private void InsertMetricCallback(CustomMetric content, RequestError error, int index,
     HttpResponseMessage message)
     if (!message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Beispiel #2
            /// <summary>A callback method which will be called after an individual response was parsed.</summary>
            /// <param name="content">The content response or <c>null</c> if the request failed.</param>
            /// <param name="error">Error or <c>null</c> if the request succeeded.</param>
            /// <param name="index">The request index.</param>
            /// <param name="message">The HTTP individual response.</param>
            public virtual void OnResponse(object content, RequestError error, int index, HttpResponseMessage message)
                // Set ETag on the response.
                var eTagValue     = message.Headers.ETag != null ? message.Headers.ETag.Tag : null;
                var eTagContainer = content as IDirectResponseSchema;

                if (eTagContainer != null && eTagContainer.ETag == null && eTagValue != null)
                    eTagContainer.ETag = eTagValue;
Beispiel #3
            public bool CanHandleErrorResponse(WebException exception, RequestError error)
                if (callOrder != 0 && callOrder != 2)
                    Assert.Fail("IErrorResponseHandler methods called in wrong order.");

                // This handler will only handle the first retry, and will fail every additional request.
                return !Called;
Beispiel #4
        private async Task EnsureSuccessAsync(HttpResponseMessage result)
            if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Exception innerException = null;
                    // Try to parse the error from the current response.
                    RequestError error = await service.DeserializeError(result).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // If we were able to get an error object, wrap it in a GoogleApiException
                    // and throw that to use as the inner exception.
                    if (error != null)
                        // We throw here instead of simply creating a new GoogleApiException
                        // so as to get the StackTrace.
                        throw new GoogleApiException(service.Name, error.ToString())
                                  Error          = error,
                                  HttpStatusCode = result.StatusCode
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If for any reason we couldn't parse the error,
                    // or if we did parse it and threw it wrapped in a GoogleApiException,
                    // let's keep the exception so we can use it as the inner exception
                    // of the final HttpRequestException
                    innerException = ex;

                    // Now that we may have more error detail, let's call EnsureSuccessStatusCode.
                    // We don't want to introduce breaking changes for users that relied on
                    // HttpRequestException before, and importantly on its message format which is the only
                    // way they could access the HttpStatusCode.
                // If innerException is null that means that our attempt to obtain error information
                // couldn't parse a RequestError but also didn't throw. So we really don't have any
                // more information to add. We don't need to do anything.
                catch (HttpRequestException original) when(innerException != null)
                    throw new HttpRequestException(original.Message, innerException);
Beispiel #5
        private async Task EnsureSuccessAsync(HttpResponseMessage result)
            if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Exception innerException;
                    // Try to parse the error from the current response.
                    RequestError error = await service.DeserializeError(result).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // If DeserializeError didn't threw, then we got an error object.
                    // We wrap it in a GoogleApiException and throw that to use as the inner exception.
                    // We throw here instead of simply creating a new GoogleApiException
                    // so as to get the StackTrace.
                    throw new GoogleApiException(service.Name)
                              Error          = error,
                              HttpStatusCode = result.StatusCode
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If for any reason we couldn't parse the error,
                    // or if we did parse it and threw it wrapped in a GoogleApiException,
                    // let's keep the exception so we can use it as the inner exception
                    // of the final HttpRequestException
                    innerException = ex;

                    // Now that we may have more error detail, let's call EnsureSuccessStatusCode.
                    // We don't want to introduce breaking changes for users that relied on
                    // HttpRequestException before, and importantly on its message format which is the only
                    // way they could access the HttpStatusCode (pre .NET 5).
                // innerException is never null, either it's the one thrown by DeserializeError
                // or is the one thrown by us that wraps the deserialized error object.
                catch (HttpRequestException original)
                    throw new HttpRequestException(original.Message, innerException);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an API Request Exception.
 /// </summary>
 public GoogleApiRequestException(IService service, IRequest request, RequestError error)
     : base(service, PickMessage(error, null))
     Request = request;
     RequestError = error;
Beispiel #7
 public void HandleErrorResponse(WebException exception, RequestError error, WebRequest request)
Beispiel #8
 public bool CanHandleErrorResponse(WebException exception, RequestError error)
     return false;
Beispiel #9
 private void CallbackEventErrorMessage(Task content, RequestError error, int index, 
     HttpResponseMessage message, List<ReminderTask> reminderTasks,
     string errorMessage, Dictionary<int, ReminderTask> errorAppointments, 
     List<ReminderTask> addedTasks)
     var phrase = message.ReasonPhrase;
     var googleEvent = reminderTasks[index];
     if (!message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
         errorAppointments.Add(index, googleEvent);
         Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} : {1}{2} - {3}", errorMessage, Environment.NewLine, phrase, googleEvent);
     else if (content != null)
        public void Download_Error_JsonResponse()
            var downloadUri = "";
            var chunkSize = 100;
            var error = new RequestError { Code = 12345, Message = "Text", Errors = new[] { new SingleError { Message = "Nested error" } } };
            var response = new StandardResponse<object> { Error = error };
            var responseText = new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer().Serialize(response);

            var handler = new MultipleChunksMessageHandler { ErrorResponse = responseText };
            handler.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
            handler.ChunkSize = chunkSize;
            // The media downloader adds the parameter...
            handler.DownloadUri = new Uri(downloadUri + "?alt=media");

            using (var service = CreateMockClientService(handler))
                var downloader = new MediaDownloader(service);
                downloader.ChunkSize = chunkSize;
                IList<IDownloadProgress> progressList = new List<IDownloadProgress>();
                downloader.ProgressChanged += (p) =>

                var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
                downloader.Download(downloadUri, outputStream);

                var lastProgress = progressList.LastOrDefault();
                Assert.That(lastProgress.Status, Is.EqualTo(DownloadStatus.Failed));
                GoogleApiException exception = (GoogleApiException) lastProgress.Exception;
                Assert.That(exception.HttpStatusCode, Is.EqualTo(handler.StatusCode));
                // Just a smattering of checks - if these two pass, it's surely okay.
                Assert.That(exception.Error.Code, Is.EqualTo(error.Code));
                Assert.That(exception.Error.Errors[0].Message, Is.EqualTo(error.Errors[0].Message));
 public bool CanHandleErrorResponse(WebException exception, RequestError error)
     Utilities.ThrowIfNull(exception, "exception");
     if (this.State == null)
         return false;
     HttpWebResponse response = exception.Response as HttpWebResponse;
     if (response == null)
         return false;
     return response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>Asynchronously executes the batch request.</summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token to cancel operation.</param>
        public async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (Count < 1)

            ConfigurableHttpClient httpClient = service.HttpClient;

            var requests = from r in allRequests
                           select r.ClientRequest;
            HttpContent outerContent = await CreateOuterRequestContent(requests).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var result = await httpClient.PostAsync(new Uri(batchUrl), outerContent, cancellationToken)

            // Will throw as meaningful an exception as possible if there was an error.
            await EnsureSuccessAsync(result).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Get the boundary separator.
            const string boundaryKey = "boundary=";
            var          fullContent = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var contentType = result.Content.Headers.GetValues("Content-Type").First();
            var boundary    = contentType.Substring(contentType.IndexOf(boundaryKey) + boundaryKey.Length);

            int requestIndex = 0;

            // While there is still content to read, parse the current HTTP response.
            while (true)

                var startIndex = fullContent.IndexOf("--" + boundary);
                if (startIndex == -1)
                fullContent = fullContent.Substring(startIndex + boundary.Length + 2);
                var endIndex = fullContent.IndexOf("--" + boundary);
                if (endIndex == -1)

                HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = ParseAsHttpResponse(fullContent.Substring(0, endIndex));

                if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    // Parse the current content object.
                    var responseContent = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    object       deserializedContent = null;
                    RequestError error = null;
                        deserializedContent = service.Serializer.Deserialize(responseContent,
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        error = new RequestError
                            Message = $"The response was read but could not be deserialized using the {nameof(service.Serializer)}.{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                      $"The exception thrown on deserializaton was:{Environment.NewLine}" +

                    allRequests[requestIndex].OnResponse(deserializedContent, error, requestIndex, responseMessage);
                    RequestError error;
                        // Parse the error from the current response.
                        error = await service.DeserializeError(responseMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (GoogleApiException ex) when(ex.Error is object)
                        error = ex.Error;

                    allRequests[requestIndex].OnResponse(null, error, requestIndex, responseMessage);

                fullContent = fullContent.Substring(endIndex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an API Request Exception.
 /// </summary>
 public GoogleApiRequestException(IService service, IRequest request, RequestError error)
     : base(service, error != null ? error.ToString() : "<null>")
     Request = request;
     RequestError = error;
Beispiel #14
 public void HandleErrorResponse(WebException exception, RequestError error, WebRequest request)
     Assert.AreEqual(1, callOrder++, "IErrorResponseHandler methods called in wrong order.");
     Called = true;
 private static string PickMessage(RequestError error, Exception inner)
     if (error != null)
         return error.ToString();
     if (inner != null)
         return inner.Message;
     return "An error has ocurred, but no message is available.";
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a failed request, and tries to fix it if possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Can not throw an exception.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if the request was handled and is being retried.
        /// Returns false if the request could not be retried.
        /// </returns>
        private bool HandleFailedRequest(AsyncExecutionState state,
                                         WebException exception, out AsyncRequestResult asyncRequestResult)
                RequestError error = null;
                // Try to get an error response object.
                if (exception.Response != null)
                    IResponse errorResponse = new Response(exception.Response);
                    error = Service.DeserializeError(errorResponse);

                // Try to handle the response somehow.
                if (SupportsRetry && state.Try < MaximumRetries)
                    // Wait some time before sending another request.
                    state.WaitTime *= RetryWaitTimeIncreaseFactor;

                    foreach (IErrorResponseHandler handler in GetErrorResponseHandlers())
                        if (handler.CanHandleErrorResponse(exception, error))
                            // The provided handler was able to handle this error. Retry sending the request.
                            handler.HandleErrorResponse(exception, error, state.CurrentRequest);
                            logger.Warning("Retrying request [{0}]", this);

                            // Begin a new request and when it is completed being assembled, execute it
                            // asynchronously.
                            state.CurrentRequest = CreateWebRequest((request) =>
                            // Signal that this begin/end request pair has no result because it has been retried.
                            asyncRequestResult = null;

                // Retrieve additional information about the http response (if applicable).
                HttpStatusCode  status       = 0;
                HttpWebResponse httpResponse = exception.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                if (httpResponse != null)
                    status = httpResponse.StatusCode;

                // We were unable to handle the exception. Throw it wrapped in a GoogleApiRequestException.
                asyncRequestResult = new AsyncRequestResult(
                    new GoogleApiRequestException(Service, this, error, exception)
                    HttpStatusCode = status
            catch (Exception)
                asyncRequestResult = new AsyncRequestResult(
                    new GoogleApiRequestException(Service, this, null, exception));
Beispiel #17
 private void CallbackEventErrorMessage(Event content, RequestError error, int index, HttpResponseMessage message,
     List<Appointment> eventList,string errorMessage,
     Dictionary<int, Appointment> errorAppointments, List<Appointment> modifiedEvents)
     var phrase = message.ReasonPhrase;
     if (!message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
         var googleEvent = eventList[index];
         errorAppointments.Add(index, googleEvent);
         Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} : {1}{2} - {3}", errorMessage,Environment.NewLine, phrase, googleEvent);
         if (content != null)
 public void HandleErrorResponse(WebException exception, RequestError error, WebRequest request)
     Utilities.ThrowIfNull(request, "request");
     if (!(request is HttpWebRequest))
         throw new InvalidCastException(string.Concat("Expected a HttpWebRequest, but got a ", request.GetType(), " instead."));
     var tClient = this.tokenProvider;
     TimeSpan? nullable = null;
     tClient.RefreshToken(this.State, nullable);