Beispiel #1
        public static bool Compress(byte[] input, out byte[] output, CompressionLevel level)
            if (input.LongLength >= 0xFFFFFFFF)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("input data is too large");

            bool endIsValid = false;
            List<byte[]> compressedChunks = new List<byte[]>();
            int compressedIndex = 0;
            int compressedLength = 0;
            output = null;

            if (input.Length < 16)
                return false;

            Queue<KeyValuePair<int, int>> blockTrackingQueue = new Queue<KeyValuePair<int, int>>();
            Queue<KeyValuePair<int, int>> blockPretrackingQueue = new Queue<KeyValuePair<int, int>>();
            // So lists aren't being freed and allocated so much
            Queue<List<int>> unusedLists = new Queue<List<int>>();
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> latestBlocks = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
            int lastBlockStored = 0;

            while (compressedIndex < input.Length)
                while (compressedIndex > lastBlockStored + level.BlockInterval && input.Length - compressedIndex > 16)
                    if (blockPretrackingQueue.Count >= level.PrequeueLength)
                        KeyValuePair<int, int> tmppair = blockPretrackingQueue.Dequeue();
                        List<int> valueList;
                        if (!latestBlocks.TryGetValue(tmppair.Key, out valueList))
                            if (unusedLists.Count > 0)
                                valueList = unusedLists.Dequeue();
                                valueList = new List<int>();

                            latestBlocks[tmppair.Key] = valueList;

                        if (valueList.Count >= level.SameValToTrack)
                            int earliestIndex = 0;
                            int earliestValue = valueList[0];

                            for (int loop = 1; loop < valueList.Count; loop++)
                                if (valueList[loop] < earliestValue)
                                    earliestIndex = loop;
                                    earliestValue = valueList[loop];

                            valueList[earliestIndex] = tmppair.Value;

                        if (blockTrackingQueue.Count > level.QueueLength)
                            KeyValuePair<int, int> tmppair2 = blockTrackingQueue.Dequeue();
                            valueList = latestBlocks[tmppair2.Key];
                            for (int loop = 0; loop < valueList.Count; loop++)
                                if (valueList[loop] == tmppair2.Value)

                            if (valueList.Count == 0)

                    KeyValuePair<int, int> newBlock = new KeyValuePair<int, int>(BitConverter.ToInt32(input, lastBlockStored), lastBlockStored);
                    lastBlockStored += level.BlockInterval;

                if (input.Length - compressedIndex < 4)
                    // Just copy the rest
                    byte[] chunk = new byte[input.Length - compressedIndex + 1];
                    chunk[0] = (byte)(0xFC | (input.Length - compressedIndex));
                    Array.Copy(input, compressedIndex, chunk, 1, input.Length - compressedIndex);
                    compressedIndex += chunk.Length - 1;
                    compressedLength += chunk.Length;
                    // int toRead = 0;
                    // int toCopy2 = 0;
                    // int copyOffset = 0;

                    endIsValid = true;

                // Search ahead the next 3 bytes for the "best" sequence to copy
                int sequenceStart = 0;
                int sequenceLength = 0;
                int sequenceIndex = 0;
                bool isSequence = false;

                if (FindSequence(input, compressedIndex, ref sequenceStart, ref sequenceLength, ref sequenceIndex, latestBlocks, level))
                    isSequence = true;
                    // Find the next sequence
                    for (int loop = compressedIndex + 4; !isSequence && loop + 3 < input.Length; loop += 4)
                        if (FindSequence(input, loop, ref sequenceStart, ref sequenceLength, ref sequenceIndex, latestBlocks, level))
                            sequenceIndex += loop - compressedIndex;
                            isSequence = true;

                    if (sequenceIndex == int.MaxValue)
                        sequenceIndex = input.Length - compressedIndex;

                    // Copy all the data skipped over
                    while (sequenceIndex >= 4)
                        int toCopy = (sequenceIndex & ~3);
                        if (toCopy > 112)
                            toCopy = 112;

                        byte[] chunk = new byte[toCopy + 1];
                        chunk[0] = (byte)(0xE0 | ((toCopy >> 2) - 1));
                        Array.Copy(input, compressedIndex, chunk, 1, toCopy);
                        compressedIndex += toCopy;
                        compressedLength += chunk.Length;
                        sequenceIndex -= toCopy;

                        // int toRead = 0;
                        // int toCopy2 = 0;
                        // int copyOffset = 0;

                if (isSequence)
                    byte[] chunk = null;
                     * 00-7F  0oocccpp oooooooo
                     *   Read 0-3
                     *   Copy 3-10
                     *   Offset 0-1023
                     * 80-BF  10cccccc ppoooooo oooooooo
                     *   Read 0-3
                     *   Copy 4-67
                     *   Offset 0-16383
                     * C0-DF  110cccpp oooooooo oooooooo cccccccc
                     *   Read 0-3
                     *   Copy 5-1028
                     *   Offset 0-131071
                     * E0-FC  111ppppp
                     *   Read 4-128 (Multiples of 4)
                     * FD-FF  111111pp
                     *   Read 0-3
                    if (FindRunLength(input, sequenceStart, compressedIndex + sequenceIndex) < sequenceLength)

                    while (sequenceLength > 0)
                        int thisLength = sequenceLength;
                        if (thisLength > 1028)
                            thisLength = 1028;

                        sequenceLength -= thisLength;
                        int offset = compressedIndex - sequenceStart + sequenceIndex - 1;

                        if (thisLength > 67 || offset > 16383)
                            chunk = new byte[sequenceIndex + 4];
                            chunk[0] = (byte)(0xC0 | sequenceIndex | (((thisLength - 5) >> 6) & 0x0C) | ((offset >> 12) & 0x10));
                            chunk[1] = (byte)((offset >> 8) & 0xFF);
                            chunk[2] = (byte)(offset & 0xFF);
                            chunk[3] = (byte)((thisLength - 5) & 0xFF);
                        else if (thisLength > 10 || offset > 1023)
                            chunk = new byte[sequenceIndex + 3];
                            chunk[0] = (byte)(0x80 | ((thisLength - 4) & 0x3F));
                            chunk[1] = (byte)(((sequenceIndex << 6) & 0xC0) | ((offset >> 8) & 0x3F));
                            chunk[2] = (byte)(offset & 0xFF);
                            chunk = new byte[sequenceIndex + 2];
                            chunk[0] = (byte)((sequenceIndex & 0x3) | (((thisLength - 3) << 2) & 0x1C) | ((offset >> 3) & 0x60));
                            chunk[1] = (byte)(offset & 0xFF);

                        if (sequenceIndex > 0)
                            Array.Copy(input, compressedIndex, chunk, chunk.Length - sequenceIndex, sequenceIndex);

                        compressedIndex += thisLength + sequenceIndex;
                        compressedLength += chunk.Length;

                        // int toRead = 0;
                        // int toCopy = 0;
                        // int copyOffset = 0;

                        sequenceStart += thisLength;
                        sequenceIndex = 0;

            if (compressedLength + 6 < input.Length)
                int chunkPosition;

                if (input.Length > 0xFFFFFF)
                    output = new byte[compressedLength + 5 + (endIsValid ? 0 : 1)];
                    output[0] = 0x10 | 0x80; // 0x80 = length is 4 bytes
                    output[1] = 0xFB;
                    output[2] = (byte)(input.Length >> 24);
                    output[3] = (byte)(input.Length >> 16);
                    output[4] = (byte)(input.Length >> 8);
                    output[5] = (byte)(input.Length);
                    chunkPosition = 6;
                    output = new byte[compressedLength + 5 + (endIsValid ? 0 : 1)];
                    output[0] = 0x10;
                    output[1] = 0xFB;
                    output[2] = (byte)(input.Length >> 16);
                    output[3] = (byte)(input.Length >> 8);
                    output[4] = (byte)(input.Length);
                    chunkPosition = 5;

                for (int loop = 0; loop < compressedChunks.Count; loop++)
                    Array.Copy(compressedChunks[loop], 0, output, chunkPosition, compressedChunks[loop].Length);
                    chunkPosition += compressedChunks[loop].Length;

                if (!endIsValid)
                    output[output.Length - 1] = 0xFC;

                return true;

            return false;
 public static bool RefPackCompress(this Stream input, int length, out byte[] output, CompressionLevel level)
     byte[] data = new byte[length];
     input.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
     return Compression.Compress(data, out output, level);
Beispiel #3
        private static bool FindSequence(byte[] data, int offset, ref int bestStart, ref int bestLength, ref int bestIndex, Dictionary<int, List<int>> blockTracking, CompressionLevel level)
            int start;
            int end = -level.BruteForceLength;
            if (offset < level.BruteForceLength)
                end = -offset;

            if (offset > 4)
                start = -3;
                start = offset - 3;

            bool foundRun = false;
                if (bestLength < 3)
                    bestLength = 3;
                    bestIndex = int.MaxValue;

                byte[] search = new byte[data.Length - offset > 4 ? 4 : data.Length - offset];
                for (int loop = 0; loop < search.Length; loop++)
                    search[loop] = data[offset + loop];

                while (start >= end && bestLength < 1028)
                    byte currentByte = data[start + offset];
                    for (int loop = 0; loop < search.Length; loop++)
                        if (currentByte != search[loop] || start >= loop || start - loop < -131072)

                        int len = FindRunLength(data, offset + start, offset + loop);

                        if ((len > bestLength || len == bestLength && loop < bestIndex) &&
                            (len >= 5 ||
                            len >= 4 && start - loop > -16384 ||
                            len >= 3 && start - loop > -1024))
                            foundRun = true;
                            bestStart = offset + start;
                            bestLength = len;
                            bestIndex = loop;


                if (blockTracking.Count > 0 && data.Length - offset > 16 && bestLength < 1028)
                    for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++)
                        int thisPosition = offset + 3 - loop;
                        int adjust = loop > 3 ? loop - 3 : 0;
                        int value = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, thisPosition);
                        List<int> positions;
                        if (blockTracking.TryGetValue(value, out positions))
                            foreach (int trypos in positions)
                                int localadjust = adjust;
                                if (trypos + 131072 < offset + 8)
                                int length = FindRunLength(data, trypos + localadjust, thisPosition + localadjust);
                                if (length >= 5 && length > bestLength)
                                    foundRun = true;
                                    bestStart = trypos + localadjust;
                                    bestLength = length;
                                    if (loop < 3)
                                        bestIndex = 3 - loop;
                                        bestIndex = 0;

                                if (bestLength > 1028)

                        if (bestLength > 1028)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);

            return foundRun;