         * Pre:
         * Post: If the payment information is valid, submit the shipment
        protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //collect information and enter into database
            if (Page.IsValid)
                double length = Convert.ToDouble(Length.Text);
                double width = Convert.ToDouble(Width.Text);
                double height = Convert.ToDouble(Height.Text);
                double weight = Convert.ToDouble(Weight.Text);
                double cost = Convert.ToDouble(Cost.Text.Substring(1));
                Customer customer = DbInterfacePerson.GetCustomer(Session["username"].ToString());
                Address deliveryAddress = GetDeliveryAddress();
                CreditCard card = GetCreditCard();

                double value = 0;
                if (ItemValue.Text.Length > 0)
                    value = Convert.ToDouble(ItemValue.Text);

                ShipmentType type = null;
                if (ShipmentType.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    type = new ShipmentType(Convert.ToInt32(ShipmentType.SelectedValue), ShipmentType.SelectedItem.Text);

                UtilityClass.ShippingSpeed speed = UtilityClass.ShippingSpeed.Normal;
                if (ShippingSpeed.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    speed = UtilityClass.ShippingSpeed.Express;
                else if (ShippingSpeed.SelectedIndex == 2)
                    speed = UtilityClass.ShippingSpeed.Urgent;

                InsuranceType insurance = null;
                if (Insurance.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    insurance = new InsuranceType(Convert.ToInt32(Insurance.SelectedValue), Insurance.SelectedItem.Text);

                Shipment shipment = new Shipment(customer, length, width, height, weight, type, insurance,
                                                 value, cost, FirstName.Text, LastName.Text, deliveryAddress, card,
                                                 false, speed);

                //if successfully added, show confirmation message
                int id = shipment.AddToDatabase();
                if (id != -1)
                    string trackingNum = GetTrackingNumber(id);
                    ConfirmLabel.Text = "Thank you for using the La Crosse Parcel Service! Your shipment has been registered and is being processed. You will be notified when your shipment is accepted";
                    MainPage.Visible = false;
                    Confirmation.Visible = true;

                    UtilityClass.SendEmail(customer.email, "Shipment in Processing", "Thank you for using the La Crosse Parcel Service!  " +
                                           "Your tracking number is " + trackingNum +
                                           ".  Please visit to view your shipment status.");