Beispiel #1
        bool SeekToTrack (PlayBin2 playbin, int track)
            Format format = Format.Undefined;
            CddaBaseSrc cdda_src = null;
            State state;

            format = Util.FormatGetByNick ("track");
            if (format == Format.Undefined) {
                return false;

            playbin.GetState (out state, 0);
            if (state < State.Paused) {
                // We can only seek if the pipeline is playing or paused, otherwise
                // we just allow playbin to do its thing, which will re-start the
                // device and start at the desired track
                return false;

            cdda_src = GetCddaSource (playbin);
            if (cdda_src == null) {
                return false;

            if (playbin.Seek (1.0, format, SeekFlags.Flush,
                SeekType.Set, track - 1, SeekType.None, -1)) {
                Log.DebugFormat ("cdda: seeking to track {0}, avoiding playbin", track);
                return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #2
        public PlayerEngine ()
            Console.WriteLine ("Gst# PlayerEngine ctor - completely experimental, still a WIP");
            Gst.Application.Init ();
            pipeline = new Pipeline ();
            playbin = new PlayBin2 ();
            pipeline.Add (playbin);

            pipeline.Bus.AddWatch (OnBusMessage);

            Banshee.ServiceStack.Application.RunTimeout (200, delegate {
                OnEventChanged (PlayerEvent.Iterate);
                return true;

            OnStateChanged (PlayerState.Ready);
Beispiel #3
        public AudioPlayer()
            // These environment variables are necessary to locate GStreamer libraries, and to stop it from loading
            // wrong libraries installed elsewhere on the system.
            var directoryName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
            if (directoryName != null)
                string apppath = directoryName.Remove(0, 6);
                string pluginPath = apppath + @"\gstreamer\bin\plugins";
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_PLUGIN_PATH", pluginPath);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH", "");
                string pathVariable = @"C:\Windows;" + apppath + @"\gstreamer\lib;"
                                      + apppath + @"\gstreamer\bin;" + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", pathVariable);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_REGISTRY", apppath + @"\gstreamer\bin\registry.bin");

                // These are for saving debug information.
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_DEBUG", "*:3");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_DEBUG_FILE", "GstreamerLog.txt");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR", apppath);


            _playBin = new PlayBin2("_playBin");
            Element audioSink = SelectAudioSink();
            _playBin.AudioSink = audioSink;
            // TODO: implement gapless playback (wait for gstreamer fix?)
            /*_playBin.AboutToFinish += (o, args) =>
                    if (_currentTrackIndex + 1 >= _trackArray.Length)

                    OnTrackChanged(new TrackChangedHandlerArgs
                            NewTrack = _trackArray[_currentTrackIndex + 1],
                            OldTrack = _trackArray[_currentTrackIndex]
                    _playBin.Uri = PathStringToUri(_trackArray[++_currentTrackIndex].Path);
            _trackArray = new Track[0];
 public PlayerEngine ()
     Console.WriteLine ("Gst# PlayerEngine ctor - completely experimental, still a WIP");
     Gst.Application.Init ();
     //Making early-bound elements
     pipeline = new Pipeline ();
     playbin = new PlayBin2 ();
     audiobin = new MyBinType ("audiobin");
     filterbin = new BinList<Element> ("filterbin");
     //Making late-bound elements (not currently bound by gst-sharp)
     audiosink = ElementFactory.Make ("gconfaudiosink", "thesink");
     if (audiosink == null)
         audiosink = ElementFactory.Make ("autoaudiosink", "thesink");
     queue = ElementFactory.Make ("queue", "audioqueue");
     //Adding, linking, and padding
     filterbin.Add (queue);
     audiobin.Add (filterbin.GetBin (), audiosink);
     filterbin.GetSourceGhostPad ().Link (audiosink.GetStaticPad ("sink"));
     audiobinsink.SetTarget (filterbin.GetSinkGhostPad ());
     audiobin.AddPadHack (audiobinsink);
     playbin.AudioSink = audiobin;
     pipeline.Add (playbin);
     pipeline.Bus.AddWatch (OnBusMessage);
     Banshee.ServiceStack.Application.RunTimeout (200, delegate {
         OnEventChanged (PlayerEvent.Iterate);
         return true;
     OnStateChanged (PlayerState.Ready);
Beispiel #5
        public PlayerEngine ()
            Log.InformationFormat ("GStreamer# {0} Initializing; {1}.{2}",
                typeof (Gst.Version).Assembly.GetName ().Version, Gst.Version.Description, Gst.Version.Nano);

            // Setup the gst plugins/registry paths if running Windows
            if (PlatformDetection.IsWindows) {
                var gst_paths = new string [] { Hyena.Paths.Combine (Hyena.Paths.InstalledApplicationPrefix, "gst-plugins") };
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_PLUGIN_PATH", String.Join (";", gst_paths));
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH", "");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_DEBUG", "1");

                string registry = Hyena.Paths.Combine (Hyena.Paths.ApplicationData, "registry.bin");
                if (!System.IO.File.Exists (registry)) {
                    System.IO.File.Create (registry).Close ();

                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_REGISTRY", registry);

                //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_REGISTRY_FORK", "no");
                Log.DebugFormat ("GST_PLUGIN_PATH = {0}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_PLUGIN_PATH"));

            Gst.Application.Init ();
            pipeline = new Pipeline ();
            playbin = new PlayBin2 ();
            pipeline.Add (playbin);

            // Remember the volume from last time
            Volume = (ushort)PlayerEngineService.VolumeSchema.Get ();

            playbin.AddNotification ("volume", OnVolumeChanged);
            pipeline.Bus.AddWatch (OnBusMessage);

            OnStateChanged (PlayerState.Ready);
Beispiel #6
 public void NavigateToMenu (PlayBin2 playbin)
     if (Navigation == null) {
         FindNavigation (playbin);
     if (Navigation != null) {
         Navigation.SendCommand (NavigationCommand.DvdMenu);
Beispiel #7
 public void NotifyMouseButtonReleased (PlayBin2 playbin, int button, double x, double y)
     if (Navigation == null) {
         FindNavigation (playbin);
     if (Navigation != null) {
         Navigation.SendMouseEvent ("mouse-button-release", button, x, y);
Beispiel #8
 public void NotifyMouseMove (PlayBin2 playbin, double x, double y)
     if (Navigation == null) {
         FindNavigation (playbin);
     if (Navigation != null) {
         Navigation.SendMouseEvent ("mouse-move", 0, x, y);
Beispiel #9
        public void FindNavigation (PlayBin2 playbin)
            Element video_sink = null;
            Element navigation = null;
            Navigation previous_navigation;

            previous_navigation = Navigation;
            video_sink = playbin ["video-sink"] as Element;

            if (video_sink == null) {
                Navigation = null;
                if (previous_navigation != null) {
                    previous_navigation = null;

            navigation = (video_sink is Bin)
                ? ((Bin)video_sink).GetByInterface (typeof (NavigationAdapter))
                : video_sink;

            Navigation = navigation as Navigation;

    void ButtonOpenClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
        FileChooserDialog dialog = new FileChooserDialog ("Open", this, FileChooserAction.Open, new object[] { "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel, "Open", ResponseType.Accept });
        dialog.SetCurrentFolder (Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal));

        if (dialog.Run () == (int) ResponseType.Accept) {
          _pipelineOK = false;

          if (_playbin != null) {
        _playbin.SetState (Gst.State.Null);
          } else {
        _playbin = new PlayBin2 ();

          _scale.Value = 0;

          if (_playbin == null)
        Console.WriteLine ("Unable to create element 'playbin'");

          _playbin.Bus.EnableSyncMessageEmission ();
          _playbin.Bus.AddSignalWatch ();

          _playbin.Bus.SyncMessage += delegate (object bus, SyncMessageArgs sargs) {
        Gst.Message msg = sargs.Message;
        if (msg == null || msg.Type != Gst.MessageType.Element ||
            msg.Structure == null || msg.Structure.Name == null ||
            !msg.Structure.Name.Equals ("prepare-xwindow-id"))

        Element src = msg.Src as Element;
        if (src == null)

        if (src.HasProperty ("force-aspect-ratio"))
          src["force-aspect-ratio"] = true;

        (src as XOverlay).XwindowId = _xWindowId;
        (src as XOverlay).HandleEvents (true);

          _playbin.Bus.Message += delegate (object bus, MessageArgs margs) {
        Message message = margs.Message;

        switch (message.Type) {
          case Gst.MessageType.Error:
            Enum err;
            string msg;

            message.ParseError (out err, out msg);
            Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("Error message: {0}", msg));
            _pipelineOK = false;
          case Gst.MessageType.Eos:
            Console.WriteLine ("EOS");

          switch (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform) {
        case PlatformID.Unix:
          _playbin["uri"] = "file://" + dialog.Filename;
        case PlatformID.Win32NT:
        case PlatformID.Win32S:
        case PlatformID.Win32Windows:
        case PlatformID.WinCE:
          _playbin["uri"] = "file:///" + dialog.Filename.Replace("\\","/");

          StateChangeReturn sret = _playbin.SetState (Gst.State.Playing);

          if (sret == StateChangeReturn.Async) {
        State state, pending;
        sret = _playbin.GetState (out state, out pending, Clock.Second * 5);

          if (sret == StateChangeReturn.Success) {
        Console.WriteLine ("State change successful");
        _pipelineOK = true;
          } else {
        Console.WriteLine ("State change failed for {0} ({1})\n", dialog.Filename, sret);

        dialog.Destroy ();
Beispiel #11
 public DvdManager (PlayBin2 playbin)
     if (playbin != null) {
         playbin.AddNotification ("source", OnSourceChanged);
Beispiel #12
 public VideoManager (PlayBin2 playbin)
     this.playbin = playbin;
Beispiel #13
        public bool HandleURI (PlayBin2 playbin, string uri)
            // Processes URIs like cdda://<track-number>#<device-node> and overrides
            // track transitioning through playbin if playback was already happening
            // from the device node by seeking directly to the track since the disc
            // is already spinning; playbin doesn't handle CDDA URIs with device nodes
            // so we have to handle setting the device property on GstCddaBaseSrc
            // through the notify::source signal on playbin

            string new_cdda_device;
            int p;

            if (playbin == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty (uri) || !uri.StartsWith ("cdda://")) {
                // Something is hosed or the URI isn't actually CDDA
                if (Device != null) {
                    Log.WarningFormat ("cdda: finished using device ({0})", Device);
                    Device = null;
                return false;

            p = uri.IndexOf ('#');
            if (p == -1 || p + 2 > uri.Length) {
                // Unset the cached device node if the URI doesn't
                // have its own valid device node
                Device = null;
                Log.WarningFormat ("cdda: invalid device node in URI ({0})", uri);
                return false;

            new_cdda_device = uri.Substring (p + 1);

            if (Device == null) {
                // If we weren't already playing from a CD, cache the
                // device and allow playbin to begin playing it
                Device = new_cdda_device;
                Log.DebugFormat ("cdda: storing device node for fast seeks ({0})", Device);
                return false;

            if (new_cdda_device == Device) {
                // Parse the track number from the URI and seek directly to it
                // since we are already playing from the device; prevent playbin
                // from stopping/starting the CD, which can take many many seconds
                string track_str = uri.Substring (7, p - 7);
                int track_num;
                int.TryParse (track_str, out track_num);
                Log.DebugFormat ("cdda: fast seeking to track on already playing device ({0})", Device);

                return SeekToTrack (playbin, track_num);

            // We were already playing some CD, but switched to a different device node,
            // so unset and re-cache the new device node and allow playbin to do its thing
            Log.DebugFormat ("cdda: switching devices for CDDA playback (from {0}, to {1})", Device, new_cdda_device);
            Device = new_cdda_device;

            return false;
        public void PlayAudioStream(string url)
            if (_currentUrl == url && _playBin != null) {

            _currentUrl = url;
            if (_playBin != null) {
                _playBin.SetVolume(StreamVolumeFormat.Linear, _initialVolume);

            url = String.Format("{0}?client_id={1}", url, SoundCloudRestClient.API_CLIENT_ID);

            _playBin = ElementFactory.Make ("playbin2", "play") as PlayBin2;
            _playBin.Uri = url;

            _playBin.Bus.AddWatch ( new BusFunc( (bus, message) => {

                switch (message.Type) {
              		case Gst.MessageType.Error:
                        Enum err;
                        string msg;
                        message.ParseError (out err, out msg);
                        Console.WriteLine ("Gstreamer error: {0}", msg);
                        //loop.Quit ();
              		case Gst.MessageType.Eos:
               			Console.WriteLine ("Stream finished.");

                        _playBin.SetState (Gst.State.Null);
                        if (TrackEnded != null)
                            TrackEnded (this, new EventArgs());


                return true;

            // Play the stream
            if (_playBin.CurrentState != State.Paused)

            // Start rendering the waveform
    void OnDeleteEvent(object sender, DeleteEventArgs args)
        Gtk.Application.Quit ();

        if (_playbin != null) {
          _playbin.SetState (Gst.State.Null);
          _playbin.Dispose ();
          _playbin = null;

        args.RetVal = true;
Beispiel #16
 public void ActivateCurrentMenu (PlayBin2 playbin)
     if (Navigation == null) {
         FindNavigation (playbin);
     if (Navigation != null) {
         Navigation.SendCommand (NavigationCommand.Activate);
Beispiel #17
 public void GoToPreviousChapter (PlayBin2 playbin)
     long index;
     Format format = Util.FormatGetByNick ("chapter");
     playbin.QueryPosition (ref format, out index);
     playbin.Seek (1.0, format, SeekFlags.Flush, SeekType.Set, index - 1, SeekType.None, 0l);
		/// <summary>
		/// Polling thread. Pull buffer data from GST thread.
		/// </summary>
		void KeepPolling(){
				switch (playerState)
					case VideoPlayerState.STOPPED:
                    case VideoPlayerState.LOADING:
                        //get video width/height
                        int w = 0, h = 0;
						//Query video information
                        Gst.Buffer buf = appSink.PullBuffer();
					    if(buf != null){
							//string format = buf.Caps[0].GetValue("format").Val.ToString();
							//Console.WriteLine("format: " + format);
                            int.TryParse(buf.Caps[0].GetValue("width").Val.ToString(), out w);
                            int.TryParse(buf.Caps[0].GetValue("height").Val.ToString(), out h);
                            if (w * h != 0)
								//Create decoded buffer
                                lock (lockFrameBuf)
                                    width = w;
                                    height = h;
                                    buffer = new byte[width * height * 3];
                                    Marshal.Copy(buf.Data, buffer, 0, width * height * 3);
                                    isFrameNew = true;
									//Dispose handle to avoid memory leak
                                playerState = VideoPlayerState.PLAYING;
                    case VideoPlayerState.PLAYING:
                        Gst.Buffer buf2 = appSink.PullBuffer();
					    if(buf2 != null){
								//Update buffer
							    Marshal.Copy(buf2.Data, buffer, 0, width * height * 3);
							    isFrameNew = true;
                            lock (lockFrameBuf)
                                //Clear buffer
                                buffer = new byte[width * height * 3];
                            playerState = VideoPlayerState.STOPPED;

                    case VideoPlayerState.PAUSED:
						//Do nothing
						//Do nothing
			//Clean up
            this.PlayerState = VideoPlayerState.STOPPED;
            playBin = null;
            appSink = null;
Beispiel #19
        public bool HandleURI (PlayBin2 playbin, string uri)
            // Processes URIs like dvd://<device-node> and overrides
            // track transitioning through playbin if playback was already happening
            // from the device node by seeking directly to the track since the disc
            // is already spinning; playbin doesn't handle DVD URIs with device nodes
            // so we have to handle setting the device property on GstCddaBaseSrc
            // through the notify::source signal on playbin

            string new_dvd_device;

            if (playbin == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty (uri) || !uri.StartsWith ("dvd://")) {
                // Something is hosed or the URI isn't actually DVD
                if (Device != null) {
                    Log.WarningFormat ("dvd: finished using device ({0})", Device);
                    Device = null;
                return false;

            // 6 is the size of "dvd://"
            // so we skip this part to only get the device
            new_dvd_device = uri.Substring (6);

            if (Device == null) {
                // If we weren't already playing from a DVD, cache the
                // device and allow playbin to begin playing it
                Device = new_dvd_device;
                Log.DebugFormat ("dvd: storing device node for fast seeks ({0})", Device);
                return false;

            if (new_dvd_device == Device) {
                Log.DebugFormat ("dvd: Already playing device ({0})", Device);

                return true;

            // We were already playing some CD, but switched to a different device node,
            // so unset and re-cache the new device node and allow playbin to do its thing
            Log.DebugFormat ("dvd: switching devices for DVD playback (from {0}, to {1})", Device, new_dvd_device);
            Device = new_dvd_device;

            return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the video. Setup playbin2 and start polling thread
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='uri'>
		/// video URI.
		/// </param>
		public void LoadVideo(string uri){

			if (gstThread != null)
				isrunning = false;
				gstThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(KeepPolling));

			if(playBin != null){
				playerState = VideoPlayerState.STOPPED;
				//Dispose playbin2 and appsink
				//Create playbin2 and appsink
				playBin = new PlayBin2();
				appSink = ElementFactory.Make("appsink", "sink") as AppSink;
				//appSink.Caps = new Caps("video/x-raw-yuv", new object[]{});
				appSink.Caps = new Caps("video/x-raw-rgb", new object[] { "bpp", 24 });
				appSink.Drop = true;
				appSink.MaxBuffers = 1;
				playBin.VideoSink = appSink;
				//Create playbin2 and appsink
				playBin = new PlayBin2();
				appSink = ElementFactory.Make("appsink", "sink") as AppSink;
				//appSink.Caps = new Caps("video/x-raw-yuv", new object[]{});
				appSink.Caps = new Caps("video/x-raw-rgb", new object[] { "bpp", 24 });
				appSink.Drop = true;
				appSink.MaxBuffers = 1;
				playBin.VideoSink = appSink;

			//init variables
            texturesOK = false;
            width = 0;
            height = 0;
			//Set file uri
            string validUri = uri;
            if (!validUri.StartsWith("file://"))
                validUri = "file://" + uri;
            playBin.Uri = validUri;
			StateChangeReturn sr = playBin.SetState(State.Playing);
            playerState = VideoPlayerState.LOADING;
            Console.WriteLine("LOADING:" + validUri);

            if (gstThread == null)
                gstThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(KeepPolling));
			//Start polling thread...future thought, using async queue?
            isrunning = true;

Beispiel #21
        public PlayerEngine ()
            Log.InformationFormat ("GStreamer# {0} Initializing; {1}.{2}",
                typeof (Gst.Version).Assembly.GetName ().Version, Gst.Version.Description, Gst.Version.Nano);

            // Setup the gst plugins/registry paths if running Windows
            if (PlatformDetection.IsWindows) {
                var gst_paths = new string [] { Hyena.Paths.Combine (Hyena.Paths.InstalledApplicationPrefix, "gst-plugins") };
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_PLUGIN_PATH", String.Join (";", gst_paths));
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH", "");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_DEBUG", "1");

                string registry = Hyena.Paths.Combine (Hyena.Paths.ApplicationData, "registry.bin");
                if (!System.IO.File.Exists (registry)) {
                    System.IO.File.Create (registry).Close ();

                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_REGISTRY", registry);

                //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_REGISTRY_FORK", "no");
                Log.DebugFormat ("GST_PLUGIN_PATH = {0}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("GST_PLUGIN_PATH"));

            Gst.Application.Init ();
            playbin = new PlayBin2 ();

            next_track_set = new ManualResetEvent (false);

            audio_sink = new AudioSinkBin ("audiobin");

            playbin["audio-sink"] = audio_sink;

            if (audio_sink.VolumeNeedsSaving) {
                // Remember the volume from last time
                Volume = (ushort)PlayerEngineService.VolumeSchema.Get ();

            Pad teepad = audio_sink.RequestTeePad ();
            visualization = new Visualization (audio_sink, teepad);

            playbin.AddNotification ("volume", OnVolumeChanged);
            playbin.Bus.AddWatch (OnBusMessage);
            playbin.AboutToFinish += OnAboutToFinish;

            cdda_manager = new CddaManager (playbin);
            dvd_manager = new DvdManager (playbin);
            // FIXME: Disable video stuff until GLib# 3 is used instead of the sopy bundled in GStreamerSharp
            //video_manager = new VideoManager (playbin);
            //video_manager.PrepareWindow += OnVideoPrepareWindow;
            //video_manager.Initialize ();

            dvd_manager.FindNavigation (playbin);
            OnStateChanged (PlayerState.Ready);
Beispiel #22
        public void HandleCommandsChanged (PlayBin2 playbin)
            InDvdMenu = false;
            // Get available command to know if player is in menu
            Gst.Query query = NavigationQuery.NewCommands ();

            NavigationCommand[] cmds;
            if (Navigation == null) {
                FindNavigation (playbin);
            if (!(((Element)Navigation).Query (query) && NavigationQuery.ParseCommands (query, out cmds))) {
            foreach (NavigationCommand cmd in cmds) {
                switch (cmd) {
                        case NavigationCommand.Activate:
                        case NavigationCommand.Left:
                        case NavigationCommand.Right:
                        case NavigationCommand.Up:
                        case NavigationCommand.Down:
                            InDvdMenu = true;