogLines[queueIndex] = _logInterpreterLegacy.CurrentClientRunLogLines;
                  fahLogUnitData = LogReader.GetFahLogDataFromLogLines(_unitLogLines[queueIndex]);

                  if (_currentClientRun.Status.Equals(SlotStatus.GettingWorkPacket))
                     // Use either the current Work Unit log lines or current Client Run log lines
                     // as decided upon above... don't clear it here and show the user nothing - 10/9/10
                     //_unitLogLines[queueIndex] = null;
                     fahLogUnitData = new FahLogUnitData();
                     unitInfoLogData = new UnitInfoLogData();
                  parsedUnits[queueIndex] = BuildUnitInfo(q.GetQueueEntry((uint)queueIndex), fahLogUnitData, unitInfoLogData, true);
                  // Just skip this unit and continue
                  string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                     "Could not find or verify log section for queue entry {0} (this is not a problem).", queueIndex);
                  _logger.Debug(Constants.ClientNameFormat, ClientName, message);

             return parsedUnits;
        private UnitInfo BuildUnitInfo(QueueEntry queueEntry, FahLogUnitData fahLogUnitData, UnitInfoLogData unitInfoLogData, bool matchOverride)
            // queueEntry can be null
             Debug.Assert(fahLogUnitData != null);
             // unitInfoLogData can be null

             var unit = new UnitInfo();
             unit.UnitStartTimeStamp = fahLogUnitData.UnitStartTimeStamp;
             unit.FramesObserved = fahLogUnitData.FramesObserved;
             unit.CoreVersion = fahLogUnitData.CoreVersion;
             unit.UnitResult = fahLogUnitData.UnitResult;

             if (queueEntry != null)
            PopulateUnitInfoFromQueueEntry(queueEntry, unit);
            SearchFahLogUnitDataProjects(unit, fahLogUnitData);
            PopulateUnitInfoFromLogs(CurrentClientRun, fahLogUnitData, unitInfoLogData, unit);

            if (ProjectsMatch(unit, fahLogUnitData) ||
                ProjectsMatch(unit, unitInfoLogData) ||
               // continue parsing the frame data
               ParseFrameData(fahLogUnitData.FrameDataList, unit);
               return null;
            PopulateUnitInfoFromLogs(CurrentClientRun, fahLogUnitData, unitInfoLogData, unit);
            ParseFrameData(fahLogUnitData.FrameDataList, unit);

             return unit;
 private UnitInfo BuildUnitInfo(QueueEntry queueEntry, FahLogUnitData fahLogUnitData, UnitInfoLogData unitInfoLogData)
     return BuildUnitInfo(queueEntry, fahLogUnitData, unitInfoLogData, false);
        private static void PopulateUnitInfoFromLogs(ClientRun currentClientRun, FahLogUnitData fahLogUnitData, 
            UnitInfoLogData unitInfoLogData, UnitInfo unit)
            Debug.Assert(currentClientRun != null);
             Debug.Assert(fahLogUnitData != null);
             // unitInfoLogData can be null
             Debug.Assert(unit != null);

             /* Project (R/C/G) (Could have already been read through Queue) */
             if (unit.ProjectIsUnknown())
            unit.ProjectID = fahLogUnitData.ProjectID;
            unit.ProjectRun = fahLogUnitData.ProjectRun;
            unit.ProjectClone = fahLogUnitData.ProjectClone;
            unit.ProjectGen = fahLogUnitData.ProjectGen;

             if (fahLogUnitData.Threads > 1)
            unit.SlotType = SlotType.CPU;

             if (unitInfoLogData != null)
            unit.ProteinName = unitInfoLogData.ProteinName;

            /* Tag (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unit.ProteinTag.Length == 0)
               unit.ProteinTag = unitInfoLogData.ProteinTag;

            /* DownloadTime (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unit.DownloadTime.IsUnknown())
               unit.DownloadTime = unitInfoLogData.DownloadTime;

            /* DueTime (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unit.DueTime.IsUnknown())
               unit.DueTime = unitInfoLogData.DueTime;

            /* FinishedTime (Not available in unitinfo log) */

            /* Project (R/C/G) (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unit.ProjectIsUnknown())
               unit.ProjectID = unitInfoLogData.ProjectID;
               unit.ProjectRun = unitInfoLogData.ProjectRun;
               unit.ProjectClone = unitInfoLogData.ProjectClone;
               unit.ProjectGen = unitInfoLogData.ProjectGen;

             /* FoldingID and Team from Last Client Run (Could have already been read through Queue) */
             if (unit.FoldingID.Equals(Constants.DefaultFoldingID) &&
            unit.FoldingID = currentClientRun.FoldingID;
             if (unit.Team == Constants.DefaultTeam)
            unit.Team = currentClientRun.Team;

             // Possibly check the currentClientRun from the log file.
             // The queue will have the ID and Team that was set when the work unit was received.
             //if (unit.FoldingID.Equals(Default.FoldingID) ||
             //   !unit.FoldingID.Equals(currentClientRun.FoldingID))
             //   unit.FoldingID = currentClientRun.FoldingID;
             //if (unit.Team == Default.Team ||
             //    unit.Team != currentClientRun.Team)
             //   unit.Team = currentClientRun.Team;
      private static void UpdateUnitInfoFromLogData(UnitInfo unitInfo, ClientRunData clientRunData, UnitRunData unitRunData, UnitInfoLogData unitInfoLogData)
         Debug.Assert(unitInfo != null);
         Debug.Assert(clientRunData != null);
         Debug.Assert(unitRunData != null);
         // unitInfoLogData can be null

         /* Project (R/C/G) (Could have already been read through Queue) */
         if (unitInfo.ProjectIsUnknown())
            unitInfo.ProjectID = unitRunData.ProjectID;
            unitInfo.ProjectRun = unitRunData.ProjectRun;
            unitInfo.ProjectClone = unitRunData.ProjectClone;
            unitInfo.ProjectGen = unitRunData.ProjectGen;

         if (unitRunData.Threads > 1)
            unitInfo.SlotType = SlotType.CPU;

         if (unitInfoLogData != null)
            unitInfo.ProteinName = unitInfoLogData.ProteinName;

            /* Tag (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unitInfo.ProteinTag.Length == 0)
               unitInfo.ProteinTag = unitInfoLogData.ProteinTag;

            /* DownloadTime (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unitInfo.DownloadTime.IsUnknown())
               unitInfo.DownloadTime = unitInfoLogData.DownloadTime;

            /* DueTime (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unitInfo.DueTime.IsUnknown())
               unitInfo.DueTime = unitInfoLogData.DueTime;

            /* FinishedTime (Not available in unitinfo log) */

            /* Project (R/C/G) (Could have already been read through Queue) */
            if (unitInfo.ProjectIsUnknown())
               unitInfo.ProjectID = unitInfoLogData.ProjectID;
               unitInfo.ProjectRun = unitInfoLogData.ProjectRun;
               unitInfo.ProjectClone = unitInfoLogData.ProjectClone;
               unitInfo.ProjectGen = unitInfoLogData.ProjectGen;

         /* FoldingID and Team from last ClientRun (Could have already been read through Queue) */
         if (unitInfo.FoldingID == Constants.DefaultFoldingID && unitInfo.Team == Constants.DefaultTeam)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientRunData.FoldingID))
               unitInfo.FoldingID = clientRunData.FoldingID;
               unitInfo.Team = clientRunData.Team;

         // The queue will have the FoldingID and Team that was set in the client when the work unit was assigned.
         // If the user subsequently changed their FoldingID and Team before this unit was completed the
         // FoldingID and Team read from the queue will NOT reflect that change.
         //if (unitInfo.FoldingID != clientRunData.FoldingID || unitInfo.Team != clientRunData.Team)
         //   if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientRunData.FoldingID))
         //   {
         //      unitInfo.FoldingID = clientRunData.FoldingID;
         //      unitInfo.Team = clientRunData.Team;
         //   }
      private static UnitInfo BuildUnitInfo(QueueEntry queueEntry, ClientRun clientRun, UnitRun unitRun, UnitInfoLogData unitInfoLogData, bool matchOverride = false)
         // queueEntry can be null
         Debug.Assert(clientRun != null);
         // unitInfoLogData can be null

         var unit = new UnitInfo();

         UnitRunData unitRunData;
         if (unitRun == null)
            if (matchOverride)
               unitRunData = new UnitRunData();
               return null;
            unit.LogLines = unitRun.ToList();
            unitRunData = unitRun.Data;
         unit.UnitStartTimeStamp = unitRunData.UnitStartTimeStamp ?? TimeSpan.MinValue;
         unit.FramesObserved = unitRunData.FramesObserved;
         unit.CoreVersion = unitRunData.CoreVersion;
         unit.UnitResult = unitRunData.WorkUnitResult;

         if (queueEntry != null)
            UpdateUnitInfoFromQueueData(unit, queueEntry);
            SearchFahLogUnitDataProjects(unit, unitRunData);
            UpdateUnitInfoFromLogData(unit, clientRun.Data, unitRunData, unitInfoLogData);

            if (!ProjectsMatch(unit, unitRunData) && !ProjectsMatch(unit, unitInfoLogData) && !matchOverride)
               return null;
            UpdateUnitInfoFromLogData(unit, clientRun.Data, unitRunData, unitInfoLogData);

         return unit;
      private void GenerateUnitInfoDataFromQueue(DataAggregatorResult result, QueueData q, FahLog fahLog, UnitInfoLogData unitInfo)
         Debug.Assert(q != null);

         result.UnitInfos = new Dictionary<int, UnitInfo>(10);
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            result.UnitInfos[i] = null;

         var clientRun = GetCurrentClientRun(fahLog);
         for (int queueIndex = 0; queueIndex < result.UnitInfos.Count; queueIndex++)
            var unitRun = GetUnitRunForQueueIndex(fahLog, queueIndex);

            UnitInfoLogData unitInfoLogData = null;
            // On the Current Queue Index
            if (queueIndex == q.CurrentIndex)
               // Get the UnitInfo Log Data
               unitInfoLogData = unitInfo;

            var queueEntry = q.GetQueueEntry((uint)queueIndex);
            result.UnitInfos[queueIndex] = BuildUnitInfo(queueEntry, clientRun, unitRun, unitInfoLogData);
            if (result.UnitInfos[queueIndex] == null)
               if (queueIndex == q.CurrentIndex)
                  string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                     "Could not verify log section for current queue index {0} {1}.", queueIndex, queueEntry.ToProjectInfo());
                  Logger.WarnFormat(Constants.ClientNameFormat, ClientName, message);

                  unitRun = GetCurrentUnitRun(fahLog);

                  var slotRun = GetCurrentSlotRun(fahLog);
                  if (slotRun != null && slotRun.Data.Status == SlotStatus.GettingWorkPacket)
                     unitRun = null;
                     unitInfoLogData = new UnitInfoLogData();
                  result.UnitInfos[queueIndex] = BuildUnitInfo(queueEntry, clientRun, unitRun, unitInfoLogData, true);
               else if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                  // Write debug info and skip this unit
                  var projectInfo = queueEntry.ToProjectInfo();
                  if (!projectInfo.ProjectIsUnknown())
                     string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                        "Could not find log section for queue index {0} {1}.", queueIndex, queueEntry.ToProjectInfo());
                     Logger.DebugFormat(Constants.ClientNameFormat, ClientName, message);
      private void GenerateUnitInfoDataFromLogs(DataAggregatorResult result, FahLog fahLog, UnitInfoLogData unitInfo)
         result.UnitInfos = new Dictionary<int, UnitInfo>(2);
         for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            result.UnitInfos[i] = null;

         var currentClientRun = GetCurrentClientRun(fahLog);
         var previousUnitRun = GetPreviousUnitRun(fahLog);
         if (previousUnitRun != null)
            result.UnitInfos[0] = BuildUnitInfo(null, currentClientRun, previousUnitRun, null);

         var currentUnitRun = GetCurrentUnitRun(fahLog);
         result.UnitInfos[1] = BuildUnitInfo(null, currentClientRun, currentUnitRun, unitInfo, currentUnitRun == null);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the content from the unitinfo.txt file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logFilePath">Path to the log file.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Throws if logFilePath is null or empty.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">Throws if file specified by logFilePath cannot be read.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.FormatException">Throws if log data fails parsing.</exception>
        public static UnitInfoLogData GetUnitInfoLogData(string logFilePath)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(logFilePath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'logFilePath' cannot be a null or empty string.");

            string[] logLines;
                logLines = File.ReadAllLines(logFilePath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IOException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Failed to read file '{0}'", logFilePath), ex);

            var data = new UnitInfoLogData();

            string line = null;

                foreach (string s in logLines)
                    line = s;

                    /* Name (Only Read Here) */
                    if (line.StartsWith("Name: "))
                        data.ProteinName = line.Substring(6);
                    /* Tag (Could be read here or through the queue.dat) */
                    else if (line.StartsWith("Tag: "))
                        data.ProteinTag = line.Substring(5);

                        Match mProjectNumberFromTag;
                        if ((mProjectNumberFromTag = RegexProjectNumberFromTag.Match(data.ProteinTag)).Success)
                            data.ProjectID    = Int32.Parse(mProjectNumberFromTag.Result("${ProjectNumber}"));
                            data.ProjectRun   = Int32.Parse(mProjectNumberFromTag.Result("${Run}"));
                            data.ProjectClone = Int32.Parse(mProjectNumberFromTag.Result("${Clone}"));
                            data.ProjectGen   = Int32.Parse(mProjectNumberFromTag.Result("${Gen}"));
                    /* DownloadTime (Could be read here or through the queue.dat) */
                    else if (line.StartsWith("Download time: "))
                        data.DownloadTime = DateTime.ParseExact(line.Substring(15), "MMMM d H:mm:ss",
                    /* DueTime (Could be read here or through the queue.dat) */
                    else if (line.StartsWith("Due time: "))
                        data.DueTime = DateTime.ParseExact(line.Substring(10), "MMMM d H:mm:ss",
                    /* Progress (Supplemental Read - if progress percentage cannot be determined through FAHlog.txt) */
                    else if (line.StartsWith("Progress: "))
                        data.Progress = Int32.Parse(line.Substring(10, line.IndexOf("%") - 10));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new FormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Failed to parse line '{0}'", line), ex);
