Beispiel #1
        public Puzzle(Graphics dc, string imgFile, int columns, int rows, Size size)
            tilesheet = new Tilesheet("picture", imgFile);

            int tileWidth = (int)((float)tilesheet.Bmp.Width / (float)columns);
            int tileHeight = (int)((float)tilesheet.Bmp.Height / (float)rows);
            int adjWidth = tileWidth * columns;
            int adjHeight = tileHeight * rows;

            tilesheet.TileSize = new Size(tileWidth, tileHeight);

            originalSize = tilesheet.Bmp.Size;
            numColumns = columns;
            numRows = rows;
            adjustedSize = new Size(adjWidth, adjHeight);

            GridPointMatrix matrix = new GridPointMatrix(numColumns, numRows, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            matrix.CoordinateSystem = new SquareIsoCoordinates();
            matrixes = new GridPointMatrixes(matrix);

            surface = new VisibleSurface(dc, size.Width, size.Height, matrixes);

            InitializeSprites(tileWidth, tileHeight);
            //Gondwana.Scripting.Parser.WriteToFile("bmpProp_file.gond", System.IO.FileMode.Create, tilesheet);
            //Engine.ScriptEngineState("file.gond", true);

            delMoveStart = new SpriteMovementEventHandler(Sprites_SpriteMovementStarted);
            delMoveStop = new SpriteMovementEventHandler(Sprites_SpriteMovementStopped);

            Sprites.SpriteMovementStarted += delMoveStart;
            Sprites.SpriteMovementStopped += delMoveStop;
Beispiel #2
        protected internal Backbuffer(VisibleSurface visSurface)
            // make the dimensions equal to the VisibleSurface dimensions
            range = new Rectangle(0, 0, visSurface.Width, visSurface.Height);

            // create a new temp GDI+ Bitmap to get old GDI32 bitmap handle
            Bitmap memBmp = new Bitmap(range.Width, range.Height, visSurface.DC);

            // obtain handle to VisibleSurface Graphics object for Backbuffer instantiation
            IntPtr visDC = visSurface.DC.GetHdc();

            // create a DC compatible with the visible surface DC
            IntPtr compatDC = pInvoke.CreateCompatibleDC(visDC);

            // associate the new bitmap handle with the Backbuffer DC
            pInvoke.SelectObject(compatDC, memBmp.GetHbitmap());

            //create a GDI+ Graphics object for the Backbuffer
            dc = Graphics.FromHdc(compatDC);

            // release handle to VisibleSurface Graphics object

            // Dispose of temp GDI+ Bitmap

            // set default FogPen value to black with 128 alpha blending
            fogBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Black));

            // set default GridPen value to white
            gridPen = new Pen(Color.White);

            //showGrid = false;

            matrixDisposeDel = new GridPointMatrixesDisposingEventHandler(source_Disposing);
Beispiel #3
        protected internal Backbuffer(VisibleSurface visSurface)
            // make the dimensions equal to the VisibleSurface dimensions
            range = new Rectangle(0, 0, visSurface.Width, visSurface.Height);

            // create a new temp GDI+ Bitmap to get old GDI32 bitmap handle
            Bitmap memBmp = new Bitmap(range.Width, range.Height, visSurface.DC);

            // obtain handle to VisibleSurface Graphics object for Backbuffer instantiation
            IntPtr visDC = visSurface.DC.GetHdc();

            // create a DC compatible with the visible surface DC
            IntPtr compatDC = pInvoke.CreateCompatibleDC(visDC);

            // associate the new bitmap handle with the Backbuffer DC
            pInvoke.SelectObject(compatDC, memBmp.GetHbitmap());

            //create a GDI+ Graphics object for the Backbuffer
            dc = Graphics.FromHdc(compatDC);

            // release handle to VisibleSurface Graphics object

            // Dispose of temp GDI+ Bitmap

            // set default FogPen value to black with 128 alpha blending
            fogBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Black));

            // set default GridPen value to white
            gridPen = new Pen(Color.White);

            //showGrid = false;

            matrixDisposeDel = new GridPointMatrixesDisposingEventHandler(source_Disposing);
Beispiel #4
        public static void LoadVisibleSurfaces(Form1 frm)
            Graphics g = frm.CreateGraphics();
            visSurf = new VisibleSurface(g, frm.Width, frm.Height);

            layers[0].ShowGridLines = false;
            layers[1].ShowGridLines = false;

            visSurf.RedrawDirtyRectangleOnly = true;

            fpsCounter = new Text(visSurf, "fps:", new Font("Times New Roman", 8),
                new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 300), Color.White, Color.Transparent);

            Engine.CPSCalculated += new Gondwana.Common.EventArgs.CyclesPerSecondCalculatedHandler(Engine_CPSCalculated);