Beispiel #1
        public FullPrediction[] Predict(GitHubIssue issue)
            var prediction = _predEngine.Predict(issue);

            var fullPredictions = GetBestThreePredictions(prediction);

        public static void BuildAndTrainModel(string DataSetLocation, string ModelPath)
            // Create MLContext to be shared across the model creation workflow objects
            // Set a random seed for repeatable/deterministic results across multiple trainings.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 0);

            // STEP 1: Common data loading configuration
            DataLoader dataLoader       = new DataLoader(mlContext);
            var        trainingDataView = dataLoader.GetDataView(DataSetLocation);

            // STEP 2: Common data process configuration with pipeline data transformations
            var dataProcessor       = new DataProcessor(mlContext);
            var dataProcessPipeline = dataProcessor.DataProcessPipeline;

            // (OPTIONAL) Peek data (such as 2 records) in training DataView after applying the ProcessPipeline's transformations into "Features"
            Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekDataViewInConsole <GitHubIssue>(mlContext, trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);
            //Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekVectorColumnDataInConsole(mlContext, "Features", trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);

            // STEP 3: Set the selected training algorithm into the modelBuilder
            var modelBuilder = new Common.ModelBuilder <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(mlContext, dataProcessPipeline);
            var trainer      = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.StochasticDualCoordinateAscent("Label", "Features");

            modelBuilder.AddEstimator(new KeyToValueEstimator(mlContext, "PredictedLabel"));

            // STEP 4: Cross-Validate with single dataset (since we don't have two datasets, one for training and for evaluate)
            // in order to evaluate and get the model's accuracy metrics
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Cross-validating to get model's accuracy metrics ===============");
            var crossValResults = modelBuilder.CrossValidateAndEvaluateMulticlassClassificationModel(trainingDataView, 6, "Label");

            ConsoleHelper.PrintMulticlassClassificationFoldsAverageMetrics("SdcaMultiClassTrainer", crossValResults);

            // STEP 5: Train the model fitting to the DataSet
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Training the model ===============");

            // STEP 6: Save/persist the trained model to a .ZIP file
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Saving the model to a file ===============");

            // (OPTIONAL) Try/test a single prediction by loding the model from the file, first.
            GitHubIssue issue = new GitHubIssue()
                ID = "Any-ID", Title = "Entity Framework crashes", Description = "When connecting to the database, EF is crashing"
            var modelScorer = new ModelScorer <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(mlContext);

            var prediction = modelScorer.PredictSingle(issue);

            Console.WriteLine($"=============== Single Prediction - Result: {prediction.Area} ===============");

            Common.ConsoleHelper.ConsoleWriteHeader("Training process finalized");
        public static async Task <string> PredictAsync(GitHubIssue issue)
            if (_model == null)
                _model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(ModelPath);

            var prediction = _model.Predict(issue);

        public void TestPredictionForSingleIssue()
            GitHubIssue singleIssue = new GitHubIssue()
                ID = "Any-ID", Title = "Entity Framework crashes", Description = "When connecting to the database, EF is crashing"

            //Predict label for single hard-coded issue
            var prediction = _modelScorer.PredictSingle(singleIssue);

            Console.WriteLine($"=============== Single Prediction - Result: {prediction.Area} ===============");
Beispiel #5
        private FullPrediction[] PredictLabels(Octokit.Issue issue)
            var corefxIssue = new GitHubIssue
                ID          = issue.Number.ToString(),
                Title       = issue.Title,
                Description = issue.Body

            _fullPredictions = Predict(corefxIssue);

        private string PredictLabel(Issue issue)
            var corefxIssue = new GitHubIssue
                ID = issue.Number.ToString(),
                Title = issue.Title,
                Description = issue.Body

            var predictedLabel = Predictor.Predict(corefxIssue);

            return predictedLabel;
Beispiel #7
        private async Task <string> PredictLabel(Issue issue)
            var corefxIssue = new GitHubIssue
                ID          = issue.Number.ToString(),
                Title       = issue.Title,
                Description = issue.Body

            var predictedLabel = await Predictor.PredictAsync(corefxIssue);

Beispiel #8
        public static string Predict(GitHubIssue issue)
            using (var env = new LocalEnvironment())
                ITransformer loadedModel;
                using (var stream = new FileStream(ModelPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                    loadedModel = TransformerChain.LoadFrom(env, stream);

                // Create prediction engine and make prediction.
                var engine = loadedModel.MakePredictionFunction <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(env);

                var prediction = engine.Predict(issue);

Beispiel #9
        public void TestPredictionForSingleIssue()
            GitHubIssue singleIssue = new GitHubIssue()
                ID          = "Any-ID",
                Title       = "Crash in SqlConnection when using TransactionScope",
                Description = "I'm using SqlClient in netcoreapp2.0. Sqlclient.Close() crashes in Linux but works on Windows"

            //Predict labels and scores for single hard-coded issue
            var prediction = _predEngine.Predict(singleIssue);

            _fullPredictions = GetBestThreePredictions(prediction);

            Console.WriteLine("1st Label: " + _fullPredictions[0].PredictedLabel + " with score: " + _fullPredictions[0].Score);
            Console.WriteLine("2nd Label: " + _fullPredictions[1].PredictedLabel + " with score: " + _fullPredictions[1].Score);
            Console.WriteLine("3rd Label: " + _fullPredictions[2].PredictedLabel + " with score: " + _fullPredictions[2].Score);

            Console.WriteLine($"=============== Single Prediction - Result: {prediction.Area} ===============");
Beispiel #10
        public static void BuildAndTrainModel(string DataSetLocation, string ModelPath, MyTrainerStrategy selectedStrategy)
            // Create MLContext to be shared across the model creation workflow objects
            // Set a random seed for repeatable/deterministic results across multiple trainings.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 0);

            // STEP 1: Common data loading configuration
            var trainingDataView = mlContext.Data.ReadFromTextFile <GitHubIssue>(DataSetLocation, hasHeader: true, separatorChar: '\t');

            // STEP 2: Common data process configuration with pipeline data transformations
            var dataProcessPipeline = mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey(outputColumnName: DefaultColumnNames.Label, inputColumnName: nameof(GitHubIssue.Area))
                                      .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText(outputColumnName: "TitleFeaturized", inputColumnName: nameof(GitHubIssue.Title)))
                                      .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText(outputColumnName: "DescriptionFeaturized", inputColumnName: nameof(GitHubIssue.Description)))
                                      .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate(outputColumnName: DefaultColumnNames.Features, "TitleFeaturized", "DescriptionFeaturized"))
                                                                         //Sample Caching the DataView so estimators iterating over the data multiple times, instead of always reading from file, using the cache might get better performance
                                      .AppendCacheCheckpoint(mlContext); //In this sample, only when using OVA (Not SDCA) the cache improves the training time, since OVA works multiple times/iterations over the same data

            // (OPTIONAL) Peek data (such as 2 records) in training DataView after applying the ProcessPipeline's transformations into "Features"
            Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekDataViewInConsole <GitHubIssue>(mlContext, trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);
            //Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekVectorColumnDataInConsole(mlContext, "Features", trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);

            // STEP 3: Create the selected training algorithm/trainer
            IEstimator <ITransformer> trainer = null;

            switch (selectedStrategy)
            case MyTrainerStrategy.SdcaMultiClassTrainer:
                trainer = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.StochasticDualCoordinateAscent(DefaultColumnNames.Label,

            case MyTrainerStrategy.OVAAveragedPerceptronTrainer:
                // Create a binary classification trainer.
                var averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer = mlContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.AveragedPerceptron(DefaultColumnNames.Label,
                                                                                                                 numIterations: 10);
                // Compose an OVA (One-Versus-All) trainer with the BinaryTrainer.
                // In this strategy, a binary classification algorithm is used to train one classifier for each class, "
                // which distinguishes that class from all other classes. Prediction is then performed by running these binary classifiers, "
                // and choosing the prediction with the highest confidence score.
                trainer = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.OneVersusAll(averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer);



            //Set the trainer/algorithm and map label to value (original readable state)
            var trainingPipeline = dataProcessPipeline.Append(trainer)

            // STEP 4: Cross-Validate with single dataset (since we don't have two datasets, one for training and for evaluate)
            // in order to evaluate and get the model's accuracy metrics

            Console.WriteLine("=============== Cross-validating to get model's accuracy metrics ===============");

            //Measure cross-validation time
            var watchCrossValTime = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var crossValidationResults = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.CrossValidate(data: trainingDataView, estimator: trainingPipeline, numFolds: 6, labelColumn: DefaultColumnNames.Label);

            //Stop measuring time
            long elapsedMs = watchCrossValTime.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine($"Time Cross-Validating: {elapsedMs} miliSecs");

            ConsoleHelper.PrintMulticlassClassificationFoldsAverageMetrics(trainer.ToString(), crossValidationResults);

            // STEP 5: Train the model fitting to the DataSet
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Training the model ===============");

            //Measure training time
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var trainedModel = trainingPipeline.Fit(trainingDataView);

            //Stop measuring time
            long elapsedCrossValMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine($"Time Training the model: {elapsedCrossValMs} miliSecs");

            // (OPTIONAL) Try/test a single prediction with the "just-trained model" (Before saving the model)
            GitHubIssue issue = new GitHubIssue()
                ID = "Any-ID", Title = "WebSockets communication is slow in my machine", Description = "The WebSockets communication used under the covers by SignalR looks like is going slow in my development machine.."
            // Create prediction engine related to the loaded trained model
            var predEngine = trainedModel.CreatePredictionEngine <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(mlContext);
            var prediction = predEngine.Predict(issue);

            Console.WriteLine($"=============== Single Prediction just-trained-model - Result: {prediction.Area} ===============");

            // STEP 6: Save/persist the trained model to a .ZIP file
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Saving the model to a file ===============");
            using (var fs = new FileStream(ModelPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))
                mlContext.Model.Save(trainedModel, fs);

            Common.ConsoleHelper.ConsoleWriteHeader("Training process finalized");
        public static void BuildAndTrainModel(string DataSetLocation, string ModelPath, MyTrainerStrategy selectedStrategy)
            // Create MLContext to be shared across the model creation workflow objects
            // Set a random seed for repeatable/deterministic results across multiple trainings.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 0);

            // STEP 1: Common data loading configuration
            TextLoader textLoader = mlContext.Data.TextReader(new TextLoader.Arguments()
                Separator = "tab",
                HasHeader = true,
                Column    = new[]
                    new TextLoader.Column("ID", DataKind.Text, 0),
                    new TextLoader.Column("Area", DataKind.Text, 1),
                    new TextLoader.Column("Title", DataKind.Text, 2),
                    new TextLoader.Column("Description", DataKind.Text, 3),

            var trainingDataView = textLoader.Read(DataSetLocation);

            // STEP 2: Common data process configuration with pipeline data transformations
            var dataProcessPipeline = mlContext.Transforms.Categorical.MapValueToKey("Area", "Label")
                                      .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText("Title", "TitleFeaturized"))
                                      .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText("Description", "DescriptionFeaturized"))
                                      .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "TitleFeaturized", "DescriptionFeaturized"));

            // (OPTIONAL) Peek data (such as 2 records) in training DataView after applying the ProcessPipeline's transformations into "Features"
            Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekDataViewInConsole <GitHubIssue>(mlContext, trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);
            //Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekVectorColumnDataInConsole(mlContext, "Features", trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);

            // STEP 3: Create the selected training algorithm/trainer
            IEstimator <ITransformer> trainer = null;

            switch (selectedStrategy)
            case MyTrainerStrategy.SdcaMultiClassTrainer:
                trainer = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.StochasticDualCoordinateAscent(DefaultColumnNames.Label,

            case MyTrainerStrategy.OVAAveragedPerceptronTrainer:
                // Create a binary classification trainer.
                var averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer = mlContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.AveragedPerceptron(DefaultColumnNames.Label,
                                                                                                                 numIterations: 10);
                // Compose an OVA (One-Versus-All) trainer with the BinaryTrainer.
                // In this strategy, a binary classification algorithm is used to train one classifier for each class, "
                // which distinguishes that class from all other classes. Prediction is then performed by running these binary classifiers, "
                // and choosing the prediction with the highest confidence score.
                trainer = new Ova(mlContext, averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer);


            //Set the trainer/algorithm and map label to value (original readable state)
            var trainingPipeline = dataProcessPipeline.Append(trainer)

            // STEP 4: Cross-Validate with single dataset (since we don't have two datasets, one for training and for evaluate)
            // in order to evaluate and get the model's accuracy metrics
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Cross-validating to get model's accuracy metrics ===============");

            var crossValidationResults = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.CrossValidate(trainingDataView, trainingPipeline, numFolds: 6, labelColumn: "Label");

            ConsoleHelper.PrintMulticlassClassificationFoldsAverageMetrics(trainer.ToString(), crossValidationResults);

            // STEP 5: Train the model fitting to the DataSet
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Training the model ===============");
            var trainedModel = trainingPipeline.Fit(trainingDataView);

            // (OPTIONAL) Try/test a single prediction with the "just-trained model" (Before saving the model)
            GitHubIssue issue = new GitHubIssue()
                ID = "Any-ID", Title = "WebSockets communication is slow in my machine", Description = "The WebSockets communication used under the covers by SignalR looks like is going slow in my development machine.."
            // Create prediction engine related to the loaded trained model
            var predFunction = trainedModel.MakePredictionFunction <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(mlContext);
            var prediction = predFunction.Predict(issue);

            Console.WriteLine($"=============== Single Prediction just-trained-model - Result: {prediction.Area} ===============");

            // STEP 6: Save/persist the trained model to a .ZIP file
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Saving the model to a file ===============");
            using (var fs = new FileStream(ModelPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))
                mlContext.Model.Save(trainedModel, fs);

            Common.ConsoleHelper.ConsoleWriteHeader("Training process finalized");
        public static void BuildAndTrainModel(string DataSetLocation, string ModelPath, MyTrainerStrategy selectedStrategy)
            // Create MLContext to be shared across the model creation workflow objects 
            // Set a random seed for repeatable/deterministic results across multiple trainings.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);

            // STEP 1: Common data loading configuration
            var trainingDataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<GitHubIssue>(DataSetLocation, hasHeader: true, separatorChar:'\t', allowSparse: false);
            // STEP 2: Common data process configuration with pipeline data transformations
            var dataProcessPipeline = mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey(outputColumnName: "Label",inputColumnName:nameof(GitHubIssue.Area))
                            .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText(outputColumnName: "TitleFeaturized",inputColumnName:nameof(GitHubIssue.Title)))
                            .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Text.FeaturizeText(outputColumnName: "DescriptionFeaturized", inputColumnName: nameof(GitHubIssue.Description)))
                            .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate(outputColumnName:"Features", "TitleFeaturized", "DescriptionFeaturized"))
                            // Use in-memory cache for small/medium datasets to lower training time. 
                            // Do NOT use it (remove .AppendCacheCheckpoint()) when handling very large datasets.

            // (OPTIONAL) Peek data (such as 2 records) in training DataView after applying the ProcessPipeline's transformations into "Features" 
            Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekDataViewInConsole(mlContext, trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);

            // STEP 3: Create the selected training algorithm/trainer
            IEstimator<ITransformer> trainer = null; 
                case MyTrainerStrategy.SdcaMultiClassTrainer:                 
                     trainer = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.SdcaMaximumEntropy("Label", "Features");
                case MyTrainerStrategy.OVAAveragedPerceptronTrainer:
                    // Create a binary classification trainer.
                    var averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer = mlContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.AveragedPerceptron("Label", "Features",numberOfIterations: 10);
                    // Compose an OVA (One-Versus-All) trainer with the BinaryTrainer.
                    // In this strategy, a binary classification algorithm is used to train one classifier for each class, "
                    // which distinguishes that class from all other classes. Prediction is then performed by running these binary classifiers, "
                    // and choosing the prediction with the highest confidence score.
                    trainer = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.OneVersusAll(averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer);

            //Set the trainer/algorithm and map label to value (original readable state)
            var trainingPipeline = dataProcessPipeline.Append(trainer)

            // STEP 4: Cross-Validate with single dataset (since we don't have two datasets, one for training and for evaluate)
            // in order to evaluate and get the model's accuracy metrics

            Console.WriteLine("=============== Cross-validating to get model's accuracy metrics ===============");
            var crossValidationResults= mlContext.MulticlassClassification.CrossValidate(data:trainingDataView, estimator:trainingPipeline, numberOfFolds: 6, labelColumnName:"Label");
            ConsoleHelper.PrintMulticlassClassificationFoldsAverageMetrics(trainer.ToString(), crossValidationResults);

            // STEP 5: Train the model fitting to the DataSet
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Training the model ===============");
            var trainedModel = trainingPipeline.Fit(trainingDataView);

            // (OPTIONAL) Try/test a single prediction with the "just-trained model" (Before saving the model)
            GitHubIssue issue = new GitHubIssue() { ID = "Any-ID", Title = "WebSockets communication is slow in my machine", Description = "The WebSockets communication used under the covers by SignalR looks like is going slow in my development machine.." };
            // Create prediction engine related to the loaded trained model
            var predEngine = mlContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(trainedModel);
            var prediction = predEngine.Predict(issue);
            Console.WriteLine($"=============== Single Prediction just-trained-model - Result: {prediction.Area} ===============");

            // STEP 6: Save/persist the trained model to a .ZIP file
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Saving the model to a file ===============");
            mlContext.Model.Save(trainedModel, trainingDataView.Schema, ModelPath);

            Common.ConsoleHelper.ConsoleWriteHeader("Training process finalized");
        public string Predict(GitHubIssue issue)
            var prediction = _modelScorer.PredictSingle(issue);

Beispiel #14
        public static void BuildAndTrainModel(string DataSetLocation, string ModelPath, MyTrainerStrategy selectedStrategy)
            // Create MLContext to be shared across the model creation workflow objects
            // Set a random seed for repeatable/deterministic results across multiple trainings.
            var mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 0);

            // STEP 1: Common data loading configuration
            var textLoader       = GitHubLabelerTextLoaderFactory.CreateTextLoader(mlContext);
            var trainingDataView = textLoader.Read(DataSetLocation);

            // STEP 2: Common data process configuration with pipeline data transformations
            var dataProcessPipeline = GitHubLabelerDataProcessPipelineFactory.CreateDataProcessPipeline(mlContext);

            // (OPTIONAL) Peek data (such as 2 records) in training DataView after applying the ProcessPipeline's transformations into "Features"
            Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekDataViewInConsole <GitHubIssue>(mlContext, trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);
            //Common.ConsoleHelper.PeekVectorColumnDataInConsole(mlContext, "Features", trainingDataView, dataProcessPipeline, 2);

            // STEP 3: Create the selected training algorithm/trainer
            IEstimator <ITransformer> trainer = null;

            switch (selectedStrategy)
            case MyTrainerStrategy.SdcaMultiClassTrainer:
                trainer = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.StochasticDualCoordinateAscent(DefaultColumnNames.Label,

            case MyTrainerStrategy.OVAAveragedPerceptronTrainer:
                // Create a binary classification trainer.
                var averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer = mlContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.AveragedPerceptron(DefaultColumnNames.Label,
                                                                                                                 numIterations: 10);
                // Compose an OVA (One-Versus-All) trainer with the BinaryTrainer.
                // In this strategy, a binary classification algorithm is used to train one classifier for each class, "
                // which distinguishes that class from all other classes. Prediction is then performed by running these binary classifiers, "
                // and choosing the prediction with the highest confidence score.
                trainer = new Ova(mlContext, averagedPerceptronBinaryTrainer);


            //Set the trainer/algorithm
            var modelBuilder = new Common.ModelBuilder <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(mlContext, dataProcessPipeline);


            // STEP 4: Cross-Validate with single dataset (since we don't have two datasets, one for training and for evaluate)
            // in order to evaluate and get the model's accuracy metrics
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Cross-validating to get model's accuracy metrics ===============");
            var crossValResults = modelBuilder.CrossValidateAndEvaluateMulticlassClassificationModel(trainingDataView, 6, "Label");

            ConsoleHelper.PrintMulticlassClassificationFoldsAverageMetrics(trainer.ToString(), crossValResults);

            // STEP 5: Train the model fitting to the DataSet
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Training the model ===============");

            // (OPTIONAL) Try/test a single prediction with the "just-trained model" (Before saving the model)
            GitHubIssue issue = new GitHubIssue()
                ID = "Any-ID", Title = "WebSockets communication is slow in my machine", Description = "The WebSockets communication used under the covers by SignalR looks like is going slow in my development machine.."
            var modelScorer = new ModelScorer <GitHubIssue, GitHubIssuePrediction>(mlContext, modelBuilder.TrainedModel);
            var prediction  = modelScorer.PredictSingle(issue);

            Console.WriteLine($"=============== Single Prediction just-trained-model - Result: {prediction.Area} ===============");

            // STEP 6: Save/persist the trained model to a .ZIP file
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Saving the model to a file ===============");

            Common.ConsoleHelper.ConsoleWriteHeader("Training process finalized");
        public string Predict(GitHubIssue issue)
            var prediction = _predEngine.Predict(issue);
