public GenCommand(String commandText, GenConnection connection)
            : base()
            GenDatabase = connection.GenDatabase;
            DbCommand = GenDatabase.DbProviderFactory.CreateCommand();
            DbCommand.CommandText = commandText;
            DbCommand.Connection = connection.InnerConnection;
            GenConnection = connection;

            if (GenDatabase.UtilityLog.LogDatabase)
                GenDatabase.UtilityLog.LogMessage("GenCommand.GenCommand", "id: " + connection.Id +
                        " - creation thread: " + connection.CreationThread +
                        " - this thread: " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId +
                        " - command: " + commandText, LogEntryType.Database);
        public bool GetCurrentVersion(GenConnection con, String databaseType, out DBVersion version)
            GenCommand cmd;
            if (databaseType == "SQL Server")
                cmd = new GenCommand("Select Major, Minor, [Release], Patch from [version]", con);
                cmd = new GenCommand("Select Major, Minor, `Release`, Patch from version", con);

            version.major = "";
            version.minor = "";
            version.release = "";
            version.patch = "";

                GenDataReader dr;

                dr = (GenDataReader)cmd.ExecuteReader();
                if (dr.HasRows)
                    version.major = dr.GetString("Major");
                    version.minor = dr.GetString("Minor");
                    version.release = dr.GetString("Release");
                    version.patch = dr.GetString("Patch");

                    return true;
                    return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (GlobalSettings.SystemServices != null) // true when service is running
                    GlobalSettings.LogMessage("GetCurrentVersion", "Exception: " + e.Message);
                return false;
        public GenDatabase(String server, String database, String username, String password, String dbType,
            String providerType, String providerName, String oleDbName, String connectionString, String defaultDirectory, IUtilityLog utilityLog)
            DBLock = new Object();

            Server = server;
            Database = database;
            Username = username;
            Password = password;
            OleDbName = oleDbName;
            ProviderType = providerType;
            ProviderName = providerName;
            ConnectionString = connectionString;
            DBType = dbType;
            DefaultDirectory = defaultDirectory;

            UtilityLog = utilityLog;

            GenDBType = GetDBType(dbType);
            GenProviderType = GetProviderType(providerType);
            GlobalConnection = null;
            // Connections = new List<GenConnection>(10);
            ConnectionCount = 0;

                DbProviderFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new GenException(GenExceptionType.ProviderNotFound, "GenDatabase - constructor - cannot find provider: " + providerName + " : " + e.Message, e);

            if (ConnectionString == "")
                ConnectionString = BuildConnectionString();
        private bool CopyToTable(String fromRelation, String toTable, List<String> columns, GenConnection con)
            if (columns == null || columns.Count == 0)
                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "CopyToTable - Empty column list", LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);
                return false;

            String columnList = "";

            foreach (String column in columns)
                if (columnList == "")
                    columnList = column;
                    columnList += ", " + column;

            String fromSelect = "select " + columnList + " from " + fromRelation;
            String toInsert = "insert into " + toTable + " ( " + columnList + " ) " + fromSelect;

            GenCommand cmd = null;

            bool ret = true;

                cmd = new GenCommand(toInsert, con);
                int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception e)
                ret = false;
                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "CopyToTable - Exception: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);
                if (cmd != null)

            return ret;
 private bool CreateRelation(String tableCommand, GenConnection con)
         GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand(tableCommand, con);
         int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
     catch (Exception e)
         GlobalSettings.LogMessage("CreateRelation", "Error creating relation " + tableCommand + " - error: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);
         return false;
     return true;
 internal void ConnectionClosed(GenConnection connection)
     lock (DBLock)
         // This list serves no purpose
         // Connections.Remove(connection);
         if (UtilityLog.LogDatabase)
             UtilityLog.LogMessage("GenDatabase.ConnectionClosed", "id: " + connection.Id +
                     " - creation thread: " + connection.CreationThread +
                     " - closing thread: " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId +
                     " - count: " + ConnectionCount, LogEntryType.Database);
        public bool UpdateTo_1_4_0_3(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "4", "0", "3");
                if (res >= 0)
                    return false;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_4_0_3", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            bool success = true;

            if (res < 0)
                if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                    success = AlterRelation("drop table `pvoutputlog` ", con);
                    success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_pvoutputlog, con);
                    success = AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_pvoutputlog_1400b, con);


            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "4", "0", "3", con);

            return success;
        private bool Update_meterreading_1700(String databaseType, DDL ddl, GenConnection con)
            bool ok = true;
            if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                    GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand("alter table meterreading rename to meterreading_old ", con);
                    int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    ok = res >= 0;
                catch (Exception e)
                    ok = false;
                    GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "Update_meterreading_1700: exception renaming existing: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);

                if (!ok)
                    return false;

                if (!CreateRelation(((SQLite_DDL)ddl).Table_meterreading_1700, con))
                    return false;

                List<String> columns = new List<String>();

                if (!CopyToTable("meterreading_old", "meterreading", columns, con))
                    return false;

                    GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand("drop table meterreading_old ", con);
                    int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    return true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "Update_meterreading_1700: exception dropping old: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);
                if (!AlterRelation(ddl.Alter_meterreading_dropPK_1700, con))
                    return false;

                if (!AlterRelation(ddl.Alter_meterreading_createPK_1700, con))
                    return false;
                return true;

            return false;
        private bool Update_pvoutput_v_1836(DDL ddl, GenConnection con)
                GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand("drop view pvoutput_v", con);
                int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception e)
                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "Update_pvoutput_v_1500: exception dropping pvoutput_v: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);

                GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand("drop view pvoutput5min_v", con);
                int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception e)
                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "Update_pvoutput_v_1500: exception dropping pvoutput5min_v: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);

                GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand("drop view pvoutput_sub_v", con);
                int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception e)
                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "Update_pvoutput_v_1500: exception dropping pvoutput_sub_v: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);

                if (CreateRelation(ddl.View_pvoutput_sub_v_1836, con))
                    if (CreateRelation(ddl.View_pvoutput_v_1836, con))
                        if (CreateRelation(ddl.View_pvoutput5min_v_1836, con))
                            return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("VersionManager", "Update_pvoutput_v_1836: exception creating views: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);

            return false;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_7_1_0(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "7", "1", "0");
                if (res >= 0)
                    return false;

            bool success = true;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_7_1_0", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            success = AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_meter_1710, con);
            if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                success &= AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Alter_meter_1710a, con);
            if (databaseType == "Jet")
                success &= AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_meter_1710a, con);

            success &= SetMeterInstanceNo(con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "7", "1", "0", con);

            return success;
 private bool SetMeterInstanceNo(GenConnection con)
         GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand("update meter set InstanceNo = 1 ", con);
         return true;
     catch (Exception e)
         GlobalSettings.LogMessage("SetMeterInstanceNo", "Error updating meter table - Exception: " + e.Message, LogEntryType.ErrorMessage);
         return false;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_5_0_2(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            DDL DDL;
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "5", "0", "2");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            if (databaseType == "SQL Server")
                DDL = new SQLServer_DDL();

                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_5_0_2", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

                success &= AlterRelation(((SQLServer_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1502, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "5", "0", "2", con);

            return success;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_7_0_0(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "7", "0", "0");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_7_0_0", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            success = AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_inverter_1700, con);

            success &= Update_pvoutput_v_1700(DDL, con);

            success &= Update_meterreading_1700(databaseType, DDL, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "7", "0", "0", con);

            return success;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_5_0_0(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "5", "0", "0");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_5_0_0", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            success = CreateRelation(DDL.Table_cmsdata_1500, con);
            success &= AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_outputhistory_1500, con);
            if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                success &= AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Alter_outputhistory_1500b, con);
            if (databaseType == "Jet")
                success &= AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_outputhistory_1500b, con);
            success &= Update_pvoutput_v_1500(DDL, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "5", "0", "0", con);

            return success;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_4_2_1(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "4", "2", "1");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_4_2_1", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            success = AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_pvoutputlog_1421, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "4", "2", "1", con);

            return success;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_4_1_9(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            DDL DDL;
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "4", "1", "9");
                if (res >= 0)
                    return false;

            bool success = true;

            if (databaseType == "Jet")
                DDL = new Jet_DDL();

                GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_4_1_9", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

                AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_pvoutputlog_1400b, con);
                AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_pvoutputlog_1400b2, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "4", "1", "9", con);

            return success;
        private bool PopulateEmptyDatabase(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            DDL DDL;

            if (databaseType == "MySql")
                if (GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseVersion == "5.6")
                    DDL = new MySql_5_6_DDL();
                    DDL = new MySql_DDL();
            else if (databaseType == "Jet")
                DDL = new Jet_DDL();
            else if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                DDL = new SQLite_DDL();
            else if (databaseType == "SQL Server")
                DDL = new SQLServer_DDL();
                throw new Exception("Unexpected database type: " + databaseType);

            bool success = true;

            if (success && !RelationExists(con, "devicetype"))
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.CurrentTable_devicetype, con);
            if (success && !RelationExists(con, "device"))
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.CurrentTable_device, con);
            if (success && !RelationExists(con, "devicefeature"))
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.CurrentTable_devicefeature, con);
            if (success && !RelationExists(con, "devicereading_energy"))
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.CurrentTable_devicereading_energy, con);
            if (success && !RelationExists(con, "devicedayoutput_v"))
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.CurrentView_devicedayoutput_v, con);
            if (success && !RelationExists(con, "pvoutputlog"))
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.CurrentTable_pvoutputlog, con);

            if (success && !RelationExists(con, "version"))
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.CurrentTable_version, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("2", "0", "0", "0", con);

            return success;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_3_6_0(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "3", "6", "0");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_3_6_0", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            bool success = true;

            if (res < 0)
                success &= AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_pvoutputlog_1400a, con);
                if (databaseType == "Jet")
                    success &= AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_pvoutputlog_1400a2, con);

                if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                    success &= AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Alter_pvoutputlog_1400b, con);

                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_meter, con);
                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_meterreading, con);

            // the tables created here are now compliant
            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "4", "0", "0", con);

            return success;
        private bool RelationExists(GenConnection con, string relationName)
            GenCommand cmd = null;

                cmd = new GenCommand("Select * from " + relationName + " where 0 = 1 ", con);
                GenDataReader dr;
                dr = (GenDataReader)cmd.ExecuteReader();
                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (GlobalSettings.SystemServices != null) // true when service is running
                    GlobalSettings.LogMessage("RelationExists", "Exception: " + e.Message);
                return false;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_8_3_6(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "8", "3", "6");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_8_3_6", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            success = AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_cmsdata_1836, con);
            success &= AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_outputhistory_1836, con);
            if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                success &= AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836a, con);
                success &= AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836b, con);
                success &= AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836c, con);
                success &= AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836d, con);
            if (databaseType == "Jet")
                success &= AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836a, con);
                success &= AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836b, con);
                success &= AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836c, con);
                success &= AlterRelation(((Jet_DDL)DDL).Alter_cmsdata_1836d, con);

            success &= Update_pvoutput_v_1836(DDL, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "8", "3", "6", con);

            return success;
        private void UpdateVersion(String major, String minor, String release, String patch, GenConnection con)
                GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand("delete from version", con);

            String cmdStr;

            if (con.DBType == GenDBType.SQLServer)
                cmdStr =
                "insert into version (Major, Minor, Release, Patch) values (@Major, @Minor, @Release, @Patch)";
                cmdStr =
                "insert into version (Major, Minor, `Release`, Patch) values (@Major, @Minor, @Release, @Patch)";

                GenCommand cmd = new GenCommand(cmdStr, con);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Major", major);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Minor", minor);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Release", release);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Patch", patch);
                Version.major = major;
                Version.minor = minor;
                Version.release = release;
                Version.patch = patch;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("UpdateVersion: error updating version table: " + e.Message, e);
        public bool UpdateTo_1_9_0_2(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "9", "0", "2");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_9_0_2", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            success = AlterRelation(DDL.Drop_inverter_index_1902, con);
            success &= AlterRelation(DDL.Create_inverter_index_1902, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "9", "0", "2", con);

            return success;
 public void PopulateDatabaseIfEmpty(GenConnection con)
         if (!GetCurrentVersion(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType, out Version))
             PopulateEmptyDatabase(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new Exception("Exception in PopulateDatabaseIfEmpty: " + e.Message, e);
        public bool UpdateTo_1_3_5_4(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion( "1", "3", "5", "4");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_3_5_4", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            if (res < 0)
                CreateRelation(DDL.Table_version, con);
                CreateRelation(DDL.Table_pvoutputlog, con);

            if (Update_pvoutput_v(DDL, con))
                UpdateVersion("1", "3", "5", "4", con);
                return true;
                return false;
 public GenConnection NewConnection()
     // SQLite works best when all SQL uses the same connection
     // This avoids Database is Locked error messages
     // GenDatabase creates a single Global connection for SQLite use
     lock (DBLock)
         if (GenDBType == GenericConnector.GenDBType.SQLite)
             if (GlobalConnection == null)
                 GlobalConnection = new GenConnection(this, true);
                 // Connections.Add(GlobalConnection);
                 if (UtilityLog.LogDatabase)
                     UtilityLog.LogMessage("GenDatabase.NewConnection", "Global connection created - id: " + GlobalConnection.Id +
                         " - thread: " + GlobalConnection.CreationThread + " - count: " + ConnectionCount, LogEntryType.Database);
             return GlobalConnection;
             GenConnection con = new GenConnection(this);
             // Connections.Add(con);
             if (UtilityLog.LogDatabase)
                 UtilityLog.LogMessage("GenDatabase.NewConnection", "Connection created - id: " + con.Id +
                         " - thread: " +con.CreationThread + " - count: " + ConnectionCount, LogEntryType.Database);
             return con;
        public void UpdateVersion(GenConnection con)
            if (GetCurrentVersion(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType, out Version))

                if (GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType != "SQL Server")
                    UpdateTo_1_3_5_4(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                    UpdateTo_1_3_6_0(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                    UpdateTo_1_4_0_0(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                    UpdateTo_1_4_0_1(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                    UpdateTo_1_4_0_3(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);

                UpdateTo_1_4_1_9(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                UpdateTo_1_4_2_1(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                UpdateTo_1_5_0_0(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);

                if (GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType == "SQL Server")
                    UpdateTo_1_5_0_2(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);

                UpdateTo_1_7_0_0(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                UpdateTo_1_7_1_0(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                UpdateTo_1_8_3_0(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                UpdateTo_1_8_3_6(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                UpdateTo_1_9_0_2(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                UpdateTo_2_0_0_0(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
                PopulateEmptyDatabase(con, GlobalSettings.ApplicationSettings.DatabaseType);
        public bool UpdateTo_2_0_0_0(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("2", "0", "0", "0");
            if (res >= 0)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_2_0_0_0", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            success = CreateRelation(DDL.Table_devicetype_2000, con);
            success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_device_2000, con);
            success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_devicefeature_2000, con);
            success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_devicereading_energy_2000, con);
            success &= CreateRelation(DDL.View_devicedayoutput_v_2000, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("2", "0", "0", "0", con);

            return success;
        public bool UpdateTo_1_4_0_1(GenConnection con, String databaseType)
            int res;

            res = Version.CompareVersion("1", "4", "0", "1");
                if (res >= 0)
                    return false;

            DDL DDL = SelectDDL(databaseType);

            GlobalSettings.LogMessage("UpdateTo_1_4_0_1", "Updating database structure to suit version", LogEntryType.Information);

            bool success = true;

            if (res < 0)
                if (databaseType == "SQLite")
                    success = AlterRelation(((SQLite_DDL)DDL).Drop_meterreading, con);
                    success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_meterreading, con);
                    AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_meterreading_1401a, con);
                    AlterRelation(DDL.Alter_meterreading_1401b, con);
                    success = true;

                success &= CreateRelation(DDL.Table_meterhistory, con);

            if (success)
                UpdateVersion("1", "4", "0", "1", con);

            return success;