Beispiel #1
        private WordPair createNewGreenEdges(Word uWord, Word kWord, BidirectionalGraph <Word, Edge <Word> > graph)
            List <SPath> paths = new List <SPath>();

            foreach (var item in graph.OutEdges(uWord))
                SLink linkCU = new SLink(item.Target, uWord);
                linkCU.Exists = graph.ContainsEdge(uWord, item.Target);

                SLink linkCK = new SLink(item.Target, kWord);
                linkCK.Exists = graph.ContainsEdge(item.Target, kWord);

                SPath path = new SPath(linkCU, linkCK);

                Cache1.Add(item.Target.ID, true);

            foreach (var item in graph.InEdges(kWord))
                if (Cache1.ContainsKey(item.Source.ID))
                SLink linkCK = new SLink(item.Source, kWord);
                linkCK.Exists = graph.ContainsEdge(item.Source, kWord);

                SLink linkCU = new SLink(item.Source, uWord);
                linkCU.Exists = graph.ContainsEdge(uWord, item.Source);

                SPath path = new SPath(linkCU, linkCK);

            //calculate probability

            float pUK    = 0;
            float pKU    = 0;
            float probUK = 0;
            float probKU = 0;

            foreach (var item in paths)
                if (!item.LinkCU.Exists || !item.LinkCK.Exists) //containing non-existance link
                float PrCU = 0.0f;
                float PrKC = 0.0f;
                float PrCK = 0.0f;
                float PrUC = 0.0f;
                foreach (var downEdgeCU in graph.OutEdges(item.LinkCU.WordNonPivot))                 //Loop through down-path from nonpivot1 to pivot
                    PrCU += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(downEdgeCU.Target, downEdgeCU.Source)]; //P(C|U) = P(C&U)/P(U)
                foreach (var downEdgeCK in graph.OutEdges(item.LinkCK.WordPivot))                    //Loop through down-path from pivot to nonpivot2
                    PrKC += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(downEdgeCK.Source, downEdgeCK.Target)]; //P(K|C) = P(K&C)/P(C)
                foreach (var upEdgeCK in graph.InEdges(item.LinkCK.WordNonPivot))                    //Loop through up-path from nonpivot2 to pivot
                    PrCK += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(upEdgeCK.Source, upEdgeCK.Target)];     //P(C|K) = P(C&K)/P(K)
                foreach (var upEdgeCU in graph.InEdges(item.LinkCU.WordPivot))                       //Loop through up-path from pivot to nonpivot1
                    PrUC += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(upEdgeCU.Target, upEdgeCU.Source)];     //P(U|C) = P(U&C)/P(C)

                PrCU = 1.0f / PrCU;
                PrKC = 1.0f / PrKC;
                PrCK = 1.0f / PrCK;
                PrUC = 1.0f / PrUC;
                pUK += PrUC * PrCK;
                pKU += PrKC * PrCU;
            probUK = pUK * pKU;

            WordPair pair = new WordPair(uWord, kWord);

            pair.Paths = paths;
            pair.Prob  = (float)probUK;

            //set link weights
            foreach (var item in pair.Paths)
                if (!item.LinkCU.Exists)
                    float value = 0;
                    if (LinkWeightCache.TryGetValue(item.LinkCU, out value))
                        if (pair.Prob > value)
                            item.LinkCU.Pr = LinkWeightCache[item.LinkCU] = pair.Prob;
                            item.LinkCU.Pr = value;
                        item.LinkCU.Pr = pair.Prob;
                        LinkWeightCache.Add(item.LinkCU, pair.Prob);

                if (!item.LinkCK.Exists)
                    float value = 0;
                    if (LinkWeightCache.TryGetValue(item.LinkCK, out value))
                        if (pair.Prob > value)
                            LinkWeightCache[item.LinkCK] = item.LinkCK.Pr = pair.Prob;
                            item.LinkCK.Pr = value;
                        item.LinkCK.Pr = pair.Prob;
                        LinkWeightCache.Add(item.LinkCK, pair.Prob);
Beispiel #2
        private WordPair createNewEdges(Word uWord, Word kWord, BidirectionalGraph <Word, Edge <Word> > semiCompleteGraph, BidirectionalGraph <Word, Edge <Word> > completeGraph)//, int uCount, int kCount)
            List <SPath> paths = new List <SPath>();
            WordPair     pair  = new WordPair(uWord, kWord);

            pair.Polysemy = 0f;
            foreach (var item in semiCompleteGraph.OutEdges(uWord)) // Using the updated graph with new edges
                int inDegreePivot  = (int)semiCompleteGraph.InDegree(item.Target);
                int outDegreePivot = (int)semiCompleteGraph.OutDegree(item.Target);
                int totalSenseEdge = (Math.Max(inDegreePivot, outDegreePivot) - 1) * (inDegreePivot + outDegreePivot);
                pair.Polysemy += totalSenseEdge;
                //Word pivot_sense = item.Target;
                //for (int sense = 1; sense <= totalSense; sense++)
                //pivot_sense.Value = pivot_sense.Value + "_sense" + sense;

                SLink linkCU = new SLink(item.Target, uWord);
                linkCU.Exists = true;// semiCompleteGraph.ContainsEdge(uWord, pivot_sense);

                SLink linkCK = new SLink(item.Target, kWord);
                linkCK.Exists = semiCompleteGraph.ContainsEdge(item.Target, kWord);

                SPath path = new SPath(linkCU, linkCK);

                Cache1.Add(item.Target.ID, true);

            foreach (var item in semiCompleteGraph.InEdges(kWord)) // Using the updated graph with new edges
                if (Cache1.ContainsKey(item.Source.ID))
                int inDegreePivot  = (int)semiCompleteGraph.InDegree(item.Source);
                int outDegreePivot = (int)semiCompleteGraph.OutDegree(item.Source);
                int totalSenseEdge = (Math.Max(inDegreePivot, outDegreePivot) - 1) * (inDegreePivot + outDegreePivot);
                pair.Polysemy += totalSenseEdge;

                SLink linkCK = new SLink(item.Source, kWord);
                linkCK.Exists = true;// semiCompleteGraph.ContainsEdge(item.Source, kWord);

                SLink linkCU = new SLink(item.Source, uWord);
                linkCU.Exists = semiCompleteGraph.ContainsEdge(uWord, item.Source);

                SPath path = new SPath(linkCU, linkCK);

            //calculate probability

            //float couverage = Math.Min(uCount, kCount) / (float)Math.Max(uCount, kCount);
            float pUK    = 0;
            float pKU    = 0;
            float probUK = 0;
            float probKU = 0;

            //bool hasPolysemy = false;
            foreach (var item in paths)
                //if (!item.LinkCU.Exists || !item.LinkCK.Exists) //containning non-existance link
                if (!item.LinkCU.Exists)
                    if (languageOption == 2)
                        completeGraph.AddEdge(new Edge <Word>(item.LinkCU.WordNonPivot, item.LinkCU.WordPivot));
                if (!item.LinkCK.Exists)
                    if (languageOption == 2)
                        completeGraph.AddEdge(new Edge <Word>(item.LinkCK.WordPivot, item.LinkCK.WordNonPivot));
                //if ((float)graph.InDegree(item.LinkCU.WordPivot) > 1 || (float)graph.OutDegree(item.LinkCK.WordPivot) > 1)
                //    hasPolysemy = true;
                if (currentCycle == 1)
                    float PrCU = 1.0f / (float)semiCompleteGraph.OutDegree(item.LinkCU.WordNonPivot); //P(C|U) = P(C&U)/P(U)
                    float PrKC = 1.0f / (float)semiCompleteGraph.OutDegree(item.LinkCK.WordPivot);    //P(K|C) = P(K&C)/P(C)
                    float PrCK = 1.0f / (float)semiCompleteGraph.InDegree(item.LinkCK.WordNonPivot);  //P(C|K) = P(C&K)/P(K)
                    float PrUC = 1.0f / (float)semiCompleteGraph.InDegree(item.LinkCU.WordPivot);     //P(U|C) = P(U&C)/P(C)

                    pKU += PrCU * PrKC;
                    pUK += PrCK * PrUC;
                    float PrCU = 0.0f;
                    float PrKC = 0.0f;
                    float PrCK = 0.0f;
                    float PrUC = 0.0f;
                    foreach (var downEdgeCU in semiCompleteGraph.OutEdges(item.LinkCU.WordNonPivot))     //Loop through down-path from nonpivot1 to pivot
                        PrCU += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(downEdgeCU.Target, downEdgeCU.Source)]; //P(C|U) = P(C&U)/P(U)
                    foreach (var downEdgeCK in semiCompleteGraph.OutEdges(item.LinkCK.WordPivot))        //Loop through down-path from pivot to nonpivot2
                        PrKC += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(downEdgeCK.Source, downEdgeCK.Target)]; //P(K|C) = P(K&C)/P(C)
                    foreach (var upEdgeCK in semiCompleteGraph.InEdges(item.LinkCK.WordNonPivot))        //Loop through up-path from nonpivot2 to pivot
                        PrCK += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(upEdgeCK.Target, upEdgeCK.Source)];     //P(C|K) = P(C&K)/P(K)
                    foreach (var upEdgeCU in semiCompleteGraph.InEdges(item.LinkCU.WordPivot))           //Loop through up-path from pivot to nonpivot1
                        PrUC += 1.0f / LinkWeightCache[new SLink(upEdgeCU.Source, upEdgeCU.Target)];     //P(U|C) = P(U&C)/P(C)

                    PrCU = 1.0f / PrCU;
                    PrKC = 1.0f / PrKC;
                    PrCK = 1.0f / PrCK;
                    PrUC = 1.0f / PrUC;
                    pUK += PrUC * PrCK;
                    pKU += PrKC * PrCU;
            probUK = pUK * pKU;

            //WordPair pair = new WordPair(uWord, kWord);
            //pair.HasMissingEdge = hasPolysemy;
            pair.Paths     = paths;
            pair.Prob      = (float)probUK;
            pair.Polysemy *= (1 - pair.Prob);

            //set link weights
            foreach (var item in pair.Paths)
                //float polysemyCost = 1 / ((float)graph.InDegree(item.LinkCU.WordPivot) * (float)graph.OutDegree(item.LinkCK.WordPivot));
                if (item.LinkCU.Exists)
                    item.LinkCU.Pr = 1f; //polysemyCost;
                    if (!LinkWeightCache.ContainsKey(item.LinkCU))
                        LinkWeightCache.Add(item.LinkCU, item.LinkCU.Pr);
                    //pair.HasMissingCUEdge = true;
                    float value = 0;
                    if (LinkWeightCache.TryGetValue(item.LinkCU, out value))
                        if (pair.Prob > value)
                            item.LinkCU.Pr = LinkWeightCache[item.LinkCU] = pair.Prob; //polysemyCost *
                            item.LinkCU.Pr = value;
                        item.LinkCU.Pr = pair.Prob; //polysemyCost *
                        LinkWeightCache.Add(item.LinkCU, pair.Prob);

                if (item.LinkCK.Exists)  //false)//
                    item.LinkCK.Pr = 1f; //polysemyCost
                    if (!LinkWeightCache.ContainsKey(item.LinkCK))
                        LinkWeightCache.Add(item.LinkCK, item.LinkCK.Pr);
                    float value = 0;
                    if (LinkWeightCache.TryGetValue(item.LinkCK, out value))
                        if (pair.Prob > value)
                            LinkWeightCache[item.LinkCK] = item.LinkCK.Pr = pair.Prob; //polysemyCost *
                            item.LinkCK.Pr = value;
                        item.LinkCK.Pr = pair.Prob; //polysemyCost *
                        LinkWeightCache.Add(item.LinkCK, pair.Prob);