Thrown when a protocol message being parsed is invalid in some way, e.g. it contains a malformed varint or a negative byte length.
Inheritance: System.IO.IOException
        /// <summary>
        /// Same code as ReadRawVarint32, but read each byte individually, checking for
        /// buffer overflow.
        /// </summary>
        private uint SlowReadRawVarint32()
            int tmp = ReadRawByte();

            if (tmp < 128)
            int result = tmp & 0x7f;

            if ((tmp = ReadRawByte()) < 128)
                result |= tmp << 7;
                result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 7;
                if ((tmp = ReadRawByte()) < 128)
                    result |= tmp << 14;
                    result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 14;
                    if ((tmp = ReadRawByte()) < 128)
                        result |= tmp << 21;
                        result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 21;
                        result |= (tmp = ReadRawByte()) << 28;
                        if (tmp >= 128)
                            // Discard upper 32 bits.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                                if (ReadRawByte() < 128)
                            throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.MalformedVarint();
Beispiel #2
        private static uint ParseRawVarint32SlowPath(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, ref ParserInternalState state)
            int tmp = ReadRawByte(ref buffer, ref state);

            if (tmp < 128)
            int result = tmp & 0x7f;

            if ((tmp = ReadRawByte(ref buffer, ref state)) < 128)
                result |= tmp << 7;
                result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 7;
                if ((tmp = ReadRawByte(ref buffer, ref state)) < 128)
                    result |= tmp << 14;
                    result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 14;
                    if ((tmp = ReadRawByte(ref buffer, ref state)) < 128)
                        result |= tmp << 21;
                        result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 21;
                        result |= (tmp = ReadRawByte(ref buffer, ref state)) << 28;
                        if (tmp >= 128)
                            // Discard upper 32 bits.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                                if (ReadRawByte(ref buffer, ref state) < 128)
                            throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.MalformedVarint();
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given bytes using ReadRawVarint32() and ReadRawVarint64() and
        /// expects them to fail with an InvalidProtocolBufferException whose
        /// description matches the given one.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AssertReadVarintFailure(InvalidProtocolBufferException expected, byte[] data)
            CodedInputStream input = new CodedInputStream(data);
            var exception          = Assert.Throws <InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => input.ReadRawVarint32());

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);

            input     = new CodedInputStream(data);
            exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => input.ReadRawVarint64());
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);

            // Make sure we get the same error when reading directly from a Stream.
            exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => CodedInputStream.ReadRawVarint32(new MemoryStream(data)));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);
Beispiel #4
        private static void MergeFieldMask(IMessage message, JsonToken token)
            if (token.Type != JsonToken.TokenType.StringValue)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Expected string value for FieldMask");
            // TODO: Do we *want* to remove empty entries? Probably okay to treat "" as "no paths", but "foo,,bar"?
            string[] jsonPaths    = token.StringValue.Split(FieldMaskPathSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            IList    messagePaths = (IList)message.Descriptor.Fields[FieldMask.PathsFieldNumber].Accessor.GetValue(message);

            foreach (var path in jsonPaths)
Beispiel #5
        // Ported from src/google/protobuf/util/internal/
        private static string ToSnakeCase(string text)
            var builder = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2);
            // Note: this is probably unnecessary now, but currently retained to be as close as possible to the
            // C++, whilst still throwing an exception on underscores.
            bool wasNotUnderscore = false;  // Initialize to false for case 1 (below)
            bool wasNotCap        = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char c = text[i];
                if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') // ascii_isupper
                    // Consider when the current character B is capitalized:
                    // 1) At beginning of input:   "B..." => "b..."
                    //    (e.g. "Biscuit" => "biscuit")
                    // 2) Following a lowercase:   "...aB..." => "...a_b..."
                    //    (e.g. "gBike" => "g_bike")
                    // 3) At the end of input:     "...AB" => "...ab"
                    //    (e.g. "GoogleLAB" => "google_lab")
                    // 4) Followed by a lowercase: "...ABc..." => "...a_bc..."
                    //    (e.g. "GBike" => "g_bike")
                    if (wasNotUnderscore &&                             //            case 1 out
                        (wasNotCap ||                                   // case 2 in, case 3 out
                         (i + 1 < text.Length &&                        //            case 3 out
                          (text[i + 1] >= 'a' && text[i + 1] <= 'z')))) // ascii_islower(text[i + 1])
                    {                                                   // case 4 in
                       // We add an underscore for case 2 and case 4.
                    // ascii_tolower, but we already know that c *is* an upper case ASCII character...
                    builder.Append((char)(c + 'a' - 'A'));
                    wasNotUnderscore = true;
                    wasNotCap        = false;
                    if (c == '_')
                        throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage($"Invalid field mask: {text}");
                    wasNotUnderscore = true;
                    wasNotCap        = true;
        public static void ReadGroup(ref ParseContext ctx, IMessage message)
            if (ctx.state.recursionDepth >= ctx.state.recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();

            uint tag         = ctx.state.lastTag;
            int  fieldNumber = WireFormat.GetTagFieldNumber(tag);

            ReadRawMessage(ref ctx, message);
            CheckLastTagWas(ref ctx.state, WireFormat.MakeTag(fieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.EndGroup));

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an embedded message field value from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReadMessage(IMessage builder)
            int length = ReadLength();

            if (recursionDepth >= recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();
            int oldLimit = PushLimit(length);

        public static string ReadRawString(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, ref ParserInternalState state, int length)
            // No need to read any data for an empty string.
            if (length == 0)

            if (length < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();

            if (length <= state.bufferSize - state.bufferPos && length > 0)
                // Fast path: all bytes to decode appear in the same span.
                ReadOnlySpan <byte> data = buffer.Slice(state.bufferPos, length);

                string value;
                    fixed(byte *sourceBytes = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(data))
                        value = CodedOutputStream.Utf8Encoding.GetString(sourceBytes, length);

                state.bufferPos += length;

            var decoder = CodedOutputStream.Utf8Encoding.GetDecoder();

            // TODO: even if GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_SUPPORT_FAST_STRING is not supported,
            // we could still create a string efficiently by using Utf8Encoding.GetString(byte[] bytes, int index, int count)
            // whenever the buffer is backed by a byte array (and avoid creating a new byte array), but the problem is
            // there is no way to get the underlying byte array from a span.

            // TODO: in case the string spans multiple buffer segments, creating a char[] and decoding into it and then
            // creating a string from that array might be more efficient than creating a string from the copied bytes.

            // Slow path: Build a byte array first then copy it.
            return(CodedOutputStream.Utf8Encoding.GetString(ReadRawBytes(ref buffer, ref state, length), 0, length));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a raw varint from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        internal ulong ReadRawVarint64()
            int   shift  = 0;
            ulong result = 0;

            while (shift < 64)
                byte b = ReadRawByte();
                result |= (ulong)(b & 0x7F) << shift;
                if ((b & 0x80) == 0)
                shift += 7;
            throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.MalformedVarint();
Beispiel #10
        // Well-known types end up in a property called "value" in the JSON. As there's no longer a @type property
        // in the given JSON token stream, we should *only* have tokens of start-object, name("value"), the value
        // itself, and then end-object.
        private void MergeWellKnownTypeAnyBody(IMessage body, JsonTokenizer tokenizer)
            var token = tokenizer.Next(); // Definitely start-object; checked in previous method

            token = tokenizer.Next();
            // TODO: What about an absent Int32Value, for example?
            if (token.Type != JsonToken.TokenType.Name || token.StringValue != JsonFormatter.AnyWellKnownTypeValueField)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage($"Expected '{JsonFormatter.AnyWellKnownTypeValueField}' property for well-known type Any body");
            Merge(body, tokenizer);
            token = tokenizer.Next();
            if (token.Type != JsonToken.TokenType.EndObject)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage($"Expected end-object token after @type/value for well-known type");
Beispiel #11
        private static void MergeDuration(IMessage message, JsonToken token)
            if (token.Type != JsonToken.TokenType.StringValue)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Expected string value for Duration");
            var match = DurationRegex.Match(token.StringValue);

            if (!match.Success)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Invalid Duration value: " + token.StringValue);
            var sign        = match.Groups["sign"].Value;
            var secondsText = match.Groups["int"].Value;

            // Prohibit leading insignficant zeroes
            if (secondsText[0] == '0' && secondsText.Length > 1)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Invalid Duration value: " + token.StringValue);
            var subseconds = match.Groups["subseconds"].Value;
            var multiplier = sign == "-" ? -1 : 1;

                long seconds = long.Parse(secondsText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * multiplier;
                int  nanos   = 0;
                if (subseconds != "")
                    // This should always work, as we've got 1-9 digits.
                    int parsedFraction = int.Parse(subseconds.Substring(1));
                    nanos = parsedFraction * SubsecondScalingFactors[subseconds.Length] * multiplier;
                if (!Duration.IsNormalized(seconds, nanos))
                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage($"Invalid Duration value: {token.StringValue}");
                message.Descriptor.Fields[Duration.SecondsFieldNumber].Accessor.SetValue(message, seconds);
                message.Descriptor.Fields[Duration.NanosFieldNumber].Accessor.SetValue(message, nanos);
            catch (FormatException)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage($"Invalid Duration value: {token.StringValue}");
        private static ulong ParseRawVarint64SlowPath(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, ref ParserInternalState state)
            int   shift  = 0;
            ulong result = 0;

                byte b = ReadRawByte(ref buffer, ref state);
                result |= (ulong)(b & 0x7F) << shift;
                if (b < 0x80)
                shift += 7;
            }while (shift < 64);

            throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.MalformedVarint();
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a fixed size of bytes from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">
        /// the end of the stream or the current limit was reached
        /// </exception>
        public static byte[] ReadRawBytes(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, ref ParserInternalState state, int size)
            if (size < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();

            if (size <= state.bufferSize - state.bufferPos)
                // We have all the bytes we need already.
                byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
                buffer.Slice(state.bufferPos, size).CopyTo(bytes);
                state.bufferPos += size;

            return(ReadRawBytesSlow(ref buffer, ref state, size));
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads and discards <paramref name="size"/> bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">the end of the stream
        /// or the current limit was reached</exception>
        private void SkipRawBytes(int size)
            if (size < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();

            if (totalBytesRetired + bufferPos + size > currentLimit)
                // Read to the end of the stream anyway.
                SkipRawBytes(currentLimit - totalBytesRetired - bufferPos);
                // Then fail.
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();

            if (size <= bufferSize - bufferPos)
                // We have all the bytes we need already.
                bufferPos += size;
                // Skipping more bytes than are in the buffer.  First skip what we have.
                int pos = bufferSize - bufferPos;

                // ROK 5/7/2013 Issue #54: should retire all bytes in buffer (bufferSize)
                // totalBytesRetired += pos;
                totalBytesRetired += bufferSize;

                bufferPos  = 0;
                bufferSize = 0;

                // Then skip directly from the InputStream for the rest.
                if (pos < size)
                    if (input == null)
                        throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
                    SkipImpl(size - pos);
                    totalBytesRetired += size - pos;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets currentLimit to (current position) + byteLimit. This is called
        /// when descending into a length-delimited embedded message. The previous
        /// limit is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The old limit.</returns>
        public static int PushLimit(ref ParserInternalState state, int byteLimit)
            if (byteLimit < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();
            byteLimit += state.totalBytesRetired + state.bufferPos;
            int oldLimit = state.currentLimit;

            if (byteLimit > oldLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
            state.currentLimit = byteLimit;

            RecomputeBufferSizeAfterLimit(ref state);

Beispiel #16
        public void ReadMapItor(Action <CodedInputStream> decoder)
            int length = ReadLength();

            if (length == 0)
            if (recursionDepth >= recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();
            int oldLimit = PushLimit(length);

Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets currentLimit to (current position) + byteLimit. This is called
        /// when descending into a length-delimited embedded message. The previous
        /// limit is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The old limit.</returns>
        internal int PushLimit(int byteLimit)
            if (byteLimit < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();
            byteLimit += totalBytesRetired + bufferPos;
            int oldLimit = currentLimit;

            if (byteLimit > oldLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
            currentLimit = byteLimit;


Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given bytes using ReadRawVarint32() and ReadRawVarint64() and
        /// expects them to fail with an InvalidProtocolBufferException whose
        /// description matches the given one.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AssertReadVarintFailure(InvalidProtocolBufferException expected, byte[] data)
            CodedInputStream input = new CodedInputStream(data);
            var exception          = Assert.Throws <InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => input.ReadRawVarint32());

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);

            input     = new CodedInputStream(data);
            exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => input.ReadRawVarint64());
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);

            AssertReadFromParseContext(new ReadOnlySequence <byte>(data), (ref ParseContext ctx) =>
                catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException ex)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, ex.Message);
            }, false);

            AssertReadFromParseContext(new ReadOnlySequence <byte>(data), (ref ParseContext ctx) =>
                catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException ex)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, ex.Message);
            }, false);

            // Make sure we get the same error when reading directly from a Stream.
            exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => CodedInputStream.ReadRawVarint32(new MemoryStream(data)));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads and discards <paramref name="size"/> bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">the end of the stream
        /// or the current limit was reached</exception>
        public static void SkipRawBytes(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, ref ParserInternalState state, int size)
            if (size < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();

            if (state.totalBytesRetired + state.bufferPos + size > state.currentLimit)
                // Read to the end of the stream anyway.
                SkipRawBytes(ref buffer, ref state, state.currentLimit - state.totalBytesRetired - state.bufferPos);
                // Then fail.
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();

            if (size <= state.bufferSize - state.bufferPos)
                // We have all the bytes we need already.
                state.bufferPos += size;
                // Skipping more bytes than are in the buffer.  First skip what we have.
                int pos = state.bufferSize - state.bufferPos;
                state.bufferPos = state.bufferSize;

                // TODO: If our segmented buffer is backed by a Stream that is seekable, we could skip the bytes more efficiently
                // by simply updating stream's Position property. This used to be supported in the past, but the support was dropped
                // because it would make the segmentedBufferHelper more complex. Support can be reintroduced if needed.
                state.segmentedBufferHelper.RefillBuffer(ref buffer, ref state, true);

                while (size - pos > state.bufferSize)
                    pos            += state.bufferSize;
                    state.bufferPos = state.bufferSize;
                    state.segmentedBufferHelper.RefillBuffer(ref buffer, ref state, true);

                state.bufferPos = size - pos;
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an embedded message field value from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReadMessage(IMessage builder)
            int length = ReadLength();

            if (recursionDepth >= recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();
            int oldLimit = PushLimit(length);

            // Check that we've read exactly as much data as expected.
            if (!ReachedLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
Beispiel #21
        private static object ParseMapKey(FieldDescriptor field, string keyText)
            switch (field.FieldType)
            case FieldType.Bool:
                if (keyText == "true")
                if (keyText == "false")
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Invalid string for bool map key: " + keyText);

            case FieldType.String:

            case FieldType.Int32:
            case FieldType.SInt32:
            case FieldType.SFixed32:
                return(ParseNumericString(keyText, int.Parse));

            case FieldType.UInt32:
            case FieldType.Fixed32:
                return(ParseNumericString(keyText, uint.Parse));

            case FieldType.Int64:
            case FieldType.SInt64:
            case FieldType.SFixed64:
                return(ParseNumericString(keyText, long.Parse));

            case FieldType.UInt64:
            case FieldType.Fixed64:
                return(ParseNumericString(keyText, ulong.Parse));

                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Invalid field type for map: " + field.FieldType);
        public static void ReadMessage(ref ParseContext ctx, IMessage message)
            int length = ParsingPrimitives.ParseLength(ref ctx.buffer, ref ctx.state);

            if (ctx.state.recursionDepth >= ctx.state.recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();
            int oldLimit = SegmentedBufferHelper.PushLimit(ref ctx.state, length);


            ReadRawMessage(ref ctx, message);

            CheckReadEndOfStreamTag(ref ctx.state);
            // Check that we've read exactly as much data as expected.
            if (!SegmentedBufferHelper.IsReachedLimit(ref ctx.state))
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
            SegmentedBufferHelper.PopLimit(ref ctx.state, oldLimit);
        private void SkipGroup()
            // Note: Currently we expect this to be the way that groups are read. We could put the recursion
            // depth changes into the ReadTag method instead, potentially...
            if (recursionDepth >= recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();
            uint tag;

                tag = ReadTag();
                if (tag == 0)
                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
                // This recursion will allow us to handle nested groups.
            } while (WireFormat.GetTagWireType(tag) != WireFormat.WireType.EndGroup);
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Skip a group.
        /// </summary>
        internal void SkipGroup(uint startGroupTag)
            // Note: Currently we expect this to be the way that groups are read. We could put the recursion
            // depth changes into the ReadTag method instead, potentially...
            if (recursionDepth >= recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();
            uint tag;

            while (true)
                tag = ReadTag();
                if (tag == 0)
                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
                // Can't call SkipLastField for this case- that would throw.
                if (WireFormat.GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormat.WireType.EndGroup)
                // This recursion will allow us to handle nested groups.
            int startField = WireFormat.GetTagFieldNumber(startGroupTag);
            int endField   = WireFormat.GetTagFieldNumber(tag);

            if (startField != endField)
                throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
                          string.Format("Mismatched end-group tag. Started with field {0}; ended with field {1}", startField,
        /// <summary>
        /// Skip a group.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SkipGroup(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, ref ParserInternalState state, uint startGroupTag)
            // Note: Currently we expect this to be the way that groups are read. We could put the recursion
            // depth changes into the ReadTag method instead, potentially...
            if (state.recursionDepth >= state.recursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.RecursionLimitExceeded();
            uint tag;

            while (true)
                tag = ParsingPrimitives.ParseTag(ref buffer, ref state);
                if (tag == 0)
                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
                // Can't call SkipLastField for this case- that would throw.
                if (WireFormat.GetTagWireType(tag) == WireFormat.WireType.EndGroup)
                // This recursion will allow us to handle nested groups.
                SkipLastField(ref buffer, ref state);
            int startField = WireFormat.GetTagFieldNumber(startGroupTag);
            int endField   = WireFormat.GetTagFieldNumber(tag);

            if (startField != endField)
                throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException(
                          $"Mismatched end-group tag. Started with field {startField}; ended with field {endField}");
        public void ReadVarint()
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0x00), 0);
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0x01), 1);
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0x7f), 127);
            // 14882
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0xa2, 0x74), (0x22 << 0) | (0x74 << 7));
            // 2961488830
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0xbe, 0xf7, 0x92, 0x84, 0x0b),
                             (0x3e << 0) | (0x77 << 7) | (0x12 << 14) | (0x04 << 21) |
                             (0x0bL << 28));

            // 64-bit
            // 7256456126
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0xbe, 0xf7, 0x92, 0x84, 0x1b),
                             (0x3e << 0) | (0x77 << 7) | (0x12 << 14) | (0x04 << 21) |
                             (0x1bL << 28));
            // 41256202580718336
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0x80, 0xe6, 0xeb, 0x9c, 0xc3, 0xc9, 0xa4, 0x49),
                             (0x00 << 0) | (0x66 << 7) | (0x6b << 14) | (0x1c << 21) |
                             (0x43L << 28) | (0x49L << 35) | (0x24L << 42) | (0x49L << 49));
            // 11964378330978735131
            AssertReadVarint(Bytes(0x9b, 0xa8, 0xf9, 0xc2, 0xbb, 0xd6, 0x80, 0x85, 0xa6, 0x01),
                             (0x1b << 0) | (0x28 << 7) | (0x79 << 14) | (0x42 << 21) |
                             (0x3bUL << 28) | (0x56UL << 35) | (0x00UL << 42) |
                             (0x05UL << 49) | (0x26UL << 56) | (0x01UL << 63));

            // Failures
                Bytes(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
Beispiel #27
        private void MergeMapField(IMessage message, FieldDescriptor field, JsonTokenizer tokenizer)
            // Map fields are always objects, even if the values are well-known types: ParseSingleValue handles those.
            var token = tokenizer.Next();

            if (token.Type != JsonToken.TokenType.StartObject)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Expected an object to populate a map");

            var type       = field.MessageType;
            var keyField   = type.FindFieldByNumber(1);
            var valueField = type.FindFieldByNumber(2);

            if (keyField == null || valueField == null)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Invalid map field: " + field.FullName);
            IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)field.Accessor.GetValue(message);

            while (true)
                token = tokenizer.Next();
                if (token.Type == JsonToken.TokenType.EndObject)
                object key   = ParseMapKey(keyField, token.StringValue);
                object value = ParseSingleValue(valueField, tokenizer);
                if (value == null)
                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.OnThrowMessage("Map values must not be null");
                dictionary[key] = value;
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a fixed size of bytes from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">
        /// the end of the stream or the current limit was reached
        /// </exception>
        internal byte[] ReadRawBytes(int size)
            if (size < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();

            if (totalBytesRetired + bufferPos + size > currentLimit)
                // Read to the end of the stream (up to the current limit) anyway.
                SkipRawBytes(currentLimit - totalBytesRetired - bufferPos);
                // Then fail.
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();

            if (size <= bufferSize - bufferPos)
                // We have all the bytes we need already.
                byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
                ByteArray.Copy(buffer, bufferPos, bytes, 0, size);
                bufferPos += size;
            else if (size < buffer.Length)
                // Reading more bytes than are in the buffer, but not an excessive number
                // of bytes.  We can safely allocate the resulting array ahead of time.

                // First copy what we have.
                byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
                int    pos   = bufferSize - bufferPos;
                ByteArray.Copy(buffer, bufferPos, bytes, 0, pos);
                bufferPos = bufferSize;

                // We want to use RefillBuffer() and then copy from the buffer into our
                // byte array rather than reading directly into our byte array because
                // the input may be unbuffered.

                while (size - pos > bufferSize)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, bytes, pos, bufferSize);
                    pos      += bufferSize;
                    bufferPos = bufferSize;

                ByteArray.Copy(buffer, 0, bytes, pos, size - pos);
                bufferPos = size - pos;

                // The size is very large.  For security reasons, we can't allocate the
                // entire byte array yet.  The size comes directly from the input, so a
                // maliciously-crafted message could provide a bogus very large size in
                // order to trick the app into allocating a lot of memory.  We avoid this
                // by allocating and reading only a small chunk at a time, so that the
                // malicious message must actually *be* extremely large to cause
                // problems.  Meanwhile, we limit the allowed size of a message elsewhere.

                // Remember the buffer markers since we'll have to copy the bytes out of
                // it later.
                int originalBufferPos  = bufferPos;
                int originalBufferSize = bufferSize;

                // Mark the current buffer consumed.
                totalBytesRetired += bufferSize;
                bufferPos          = 0;
                bufferSize         = 0;

                // Read all the rest of the bytes we need.
                int           sizeLeft = size - (originalBufferSize - originalBufferPos);
                List <byte[]> chunks   = new List <byte[]>();

                while (sizeLeft > 0)
                    byte[] chunk = new byte[Math.Min(sizeLeft, buffer.Length)];
                    int    pos   = 0;
                    while (pos < chunk.Length)
                        int n = (input == null) ? -1 : input.Read(chunk, pos, chunk.Length - pos);
                        if (n <= 0)
                            throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();
                        totalBytesRetired += n;
                        pos += n;
                    sizeLeft -= chunk.Length;

                // OK, got everything.  Now concatenate it all into one buffer.
                byte[] bytes = new byte[size];

                // Start by copying the leftover bytes from this.buffer.
                int newPos = originalBufferSize - originalBufferPos;
                ByteArray.Copy(buffer, originalBufferPos, bytes, 0, newPos);

                // And now all the chunks.
                foreach (byte[] chunk in chunks)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(chunk, 0, bytes, newPos, chunk.Length);
                    newPos += chunk.Length;

                // Done.
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the given message using data from the given tokenizer. In most cases, the next
        /// token should be a "start object" token, but wrapper types and nullity can invalidate
        /// that assumption. This is implemented as an LL(1) recursive descent parser over the stream
        /// of tokens provided by the tokenizer. This token stream is assumed to be valid JSON, with the
        /// tokenizer performing that validation - but not every token stream is valid "protobuf JSON".
        /// </summary>
        private void Merge(IMessage message, JsonTokenizer tokenizer)
            if (tokenizer.ObjectDepth > settings.RecursionLimit)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.JsonRecursionLimitExceeded();
            if (message.Descriptor.IsWellKnownType)
                Action <JsonParser, IMessage, JsonTokenizer> handler;
                if (WellKnownTypeHandlers.TryGetValue(message.Descriptor.FullName, out handler))
                    handler(this, message, tokenizer);
                // Well-known types with no special handling continue in the normal way.
            var token = tokenizer.Next();

            if (token.Type != JsonToken.TokenType.StartObject)
                throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Expected an object");
            var descriptor   = message.Descriptor;
            var jsonFieldMap = descriptor.Fields.ByJsonName();
            // All the oneof fields we've already accounted for - we can only see each of them once.
            // The set is created lazily to avoid the overhead of creating a set for every message
            // we parsed, when oneofs are relatively rare.
            HashSet <OneofDescriptor> seenOneofs = null;

            while (true)
                token = tokenizer.Next();
                if (token.Type == JsonToken.TokenType.EndObject)
                if (token.Type != JsonToken.TokenType.Name)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected token type " + token.Type);
                string          name = token.StringValue;
                FieldDescriptor field;
                if (jsonFieldMap.TryGetValue(name, out field))
                    if (field.ContainingOneof != null)
                        if (seenOneofs == null)
                            seenOneofs = new HashSet <OneofDescriptor>();
                        if (!seenOneofs.Add(field.ContainingOneof))
                            throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException($"Multiple values specified for oneof {field.ContainingOneof.Name}");
                    MergeField(message, field, tokenizer);
                    // TODO: Is this what we want to do? If not, we'll need to skip the value,
                    // which may be an object or array. (We might want to put code in the tokenizer
                    // to do that.)
                    throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Unknown field: " + name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a fixed size of bytes from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">
        /// the end of the stream or the current limit was reached
        /// </exception>
        public static byte[] ReadRawBytes(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, ref ParserInternalState state, int size)
            if (size < 0)
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.NegativeSize();

            if (state.totalBytesRetired + state.bufferPos + size > state.currentLimit)
                // Read to the end of the stream (up to the current limit) anyway.
                SkipRawBytes(ref buffer, ref state, state.currentLimit - state.totalBytesRetired - state.bufferPos);
                // Then fail.
                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.TruncatedMessage();

            if (size <= state.bufferSize - state.bufferPos)
                // We have all the bytes we need already.
                byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
                buffer.Slice(state.bufferPos, size).CopyTo(bytes);
                state.bufferPos += size;
            else if (size < buffer.Length || size < state.segmentedBufferHelper.TotalLength)
                // Reading more bytes than are in the buffer, but not an excessive number
                // of bytes.  We can safely allocate the resulting array ahead of time.

                // First copy what we have.
                byte[] bytes     = new byte[size];
                var    bytesSpan = new Span <byte>(bytes);
                int    pos       = state.bufferSize - state.bufferPos;
                buffer.Slice(state.bufferPos, pos).CopyTo(bytesSpan.Slice(0, pos));
                state.bufferPos = state.bufferSize;

                // We want to use RefillBuffer() and then copy from the buffer into our
                // byte array rather than reading directly into our byte array because
                // the input may be unbuffered.
                state.segmentedBufferHelper.RefillBuffer(ref buffer, ref state, true);

                while (size - pos > state.bufferSize)
                    buffer.Slice(0, state.bufferSize)
                    .CopyTo(bytesSpan.Slice(pos, state.bufferSize));
                    pos            += state.bufferSize;
                    state.bufferPos = state.bufferSize;
                    state.segmentedBufferHelper.RefillBuffer(ref buffer, ref state, true);

                buffer.Slice(0, size - pos)
                .CopyTo(bytesSpan.Slice(pos, size - pos));
                state.bufferPos = size - pos;

                // The size is very large.  For security reasons, we can't allocate the
                // entire byte array yet.  The size comes directly from the input, so a
                // maliciously-crafted message could provide a bogus very large size in
                // order to trick the app into allocating a lot of memory.  We avoid this
                // by allocating and reading only a small chunk at a time, so that the
                // malicious message must actually *be* extremely large to cause
                // problems.  Meanwhile, we limit the allowed size of a message elsewhere.

                List <byte[]> chunks = new List <byte[]>();

                int    pos        = state.bufferSize - state.bufferPos;
                byte[] firstChunk = new byte[pos];
                buffer.Slice(state.bufferPos, pos).CopyTo(firstChunk);
                state.bufferPos = state.bufferSize;

                // Read all the rest of the bytes we need.
                int sizeLeft = size - pos;
                while (sizeLeft > 0)
                    state.segmentedBufferHelper.RefillBuffer(ref buffer, ref state, true);
                    byte[] chunk = new byte[Math.Min(sizeLeft, state.bufferSize)];

                    buffer.Slice(0, chunk.Length)
                    state.bufferPos += chunk.Length;
                    sizeLeft        -= chunk.Length;

                // OK, got everything.  Now concatenate it all into one buffer.
                byte[] bytes  = new byte[size];
                int    newPos = 0;
                foreach (byte[] chunk in chunks)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(chunk, 0, bytes, newPos, chunk.Length);
                    newPos += chunk.Length;

                // Done.
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given bytes using ReadRawVarint32() and ReadRawVarint64() and
        /// expects them to fail with an InvalidProtocolBufferException whose
        /// description matches the given one.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AssertReadVarintFailure(InvalidProtocolBufferException expected, byte[] data)
            CodedInputStream input = new CodedInputStream(data);
            var exception = Assert.Throws<InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => input.ReadRawVarint32());
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);

            input = new CodedInputStream(data);
            exception = Assert.Throws<InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => input.ReadRawVarint64());
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);

            // Make sure we get the same error when reading directly from a Stream.
            exception = Assert.Throws<InvalidProtocolBufferException>(() => CodedInputStream.ReadRawVarint32(new MemoryStream(data)));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Message, exception.Message);