private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)                        //for search method
            if (cmbTraversal.Text == "" || cmbGraph.Text == "" || txtVertex.Text == "") //check if textbox or dropdown are blank
                MessageBox.Show("Don't leave the form blank.");

                graph = new GraphMethods();//if not blank thin load the graph

                string searchVal = txtVertex.Text;                            //put the value of the textbox to the variable

                if (cmbTraversal.Text == "DFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 1") //if user selected Graph 1 and DFS Traversal, call the DFS_Search_Display method
                    graph.DFS_Search_Display(graph.graph1, searchVal);

                else if (cmbTraversal.Text == "DFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 2")//if user selected Graph 2 and DFS Traversal, call the DFS_Search_Display method
                    graph.DFS_Search_Display(graph.graph2, searchVal);

                else if (cmbTraversal.Text == "BFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 1")//if user selected Graph 1 and BFS Traversal, call the BFS_Search_Display method
                    graph.BFS_Search_Display(graph.graph1, searchVal);

                else if (cmbTraversal.Text == "BFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 2")//if user selected Graph 2 and BFS Traversal, call the BFS_Search_Display method
                    graph.BFS_Search_Display(graph.graph2, searchVal);
        private void btnMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  //for display visited nodes
            if (cmbTraversal.Text == "" || cmbGraph.Text == "") //check if dropdown are blank
                MessageBox.Show("Don't leave the form blank.");

                graph = new GraphMethods();

                //if user selected Graph 1 and DFS Traversal, call the DFS_Display method
                if (cmbTraversal.Text == "DFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 1")
                //if user selected Graph 2 and DFS Traversal, call the DFS_Display method
                else if (cmbTraversal.Text == "DFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 2")
                //if user selected Graph 1 and BFS Traversal, call the BFS_Display method
                else if (cmbTraversal.Text == "BFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 1")
                //if user selected Graph 2 and BFS Traversal, call the BFS_Display method
                else if (cmbTraversal.Text == "BFS" && cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 2")
        private void cmbGraph_SelectedIndexChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e) //select which graph to traverse
            graph = new GraphMethods();                                          // bind he graph

            if (cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 1")//if graph 1 is selected, value for the traversal is DFS
                cmbTraversal.Text = "DFS";

            else//if graph 1 is selected, value for the traversal is BFS
                cmbTraversal.Text = "BFS";
        private void btnDisplayVert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // display the verices of a given graph
            graph = new GraphMethods();                               // bind he graph

            if (cmbGraph.Text == "")//check if textbox or dropdown are blank
                MessageBox.Show("Don't leave the form blank.");

            if (cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 1")//Didsplay the matrix of Graph 1 for checking purposes only

            else if (cmbGraph.Text == "Graph 2")//Didsplay the matrix of Graph 2 for checking purposes only