Beispiel #1
        public ArtworkPopup()
            : base(Gtk.WindowType.Popup)
            VBox vbox = new VBox();

            Decorated = false;
            BorderWidth = 6;


            image = new Gtk.Image();
            label = new Label(String.Empty);
            label.CanFocus = false;
            label.Wrap = true;

            var bg_color = new RGBA ();
            bg_color.Red = bg_color.Green = bg_color.Blue = 0;
            var fg_color = new RGBA ();
            fg_color.Red = bg_color.Green = bg_color.Blue =  160.0 / 255;
            label.OverrideBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal, bg_color);
            label.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, fg_color);
            OverrideBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal, bg_color);
            OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, fg_color);

            vbox.PackStart(image, true, true, 0);
            vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0);

            vbox.Spacing = 6;
 private Label CreateLabel(string value)
     Label label = new Label ();
     label.Xalign = 1.0f;
     label.Markup = String.Format ("<small>{0}</small>", GLib.Markup.EscapeText (value));
     label.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, Hyena.Gui.GtkUtilities.ColorBlend (
         StyleContext.GetColor (StateFlags.Normal), StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal)));
     label.Show ();
     return label;
Beispiel #3
        public Tile()
            Table table = new Table (2, 2, false);
            table.ColumnSpacing = 6;
            table.RowSpacing = 2;
            table.BorderWidth = 2;

            PrimaryLabel = new Label ();
            SecondaryLabel = new Label ();

            table.Attach (image, 0, 1, 0, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            table.Attach (PrimaryLabel, 1, 2, 0, 1,
                AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            table.Attach (SecondaryLabel, 1, 2, 1, 2,
                AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand,
                AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0);

            table.ShowAll ();
            Add (table);

            PrimaryLabel.Xalign = 0.0f;
            PrimaryLabel.Yalign = 0.0f;

            SecondaryLabel.Xalign = 0.0f;
            SecondaryLabel.Yalign = 0.0f;

            StyleUpdated += delegate {
                PrimaryLabel.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, StyleContext.GetColor (StateFlags.Normal));
                Gdk.RGBA rgba = StyleContext.GetColor (StateFlags.Normal);
                SecondaryLabel.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, Hyena.Gui.GtkUtilities.ColorBlend (
                    rgba, StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal)));

            Relief = ReliefStyle.None;
Beispiel #4
        private void UpdateForArtist(string artist_name, LastfmData<SimilarArtist> similar_artists,
            LastfmData<ArtistTopAlbum> top_albums, LastfmData<ArtistTopTrack> top_tracks)
            ThreadAssist.ProxyToMain (delegate {
                album_box.Title = String.Format (album_title_format, artist);
                track_box.Title = String.Format (track_title_format, artist);

                similar_artists_view.ClearWidgets ();
                ClearBox (album_list);
                ClearBox (track_list);

                // Similar Artists
                var artists = similar_artists.Take (20);

                if (artists.Count () > 0) {
                    int artist_name_max_len = 2 * (int) artists.Select (a => a.Name.Length).Average ();
                    foreach (var similar_artist in artists) {
                        SimilarArtistTile tile = new SimilarArtistTile (similar_artist);

                        tile.PrimaryLabel.WidthChars = artist_name_max_len;
                        tile.PrimaryLabel.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;

                        tile.ShowAll ();
                        similar_artists_view.AddWidget (tile);

                    no_artists_pane.Hide ();
                    similar_artists_view_sw.ShowAll ();
                } else {
                    similar_artists_view_sw.Hide ();
                    no_artists_pane.ShowAll ();

                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min (5, top_albums.Count); i++) {
                    ArtistTopAlbum album = top_albums[i];
                    Button album_button = new Button ();
                    album_button.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;

                    Label label = new Label ();
                    label.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, StyleContext.GetColor (StateFlags.Normal));
                    label.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
                    label.Xalign = 0;
                    label.Markup = String.Format ("{0}. {1}", i+1, GLib.Markup.EscapeText (album.Name));
                    album_button.Add (label);

                    album_button.Clicked += delegate {
                        Banshee.Web.Browser.Open (album.Url);
                    album_list.PackStart (album_button, false, true, 0);
                album_box.ShowAll ();

                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min (5, top_tracks.Count); i++) {
                    ArtistTopTrack track = top_tracks[i];
                    Button track_button = new Button ();
                    track_button.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;

                    HBox box = new HBox ();

                    Label label = new Label ();
                    label.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, StyleContext.GetColor (StateFlags.Normal));
                    label.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
                    label.Xalign = 0;
                    label.Markup = String.Format ("{0}. {1}", i+1, GLib.Markup.EscapeText (track.Name));

                    /*if(node.SelectSingleNode("track_id") != null) {
                        box.PackEnd(new Image(now_playing_arrow), false, false, 0);
                        track_button.Clicked += delegate {
                    } else {*/
                        track_button.Clicked += delegate {
                            Banshee.Web.Browser.Open (track.Url);

                    box.PackStart (label, true, true, 0);
                    track_button.Add (box);
                    track_list.PackStart (track_button, false, true, 0);
                track_box.ShowAll ();

                ready = true;
                refreshing = false;
                context_page.SetState (Banshee.ContextPane.ContextState.Loaded);
Beispiel #5
        private void CreateAbout ()
            Gdk.RGBA white = new Gdk.RGBA ();
            white.Parse ("#ffffff");

            Gdk.RGBA highlight = new Gdk.RGBA ();
            highlight.Parse ("#a8bbcf");

            Pango.FontDescription font = StyleContext.GetFont (StateFlags.Normal);
            font.Size = 9 * 1024;

            CssProvider css_provider = new CssProvider ();
            string image_path        = new string [] { SparkleUI.AssetsPath, "pixmaps", "about.png" }.Combine ();

            css_provider.LoadFromData ("GtkWindow {" +
                "background-image: url('" + image_path + "');" +
                "background-repeat: no-repeat;" +
                "background-position: left bottom;" +
            StyleContext.AddProvider (css_provider, 800);

            VBox layout_vertical = new VBox (false, 0);            
            HBox links_layout = new HBox (false, 16);

            Label version = new Label () {
                Text   = "version " + Controller.RunningVersion,
                Xalign = 0, Xpad   = 0

            version.OverrideFont (font);
            version.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, white);

            this.updates = new Label ("Checking for updates…") {
                Xalign = 0, Xpad = 0

            this.updates.OverrideFont (font);
            this.updates.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, highlight);

            Label copyright = new Label () {
                Markup = string.Format ("Copyright © 2010–{0} Hylke Bons and others.", DateTime.Now.Year),
                Xalign = 0, Xpad   = 0

            copyright.OverrideFont (font);
            copyright.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, white);

            TextView license          = new TextView ();
            TextBuffer license_buffer = license.Buffer;
            license.WrapMode          = WrapMode.Word;
            license.Sensitive         = false;

            license_buffer.Text = "SparkleShare is Open Source and you’re free to use, change, " +
                "and share it under the GNU GPLv3.";

            license.OverrideBackgroundColor (StateFlags.Normal, new Gdk.RGBA () { Alpha = 0 });
            license.OverrideFont (font);
            license.OverrideColor (StateFlags.Normal, white);

            SparkleLink website_link        = new SparkleLink ("Website", Controller.WebsiteLinkAddress);
            SparkleLink credits_link        = new SparkleLink ("Credits", Controller.CreditsLinkAddress);
            SparkleLink report_problem_link = new SparkleLink ("Report a problem", Controller.ReportProblemLinkAddress);
            SparkleLink debug_log_link      = new SparkleLink ("Debug log", Controller.DebugLogLinkAddress);

            layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label (""), true, true, 0);            
            layout_vertical.PackStart (version, false, false, 0);
            layout_vertical.PackStart (this.updates, false, false, 0);
            layout_vertical.PackStart (copyright, false, false, 6);
            layout_vertical.PackStart (license, false, false, 6);
            layout_vertical.PackStart (links_layout, false, false, 16);

            links_layout.PackStart (website_link, false, false, 0);
            links_layout.PackStart (credits_link, false, false, 0);
            links_layout.PackStart (report_problem_link, false, false, 0);
            links_layout.PackStart (debug_log_link, false, false, 0);
            HBox layout_horizontal = new HBox (false, 0);
            layout_horizontal.PackStart (new Label (""), false, false, 149);
            layout_horizontal.PackStart (layout_vertical, false, false, 0);

            Add (layout_horizontal);