BulkInsertEdge() public method

Bulk insert edge from data file Data file should contain source node id and Sink node id on the first and second columns, then followed by the columns of user-supplied edge attribute.
public BulkInsertEdge ( string dataFileName, string tableSchema, string sourceTableName, string sourceNodeIdName, string sinkTableName, string sinkNodeIdName, string edgeColumnName, IList dataEdgeAttributeName = null, string fieldTerminator = "\t", string rowTerminator = "\r\n", bool updateMethod = true, bool Header = false ) : void
dataFileName string The name of data file.
tableSchema string The Schema name of node table. Default by "dbo".
sourceTableName string The source node table name of node table.
sourceNodeIdName string The node id name of source node table.
sinkTableName string The Sink node table name of node table.
sinkNodeIdName string The node id name of Sink node table.
edgeColumnName string The edge column name in source node table.
dataEdgeAttributeName IList User-supplied edge attribute name in data file in order. /// By default(null), data file should exactly contain all the Edge Attribute in creating order. /// Empty stands for that data file doesn't provide edge attribute.
fieldTerminator string The field terminator of data file. Default by "\t".
rowTerminator string The row terminator of data file. Default by "\r\n".
updateMethod bool Choose update method or rebuild table method to implement bulk insert edge. /// True, the data file contains Header
Header bool
return void
Beispiel #1
        public static void run()
            GraphViewConnection con = new GraphViewConnection(TutorialConfiguration.getConnectionString());

                Console.WriteLine("Creating tables...");
                #region Create a schema for reader and book
                con.CreateNodeTable(@"CREATE TABLE [Book] ( 
                    [ColumnRole:""NodeId""] name VARCHAR(40) )");

                con.CreateNodeTable(@"CREATE TABLE [Reader] ( 
                    [ColumnRole:""NodeId""] name VARCHAR(30),
                    [ColumnRole:""Property""] gender VARCHAR(10),
                    [ColumnRole:""Edge"",Reference:""Book""] Reads VARBINARY(max) )");

                #region Bulk Load Nodes
                con.BulkInsertNode(ReaderFileName, "Reader", "dbo", null, ",", "\n");
                con.BulkInsertNode(BookFileName, "Book", "dbo", null, ",", "\n");
                con.BulkInsertEdge(readRelationFileName, "dbo", "Reader", "name", "Book", "name", "Reads", null, ",", "\n");

                #region Query
                var res = con.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT x.name as name1, y.name as name2 FROM Reader x, Book y
                                MATCH x-[Reads]->y ");
                    while (res.Read())
                        System.Console.WriteLine(res["name1"].ToString() + " Reads " + res["name2"].ToString());
                    if (res != null)
            catch (System.Exception ex)
            finally //  close the connection and drop table