Beispiel #1
        // Generate a student grade report as a Word document.
        public void GenerateStudentReport(LocalStudent studentData, string reportPath)
            // Ensure that the WordWrapper is disposed when the method finishes
            using (var wrapper = new WordWrapper())
                // Create a new Word document in memory

                // Add a heading to the document
                wrapper.AppendHeading(String.Format("Grade Report: {0} {1}", studentData.FirstName, studentData.LastName));

                // Output the details of each grade for the student
                foreach (var grade in SessionContext.CurrentGrades)
                    // TODO: Exercise 2: Task 2a: Use the IncludeProcessor to determine which fields in the Grade object are tagged

                    // TODO: Exercise 2: Task 2b: Output each tagged item, using the format specified by the properties of the IncludeInReport attribute for each item


                // Save the Word document
        public void Refresh()
            ServiceUtils utils = new ServiceUtils();

            var students = utils.GetUnassignedStudents();

            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s


            list.ItemsSource = null;
            list.ItemsSource = resultData;

            if (resultData.Count == 0)
                txtMessage.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
                listContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                txtMessage.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
                listContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Beispiel #3
        // Update the display with the details of the specified student and retrieve the grades for this student
        private async Task DisplayStudentDetailsAndGrades(Student student)
                LocalStudent child = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = student

                // Display the photo for ths stdudent by using databinding
                studentPhoto.DataContext = child;

                // Find the grades for the student and display them
                var grades = await _context.GetGradesByStudent(student.UserId);

            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}",
                                              ex.Response.StatusCode.ToString(), ex.Response.Error.Message));
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}", e.Message));
Beispiel #4
        // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 2a: Generate a student grade report as a Word document.
        public void GenerateStudentReport(LocalStudent studentData, string reportPath)
            WordWrapper wrapper = new WordWrapper();

            // Create a new Word document in memory

            // Add a heading to the document
            wrapper.AppendHeading(String.Format("Grade Report: {0} {1}", studentData.FirstName, studentData.LastName));

            // Output the details of each grade for the student
            foreach (var grade in SessionContext.CurrentGrades)
                wrapper.AppendText(grade.SubjectName, true, true);
                wrapper.AppendText("Assessment: " + grade.Assessment, false, false);
                wrapper.AppendText("Date: " + grade.AssessmentDateString, false, false);
                wrapper.AppendText("Comment: " + grade.Comments, false, false);

            // Save the Word document
        // Generate a student grade report as a Word document.
        public void GenerateStudentReport(LocalStudent studentData, string reportPath)
            // Ensure that the WordWrapper is disposed when the method finishes
            using (var wrapper = new WordWrapper())
                // Create a new Word document in memory

                // Add a heading to the document
                wrapper.AppendHeading(String.Format("Grade Report: {0} {1}", studentData.FirstName, studentData.LastName));

                // Output the details of each grade for the student
                foreach (var grade in SessionContext.CurrentGrades)
                    // Use the IncludeProcessor to determine which fields in the Grade object are tagged
                    List <FormatField> itemsToReport = IncludeProcessor.GetItemsToInclude(grade);

                    // Output each tagged item, using the format specified by the properties of the IncludeInReport attribute for each item
                    foreach (FormatField item in itemsToReport)
                        wrapper.AppendText(item.Label == string.Empty ? item.Value : item.Label + ": " + item.Value, item.IsBold, item.IsUnderlined);

                // Encrypt and save the Word document
Beispiel #6
        // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3a: Mark StudentsPage.Refresh as an asynchronous method
        public void Refresh()
            ServiceUtils utils = new ServiceUtils();

            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3g: Invoke GetStudentsByTeacher asychronously and pass the OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete callback as the second argument
            var students = utils.GetStudentsByTeacher(SessionContext.UserName);

            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3b: Relocate the remaining code in this method to create the OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete callback (in the Callbacks region)
            // Iterate through the returned set of students, construct a local student object list
            // and then data bind this to the list item template
            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s


            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3c: Use a Dispatcher object to update the UI
            list.ItemsSource = resultData;
            txtClass.Text    = String.Format("Class {0}", SessionContext.CurrentTeacher.Class);
Beispiel #7
        private void OnGetUnassignedStudentsComplete(IEnumerable <Student> students)
            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s


            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                list.ItemsSource = null;
                list.ItemsSource = resultData;

                if (resultData.Count == 0)
                    txtMessage.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
                    listContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    txtMessage.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    listContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Beispiel #8
        public void Refresh()
            // Find all students for the current teacher
            ServiceUtils utils = new ServiceUtils();

            var students = utils.GetStudentsByTeacher(SessionContext.UserName);

            // Iterate through the returned set of students, construct a local student object list
            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s

            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 5a: Bind the list of students to the "list" ItemsControl
            list.ItemsSource = resultData;

            txtClass.Text = String.Format("Class {0}", SessionContext.CurrentTeacher.Class);

            txtClass.Text = String.Format("Class {0}", SessionContext.CurrentTeacher.Class);
Beispiel #9
        private void Child_Click(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            LocalStudent child = (sender as TextBlock).Tag as LocalStudent;

            Refresh(child.FirstName, child.LastName);
            SessionContext.CurrentStudent = child;
        private void RemoveStudent_Click(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            LocalStudent student = (sender as Grid).Tag as LocalStudent;

            MessageBoxResult button = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to remove the student?", "Student", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);

            if (button == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                ServiceUtils utils = new ServiceUtils();
                utils.RemoveStudent(SessionContext.CurrentTeacher, student.Record);
Beispiel #11
        private async void Student_Click(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            LocalStudent student = (sender as StudentPhoto).DataContext as LocalStudent;

            MessageBoxResult button = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to add the student?", "Student", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);

            if (button == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                ServiceUtils utils = new ServiceUtils();
                await utils.AddStudent(SessionContext.CurrentTeacher, student.Record);

Beispiel #12
        // Callback that displays the list of students for a teacher
        private void OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete(IEnumerable <Student> students)
            // Iterate through the set of students, construct a local student object list
            // and then data bind this to the list item template
            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s


            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { list.ItemsSource = resultData;
                                           txtClass.Text    = String.Format("Class {0}", SessionContext.CurrentTeacher.Class); });
Beispiel #13
        // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3b: Implement the OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete callback to display the students for a teacher here
        private void OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete(IEnumerable <Student> students)
            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s


            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3d: Use a Dispatcher object to update the UI
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                list.ItemsSource = resultData;
                txtClass.Text    = String.Format("Class {0}", SessionContext.CurrentTeacher.Class);
        // Display the students for a parent
        private void OnGetStudentsByParentComplete(IEnumerable <Student> students)
            // Display the details for the first child
                foreach (var s in students)
                    LocalStudent child = new LocalStudent();
                    child.Record = s;

                    SessionContext.CurrentStudent = child;
                    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { GotoStudentProfile(); });
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}",
                                              ex.Response.StatusCode.ToString(), ex.Response.Error.Message));
Beispiel #15
        // Update the display with the details of the specified student and retrieve the grades for this student
        private void DisplayStudentDetailsAndGrades(Student student)
                LocalStudent child = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = student

                // Find the grades for the student and display them
                var grades = _context.GetGradesByStudent(student.UserId);
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}",
                                              ex.Response.StatusCode.ToString(), ex.Response.Error.Message));
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}", e.Message));
        // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3b: Implement the OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete callback to display the students for a teacher here
        private void OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete(IEnumerable <Student> students)
            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3c: Relocate the remaining code in this method to create the OnGetStudentsByTeacherComplete callback (in the Callbacks region)
            // Iterate through the returned set of students, construct a local student object list
            // and then data bind this to the list item template
            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s


            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3d: Use a Dispatcher object to update the UI
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                list.ItemsSource = resultData;
                txtClass.Text    = String.Format("Class {0}", SessionContext.CurrentTeacher.Class);
        public void Refresh()
            ServiceUtils utils = new ServiceUtils();

            var students = utils.GetStudentsByTeacher(SessionContext.UserName);

            // Iterate through the returned set of students, construct a local student object list
            // and then data bind this to the list item template
            List <LocalStudent> resultData = new List <LocalStudent>();

            foreach (Student s in students)
                LocalStudent student = new LocalStudent()
                    Record = s


            list.ItemsSource = resultData;
            txtClass.Text    = String.Format("Class {0}", SessionContext.CurrentTeacher.Class);
Beispiel #18
        // Display the names of the students for a parent
        private void OnGetStudentsByParentComplete(IEnumerable <Student> students)
                // Convert the list of students from the format provided by the dataservice to the format displayed by the application
                List <LocalStudent> studentList = new List <LocalStudent>();
                foreach (Student s in students)
                    LocalStudent child = new LocalStudent()
                        Record = s

                // Use databinding to display the student names
                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { listChild.ItemsSource = studentList; });
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}",
                                              ex.Response.StatusCode.ToString(), ex.Response.Error.Message));
 public StudentEventArgs(LocalStudent s)
     Child = s;
        public async void Refresh()
            if (SessionContext.Role == "")

            // Databind Name
            ServiceUtils context = new ServiceUtils();

                switch (SessionContext.Role)
                case "Student":
                    // Get the details of the current user (which must be a student)
                    var student = await context.GetStudent(SessionContext.UserName);

                    // Display the name of the student
                        LocalStudent localStudent = new LocalStudent();
                        localStudent.Record           = student;
                        SessionContext.CurrentStudent = localStudent;
                        txtName.Text = String.Format("Welcome {0} {1}!", localStudent.FirstName, localStudent.LastName);
                    catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}",
                                                      ex.Response.StatusCode.ToString(), ex.Response.Error.Message));

                    // Display the details of the student

                case "Parent":
                    // Get the details of the current user (which must be a parent)
                    var parent = await context.GetParent(SessionContext.UserName);

                    // Display the name of the parent
                        SessionContext.CurrentParent = parent;
                        txtName.Text = String.Format("Welcome {0} {1}!", parent.FirstName, parent.LastName);
                    catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}",
                                                      ex.Response.StatusCode.ToString(), ex.Response.Error.Message));

                    // Find all the students that are children of this parent
                    await context.GetStudentsByParent(SessionContext.UserName, OnGetStudentsByParentComplete);


                case "Teacher":
                    // Get the details of the current user (which must be a teacher)
                    var teacher = await context.GetTeacher(SessionContext.UserName);

                    // Display the details for the teacher
                        SessionContext.CurrentTeacher = teacher;
                        txtName.Text = String.Format("Welcome {0} {1}!", teacher.FirstName, teacher.LastName);

                        // Display the students in the class taught by this teacher
                    catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error: {0} - {1}",
                                                      ex.Response.StatusCode.ToString(), ex.Response.Error.Message));
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error fetching details", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);