Beispiel #1
        public GradesStatistics ComputeStatistics()
            GradesStatistics stats = new GradesStatistics();

            float sum = 0f;

            foreach(float grade in grades)
                stats.HighestGrade = Math.Max(grade, stats.HighestGrade);
                stats.LowestGrade = Math.Min(grade, stats.LowestGrade);
                sum += grade;

            stats.AverageGrade = sum / grades.Count;
            return stats;
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GradeBook book = new GradeBook();

            book.AddGrade(89.5f); //Ending float types with 'f' to indicate float

            GradesStatistics stats = book.ComputeStatistics();

            //Console.Writeline code snippet: 'cw' (TAB x2)
            Console.WriteLine("Average: " + stats.AverageGrade);
            Console.WriteLine("Highest: " + stats.HighestGrade);
            Console.WriteLine("Lowest: " + stats.LowestGrade);

            //Ctrl + F5 allows for a pause on console before closing when
            //Program is done (Press any key to continue ... )
Beispiel #3
        //If return type is another class that has less accessibility than current class,
        //Then this function will call an error
        public GradesStatistics ComputeStatistics()
            GradesStatistics stats = new GradesStatistics();

            float sum = 0; //All grades in gradebook\

            //Foreach: will execute once for every item in a collection
            foreach (float grade in grades)
                //if(grade > stats.HighestGrade)
                //    stats.HighestGrade = grade;
                stats.HighestGrade = Math.Max(grade, stats.HighestGrade); //Sets to highest of two variables passed
                stats.LowestGrade  = Math.Min(grade, stats.LowestGrade);  //Sets to lowest of two variables
                sum += grade;
            stats.AverageGrade = sum / grades.Count;
