Run() public static method

Main command execution function. Upon completion, prints all errors to the log window.
public static Run ( string cmd, string args ) : ExecResult
cmd string
args string
return ExecResult
Beispiel #1
        public static ExecResult Run(string gitcmd, bool async)
            // Pick up git commands that take long time to execute and run them
            // using a threaded execution
            if (gitcmd.StartsWith("clone --progress") ||
                gitcmd.StartsWith("fetch") ||
                gitcmd.StartsWith("pull ") ||
                gitcmd.StartsWith("push "))
                FormGitRun formGitRun = new FormGitRun(Properties.Settings.Default.GitPath, gitcmd);

            if (!async)
                return(Exec.Run(Properties.Settings.Default.GitPath, gitcmd));

            var job = new Exec(Properties.Settings.Default.GitPath, gitcmd);

            job.AsyncRun(s => App.PrintStatusMessage(s, MessageType.Output),
                         s => App.PrintStatusMessage(s, MessageType.Error),
            return(new ExecResult());
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor creates a shell executable file that echoes the PASSWORD
        /// environment variable when called. When GIT_ASKPASS is present, Git
        /// obtains a password for its HTTPS operations by calling it.
        /// </summary>
        public ClassGitPasswd()
            // WAR: Do a different kind of shell script dependent on the OS)
            if (ClassUtils.IsMono())
                // Mono: Use the Shell script
                pathPasswordBatchHelper = Path.Combine(App.AppHome, "");
                File.WriteAllText(pathPasswordBatchHelper, "echo $PASSWORD" + Environment.NewLine);

                // Set the execute bit
                if (Exec.Run("chmod", "+x " + pathPasswordBatchHelper).Success() == false)
                    App.PrintLogMessage("ClassGitPasswd: Unable to chmod +x on " + pathPasswordBatchHelper, MessageType.Error);
                // Windows: Use the CMD BAT script
                // Note: Using "App.AppHome" directory to host the batch helper file
                //       fails on XP where that directory has spaces in the name ("Documents and Settings")
                //       which git cannot handle in this context. Similarly, git will fail with
                //       any other path that contains a space.
                // This redirection is used to provide the password in an automated way.
                pathPasswordBatchHelper = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "passwd.bat");
                File.WriteAllText(pathPasswordBatchHelper, "@echo %PASSWORD%" + Environment.NewLine);
                pathPasswordBatchHelper = ClassUtils.GetShortPathName(pathPasswordBatchHelper);
            ClassUtils.AddEnvar("GIT_ASKPASS", pathPasswordBatchHelper);

            App.PrintLogMessage("Created HTTP password helper file: " + pathPasswordBatchHelper, MessageType.General);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the path to git and checks that the git executable is functional. This call
        /// should be made only once upon the program start.
        /// It returns true if git executable can be run, false otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Initialize()
            bool retValue = true;

            // Check that we have a functional version of git at an already set path
            gitPath = Properties.Settings.Default.GitPath;
            if (Exec.Run(gitPath, "--version").stdout.Contains("git version") == false)
                // If we are running on Linux, get the git path by 'which' command
                if (ClassUtils.IsMono())
                    gitPath = Exec.Run("which", "git").stdout.Trim();
                    if (Exec.Run(gitPath, "--version").stdout.Contains("git version") == false)
                            "Could not locate 'git'!\n\nPlease install git by running 'sudo apt-get install git'\nMake sure it is on your path, then rerun this application.",
                            "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        retValue = false;
                    // Check if a version of git is installed at a known location (or guess a location)
                    string programFilesPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROGRAMFILES(X86)") ??
                    // If a git executable does not exist at the default location, try the 64-bit program file folder instead
                    if (!File.Exists(programFilesPath) && programFilesPath.Contains(" (x86)"))
                        programFilesPath = programFilesPath.Replace(" (x86)", "");

                    gitPath = Path.Combine(programFilesPath, @"Git\bin\git.exe");
                    if (Exec.Run(gitPath, "--version").stdout.Contains("git version") == false)
                        // Ask user to show us where the git is installed
                        FormPathToGit formPath = new FormPathToGit(programFilesPath, gitPath);
                        while (retValue = (formPath.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK))
                            gitPath = formPath.PathToGit;
                            if (Exec.Run(gitPath, "--version").stdout.Contains("git version"))
            if (retValue)
                // Run the version again to get the version code (for simplicity did not save it earlier)
                string version = string.Format("Using {0} at {1}", Exec.Run(gitPath, "--version"), gitPath);
                App.PrintLogMessage(version, MessageType.General);
                Properties.Settings.Default.GitPath = gitPath;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes SSH connection by running the PLINK using the specified
        /// connection parameters. This function blocks until the PLINK returns.
        /// </summary>
        public void ImportRemoteSshKey(ClassUrl.Url url)
            // Build the arguments to the PLINK process: port number, user and the host
            // Use the default SSH values if the url did not provide them
            string args = " -P " + (url.Port > 0 ? url.Port.ToString() : "22") +
                          " -l " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url.User) ? "anonymous" : url.User) +
                          " " + url.Host;

            // plink does everything through its stderr stream
            ExecResult result = Exec.Run(pathPlink, args);

            App.PrintLogMessage(result.stderr, MessageType.Error);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a shell command
        /// </summary>
        public static string ExecuteShellCommand(string cmd, string args)
            App.PrintStatusMessage("Shell execute: " + cmd + " " + args, MessageType.Command);

            // WAR: Shell execute is platform-specific
            if (IsMono())
                return(Exec.Run(cmd, args).ToString());
                args = "/c " + cmd + " " + args;
                return(Exec.Run("cmd.exe", args).ToString());
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// User clicked on the Install button.. We need to find the latest msysgit build,
        /// download it and run it
        /// </summary>
        private void BtInstallClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string installerFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); // Junk name so we can safely call 'Delete'

                // msysgit is hosted at
                // and the files can be downloaded at the subfolder 'download':

                FormDownload msysgit = new FormDownload("Download msysgit",
                                                        @"(?<file>Git-[1-2]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-\S+.exe)", "/download/");

                // If the download succeeded, run the installer file
                if (msysgit.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    installerFile = msysgit.TargetFile;
                    ExecResult ret = Exec.Run(installerFile, String.Empty);
                    if (ret.retcode == 0)
                        // Check if the git executable is at the expected location now
                        if (File.Exists(gitPath))
                            PathToGit = textBoxPath.Text = gitPath;
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");
                // Make sure we don't leave temporary files around