Beispiel #1
        public static void Read(string rawText, GSTU_Search search, UnityAction <GstuSpreadSheet> callback)
            ValueRange rawData = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <ValueRange>(rawText);
            // JSON.Load(request.downloadHandler.text).Make<ValueRange>();
            var response = new GSTU_SpreadsheetResponse(rawData);

            if (callback != null)
                var sheet = new GstuSpreadSheet(response, search.titleColumn, search.titleRow);
                sheet.rawText = rawText;
Beispiel #2
        /*     public GstuSpreadSheet(GSTU_SpreadsheetResponce data)
         *   {
         *       string startColumn = Regex.Replace(data.StartCell(), "[^a-zA-Z]", "");
         *       int startRow = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(data.StartCell(), "[^0-9]", ""));
         *       int startColumnAsInt = GoogleSheetsToUnityUtilities.NumberFromExcelColumn(startColumn);
         *       int currentRow = startRow;
         *       foreach (List<string> dataValue in data.valueRange.values)
         *       {
         *           int currentColumn = startColumnAsInt;
         *           foreach (string entry in dataValue)
         *           {
         *               string realColumn = GoogleSheetsToUnityUtilities.ExcelColumnFromNumber(currentColumn);
         *               GSTU_Cell cell = new GSTU_Cell(entry, realColumn, currentRow);
         *               Cells.Add(realColumn + currentRow, cell);
         *               if (!rows.ContainsKey(currentRow))
         *               {
         *                   rows.Add(currentRow, new List<GSTU_Cell>());
         *               }
         *               rows[currentRow].Add(cell);
         *               if (!columns.ContainsPrimaryKey(realColumn))
         *               {
         *                   columns.Add(realColumn, new List<GSTU_Cell>());
         *               }
         *               columns[realColumn].Add(cell);
         *               currentColumn++;
         *           }
         *           currentRow++;
         *       }
         *       if(data.sheetInfo != null)
         *       {
         *           foreach(var merge in data.sheetInfo.merges)
         *           {
         *               Debug.Log("Merge starts at : " + merge.startRowIndex + " " + GoogleSheetsToUnityUtilities.ExcelColumnFromNumber(merge.startColumnIndex));
         *           }
         *       }
         *   }*/

        public GstuSpreadSheet(GSTU_SpreadsheetResponse data, string titleColumn, int titleRow)
            string startColumn = Regex.Replace(data.StartCell(), "[^a-zA-Z]", "");
            int    startRow    = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(data.StartCell(), "[^0-9]", ""));

            int startColumnAsInt = GoogleSheetsToUnityUtilities.NumberFromExcelColumn(startColumn);
            int currentRow       = startRow;

            Dictionary <string, string> mergeCellRedirect = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (data.sheetInfo != null)
                foreach (var merge in data.sheetInfo.merges)
                    string cell = GoogleSheetsToUnityUtilities.ExcelColumnFromNumber(merge.startColumnIndex + 1) + (merge.startRowIndex + 1);

                    for (int r = merge.startRowIndex; r < merge.endRowIndex; r++)
                        for (int c = merge.startColumnIndex; c < merge.endColumnIndex; c++)
                            string mergeCell = GoogleSheetsToUnityUtilities.ExcelColumnFromNumber(c + 1) + (r + 1);
                            mergeCellRedirect.Add(mergeCell, cell);

            foreach (List <string> dataValue in data.valueRange.values)
                int currentColumn = startColumnAsInt;

                foreach (string entry in dataValue)
                    string realColumn = GoogleSheetsToUnityUtilities.ExcelColumnFromNumber(currentColumn);
                    string cellID     = realColumn + currentRow;

                    GSTU_Cell cell = null;
                    if (mergeCellRedirect.ContainsKey(cellID) && Cells.ContainsKey(mergeCellRedirect[cellID]))
                        cell = Cells[mergeCellRedirect[cellID]];
                        cell = new GSTU_Cell(entry, realColumn, currentRow);

                        //check the title row and column exist, if not create them
                        if (!rows.ContainsKey(currentRow))
                            rows.Add(currentRow, new List <GSTU_Cell>());
                        if (!columns.ContainsPrimaryKey(realColumn))
                            columns.Add(realColumn, new List <GSTU_Cell>());


                        //build a series of seconard keys for the rows and columns
                        if (realColumn == titleColumn)
                            rows.LinkSecondaryKey(currentRow, cell.value);
                        if (currentRow == titleRow)
                            columns.LinkSecondaryKey(realColumn, cell.value);

                    Cells.Add(cellID, cell);



            //build the column and row string Id's from titles
            foreach (GSTU_Cell cell in Cells.Values)
                cell.columnId = Cells[cell.Column() + titleRow].value;
                cell.rowId    = Cells[titleColumn + cell.Row()].value;

            //build all links to row and columns for cells that are handled by merged title fields.
            foreach (GSTU_Cell cell in Cells.Values)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GSTU_Cell> cell2 in Cells)
                    if (cell.columnId == cell2.Value.columnId && cell.rowId == cell2.Value.rowId)
                        if (!cell.titleConnectedCells.Contains(cell2.Key))
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the spread sheet and callback with the results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="search"></param>
        /// <param name="containsMergedCells"></param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static IEnumerator Read(UnityWebRequest request, GSTU_Search search, bool containsMergedCells, UnityAction <GstuSpreadSheet> callback)
            var apiKey = Config.gdr.access_token;

            if (Application.isPlaying)
                // yield return new Task(CheckForRefreshToken());
                yield return(CheckForRefreshToken());
                yield return(EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(CheckForRefreshToken()));

            var newApiKey = Config.gdr.access_token;

            if (!apiKey.Equals(newApiKey))
                request = UnityWebRequest.Get(CreateReadRequestURI(search));

            using (request)
                yield return(request.SendWebRequest());

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.downloadHandler.text) || request.downloadHandler.text == "{}")
                    Debug.LogWarning("Unable to Retreive data from google sheets");
                    yield break;

                if (request.downloadHandler.text.Contains("UNAUTHENTICATED"))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Unable to Retreive data from google sheets:UNAUTHENTICATED");
                    yield break;

                ValueRange rawData = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <ValueRange>(request.downloadHandler.text);
                // JSON.Load(request.downloadHandler.text).Make<ValueRange>();
                var response = new GSTU_SpreadsheetResponse(rawData);

                //if it contains merged cells then process a second set of json data to know what these cells are
                if (containsMergedCells)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("/" + search.sheetId);
                    sb.Append("?access_token=" + Config.gdr.access_token);

                    UnityWebRequest request2 = UnityWebRequest.Get(sb.ToString());

                    yield return(request2.SendWebRequest());

                    SheetsRootObject root = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <SheetsRootObject>(request2.downloadHandler.text);
                    response.sheetInfo = root.sheets.FirstOrDefault(x => == search.worksheetName);

                if (callback != null)
                    var sheet = new GstuSpreadSheet(response, search.titleColumn, search.titleRow);
                    sheet.rawText = request.downloadHandler.text;