Beispiel #1
        public void SetForeignKeyColumnName(string foreignKeyColumnName)
            GentleSqlFactory sf = map.Provider != null?map.Provider.GetSqlFactory() : Broker.GetSqlFactory();

            foreignKeyColumnName = foreignKeyColumnName.Trim();
            if (sf.IsReservedWord(foreignKeyColumnName))
                this.foreignKeyColumnName = sf.QuoteReservedWord(foreignKeyColumnName);
                this.foreignKeyColumnName = foreignKeyColumnName;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a specific named parameter with the given value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramName">The parameter whose value to set</param>
        /// <param name="paramValue">The value being assigned to the parameter</param>
        public void SetParameter(string paramName, object paramValue)
            FieldMap fm = map != null?map.GetFieldMapFromColumn(paramName) : null;

            // support setting parameters without using the prefix character
            if (!cmd.Parameters.Contains(paramName))
                GentleSqlFactory sf = broker.GetSqlFactory();
                paramName = sf.GetParameterPrefix() + paramName + sf.GetParameterSuffix();
            Check.Verify(cmd.Parameters.Contains(paramName), Error.NoSuchParameter, paramName);
            IDataParameter param = (IDataParameter)cmd.Parameters[paramName];

            SetParameter(param, paramValue, fm);
Beispiel #3
        private static DateTime EnsureValidDate(DateTime val)
            // ensure date is within the range supported by the persistence engine
            // TODO static method cannot access broker instance
            GentleSqlFactory sf = Broker.Provider.GetSqlFactory();

            if (val < sf.MinimumSupportedDateTime)
            if (val > sf.MaximumSupportedDateTime)
Beispiel #4
        public void SetDbType(string dbType, bool isUnsigned)
            GentleSqlFactory sf = map.Provider != null?map.Provider.GetSqlFactory() : Broker.GetSqlFactory();

                long dbt = sf.GetDbType(dbType, isUnsigned);
                if (dbt != NO_DBTYPE)
                    this.dbType = dbt;
            catch (GentleException fe)
                // determine field types from the property type if it hasn't been set and
                // the actual database column is unknown..
                // TODO maybe we should just throw an error rather than hope this will work ;)
                if (fe.Error == Error.UnsupportedColumnType && this.dbType == NO_DBTYPE && memberType != null)
                    this.dbType = sf.GetDbType(memberType);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// <p>Update the statement parameter values using the values from the key.</p>
        /// <p>Warning! This will erase all parameter values not in the key, so if you
        /// need to set additional parameters be sure to call this method before
        /// any calls to SetParameter.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key instance containing the parameter values.</param>
        /// <param name="isUpdateAll">If true all statement parameters will be updated. If the
        /// key has no value a null value will be assigned.</param>
        public void SetParameters(Key key, bool isUpdateAll)
            Check.VerifyNotNull(key, Error.NullParameter, "key");
            GentleSqlFactory sf = broker.GetSqlFactory();

            foreach (IDataParameter param in cmd.Parameters)
                // strip leading @ character if present
                string prefix    = sf.GetParameterPrefix();
                string suffix    = sf.GetParameterSuffix();
                string paramName = param.ParameterName;
                if (paramName.StartsWith(prefix))
                    paramName = paramName.Substring(prefix.Length, paramName.Length - prefix.Length);
                //if needed, strip out the suffix from the paramName/column name
                if (suffix != "" && paramName.EndsWith(suffix))
                    paramName = paramName.Substring(0, paramName.Length - suffix.Length);
                FieldMap fm = map.GetFieldMapFromColumn(paramName);
                // handle special case where parameter is concurrency control column
                if (fm == null && map.ConcurrencyMap != null && paramName.StartsWith("New") &&
                    (paramName.Substring(3, paramName.Length - 3) == map.ConcurrencyMap.ColumnName))
                    fm = map.ConcurrencyMap;
                // if key contains property names translate parameter name into property name
                string index = key.isPropertyKeys ? fm.MemberName : paramName;
                // check if we should set parameter value
                if (key.ContainsKey(index) || isUpdateAll)
                    Check.VerifyNotNull(fm, Error.Unspecified, "Could not find a value for the parameter named {0}", index);
                    SetParameter(param, key.ContainsKey(index) ? key[index] : null, fm);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the current instance using the supplied database connection and return
        /// the result of the operation as an instance of the <see cref="SqlResult"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">The database connection to use for executing this statement.</param>
        /// <param name="tr">The transaction instance to run this statement in. If there is no
        /// transaction context then this parameter should be null. This will cause the
        /// connection to be closed after execution.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the operation</returns>
        internal SqlResult Execute(IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)
            Check.VerifyNotNull(conn, Error.NoNewConnection);
            cmd.Connection  = conn;
            cmd.Transaction = tr;
            SqlResult     sr  = null;
            StringBuilder log = IsLoggingEnabled ? new StringBuilder(500) : null;

                if (log != null)
                    log.AppendFormat("Executing query: {0}{1}", cmd.CommandText, Environment.NewLine);
                    foreach (IDataParameter param in cmd.Parameters)
                        object paramValue = param.Value == null ? "null" : param.Value;
                        log.AppendFormat("Parameter: {0} = {1}{2}", param.ParameterName, paramValue, Environment.NewLine);
                switch (statementType)
                case StatementType.Count:
                case StatementType.Identity:
                    sr = new SqlResult(broker, cmd.ExecuteScalar(), this);

                case StatementType.Select:
                    sr = new SqlResult(broker, cmd.ExecuteReader(), this);

                case StatementType.Update:
                case StatementType.Delete:
                case StatementType.SoftDelete:
                    // returns the number of rows affected
                    sr = new SqlResult(broker, cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(), this);

                case StatementType.Insert:
                    if (map != null && map.IdentityMap != null)
                        GentleSqlFactory sf = broker.GetSqlFactory();
                        // check if we need to execute insert statement separately
                        if (!sf.HasCapability(Capability.BatchQuery))
                            // execute the insert command
                            // get the sql string for retrieving the generated id
                            string sql = sf.GetIdentitySelect(null, map);
                            // get an sql statement that will execute using ExecuteScalar
                            SqlStatement stmt = broker.GetStatement(StatementType.Identity, sql);
                            // execute the query and fetch the id
                            sr = stmt.Execute(cmd.Connection, tr);
                            // returns the 1st column of the 1st row in the result set (i.e. new identity)
                            sr = new SqlResult(broker, cmd.ExecuteScalar(), this);
                        sr = new SqlResult(broker, cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(), this);

                    // returns the number of rows affected
                    sr = new SqlResult(broker, cmd.ExecuteReader(), this);
                if (log != null)
                    PerformExecutionLog(log, sr);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!Check.IsCalledFrom("Analyzer.Analyze", e) || !GentleSettings.AnalyzerSilent)
                    Check.LogError(LogCategories.StatementExecution, e);
                if (e is GentleException)
                    throw new GentleException(Error.StatementError, cmd.CommandText, e);
                // close the database connection (only if not in transaction)
                if (conn != null && conn.State == ConnectionState.Open && tr == null)
                // only if not in transaction; would otherwise break with PostgreSQL (not permitted)
                if (tr == null)
                    // clear the connection reference
                        cmd.Connection = null;
                        // ignore errors here.. like for the SQLite-provider which complains for no good reason
                    // clear the transaction reference
                    cmd.Transaction = null;
Beispiel #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a new SqlBuilder instance for constructing a statement of the given type
		/// for the specified business class type.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="provider">The IGentleProvider used to obtain an SqlFactory</param>
		/// <param name="stmtType">The type of SQL statement to construct</param>
		/// <param name="type">The object class to work on</param>
		/// <param name="logicalOperator">The logic operator used with constraints (can be either AND or OR)</param>
		public SqlBuilder( IGentleProvider provider, StatementType stmtType, Type type, LogicalOperator logicalOperator ) :
			base( provider != null ? new PersistenceBroker( provider ) : type != null ? new PersistenceBroker( type ) : null )
			this.provider = provider ?? broker.Provider;
			sf = this.provider.GetSqlFactory();
			cmd = sf.GetCommand();
			this.stmtType = stmtType;
			map = type != null ? ObjectFactory.GetMap( SessionBroker, type ) : null;
			this.logicalOperator = logicalOperator == LogicalOperator.Or ? " or " : " and ";
			fields = new ArrayList(); // list of fields 
			quotedFields = new ArrayList(); // list of fields 
			constraints = new ArrayList(); // list of string constraints
			parameterValues = new Hashtable();
			parameterOrder = new ArrayList();