public virtual void Start()
            // Check to see if process is already busy
            if (Running)
                throw new Exception("Process is already running.");


            // Get the tool executable
            string executablePath = Executable;
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(executablePath))
                executablePath = GetExecutablePath(Executable);
                if (executablePath == null)
                    executablePath = Executable;

            // Create the process
            CurrentProcess = CreateProcess();
            CurrentProcess.StartInfo.FileName = executablePath;
            CurrentProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = WorkingDirectory;

            string args = "";
            foreach (string arg in Arguments)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args))
                    args += " ";
                args += arg;
            CurrentProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = args;

            CurrentProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            if (RedirectOutput)
                CurrentProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                CurrentProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

                listener = new ProcessHelper.ProcessListener(CurrentProcess);
                listener.StdOutNewLineReady += delegate(string line) { if (line != null) { ProcessLine(line); } };
                listener.StdErrNewLineReady += delegate(string line) { if (line != null) { ProcessErrorLine(line); } };
            if (RedirectInput)
                CurrentProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;

            // Start the process

            if (RedirectOutput)
                // Start the listener
        public virtual void Dispose()
            // Dispose of the listener
            if (listener != null)
                listener = null;

            // Dispose of the process
            if (CurrentProcess != null)
                CurrentProcess = null;