Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a baseline file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The baseline.</returns>
        /// <param name="suiteName">Suite name.</param>
        /// <param name="testType">Test type.</param>
        /// <param name="inputData">Input data.</param>
        public ResultsIOData RetrieveBaseline(string suiteName, string testType, ResultsDataCommon inputData)
            //string rawJSONdata = LocalIO.Instance.FetchDataFile (suiteName, testType, inputData, true);//fetch string from file
            ResultsIOData data = LocalIO.Instance.FetchDataFile(suiteName, testType, inputData, true);             //JSONHelper.FromJSON (rawJSONdata);//take JSON convert to ResultsIOData //REORG

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetchs the local data file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The data file.</returns>
        /// <param name="suite">Suite.</param>
        /// <param name="testType">Test type.</param>
        /// <param name="resultsDataCommon">Results data common.</param>
        /// <param name="baseline">If set to <c>true</c> baseline.</param>
        public ResultsIOData FetchDataFile(string suite, string testType, ResultsDataCommon resultsDataCommon, bool baseline)
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Beginning fetch process"); // Write to console
            string filePath = dataPath + "/" + suite + "/" + resultsDataCommon.Platform + "_" + resultsDataCommon.API + "/" + resultsDataCommon.RenderPipe + "/" + testType;
            string fileName = "_" + resultsDataCommon.GroupName + "_" + resultsDataCommon.TestName + ".txt";

            if (baseline)
                fileName = baselinePrefix + fileName;
                fileName = resultsCurrentPrefix + fileName;

            if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Critical, MessageLevel.Log, "Directory for baseline does not exist, please pull latest baselines or create them"); // Write to console
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Directory for baseline exists, attempting to fetch requested baseline"); // Write to console
                if (!File.Exists(filePath + "/" + fileName))
                    Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Baseline file does not exist for the requested test, please make sure you pull the latest or create them"); // Write to console
                    string[] fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath + "/" + fileName);
                    return(ResultsIO.Instance.GenerateRIOD(fileLines, suite, testType));
Beispiel #3
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Writing data - TODO wip
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the data files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The data files.</returns>
        /// <param name="suite">Suite.</param>
        /// <param name="testType">Test type.</param>
        /// <param name="resultIOdata">Result I odata.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data.</param>
        /// <param name="filetype">Filetype.</param>
        public IEnumerator WriteDataFiles(ResultsIOData resultIOdata, fileType filetype)
            if (resultIOdata.resultsRow.Count != 0)
                string            suite    = resultIOdata.suite;
                string            testType = resultIOdata.testType;
                ResultsDataCommon common   = ResultsIO.Instance.GenerateRDC(resultIOdata.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn.ToArray());
                string[]          fields   = resultIOdata.fieldNames.ToArray();
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Beginning to write data for suite " + suite + " of the testType " + testType + " which contains " + resultIOdata.resultsRow.Count + " files to write"); // Write to console
                string platformAPI            = common.Platform + "_" + common.API;
                string filePath               = CreateDataDirectory(suite, platformAPI, common.RenderPipe, testType);
                string prefix                 = "";
                int    suiteBaselineDataIndex = -1;
                if (filetype == fileType.Baseline)
                { //if it's a baseline file we need to update latest baseline timesstamp
                    prefix = baselinePrefix;
                    ResultsIO.Instance.UpdateBaselineDictionary(suite, common.Platform, common.API, common.RenderPipe, out suiteBaselineDataIndex);
                    prefix = resultsCurrentPrefix;
                List <string> data = new List <string>(); //list to create string for local file
                                                          //iterate through all the results in the current ResultsIOData
                for (int i = 0; i < resultIOdata.resultsRow.Count; i++)
                    common = ResultsIO.Instance.GenerateRDC(resultIOdata.resultsRow[i].resultsColumn.ToArray());
                    data.Clear();                                              //clear data for new file
                    for (int f = 0; f < fields.Length; f++)
                    {                                                          //adding the data(values) and fields together
                        data.Add(fields[f]);                                   //add the field name
                        data.Add(resultIOdata.resultsRow[i].resultsColumn[f]); //add the value
                    if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))                           // check to see ig folder exists if not create it
                    string fileName = prefix + "_" + common.GroupName + "_" + common.TestName + ".txt"; //name the file
                    File.WriteAllLines(filePath + "/" + fileName, data.ToArray());                      //write the contents of data line by line
                    while (!File.Exists(filePath + "/" + fileName))
                        Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Writing..."); // Write to console
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
                    //update baseline dictionary(not a dictionary) if baseline
                    if (filetype == fileType.Baseline)
                        ResultsIO.Instance.BaselineDictionaryEntry(suiteBaselineDataIndex, testType, common.GroupName, common.TestName, common.DateTime);
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Wrote " + resultIOdata.resultsRow.Count + " files to disk"); // Write to console
                                                                                                                                        //Write baseline dictionary for suite and update timestamp TODO might need work/tweaking
                if (filetype == fileType.Baseline)
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(UpdateSuiteDataFiles()));
                yield return(null);
Beispiel #4
        public ResultsDataCommon SwitchPlatformAPI(string platform, string api)
            ResultsDataCommon output = this.Clone();

            output.Platform = platform;
            output.API      = api;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetchs the local data file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The data file.</returns>
        /// <param name="suite">Suite.</param>
        /// <param name="testType">Test type.</param>
        /// <param name="resultsDataCommon">Results data common.</param>
        /// <param name="baseline">If set to <c>true</c> baseline.</param>
        public ResultsIOData FetchDataFile(string suite, string testType, ResultsDataCommon resultsDataCommon, bool baseline, bool full)
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Beginning fetch process"); // Write to console
            string filePath = dataPath + "/" + suite + "/" + resultsDataCommon.Platform + "_" + resultsDataCommon.API + "/" + resultsDataCommon.RenderPipe + "/" + testType;
            string fileName = "_" + resultsDataCommon.GroupName + "_" + resultsDataCommon.TestName + ".txt";

            if (baseline)
                fileName = baselinePrefix + fileName;
                fileName = resultsCurrentPrefix + fileName;

            if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Critical, MessageLevel.Log, "Directory for baseline does not exist:" + filePath); // Write to console
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Directory for baseline exists, attempting to fetch requested baseline"); // Write to console
                if (!File.Exists(filePath + "/" + fileName))
                    Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Baseline file does not exist for the requested test:" + filePath + "/" + fileName); // Write to console
                    string[] fileLines;
                    if (!full)
                        fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath + "/" + fileName);
                        List <string> lines     = new List <string>();
                        int           commonEnd = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < fileLines.Length; i++)
                            if (commonEnd == 0)
                            if (fileLines[i] == "Custom" && i % 2 == 0)
                                commonEnd = 1;
                        fileLines = lines.ToArray();
                        fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath + "/" + fileName);
                    return(ResultsIO.Instance.GenerateRIOD(fileLines, suite, testType));
Beispiel #6
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test Type Specific Methods

        // Just get some dummy result data for the example
        ExampleResults GetDummyData(ResultsDataCommon common)
            ExampleResults output = new ExampleResults();

            output.common    = common;
            output.SomeFloat = UnityEngine.Random.value;
            output.SomeInt   = Mathf.RoundToInt(output.SomeFloat);
Beispiel #7
        // Update is called once per frame
        public void UpdateInformation()
            sysCommonData = Common.GetCommonResultsData();
            foreach (InformationEntry ie in informationEntries)
                switch (ie.source)
                case InformationSource.SystemData:
                    PopulateInfo(ie.text, FetchInfo(ie.fields, ie.split, ie.splitIndex));

                case InformationSource.CommonData:
                    PopulateInfo(ie.text, FetchInfo(ie.fields, ie.split, ie.splitIndex));

                case InformationSource.AlternativeBaseline:
                    AltBaselineSettings altSettings = Master.Instance.GetCurrentPlatformAPI();
                    if (ie.fields == CommonFields.Platform)
                        ie.text.text = altSettings.Platform;
                        if (altSettings.Platform != sysCommonData.Platform)
                            ie.text.color = Color.yellow;
                            ie.text.color = Color.white;
                    else if (ie.fields == CommonFields.API)
                        ie.text.text = altSettings.API;
                        if (altSettings.API != sysCommonData.API)
                            ie.text.color = Color.yellow;
                            ie.text.color = Color.white;
                        ie.text.text  = "N/A";
                        ie.text.color =;
Beispiel #8
        // Logic for creating results data (mandatory override)
        public override IEnumerator ProcessResult()
            var typedSettings = (FrameComparisonSettings)model.settings; // Set settings to local type

            if (!typedSettings.useBackBuffer)
                typedSettings.captureCamera.targetTexture = temporaryRt; // Set capture cameras target texture to temporary RT (logic specific)
                dummyCamera.enabled = true;
                ProgressScreen.Instance.progressObject.SetActive(false); // Hide the UI breifly to do the capture
                menuCamera.enabled = false;
            var m_TempData = (FrameComparisonResults)GetResultsStruct(); // Get a results struct (mandatory)

            yield return(WaitForTimer());                                // Wait for timer

            if (typedSettings.useBackBuffer)
                if (Debug.developerConsoleVisible)
                    Debug.ClearDeveloperConsole(); // Clear the dev console if it's visible before capturing the backbuffer.
                doCapture = true; // Perform OnRenderImage logic (logic specific)
                yield return(null);
            } while (resultsTexture == null);                                                                                                                                                   // Wait for OnRenderImage logic to complete (logic specific)
            m_TempData.resultFrame = Common.ConvertTextureToString(resultsTexture, typedSettings.imageQuality);                                                                                 // Convert results texture to Base64 String and save to results data
            if (baselineExists)                                                                                                                                                                 // Comparison (mandatory)
                AltBaselineSettings    altBaselineSettings = Master.Instance.GetCurrentPlatformAPI();                                                                                           // current chosen API/plafrom
                ResultsDataCommon      m_BaselineData      = m_TempData.common.SwitchPlatformAPI(altBaselineSettings.Platform, altBaselineSettings.API);                                        // makes new ResultsDataCommon to grab baseline
                FrameComparisonResults referenceData       = (FrameComparisonResults)DeserializeResults(ResultsIO.Instance.RetrieveEntry(suiteName, testTypeName, m_BaselineData, true, true)); // Deserialize baseline data (mandatory)
                m_TempData.common.PassFail = GetComparisonResult(m_TempData, referenceData);                                                                                                    // Get comparison results
            if (typedSettings.useBackBuffer)
                ProgressScreen.Instance.progressObject.SetActive(true); // Show progress screen again
                menuCamera.enabled = true;
                dummyCamera.enabled = false;
            Cleanup();                      // Cleanup (logic specific)
            BuildResultsStruct(m_TempData); // Submit (mandatory)
Beispiel #9
        ResultsDataCommon BuildResultsDataCommon(string sceneName, string testName, string pipeline)
            ResultsDataCommon common     = new ResultsDataCommon();
            SystemData        systemData = Master.Instance.GetSystemData();

            common.Platform   = systemData.Platform;
            common.API        = systemData.API;
            common.RenderPipe = pipeline;
            common.GroupName  = sceneName;
            common.TestName   = testName;
Beispiel #10
        ResultsDataCommon BuildResultsDataCommon(string sceneName, string testName)
            ResultsDataCommon common     = new ResultsDataCommon();
            SystemData        systemData = Master.Instance.GetSystemData();

            common.Platform   = systemData.Platform;
            common.API        = systemData.API;
            common.RenderPipe = "Standard Legacy"; // TODO - Implement SRP support
            common.GroupName  = sceneName;
            common.TestName   = testName;
Beispiel #11
        //Convert list of strings to ResultsDataCommon
        public ResultsDataCommon GenerateRDC(string[] inputData)
            var          common       = new ResultsDataCommon(); //blank common data
            BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            FieldInfo[] commonFields = typeof(ResultsDataCommon).GetFields(bindingFlags);
            for (int cf = 0; cf < commonFields.Length; cf++)
                string    value     = inputData[cf];
                FieldInfo fieldInfo = common.GetType().GetField(commonFields[cf].Name);
                fieldInfo.SetValue(common, Convert.ChangeType(value, fieldInfo.FieldType));
Beispiel #12
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Comparison Methods

        // Get comparison data
        public object ProcessComparison(ResultsBase resultsData)
            AltBaselineSettings altBaselineSettings = Master.Instance.GetCurrentPlatformAPI();                                                     // current chosen API/plafrom
            ResultsDataCommon   m_BaselineData      = resultsData.common.SwitchPlatformAPI(altBaselineSettings.Platform, altBaselineSettings.API); // makes new ResultsDataCommon to grab baseline
            ResultsIOData       baselineFetch       = ResultsIO.Instance.RetrieveEntry(suiteName, testTypeName, m_BaselineData, true, true);       // Get baseline data

            if (baselineFetch != null)                                                                                                             // If successful
                ResultsBase baselineData = (ResultsBase)DeserializeResults(baselineFetch);                                                         // Convert to results class
                return(ProcessComparison(baselineData, resultsData));                                                                              // Process comparison
                return(null); // Return fail
Beispiel #13
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get Common Data

        // Get common data about platform and version
        public static ResultsDataCommon GetCommonResultsData()
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Getting common results data"); // Write to console
            ResultsDataCommon output = new ResultsDataCommon();                                       // Create new class instance

            output.DateTime = Master.Instance.GetSystemTime().ToString(dateTimeFormat);               // Get SystemTime from Master
            SystemData systemData = Master.Instance.GetSystemData();                                  // Get SystemData from Master

            output.UnityVersion = systemData.UnityVersion;                                            // Extract from SystemData
            output.AppVersion   = systemData.AppVersion;                                              // Extract from SystemData
            output.OS           = systemData.OS;                                                      // Extract from SystemData
            output.Device       = systemData.Device;                                                  // Extract from SystemData
            output.Platform     = systemData.Platform;                                                // Extract from SystemData
            output.API          = systemData.API;                                                     // Extract from SystemData
            output.RenderPipe   = GetRenderPipelineName();                                            // Get the currently assigned pipeline
            output.Custom       = "";                                                                 // Futureproof
            return(output);                                                                           // Return
Beispiel #14
        // Logic for creating results data
        public override IEnumerator ProcessResult()
            var m_TempData = (ExampleResults)GetResultsStruct();                                                                                                                        // Must get results struct and cast to this logics results type (mandatory)

            yield return(WaitForTimer());                                                                                                                                               // Wait for timer

            var typedSettings = (ExampleSettings)model.settings;                                                                                                                        // Set settings to local type (mandatory)

            m_TempData = GetDummyData(m_TempData.common);                                                                                                                               // Just get some dummy data for the example (logic specific)
            if (baselineExists)                                                                                                                                                         // Comparison (mandatory)
                AltBaselineSettings altBaselineSettings = Master.Instance.GetCurrentPlatformAPI();                                                                                      // current chosen API/plafrom
                ResultsDataCommon   m_BaselineData      = m_TempData.common.SwitchPlatformAPI(altBaselineSettings.Platform, altBaselineSettings.API);                                   // makes new ResultsDataCommon to grab baseline
                ExampleResults      referenceData       = (ExampleResults)DeserializeResults(ResultsIO.Instance.RetrieveEntry(suiteName, testTypeName, m_TempData.common, true, true)); // Deserialize baseline data (mandatory)
                m_TempData.common.PassFail = GetComparisonResult(m_TempData, referenceData);                                                                                            // Get comparison results
            BuildResultsStruct(m_TempData);                                                                                                                                             // Submit (mandatory)
Beispiel #15
        public ResultsDataCommon Clone()
            ResultsDataCommon output = new ResultsDataCommon();

            output.DateTime     = this.DateTime;
            output.UnityVersion = this.UnityVersion;
            output.AppVersion   = this.AppVersion;
            output.OS           = this.OS;
            output.Device       = this.Device;
            output.Platform     = this.Platform;
            output.API          = this.API;
            output.RenderPipe   = this.RenderPipe;
            output.GroupName    = this.GroupName;
            output.TestName     = this.TestName;
            output.PassFail     = this.PassFail;
            output.Custom       = this.Custom;
Beispiel #16
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Serialization
        // TODO - Clean and comment (DANGER)

        // Deserialize ResultsIOData(string arrays) to ResultsData(class)
        public override object DeserializeResults(ResultsIOData resultsIOData)
            //var resultData = Convert.ChangeType(activeBaselineData, results); // Create instance (Old - Used from base class)
            ResultsBase resultData = (R)Activator.CreateInstance(results); // Create instance
            var         common     = new ResultsDataCommon();              //blank common data

            BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            FieldInfo[] commonFields = typeof(ResultsDataCommon).GetFields(bindingFlags);
            FieldInfo[] customFields = results.GetFields(bindingFlags);

            List <string> commonDataRaw  = resultsIOData.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn.GetRange(0, commonFields.Length);
            List <string> resultsDataRaw = resultsIOData.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn.GetRange(commonFields.Length, resultsIOData.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn.Count - (commonFields.Length));

            for (int f = 0; f < customFields.Length; f++)
                if (f == 0)
                    //do the common class
                    for (int cf = 0; cf < commonFields.Length; cf++)
                        string    value     = commonDataRaw[cf];
                        FieldInfo fieldInfo = common.GetType().GetField(commonFields[cf].Name);
                        fieldInfo.SetValue(common, Convert.ChangeType(value, fieldInfo.FieldType));
                    var       value     = resultsDataRaw[(f) - 1];
                    FieldInfo fieldInfo = resultData.GetType().GetField(customFields[0].Name); // TODO - Why did this become 0?
                    if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsArray)                                           // This handles arrays
                        Type type = resultData.GetType().GetField(customFields[f].Name).FieldType.GetElementType();
                        GenerateGenericArray(fieldInfo, resultData.GetType(), resultData, type, value);
                    else // Non array types
                        fieldInfo.SetValue(resultData, Convert.ChangeType(value, fieldInfo.FieldType));
            resultData.common = common; // Assign common
Beispiel #17
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Getters
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public IEnumerator FetchSpecificEntry(ResultsIOData inputData, Action <ResultsIOData> outdata)
            ResultsIOData data     = new ResultsIOData();//ResultsIOData to send back to resultsIO for local processing
            string        suite    = inputData.suite;
            string        testType = inputData.testType;

            List <string> common = inputData.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn;

            ResultsDataCommon RDC       = GenerateRDC(common.ToArray());
            ResultsIOData     localData = LocalIO.Instance.FetchDataFile(suite, testType, RDC, inputData.baseline, true);

            if (localData == null)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(SQL.SQLIO.FetchSpecificEntry(inputData, (value => { data = value; }))));
                data = localData;
Beispiel #18
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Execution Overrides

        // Logic for creating results data (mandatory override)
        public override IEnumerator ProcessResult()
            var m_TempData    = (AverageFrameTimeResults)GetResultsStruct(); // Get a results struct (mandatory)
            var typedSettings = (AverageFrameTimeSettings)model.settings;    // Set settings to local type

            yield return(WaitForTimer());                                    // Wait for timer

            Timestamp(false);                                                // Perform a timestamp (logic specific)
            for (int i = 0; i < typedSettings.sampleFrames; i++)             // Wait for requested sample frame count (logic specific)
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
            m_TempData.avgFrameTime = Timestamp(true);                                                                                                                                            // Perform a timestamp (logic specific)
            if (baselineExists)                                                                                                                                                                   // Comparison (mandatory)
                AltBaselineSettings     altBaselineSettings = Master.Instance.GetCurrentPlatformAPI();                                                                                            // current chosen API/plafrom
                ResultsDataCommon       m_BaselineData      = m_TempData.common.SwitchPlatformAPI(altBaselineSettings.Platform, altBaselineSettings.API);                                         // makes new ResultsDataCommon to grab baseline
                AverageFrameTimeResults referenceData       = (AverageFrameTimeResults)DeserializeResults(ResultsIO.Instance.RetrieveEntry(suiteName, testTypeName, m_BaselineData, true, true)); // Deserialize baseline data (mandatory)
                m_TempData.common.PassFail = GetComparisonResult(m_TempData, referenceData);                                                                                                      // Get comparison result
            BuildResultsStruct(m_TempData);                                                                                                                                                       // Submit (mandatory)
Beispiel #19
        static ResultsDataCommon ArrayToResultsDataCommon(string[] splitData)
            ResultsDataCommon RDC = new ResultsDataCommon();

            for (int i = 0; i < splitData.Length; i++)
                switch (i)
                case 1:
                    RDC.DateTime = splitData [i];

                case 3:
                    RDC.UnityVersion = splitData [i];

                case 5:
                    RDC.AppVersion = splitData [i];

                case 7:
                    RDC.OS = splitData [i];

                case 9:
                    RDC.Device = splitData [i];

                case 11:
                    RDC.Platform = splitData [i];

                case 13:
                    RDC.API = splitData [i];

                case 15:
                    RDC.RenderPipe = splitData [i];

                case 17:
                    RDC.GroupName = splitData [i];

                case 19:
                    RDC.TestName = splitData [i];

                case 21:
                    RDC.PassFail = bool.Parse(splitData [i]);

                case 23:
                    RDC.Custom = splitData [i];

Beispiel #20
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Serialization
        // TODO - Clean and comment (DANGER)

        // Serialize ResultsData(class) to ResultsIOData(string arrays)
        public ResultsIOData SerializeResults()
            ResultsIOData output = new ResultsIOData();

            output.resultsRow.Add(new ResultsIORow());
            BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            FieldInfo[] commonFields = typeof(ResultsDataCommon).GetFields(bindingFlags);
            FieldInfo[] customFields = results.GetFields(bindingFlags);

            //Store field names into the ResultsIOData
            for (int f = 0; f < commonFields.Length; f++)
            for (int f = 0; f < customFields.Length - 1; f++)

            output.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn = new List <string>();
            ResultsDataCommon resultsCommonTemplate = new ResultsDataCommon();

            for (int f = 0; f < commonFields.Length; f++)
                var       typedResult      = Convert.ChangeType(activeResultData, results);                                               // TODO - Why does this work...
                FieldInfo typedCommonField = typedResult.GetType().GetField("common");                                                    // TODO - Why does this work...
                var       typedCommonValue = Convert.ChangeType(typedCommonField.GetValue(typedResult), resultsCommonTemplate.GetType()); // TODO - Why does this work...
                var       commonResult     = typedCommonValue.GetType().GetField(commonFields[f].Name).GetValue(typedCommonValue);
            for (int f = 0; f < customFields.Length - 1; f++)
                var customResult = activeResultData.GetType().GetField(customFields[f].Name).GetValue(activeResultData);
                if (activeResultData.GetType().GetField(customFields[f].Name).FieldType.IsArray) //If its an array (tough to handle)
                    Array a = (Array)activeResultData.GetType().GetField(customFields[f].Name).GetValue(activeResultData);
                    if (a != null) // Null check incase custom results werent set on an array
                        string[] stringArray = new string[a.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                            stringArray[i] = a.GetValue(i).ToString();
                        customResult = Common.ConvertStringArrayToString(stringArray);
                    else // Write blank when custom results werent set on an array
                        customResult = "";
                else if (customResult != null) //If its a non-array type that has had values set
                else //If its a non-array type that has not had values set
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, GetType().Name + " generated resultsIO data"); // Write to console
Beispiel #21
 public void SetAndUpdateInformation(ResultsDataCommon rdc)
     commmonData = rdc;
Beispiel #22
        // Generate a list of results based on selected filters
        public IEnumerator GenerateFilteredResultList()
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Filtering results");                                       // Write to console
            filteredResultsEntries.Clear();                                                                                       // Clear current
            TestStructure.Structure structure = TestStructure.Instance.GetStructure();                                            // Get structure
            for (int su = 0; su < structure.suites.Count; su++)                                                                   // Iterate suites
                if (su == suitesDropdown.value - 1 || suitesDropdown.value == 0)                                                  // If passes suites filter
                    string suiteName = structure.suites[su].suiteName;                                                            // Get suite name
                    for (int ty = 0; ty < structure.suites[su].types.Count; ty++)                                                 // Iterate types
                        int typeIndex = structure.suites[su].types[ty].typeIndex;                                                 // Get type index
                        if (typeIndex == typesDropdown.value - 1 || typesDropdown.value == 0)                                     // If passes types filter
                            string typeName = structure.suites[su].types[ty].typeName;                                            // Get type name
                            for (int gr = 0; gr < structure.suites[su].types[ty].groups.Count; gr++)                              // Iterate groups
                                string groupName = structure.suites[su].types[ty].groups[gr].groupName;                           // Get group name
                                for (int te = 0; te < structure.suites[su].types[ty].groups[gr].tests.Count; te++)                // Iterate tests
                                    string            testName  = structure.suites[su].types[ty].groups[gr].tests[te].testName;   // Get test name
                                    string            scenePath = structure.suites[su].types[ty].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath;  // Get scene path
                                    ResultsDataCommon common    = BuildResultsDataCommon(groupName, testName);                    // Build results data common to retrieve results
                                    ResultsIOData     data      = ResultsIO.Instance.RetrieveResult(suiteName, typeName, common); // Retrieve results data
                                    if (resultsDropdown.value != 0)                                                               // If filtering based on results
                                        int passFail = 2;                                                                         // Set default state (no results)
                                        if (data != null)                                                                         // If results data exists
                                            passFail = data.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn[21] == "True" ? 0 : 1;                    // Set pass fail state
                                        switch (resultsDropdown.value)
                                        case 1:     // Pass
                                            if (passFail == 0)
                                                filteredResultsEntries.Add(new ResultsEntryData(new TestEntry(suiteName, groupName, scenePath, typeName, testName, typeIndex, su, gr, ty, te), data));     // Add to list

                                        case 2:     // Fail
                                            if (passFail == 1)
                                                filteredResultsEntries.Add(new ResultsEntryData(new TestEntry(suiteName, groupName, scenePath, typeName, testName, typeIndex, su, gr, ty, te), data));     // Add to list

                                        case 3:     // Ran
                                            if (passFail != 2)
                                                filteredResultsEntries.Add(new ResultsEntryData(new TestEntry(suiteName, groupName, scenePath, typeName, testName, typeIndex, su, gr, ty, te), data));     // Add to list

                                        case 4:     // Not Ran
                                            if (passFail == 2)
                                                filteredResultsEntries.Add(new ResultsEntryData(new TestEntry(suiteName, groupName, scenePath, typeName, testName, typeIndex, su, gr, ty, te), data));     // Add to list
                                        filteredResultsEntries.Add(new ResultsEntryData(new TestEntry(suiteName, groupName, scenePath, typeName, testName, typeIndex, su, gr, ty, te), data)); // Add to list
                                    yield return(null);
Beispiel #23
        public void GetSlackResultsMessage()
            List <Attachment> attachments       = new List <Attachment>();
            Attachment        attachment        = new Attachment("", false);
            string            previousSuiteName = "";
            int  localTestCount  = 0;
            int  localFailCount  = 0;
            int  globalTestCount = 0;
            int  globalFailCount = 0;
            bool resultsFound    = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < TestRunner.Instance.runner.tests.Count; i++)
                TestEntry currentEntry = TestRunner.Instance.runner.tests[i];
                if (currentEntry.suiteName != previousSuiteName)
                    previousSuiteName = currentEntry.suiteName;
                    if (resultsFound == true)
                        attachment.text += "Ran " + localTestCount.ToString() + ", Passed " + (localTestCount - localFailCount).ToString() + ", Failed " + localFailCount.ToString();
                        globalTestCount += localTestCount;
                        globalFailCount += localFailCount;
                        localTestCount   = 0;
                        localFailCount   = 0;
                    attachment = new Attachment(currentEntry.suiteName + ": ", true);
                ResultsDataCommon common = BuildResultsDataCommon(currentEntry.groupName, currentEntry.testName);                    // Build results data common to retrieve results
                ResultsIOData     data   = ResultsIO.Instance.RetrieveResult(currentEntry.suiteName, currentEntry.typeName, common); // Retrieve results data
                if (data != null)
                    resultsFound = true;
                    //search for PassFail field to avoid hardcoding
                    int passFailIndex = -1;
                    for (int f = 0; f < data.fieldNames.Count; f++)
                        if (data.fieldNames [f] == "PassFail")
                            passFailIndex = f;
                    if (data.resultsRow[0].resultsColumn[passFailIndex] == "False")
                        attachment.passFail = false;
            if (TestRunner.Instance.runner.tests.Count > 0)
                attachment.text += "Ran " + localTestCount.ToString() + ", Passed " + (localTestCount - localFailCount).ToString() + ", Failed " + localFailCount.ToString();
                globalTestCount += localTestCount;
                globalFailCount += localFailCount;
            SystemData sysData = Master.Instance.GetSystemData();
            string     message = "*UTF completed run. Ran " + globalTestCount.ToString() + ", Passed " + (globalTestCount - globalFailCount).ToString() + ", Failed " + globalFailCount.ToString() + "*" + Environment.NewLine + "_" + sysData.Device + "_" + Environment.NewLine + "_" + sysData.Platform + " - " + sysData.API + "_" + Environment.NewLine + "_" + sysData.UnityVersion + "_";

            Attachment[] attachmentArray = attachments.ToArray();
            currentMessage = new Message(message, attachmentArray);