Beispiel #1
   * @desc Executes when the "Accept" button is clicked
   * It checks the use rname and password and loads in the profile
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 private void button_accept_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create password md5 hash format
     string md5Hash = Utils.CreateMD5Hash(txt_password.Text.Trim());
     // Launch the query
     List<Hashtable> lhResultset = conn.lhSqlQuery("Select * from users where login='******' and password = '******' and active = 1");
     // If the user with the given credentials was not found
     if ((int)lhResultset.Count != 1)
         MessageBox.Show("The username or password are wrong, please use the correct credentials and try it again");
     // If it was found
         // Create a user object with the retrieved user id
         User userLogged = new User(int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["id_user"].ToString()));
         // Load in the outlook bar
         // Display bar options based on profile
         // Pass the user to the main form
         this.frmMain.UserLogged = userLogged;
         // Close this form
Beispiel #2
   * @desc This method refreshes the room list
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vLoadRoomList()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query for retrieving all rooms
     string query = "SELECT id_room RID, name Name, size Size, description Description FROM rooms ORDER BY id_room";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_rooms.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_rooms.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_rooms.ReadOnly = true;
   * @desc This method refreshes the equipment booking list
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vLoadBookedList()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query
     string query = "SELECT eb.id_eq_booking BookingNr, eb.id_equipment EqID, Equipment, eb.borrowedamount Amount, eb.id_member MemberID, CONCAT(m.lastName, ', ', m.firstName) MemberName, eb.id_staff StaffID, CONCAT(s.lastName, ', ', s.firstName) SaffName, eb.id_class_instance ClassID, eb.date_start, eb.date_due FROM equipment e, equipment_bookings eb LEFT OUTER JOIN staff s ON eb.id_staff = s.id_staff LEFT OUTER JOIN members m ON eb.id_member = m.id_member WHERE e.id_equipment = eb.id_equipment AND ((eb.isreturned IS NULL) OR (eb.isreturned = 0)) ORDER BY";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_eqbookings.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_eqbookings.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_eqbookings.ReadOnly = true;
   * @desc This method refreshes the class instance list
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vLoadDgClassList()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query
     string query = "SELECT ci.id_class_instance CID, Name, c.type Type, c.description Description, s.firstName Instructor, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d/%m/%Y') Date, ci.start_time Start, ci.end_time End FROM classes c, class_instance ci, staff s WHERE ci.id_class = c.id_class AND ci.id_staff = s.id_staff ORDER BY, ci.start_time";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_classes.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_classes.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_classes.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #5
   * @desc This method refreshes the class list
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vLoadClassList()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query
     string query = "SELECT id_class CID, name Name, type Type, description Description FROM classes ORDER BY id_class";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_classes.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_classes.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_classes.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #6
   * @desc This method refreshes the staff list
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vLoadStaffList()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query for retrieving all staff
     string query = "SELECT id_staff MID, firstName as 'First Name', lastName 'Last Name', DATE_FORMAT(birthdate,\"%d/%m/%Y\") DOB, email 'EMail' FROM staff s, users u WHERE u.id_user = s.id_user ORDER BY id_staff";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_staff.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_staff.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_staff.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #7
         * @desc Constructor
         * Loads in all fields from a single row of the ROOMS table.
         * @params [int] id_room identifies the room uniquely.
         * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        public Room(int id_room)
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Launch the query to return all fields from a single row of the ROOMS table
            List<Hashtable> lhResultset = conn.lhSqlQuery("Select * from rooms WHERE id_room = '" + id_room + "'");

            // Check if we found the room
            if ((int)lhResultset.Count > 0)
                // Fill in all room fields with table data
                this.Id_room = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["id_room"].ToString());
                this.Size = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["size"].ToString());
                this.Description = lhResultset[0]["description"].ToString();
                this.Name = lhResultset[0]["name"].ToString();
   * @desc Executes when the "Search" button is clicked
   * It creates a new list of class instances based on search criteria given by the user
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 private void button_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create start of query
     string query = "SELECT ci.id_class_instance CID, Name, c.type Type, c.description Description, s.firstName Instructor, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d/%m/%Y') Date, ci.start_time Start, ci.end_time End FROM classes c, class_instance ci, staff s WHERE ci.id_class = c.id_class AND ci.id_staff = s.id_staff ";
     // Check user input and create query for search
     if (txt_classname.Text != "")
         query += " AND LIKE '%" + txt_classname.Text + "%'";
     query += " ORDER BY, ci.start_time";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_classes.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_classes.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_classes.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #9
         * @desc Constructor.
         * Loads in various info from tables CLASSES, CLASS_INSTANCE and STAFF for this class instance.
         * Loads in all atendants for this class instance.
         * @params [int]  id_class_instance identifies the class instance uniquely.
         * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        public ClassInstance(int id_class_instance)
            // Create mysql connection.
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Launch the query to return all all fields from a single class instance row of the CLASS_INSTANCE table.
            List<Hashtable> lhResultSet = conn.lhSqlQuery("SELECT ci.id_class_instance,, c.type, c.description, s.firstName, s.id_staff, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d/%m/%Y') date, ci.start_time, ci.end_time, ci.id_room, c.id_class, ci.frequency FROM classes c, class_instance ci, staff s WHERE ci.id_class = c.id_class AND ci.id_staff = s.id_staff AND ci.id_class_instance = '" + id_class_instance + "'");

            // Check if we found the row
            if ((int)lhResultSet.Count > 0)
                // Fill in all class instance fields with table data
                this.Id_class_instance = int.Parse(lhResultSet[0]["id_class_instance"].ToString());
                this.Id_staff = int.Parse(lhResultSet[0]["id_staff"].ToString());
                this.ClRoom = new Room(int.Parse(lhResultSet[0]["id_room"].ToString()));
                this.ClClass = new Class(int.Parse(lhResultSet[0]["id_class"].ToString()));
                this.DateStart = lhResultSet[0]["date"].ToString();
                this.EndTime = lhResultSet[0]["end_time"].ToString();
                this.StartTime = lhResultSet[0]["start_time"].ToString();
                this.Frequency = lhResultSet[0]["frequency"].ToString();

                // Create a list for storing member objects
                // Load in all records for the same class instance from CLASS_BOOKINGS table (each contains a different member ID)
                List<Hashtable> lhResultSetBookings = conn.lhSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM `gym`.`class_bookings` WHERE id_class_instance = '" + id_class_instance + "'");
                // If there is any class booking (any member enrolled) exist with the class instance id
                if ((int)lhResultSetBookings.Count > 0)
                    // Create a list of attending members
                    foreach (Hashtable hClassBooking in lhResultSetBookings)
                        // Retrieve the member number from the current class booking
                        int id_member = int.Parse(hClassBooking["id_member"].ToString());
                        // Create a corresponding member object with all the particular member info loaded into it
                        Member clMember = new Member(id_member);
                        // If a member with this id_member actually exist, then add the member object to the list
                        if(clMember.Id_member != -1)
Beispiel #10
          * @desc Executes when the Search button is clicked
          * It creates a new list of rooms based on search criteria given by the user
          * @params [none] No input parameter.
          * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        private void button_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Create source for grid
            BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
            // Create start of query
            string query = "SELECT id_room RID, name Name, size Size, description Description FROM rooms WHERE 1 = 1";
            // Check user input and create query for search
            if (txt_roomname.Text != "")
                query += " AND name LIKE '%" + txt_roomname.Text + "%'";

            query += "  ORDER BY id_room";
            // Launch query and load result into source
            itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
            // Assign source to grid
            dg_rooms.DataSource = itemsSource;
            dg_rooms.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
            dg_rooms.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #11
   * @desc This method refreshes the payment list
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vloadDgPayments()
     string query = "";
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query for retrieving all payments
     if (this.Id_member == -1)
         query = "SELECT m.id_member MID, m.member_number NO, CONCAT(m.lastName,', ', m.firstName) Name, p.amount Amount, p.details Details, DATE_FORMAT(,'%d-%m-%Y') 'Date dd-mm-yyyy', CONCAT(s.lastName,', ', s.firstName) 'Received By', p.receiptnumber 'Receipt Number', p.paymentmethod Method FROM members m, payments p, staff s WHERE m.id_member = p.id_member AND s.id_staff = p.receivedby ORDER BY m.id_member";
     // Create query for retrieving payments for a specific member only
         query = "SELECT m.id_member MID, m.member_number NO, CONCAT(m.lastName,', ', m.firstName) Name, p.amount Amount, p.details Details, DATE_FORMAT(,'%d-%m-%Y') 'Date dd-mm-yyyy', CONCAT(s.lastName,', ', s.firstName) 'Received By', p.receiptnumber 'Receipt Number', p.paymentmethod Method FROM members m, payments p, staff s WHERE m.id_member = p.id_member AND m.id_member = " + this.Id_member + "  AND s.id_staff = p.receivedby ORDER BY m.id_member";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_payments.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_payments.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_payments.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #12
         * @desc Constructor
         * Loads in all fields from a single row of the USERS table.
         * @params [int] id_user identifies the user uniquely.
         * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        public User(int id_user)
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Create query
            string query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id_user = '******'";
            // Launch the query to return all fields from a single row of the USERS table
            List<Hashtable> lhResultset = conn.lhSqlQuery(query);

            // Check the user was found
            if ((int)lhResultset.Count > 0)
                // Fill in all user fields with table data
                this.Id_user = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["id_user"].ToString());
                this.IsActive = true;
                this.Login = lhResultset[0]["login"].ToString();
                this.Password = lhResultset[0]["password"].ToString();
                this.Profile = lhResultset[0]["profile"].ToString();
                MessageBox.Show("The User could not be found!");
        private bool saveClick()
            // create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();

            // Copy form field contents into class instance object fields
            string sDate = Utils.sGetMysqlDate(txt_startdate.Text);
            DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)cmb_classes.SelectedItem;
            string id_class = de.Key.ToString();

            de = (DictionaryEntry)cmb_instructors.SelectedItem;
            string id_staff = de.Key.ToString();

            de = (DictionaryEntry)cmb_rooms.SelectedItem;
            string id_room = de.Key.ToString();

            // Check user inputs and formats
            if(sDate == "0000-00-00")
                MessageBox.Show("Check the date format!");
                return false;
            }else if(Utils.bValidateTime(txt_starttime.Text) == false || Utils.bValidateTime(txt_starttime.Text) == false)
                MessageBox.Show("Check the time format!");
                return false;
            else if (cmb_classes.Text == "" || cmb_instructors.Text == "" || cmb_rooms.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Missing information to arrange your class. Please check input data.");
                return false;

            // Check if the user was found
            if (this.clClassInstance.bCheckOverlap(sDate, id_room, id_staff, txt_starttime.Text, txt_endtime.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("The class is overlapping with another class, please specify another date, room or instructor.");
                this.clClassInstance.Id_staff = int.Parse(id_staff);
                this.clClassInstance.ClRoom = new Room(int.Parse(id_room));
                this.clClassInstance.ClClass = new Class(int.Parse(id_class));
                this.clClassInstance.DateStart = sDate;
                this.clClassInstance.EndTime = txt_endtime.Text;
                this.clClassInstance.Frequency = cmb_repeats.Text;
                this.clClassInstance.StartTime = txt_starttime.Text;
                if (this.clClassInstance.SaveClassInstance())
                    return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #14
          * @desc It sets up the form for displaying details of a set
          * @params [none] No input parameter.
          * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        private void rd_set_Checked()
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();

            // Loading Available Items
            string query = "SELECT id_equipment, name FROM equipment WHERE type = 'item' ORDER BY id_equipment";
            ArrayList myItems1 = conn.alGetComboFromDB(query, "id_equipment", "name");
            ArrayList myItems2 = conn.alGetComboFromDB(query, "id_equipment", "name");
            ArrayList myItems3 = conn.alGetComboFromDB(query, "id_equipment", "name");
            ArrayList myItems4 = conn.alGetComboFromDB(query, "id_equipment", "name");
            ArrayList myItems5 = conn.alGetComboFromDB(query, "id_equipment", "name");

            // Create an option for "none" in each combobox's first position
            DictionaryEntry dent = (DictionaryEntry)myItems1[0];
            dent.Key = "0";
            dent.Value = "none";
            myItems1.Insert(0, dent);
            myItems2.Insert(0, dent);
            myItems3.Insert(0, dent);
            myItems4.Insert(0, dent);
            myItems5.Insert(0, dent);

            // Assign sources and displaymembers to all comboboxes
            cmb_item1.DisplayMember = "Value";
            cmb_item1.DataSource = myItems1;
            cmb_item2.DisplayMember = "Value";
            cmb_item2.DataSource = myItems2;
            cmb_item3.DisplayMember = "Value";
            cmb_item3.DataSource = myItems3;
            cmb_item4.DisplayMember = "Value";
            cmb_item4.DataSource = myItems4;
            cmb_item5.DisplayMember = "Value";
            cmb_item5.DataSource = myItems5;

            // Find the position of the item in the source and set this to be the selected index
            // in each combobox
            int j = 0;
            foreach (object o in myItems1)

                dent = (DictionaryEntry)myItems1[j];
                if (int.Parse(dent.Key.ToString()) == clEquipment.ItemInSet1)
                    cmb_item1.SelectedIndex = j;
            j = 0;
            foreach (object o in myItems1)

                dent = (DictionaryEntry)myItems1[j];
                if (int.Parse(dent.Key.ToString()) == clEquipment.ItemInSet2)
                    cmb_item2.SelectedIndex = j;
            j = 0;
            foreach (object o in myItems1)

                dent = (DictionaryEntry)myItems1[j];
                if (int.Parse(dent.Key.ToString()) == clEquipment.ItemInSet3)
                    cmb_item3.SelectedIndex = j;
            j = 0;
            foreach (object o in myItems1)

                dent = (DictionaryEntry)myItems1[j];
                if (int.Parse(dent.Key.ToString()) == clEquipment.ItemInSet4)
                    cmb_item4.SelectedIndex = j;
            j = 0;
            foreach (object o in myItems1)

                dent = (DictionaryEntry)myItems1[j];
                if (int.Parse(dent.Key.ToString()) == clEquipment.ItemInSet5)
                    cmb_item5.SelectedIndex = j;

            // Display counter values on form
            counter_item1.Value = clEquipment.AmountInSet1;
            counter_item2.Value = clEquipment.AmountInSet2;
            counter_item3.Value = clEquipment.AmountInSet3;
            counter_item4.Value = clEquipment.AmountInSet4;
            counter_item5.Value = clEquipment.AmountInSet5;

            // Display remaining set related settings on form

            label_itemname.Enabled = false;
            txt_itemname.Enabled = false;
            label_setname.Enabled = true;
            txt_setname.Enabled = true;
            label_iteminset.Enabled = true;
            label_itemamount.Enabled = true;

            cmb_item1.Enabled = true;
            if (cmb_item1.SelectedIndex < 1) cmb_item2.Enabled = false;
            if (cmb_item2.SelectedIndex < 1) cmb_item3.Enabled = false;
            if (cmb_item3.SelectedIndex < 1) cmb_item4.Enabled = false;
            if (cmb_item4.SelectedIndex < 1) cmb_item5.Enabled = false;

            if (cmb_item1.SelectedIndex < 1) counter_item2.Enabled = false;
            if (cmb_item2.SelectedIndex < 1) counter_item3.Enabled = false;
            if (cmb_item3.SelectedIndex < 1) counter_item4.Enabled = false;
            if (cmb_item4.SelectedIndex < 1) counter_item5.Enabled = false;
Beispiel #15
  * @desc This method will update the password for the user in the USERS table
  * @params [int] id_user identifies the user uniquely.
  * @params [string] oldPassword: Old password of the user
  * @params [string] newPassword: The new password of the user
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem updating the password
 public bool UpdatePassword(int id_User, string oldPassword, string newPassword)
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create update password query
     string query = "UPDATE users SET password = MD5('" + newPassword + "') WHERE id_user = '******' AND password = MD5('" + oldPassword + "')";
     // Launch update password query
     int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
     // Check update result
     if (result > 0)
         return true;
         return false;
Beispiel #16
  * @desc This method will save or update a user in the USERS table
  * @params [none] No input parameter.
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the user
 public bool SaveUser()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // If this is a new user
     if (this.Id_user == -1)
     // Create insert query
         string query = "insert into users (id_user, login, password, profile, active) " +
         "values (NULL, '" + this.Login + "', MD5('" + this.Password +
         "'), '" + this.Profile + "', '" + ((this.isActive) ? "1" : "0") + "')";
     // Launch insert query
         this.id_user = conn.InsertToDB(query);
     // Check result
         if (this.id_user > 0)
             return true;
     // This is an existing user
         // Create update query
         string query = "UPDATE users SET login = '******', active = '" + ((this.isActive) ? "1" : "0") + "' "+
                         "WHERE id_user = '******'";
     // Launch update query
         int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
     // Check update result
         if (result > 0)
             return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #17
          * @desc Loads in when the object instance first instantiated
          * @params [none] No input parameter.
          * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        private void frm_add_payment_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Store todays date
            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
            // Convert date to display format
            txt_date.Text = String.Format("{0:dd-MM-yyyy}", today);

            // Loading Available Staff
            //TODO: Inform Katie about the Position -> Instructor field
            // Create mysl connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Create query for returning all staff for selection of payment "received by"
            string query = "SELECT id_staff, CONCAT(lastName,', ', firstName) name FROM staff ORDER BY lastName";
            // Load result into an arraylist
            ArrayList myItems = conn.alGetComboFromDB(query, "id_staff", "name");
            // Set combobox to display value
            cmb_staff.DisplayMember = "Value";
            // Set myItems a combobox source
            cmb_staff.DataSource = myItems;
            // Set combobox index to be -1 so it can be checked if the user won't select anything here
            cmb_staff.SelectedIndex = -1;
Beispiel #18
  * @desc Removes the class from the CLASSES table.
  * @params [none] No input parameter.
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem deleting the class.
 public bool RemoveClass()
     // Check if there is a class already loaded in
     if (this.Id_class != -1)
         // Create mysql connection
         mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
         // Create the delete query
         string query = "DELETE FROM classes WHERE id_class = '" + this.Id_class + "'";
         // Launch delete query
         int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
         // Check deletion result
         if (result > 0)
             MessageBox.Show("The class data has been deleted succesfully!");
             return true;
             MessageBox.Show("There was a problem deleting the class!");
             return false;
     return false;
   * @desc This method refreshes the equipment list
   * @params [string] type: this tells to method to list items or sets
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vLoadEqList(string type)
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query for retrieving item or set depending on parameter
     string query = "SELECT id_equipment EID, name Name, description Description FROM equipment WHERE type = '"+type+"' ORDER BY id_equipment";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_equipment.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_equipment.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_equipment.ReadOnly = true;
   * @desc This method refreshes the booked equipment list
   * @params [none] No input parameter.
   * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public void vLoadBookedList()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create source for grid
     BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
     // Create query
     string query = "SELECT DISTINCT eb.date_due Due, Name, eb.borrowedamount Amount, eb.id_equipment EqID, eb.id_eq_booking BkID FROM equipment e, equipment_bookings eb WHERE eb.id_class_instance = " + clClassInstance.Id_class_instance + " AND (eb.isreturned = 0 OR eb.isreturned is NULL) AND eb.id_equipment = e.id_equipment ORDER BY Due";
     // Launch query and load result into source
     itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
     // Assign source to grid
     dg_eqbookings.DataSource = itemsSource;
     dg_eqbookings.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
     dg_eqbookings.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #21
          * @desc This method refreshes the booked equipment list
          * @params [none] No input parameter.
          * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        public void vLoadBookedList()
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Create source for grid
            BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
            // Create query
            string query = "SELECT DISTINCT eb.date_due Due, Name, eb.borrowedamount Amount, eb.id_equipment EqID, eb.id_eq_booking BkID FROM equipment e, equipment_bookings eb WHERE eb.id_staff = " + clStaff.Id_staff + " AND (eb.isreturned = 0 OR eb.isreturned is NULL) AND eb.id_equipment = e.id_equipment ORDER BY Due";
            // Launch query and load result into source
            itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
            // Assign source to grid
            dg_eqbookings.DataSource = itemsSource;
            dg_eqbookings.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
            dg_eqbookings.ReadOnly = true;
            // Check for unreturned items, if there is any, then report ir to the user!
            if (dg_eqbookings.RowCount > 0)
                int lateItems = 0;
                int rowIndex;
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < dg_eqbookings.RowCount; rowIndex++)
                    string eqDueDate = dg_eqbookings.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString();

                    DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
                    DateTime due = DateTime.Parse(eqDueDate);
                    int result = DateTime.Compare(today, due);
                    if (result > 0)
                if (lateItems > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("This persom has " + lateItems + " late, unreturned item(s).");
Beispiel #22
         * @desc Constructor
         * Loads in all fields from a single row of the EQUIPMENT table.
         * @params [int] id_equipment identifies the equipment uniquely.
         * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        public Equipment(int id_equipment)
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Launch the query to return all fields from a single row of the EQUIPMENT table
            List<Hashtable> lhResultset = conn.lhSqlQuery("Select * from equipment WHERE id_equipment = '" + id_equipment + "'");
            // Check if we found the equipment
            if ((int)lhResultset.Count > 0)
                // Fill in all equipment fields with table data
                this.Id_equipment = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["id_equipment"].ToString());
                this.Type = lhResultset[0]["type"].ToString();
                this.Id_vehicle = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["id_vehicle"].ToString());
                this.Name = lhResultset[0]["name"].ToString();
                this.Description = lhResultset[0]["description"].ToString();
                // Fill in all equipment set fields with table data
                if (this.Type == "set")
                    this.ItemInSet1 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["iteminset1"].ToString());
                    this.ItemInSet2 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["iteminset2"].ToString());
                    this.ItemInSet3 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["iteminset3"].ToString());
                    this.ItemInSet4 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["iteminset4"].ToString());
                    this.ItemInSet5 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["iteminset5"].ToString());
                    this.AmountInSet1 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["amountinset1"].ToString());
                    this.AmountInSet2 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["amountinset2"].ToString());
                    this.AmountInSet3 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["amountinset3"].ToString());
                    this.AmountInSet4 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["amountinset4"].ToString());
                    this.AmountInSet5 = int.Parse(lhResultset[0]["amountinset5"].ToString());

Beispiel #23
         * @desc This method will save or update an equipment in the EQUIPMENT table
         * @params [none] No input parameter.
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the equipment
        public bool SaveEquipment()
            string saveEquipmentQuery;
            // Checking user input
            if (this.Name == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Insert a name.");
                // Create mysql connection
                mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
                // Check whether there is a new id_equipment assigned to this equipment,
                // if not then this a new equipment to save
                if (this.Id_equipment == -1)
                    // Create the save query
                    saveEquipmentQuery = "insert into `gym`.`equipment` (`id_equipment`, `type`, `id_vehicle`, `name`, `description`, `iteminset1`, `iteminset2`, `iteminset3`, `iteminset4`, `iteminset5`, `amountinset1`, `amountinset2`, `amountinset3`, `amountinset4`, `amountinset5`) values " +
                             "(NULL, '" + this.Type + "', '" + this.Id_vehicle + "', '" + this.Name + "', '" + this.Description
                             + "', '" + this.ItemInSet1 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet2 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet3 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet4 + "', '" + this.ItemInSet5
                             + "', '" + this.AmountInSet1 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet2 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet3 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet4 + "', '" + this.AmountInSet5 + "')";

                    // Launch save query
                    int id_equipment = conn.InsertToDB(saveEquipmentQuery);
                    // Check saving result
                    if (id_equipment != -1)
                        this.Id_equipment = id_equipment;
                        MessageBox.Show("The new equipment has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new equipment, please check your data!");
                        return false;
                // If an id_equipment already exists for this equipment, then this is an existing equipment to update
                    // Create update query
                    string updateEquimentQuery = "UPDATE equipment SET type = '" + this.Type
                                       + "', id_vehicle = '" + this.Id_vehicle
                                             + "', name = '" + this.Name
                                      + "', description = '" + this.Description
                                       + "', iteminset1 = '" + this.ItemInSet1
                                       + "', iteminset2 = '" + this.ItemInSet2
                                       + "', iteminset3 = '" + this.ItemInSet3
                                       + "', iteminset4 = '" + this.ItemInSet4
                                       + "', iteminset5 = '" + this.ItemInSet5
                                     + "', amountinset1 = '" + this.AmountInSet1
                                     + "', amountinset2 = '" + this.AmountInSet2
                                     + "', amountinset3 = '" + this.AmountInSet3
                                     + "', amountinset4 = '" + this.AmountInSet4
                                     + "', amountinset5 = '" + this.AmountInSet5 + "' "
                                 + " WHERE id_equipment = '" + this.Id_equipment + "'";
                    // Launch update query
                    int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(updateEquimentQuery);
                    // Check update result
                    if (result > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("The equipment data has been updated succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the equipment information, please check your data!");
                        return false;
            return false;
Beispiel #24
  * @desc Removes the equipment from the EQUIPMENT table.
  * @params [none] No input parameter.
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem deleting the class.
 public bool RemoveEquipment()
     if (this.Id_equipment != -1)
         // Create mysql connection
         mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
         // Create the delete query
         string query = "DELETE FROM equipment WHERE id_equipment = '" + this.Id_equipment + "'";
         // Launch delete query
         int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
         // Check deletion result
         if (result > 0)
             MessageBox.Show("The equipment data has been deleted succesfully!");
             return true;
             MessageBox.Show("There was a problem deleting the equipment!");
             return false;
     return false;
Beispiel #25
  * @desc Constructor
  * Loads in all fields from a single "Gym Class" row of the CLASSES table.
  * @params [int] id_class identifies the class uniquely.
  * @return [none] No directly returned data.
 public Class(int id_class)
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Launch the query to return all fields from a single "Gym Class" row of the CLASSES table
     List<Hashtable> lhResultSet = conn.lhSqlQuery("Select * from classes WHERE id_class = '" + id_class + "'");
     // Check if we found the row
     if ((int)lhResultSet.Count > 0)
         // Fill in all class fields with table data
         this.Id_class = int.Parse(lhResultSet[0]["id_class"].ToString());
         this.Type = lhResultSet[0]["type"].ToString();
         this.Description = lhResultSet[0]["description"].ToString();
         this.Name = lhResultSet[0]["name"].ToString();
          * @desc Executes when the "Search" button is clicked
          * It creates a new list of equipments based on search criteria given by the user
          * @params [none] No input parameter.
          * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        private void button_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Create source for grid
            BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
            // Create query different one for either set or item depending on settings done by user on form
            string query = "";
            if (rd_item.Checked == true)
                query = "SELECT id_equipment EID, name Name, description Description FROM equipment WHERE type = 'item' AND 1 = 1";
                query = "SELECT id_equipment EID, name Name, description Description FROM equipment WHERE type = 'set' AND 1 = 1";
            // Check user input and create query for search
            if (txt_equipmentname.Text != "")
                query += " AND name LIKE '%" + txt_equipmentname.Text + "%'";

            query += "  ORDER BY name";
            // Launch query and load result into source
            itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
            // Assign source to grid
            dg_equipment.DataSource = itemsSource;
            dg_equipment.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
            dg_equipment.ReadOnly = true;
Beispiel #27
         * @desc This method will save or update a class in the CLASS table
         * @params [none] No input parameter.
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the class
        public bool SaveClass()
            string query;

            // Checking user input
            if (this.Name == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Insert a name.");
                // Create mysql connection
                mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
                // Check whether there is a new id_class assigned to this class,
                // if not then this a new class to save
                if (this.Id_class == -1)
                    // Create the save query
                    query = "insert into `gym`.`classes` (`id_class`, `name`, `type`, `description`) values " +
                             "(NULL, '" + this.Name + "', '" + this.Type + "', '" + this.Description + "')";
                    // Launch save query
                    int id_class = conn.InsertToDB(query);
                    // Check saving result
                    if (id_class != -1)
                        this.Id_class = id_class;
                        MessageBox.Show("The new class has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new class, please check your data!");
                        return false;
                // If an id_class already exists for this class instance, then this is an existing class to update
                    // Create update query
                    query = "UPDATE classes SET name = '" + this.Name + "', description = '" + this.Description + "' " +
                             " WHERE id_class = '" + this.Id_class + "'";

                    // Launch update query
                    int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
                    // Check update result
                    if (result > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("The class data has been updated succesfully!");
                        return true;
                        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the class information, please check your data!");
                        return false;
            return false;
Beispiel #28
  * @desc Removes the user from the USERS table.
  * @params [none] No input parameter.
  * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem deleting the user.
 public bool DeleteUser()
     // Create mysql connection
     mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
     // Create delete query
     string query = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id_user = '******'";
     // Check delet query result
     int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
     if (result > 0)
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #29
         * @desc This method will save or update an equipment booking in the EQUIPMENT_BOOKINGS table
         * @params [none] No input parameter.
         * @return [bool] Returns true in case of success, false if there was problem saving/updating the equipment
        public bool SaveEquipmentBooking()
            string query;
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Check whether there is a new id_eq_booking assigned to this booking,
            // if not then this a new equipment booking to save
            if (this.Id_eq_booking == -1)
                // Create the save query
                query = "insert into `gym`.`equipment_bookings` (`id_eq_booking`, `id_staff`, `id_member`, `id_class_instance`, `date_start`, `date_due`, `id_equipment`, `borrowedamount`,`isreturned`) values " +
                                     "(NULL, " + this.Id_staff + ", " + this.Id_member + ", " + this.Id_class_instance + ", '" + this.DateStart + "', '" + this.DateDue
                                     + "', " + this.Id_equipment + ", " + this.BorrowedAmount + ", NULL)";
                // Launch save query
                int id_eq_booking = conn.InsertToDB(query);
                // Check saving result
                if (id_eq_booking != -1)
                    this.Id_eq_booking = id_eq_booking;
                    MessageBox.Show("The new equipment booking has been added to the databse succesfully!");
                    return true;
                    MessageBox.Show("There was a problem adding the new equipment booking, please check your data!");
                    return false;
            // If an id_eq_booking already exists for this booking, then this is an existing booking to update
                // Create update query
                query = "UPDATE `gym`.`equipment_bookings` SET `borrowedamount` = " + this.BorrowedAmount + ", `isreturned`= " + this.IsReturned + " WHERE id_eq_booking = '" + this.Id_eq_booking + "'";
                // Launch update query
                int result = conn.DeleteOrUpdate(query);
                // Check update result
                if (result > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("The equipment booking data has been updated succesfully!");
                    return true;
                    MessageBox.Show("There was a problem updating the equipment booking information, please check your data!");
                    return false;

            //return true;
Beispiel #30
          * @desc Executes when the Search button is clicked
          * It creates a new list of staff based on search criteria given by the user
          * @params [none] No input parameter.
          * @return [none] No directly returned data.
        private void button_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create mysql connection
            mySqlConn conn = new mySqlConn();
            // Create source for grid
            BindingSource itemsSource = new BindingSource();
            // Create start of query
            string query = "SELECT id_staff MID, staff_number NO, firstName as 'First Name', lastName 'Last Name', DATE_FORMAT(birthdate,\"%d/%m/%Y\") DOB, email 'EMail' FROM staffs WHERE 1 = 1 ";
            // Check user input and create query for search
            if (txt_firstName.Text != "")
                query += " AND firstName LIKE '%" + txt_firstName.Text + "%'";
            if (txt_lastName.Text != "")
                query += " AND lastName LIKE '%" + txt_lastName.Text + "%'";
            if (txt_email.Text != "")
                query += " AND email LIKE '%" + txt_email.Text + "%'";
            string sDate = Utils.sGetMysqlDate(txt_dob.Text);
            if (sDate != "0000-00-00")
                query += " AND birthdate = '" + sDate + "'";

            query += "  ORDER BY id_staff";
            // Launch query and load result into source
            itemsSource.DataSource = conn.dtGetTableForDataGrid(query);
            // Assign source to grid
            dg_staff.DataSource = itemsSource;
            dg_staff.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
            dg_staff.ReadOnly = true;