public async Task ReadWriteTransaction_QueryFullyConsumed_AndThenError_FailsRetry()
            string sql = $"SELECT Id FROM Foo WHERE Id={_fixture.RandomLong()}";

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1));
            using var connection = CreateConnection();
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync();

            var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sql);

            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
            using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                    Assert.Equal(1, reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("Id")));
            // Replace the result returned by the query on the server with an error and abort the transaction.
            // The retry should now fail.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateException(new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.NotFound, "Table not found: Foo"))));
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerAbortedDueToConcurrentModificationException>(() => transaction.CommitAsync());

            Assert.Equal(1, transaction.RetryCount);
        public async Task UpdateFailsIfVersionNumberChanged()
            using var db = new MockServerVersionDbContextUsingMutations(ConnectionString);

            // Set the result of the concurrency check to an empty result set to simulate a version number that has changed.
            var concurrencySql = $"SELECT 1 FROM `SingersWithVersion` {Environment.NewLine}WHERE `SingerId` = @p0 AND `Version` = @p1";

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(concurrencySql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "COL1"));

            // Attach a singer to the context and try to update it.
            var singer = new SingersWithVersion {
                SingerId = 1L, FirstName = "Pete", LastName = "Allison", Version = 1L


            singer.LastName = "Allison - Peterson";
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <DbUpdateConcurrencyException>(() => db.SaveChangesAsync());

            // Update the concurrency check result to 1 to simulate a resolved version conflict.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(concurrencySql, StatementResult.CreateSelect1ResultSet());
            Assert.Equal(1L, await db.SaveChangesAsync());
        public async Task ReadWriteTransaction_ReadScalar_CanBeRetried(bool enableInternalRetries)
            string sql = $"SELECT Id FROM Foo WHERE Id={_fixture.RandomLong()}";

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1));
            using var connection = CreateConnection();
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync();

            transaction.EnableInternalRetries = enableInternalRetries;
            var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sql);

            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
            var id = await cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync();

            Assert.Equal(1L, id);
            // Abort the transaction on the mock server. The transaction should be able to internally retry.
            if (enableInternalRetries)
                await transaction.CommitAsync();

                Assert.Equal(1, transaction.RetryCount);
                var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerException>(() => transaction.CommitAsync());

                Assert.Equal(ErrorCode.Aborted, e.ErrorCode);
        public async Task ReadWriteTransaction_QueryWithError_AndThenNoError_FailsRetry()
            string sql = $"SELECT Id FROM Foo WHERE Id={_fixture.RandomLong()}";

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateException(new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.NotFound, "Table not found: Foo"))));
            using var connection = CreateConnection();
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync();

            var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sql);

            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
            using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                // Any query error is thrown by the first call to reader.ReadAsync();
                var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerException>(() => reader.ReadAsync());

                Assert.Contains("Table not found: Foo", e.InnerException.Message);
            // Remove the error returned by the query on the server and abort the transaction.
            // The retry should now fail.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1));
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerAbortedDueToConcurrentModificationException>(() => transaction.CommitAsync());

            Assert.Equal(1, transaction.RetryCount);
        public async Task ReadWriteTransaction_QueryAbortsHalfway_WithDifferentUnseenResults_CanBeRetried(bool enableInternalRetries)
            string sql = $"SELECT Id FROM Foo WHERE Id IN ({_fixture.RandomLong()}, {_fixture.RandomLong()})";

            // Create a result set with 2 rows.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1, 2));
            // The following will cause the ExecuteStreamingSql method on the mock server to return an Aborted error on stream index 1 (i.e. before the row with value 2 is returned).
            // This simulates a transaction that is aborted while a streaming result set is still being returned to the client.
            var streamWritePermissions = new BlockingCollection <int>
            var executionTime = ExecutionTime.StreamException(MockSpannerService.CreateAbortedException(sql), 1, streamWritePermissions);

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateExecutionTime(nameof(MockSpannerService.ExecuteStreamingSql), executionTime);

            using var connection = CreateConnection();
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync();

            transaction.EnableInternalRetries = enableInternalRetries;
            var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sql);

            cmd.Transaction  = transaction;
            using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();

            // Only the first row of the reader.
            Assert.True(await reader.ReadAsync());
            Assert.Equal(1, reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("Id")));

            // Now change the result of the query, but only for the second row which has not yet been
            // seen by this transaction.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1, 3));
            // Try to get the second row of the result. This should succeed, even though the transaction
            // was aborted, retried and the reader was re-initialized under the hood. The retry succeeds
            // because only data that had not yet been seen by this transaction was changed.
            if (enableInternalRetries)
                Assert.True(await reader.ReadAsync());
                Assert.Equal(3, reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("Id")));
                // Ensure that there are no more rows in the results.
                Assert.False(await reader.ReadAsync());
                // Check that the transaction really retried.
                Assert.Equal(1, transaction.RetryCount);
                var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerException>(() => reader.ReadAsync());

                Assert.Equal(ErrorCode.Aborted, e.ErrorCode);
        public async Task CanInsertRowWithCommitTimestampAndComputedColumn()
            using var db = new MockServerSampleDbContextUsingMutations(ConnectionString);
            var selectSql = $"{Environment.NewLine}SELECT `ColComputed`{Environment.NewLine}FROM `TableWithAllColumnTypes`{Environment.NewLine}WHERE  TRUE  AND `ColInt64` = @p0";

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(selectSql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.String
            }, "FOO"));

                new TableWithAllColumnTypes {
                ColInt64 = 1L
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            Assert.Empty(_fixture.SpannerMock.Requests.Where(request => request is ExecuteBatchDmlRequest));
                _fixture.SpannerMock.Requests.Where(request => request is ExecuteSqlRequest).Select(request => (ExecuteSqlRequest)request),
                request => Assert.Equal(selectSql.Trim(), request.Sql.Trim())
            Assert.Single(_fixture.SpannerMock.Requests.Where(request => request is CommitRequest));
            // Verify the order of the requests (that is, the Select statement should be outside the implicit transaction).
                _fixture.SpannerMock.Requests.Where(request => request is CommitRequest || request is ExecuteSqlRequest).Select(request => request.GetType()),
                requestType => Assert.Equal(typeof(CommitRequest), requestType),
                requestType => Assert.Equal(typeof(ExecuteSqlRequest), requestType)
                _fixture.SpannerMock.Requests.Where(request => request is CommitRequest).Select(request => (CommitRequest)request),
                request =>
                var mutation = request.Mutations[0];
                Assert.Equal(Mutation.OperationOneofCase.Insert, mutation.OperationCase);
                var row  = mutation.Insert.Values[0];
                var cols = mutation.Insert.Columns;
                Assert.Equal("spanner.commit_timestamp()", row.Values[cols.IndexOf("ColCommitTS")].StringValue);
        public async Task ReadWriteTransaction_QueryAbortsHalfway_WithDifferentResults_FailsRetry()
            string sql = $"SELECT Id FROM Foo WHERE Id IN ({_fixture.RandomLong()}, {_fixture.RandomLong()})";

            // Create a result set with 2 rows.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1, 2));
            // The following will cause the ExecuteStreamingSql method on the mock server to return an Aborted error on stream index 1 (i.e. before the row with value 2 is returned).
            // This simulates a transaction that is aborted while a streaming result set is still being returned to the client.
            var streamWritePermissions = new BlockingCollection <int>
            var executionTime = ExecutionTime.StreamException(MockSpannerService.CreateAbortedException(sql), 1, streamWritePermissions);

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateExecutionTime(nameof(MockSpannerService.ExecuteStreamingSql), executionTime);

            using var connection = CreateConnection();
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync();

            var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sql);

            cmd.Transaction  = transaction;
            using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();

            // Only the first row of the reader.
            Assert.True(await reader.ReadAsync());
            Assert.Equal(1, reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("Id")));

            // Now change the result of the query for the record that has already been seen.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 3, 2));
            // Try to get the second row of the result. This will now fail.
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerAbortedDueToConcurrentModificationException>(() => reader.ReadAsync());

            Assert.Equal(1, transaction.RetryCount);
        public async Task ReadWriteTransaction_QueryHalfConsumed_WithDifferentUnseenResults_CanBeRetried(bool enableInternalRetries)
            string sql = $"SELECT Id FROM Foo WHERE Id IN ({_fixture.RandomLong()}, {_fixture.RandomLong()})";

            // Create a result set with 2 rows.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1, 2));
            using var connection = CreateConnection();
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync();

            transaction.EnableInternalRetries = enableInternalRetries;
            var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sql);

            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
            using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                // Only consume the first row of the reader.
                Assert.True(await reader.ReadAsync());
                Assert.Equal(1, reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("Id")));
            // Change the second row of the result of the query. That row has never been seen by the transaction
            // and should therefore not cause any retry to abort.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1, 3));
            if (enableInternalRetries)
                await transaction.CommitAsync();

                Assert.Equal(1, transaction.RetryCount);
                var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerException>(() => transaction.CommitAsync());

                Assert.Equal(ErrorCode.Aborted, e.ErrorCode);
        public async Task ReadWriteTransaction_QueryFullyConsumed_WithModifiedResultsAfterLastRow_FailsRetry()
            string sql = $"SELECT Id FROM Foo WHERE Id IN ({_fixture.RandomLong()}, {_fixture.RandomLong()})";

            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.Int64
            }, "Id", 1));
            using var connection = CreateConnection();
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync();

            var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sql);

            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
            using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                    Assert.Equal(1, reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("Id")));
            // Add a row to the result of the query on the server and abort the transaction. Even though the
            // original query did not see the additional row, it did see a 'false' being returned after consuming
            // the first row in the query, meaning that it knew that there were no more results.
            // The retry should now fail.
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult(sql, StatementResult.CreateResultSet(
                                                                new List <Tuple <V1.TypeCode, string> >
                Tuple.Create(V1.TypeCode.Int64, "Id"),
                                                                new List <object[]>
                new object[] { 1L },
                new object[] { 2L },
            var e = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SpannerAbortedDueToConcurrentModificationException>(() => transaction.CommitAsync());

            Assert.Equal(1, transaction.RetryCount);
        public async Task CanUpdateCommitTimestamp()
            using var db = new MockServerSampleDbContextUsingMutations(ConnectionString);
            _fixture.SpannerMock.AddOrUpdateStatementResult($"{Environment.NewLine}SELECT `ColComputed`{Environment.NewLine}FROM `TableWithAllColumnTypes`{Environment.NewLine}WHERE  TRUE  AND `ColInt64` = @p0", StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = V1.TypeCode.String
            }, "FOO"));

            var row = new TableWithAllColumnTypes {
                ColInt64 = 1L

            row.ColBool = true;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                _fixture.SpannerMock.Requests.Where(request => request is CommitRequest).Select(request => (CommitRequest)request),
                request =>
                var mutation = request.Mutations[0];
                Assert.Equal(Mutation.OperationOneofCase.Update, mutation.OperationCase);
                var row  = mutation.Update.Values[0];
                var cols = mutation.Update.Columns;
                Assert.Equal("spanner.commit_timestamp()", row.Values[cols.IndexOf("ColCommitTS")].StringValue);
        public async Task ReadWriteTransaction()
            decimal initialBudget1 = 1225250.00m;
            decimal initialBudget2 = 2250198.28m;

                "SELECT MarketingBudget FROM Albums WHERE SingerId = 1 AND AlbumId = 1",
                StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = TypeCode.Numeric
            }, "MarketingBudget", initialBudget1));
                "SELECT MarketingBudget FROM Albums WHERE SingerId = 2 AND AlbumId = 2",
                StatementResult.CreateSingleColumnResultSet(new V1.Type {
                Code = TypeCode.Numeric
            }, "MarketingBudget", initialBudget2));
            string connectionString = $"Data Source=projects/p1/instances/i1/databases/d1;Host={_fixture.Host};Port={_fixture.Port}";

            decimal transferAmount = 200000;
            decimal secondBudget   = 0;
            decimal firstBudget    = 0;

            using var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString, ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
            await connection.OpenAsync();

            using (var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync())
                // Create statement to select the second album's data.
                var cmdLookup = connection.CreateSelectCommand(
                    "SELECT MarketingBudget FROM Albums WHERE SingerId = 2 AND AlbumId = 2");
                cmdLookup.Transaction = transaction;
                // Excecute the select query.
                using (var reader = await cmdLookup.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                        secondBudget = reader.GetNumeric(reader.GetOrdinal("MarketingBudget")).ToDecimal(LossOfPrecisionHandling.Throw);
                // Read the first album's budget.
                cmdLookup = connection.CreateSelectCommand(
                    "SELECT MarketingBudget FROM Albums WHERE SingerId = 1 AND AlbumId = 1");
                cmdLookup.Transaction = transaction;
                using (var reader = await cmdLookup.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                        firstBudget = reader.GetNumeric(reader.GetOrdinal("MarketingBudget")).ToDecimal(LossOfPrecisionHandling.Throw);
                // Specify update command parameters.
                var cmd = connection.CreateUpdateCommand("Albums",
                                                         new SpannerParameterCollection
                    { "SingerId", SpannerDbType.Int64 },
                    { "AlbumId", SpannerDbType.Int64 },
                    { "MarketingBudget", SpannerDbType.Numeric },
                cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                // Update second album to remove the transfer amount.
                secondBudget -= transferAmount;
                cmd.Parameters["SingerId"].Value        = 2;
                cmd.Parameters["AlbumId"].Value         = 2;
                cmd.Parameters["MarketingBudget"].Value = secondBudget;
                await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                // Update first album to add the transfer amount.
                firstBudget += transferAmount;
                cmd.Parameters["SingerId"].Value        = 1;
                cmd.Parameters["AlbumId"].Value         = 1;
                cmd.Parameters["MarketingBudget"].Value = firstBudget;
                await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                await transaction.CommitAsync();
            // Assert that the correct updates were sent.
            Stack <IMessage> requests = new Stack <IMessage>(_fixture.SpannerMock.Requests);

            Assert.Equal(typeof(CommitRequest), requests.Peek().GetType());
            CommitRequest commit = (CommitRequest)requests.Pop();

            Assert.Equal(2, commit.Mutations.Count);

            Mutation update1 = commit.Mutations.Last();

            Assert.Equal(Mutation.OperationOneofCase.Update, update1.OperationCase);
            Assert.Equal("Albums", update1.Update.Table);
            Assert.Equal("1", update1.Update.Values.ElementAt(0).Values.ElementAt(0).StringValue);
                SpannerNumeric.FromDecimal(initialBudget1 + transferAmount, LossOfPrecisionHandling.Throw),

            Mutation update2 = commit.Mutations.First();

            Assert.Equal(Mutation.OperationOneofCase.Update, update2.OperationCase);
            Assert.Equal("Albums", update2.Update.Table);
            Assert.Equal("2", update2.Update.Values.ElementAt(0).Values.ElementAt(0).StringValue);
                SpannerNumeric.FromDecimal(initialBudget2 - transferAmount, LossOfPrecisionHandling.Throw),