Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// This method supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
		/// </summary>
		public override void Timeout() {
			if (!IsClosed) {
				if (this.IsFlexClient) {
					FlexInvoke flexInvoke = new FlexInvoke();
					StatusASO statusASO = new StatusASO(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_CLOSED, StatusASO.STATUS, "Connection Timed Out", null, this.ObjectEncoding);
					Call call = new Call("onstatus", new object[] { statusASO });
					flexInvoke.ServiceCall = call;
					//flexInvoke.Cmd = "onstatus";
					//flexInvoke.Parameters = new object[] { statusASO };
					RtmpChannel channel = this.GetChannel(3);
				} else {
					StatusASO statusASO = new StatusASO(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_CLOSED, StatusASO.ERROR, "Connection Timed Out", null, this.ObjectEncoding);
					RtmpChannel channel = this.GetChannel(3);
		static ByteBuffer EncodeFlexInvoke(RtmpContext context, FlexInvoke invoke) {
			ByteBuffer output = ByteBuffer.Allocate(1024);
			output.AutoExpand = true;
			RtmpWriter writer = new RtmpWriter(output);
			//Set legacy collection flag from context
			writer.UseLegacyCollection = context.UseLegacyCollection;
			writer.UseLegacyThrowable = context.UseLegacyThrowable;

			//writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, invoke.Cmd);
			IServiceCall serviceCall = invoke.ServiceCall;
			bool isPending = serviceCall.Status == Call.STATUS_PENDING;
			if (!isPending) {
				//log.debug("Call has been executed, send result");
				if (serviceCall.IsSuccess)
					writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, "_result");
					writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, "_error");
			} else {
				//log.debug("This is a pending call, send request");
				writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, serviceCall.ServiceMethodName);
			writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, invoke.InvokeId);
			writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, invoke.CmdData);
			//object response = invoke.Response;
			//writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, response);
			if (!isPending) {
				IPendingServiceCall pendingCall = (IPendingServiceCall)serviceCall;
				if (!serviceCall.IsSuccess)
					StatusASO status = GenerateErrorResult(StatusASO.NC_CALL_FAILED, serviceCall.Exception);
					pendingCall.Result = status;
				writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, pendingCall.Result);
			} else {
				//log.debug("Writing params");
				object[] args = invoke.ServiceCall.Arguments;
				if (args != null) {
					foreach (object element in args) {
						writer.WriteData(context.ObjectEncoding, element);
			return output;
Beispiel #3
		internal static void Push(RtmpConnection connection, IMessage message, IMessageClient messageClient) {
			if (connection != null) {
				object response = message;
				if (message is BinaryMessage) {
					BinaryMessage binaryMessage = message as BinaryMessage;
					byte[] binaryContent = binaryMessage.body as byte[];
					//byte[] destClientBinaryId = messageClient.GetBinaryId();
					//Array.Copy(destClientBinaryId, 0, binaryContent, binaryMessage.PatternPosition, destClientBinaryId.Length);

					RawBinary result = new RawBinary(binaryContent);
					response = result;
				} else {
					//This should be a clone of the original message
					message.SetHeader(MessageBase.DestinationClientIdHeader, messageClient.ClientId);
					message.clientId = messageClient.ClientId;

				RtmpChannel channel = connection.GetChannel(3);
				FlexInvoke reply = new FlexInvoke();
				Call call = new Call("receive", new object[] { response });
				reply.ServiceCall = call;
				//reply.Cmd = "receive";
				//reply.Response = response;
				reply.InvokeId = connection.InvokeId;
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>
		/// This method supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="connection"></param>
		/// <param name="channel"></param>
		/// <param name="header"></param>
		/// <param name="invoke"></param>
		protected abstract void OnFlexInvoke(RtmpConnection connection, RtmpChannel channel, RtmpHeader header, FlexInvoke invoke);
		static FlexInvoke DecodeFlexInvoke(ByteBuffer stream) {
			int version = stream.ReadByte();
			RtmpReader reader = new RtmpReader(stream);
			string action = reader.ReadData() as string;
			int invokeId = System.Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadData());
			object cmdData = reader.ReadData();

			object[] parameters = Call.EmptyArguments;
			if (stream.HasRemaining) {
#if !(NET_1_1)
				List<object> paramList = new List<object>();
            ArrayList paramList = new ArrayList();
				while (stream.HasRemaining) {
					object obj = reader.ReadData();
				parameters = paramList.ToArray();
			int dotIndex = action == null ? -1 : action.LastIndexOf(".");
			string serviceName = (action == -1) ? null : action.Substring(0, dotIndex);
			string serviceMethod = (dotIndex == -1) ? action : action.Substring(dotIndex + 1, action.Length - dotIndex - 1);
			PendingCall call = new PendingCall(null, action, parameters);
			FlexInvoke invoke = new FlexInvoke(invokeId, cmdData);
			invoke.ServiceCall = call;
			return invoke;
Beispiel #6
		protected override void OnFlexInvoke(RtmpConnection connection, RtmpChannel channel, RtmpHeader header, FlexInvoke invoke) {
			IMessage message = null;
			if (invoke.ServiceCall.Arguments != null && invoke.ServiceCall.Arguments.Length > 0)
				message = invoke.ServiceCall.Arguments[0] as IMessage;
			if (message != null) {
				MessageBroker messageBroker = this.Endpoint.GetMessageBroker();
				if (message.clientId == null) {
					message.clientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");
					if( !(message is CommandMessage) )
						//producer may send messages without subscribing
						CommandMessage commandMessageSubscribe = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.SubscribeOperation);
						commandMessageSubscribe.messageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");
						commandMessageSubscribe.headers = message.headers.Clone() as Hashtable;
						commandMessageSubscribe.messageRefType = message.GetType().FullName;//"flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage"
						commandMessageSubscribe.destination = message.destination;

						IMessage subscribeResponse = messageBroker.RouteMessage(commandMessageSubscribe, _endpoint, connection);
						message.clientId = subscribeResponse.clientId;
				IMessage response = messageBroker.RouteMessage(message, this.Endpoint);
				invoke.ServiceCall.Status = response is ErrorMessage ? Call.STATUS_INVOCATION_EXCEPTION : Call.STATUS_SUCCESS_RESULT;
				if (invoke.ServiceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
					(invoke.ServiceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = response;

				FlexInvoke reply = new FlexInvoke();
				reply.InvokeId = invoke.InvokeId;
				reply.ServiceCall = invoke.ServiceCall;
				if( response is ErrorMessage )
				reply.Response = response;
			} else {
				// If it's a callback for server remote call then pass it over to callbacks handler and return
				OnInvoke(connection, channel, header, invoke);