public void apply(TextDocument document)
            foreach (TextProcessingAction tPA in Processors)

 public static void GetTheWords(TextDocument document)
     String[] elements = document.Text.Split(new string[]{" "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
     document.Words = new List<string>();
     foreach (string s in elements)
        public static void DoDemo()
            TextDocument document = new TextDocument("This is a text we will use to see how Action<T> works. We will process it many times and store the result");
            TextProcessingRegistry registry = new TextProcessingRegistry();
                .add(new TextProcessingAction(ApplyUpperCase))
                .add(new TextProcessingAction(GetTheSizeOf))
                .add(new TextProcessingAction(GetTheWords))

            Console.WriteLine("The results of applying the processing actions ....");
            Console.WriteLine("The text is now: " + document.Text);
            Console.WriteLine("The size of the text : " + document.Size);
            Console.WriteLine("Is it uppercased ? : " + document.UpperCased);
            Console.WriteLine("The list of the words : " );

 public static void GetTheSizeOf(TextDocument document)
     int size = document.Text.Length;
     document.Size = size;
 public static void ApplyUpperCase(TextDocument document)
     workString = document.Text.ToUpper();
     document.Text = workString;
     document.UpperCased = true;