/// <summary>
        /// Fill the specified property with the result of the specified function
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T1">The target object type</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="T2">The target property type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="expression">The target property</param>
        /// <param name="filler">A function that will return a property value</param>
        /// <returns>A configurator for the target object type</returns>
        public GenFuConfigurator Fill <T1, T2>(Expression <Func <T1, T2> > expression, Func <T2> filler)
            PropertyInfo      propertyInfo = (expression.Body as MemberExpression).Member as PropertyInfo;
            CustomFiller <T2> customFiller = new CustomFiller <T2>(_genfu, propertyInfo.Name, typeof(T1), filler);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the specified property with a date in the future
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The target object type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="configurator"></param>
        /// <returns>A configurator for the specified object type</returns>
        public static GenFuConfigurator <T> AsFutureDate <T>(this GenFuDateTimeConfigurator <T> configurator)
            where T : new ()
            CustomFiller <DateTime> filler = new CustomFiller <DateTime>(configurator.PropertyInfo.Name, typeof(T),
                                                                         () => CalendarDate.Date(DateRules.FutureDates));

Beispiel #3
        public IPropertyFiller GetFiller(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            IPropertyFiller result     = null;
            Type            objectType = propertyInfo.DeclaringType;

            while (objectType != null && result == null)
                //First try to get a specific filler based on a full type name (including namespace)
                string fullTypeName = objectType.FullName.ToLowerInvariant();

                if (_specificPropertyFillersByObjectType.ContainsKey(fullTypeName))
                    IDictionary <string, IPropertyFiller> propertyFillers = _specificPropertyFillersByObjectType[fullTypeName];
                    result = GetMatchingPropertyFiller(propertyInfo, propertyFillers);

                //Second try to get a more generic filler based on only the class name (no namespace)
                if (result == null)
                    string classTypeName = objectType.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
                    if (_specificPropertyFillersByObjectType.ContainsKey(classTypeName))
                        IDictionary <string, IPropertyFiller> propertyFillers = _specificPropertyFillersByObjectType[classTypeName];
                        result = GetMatchingPropertyFiller(propertyInfo, propertyFillers);

                objectType = objectType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType;

            if (result == null)
                //Finally, grab a generic property filler for that property type
                if (_genericPropertyFillersByPropertyType.ContainsKey(propertyInfo.PropertyType))
                    result = _genericPropertyFillersByPropertyType[propertyInfo.PropertyType];
                else if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType == typeof(System.Enum))
                    result = new EnumFiller(propertyInfo.PropertyType);
                    //TODO: Can we build a custom filler here for other value types that we have not explicitly implemented (eg. long, decimal, etc.)
                    result = new CustomFiller <object>("*", typeof(object), true, () => null);

                    _genericPropertyFillersByPropertyType.Add(propertyInfo.PropertyType, result);

        public static GenFuConfigurator <T> AsPlaceholderImage <T>(this GenFuStringConfigurator <T> configurator,
                                                                   int width, int height,
                                                                   string text            = null,
                                                                   string backgroundColor = null,
                                                                   string textColor       = null,
                                                                   ImgFormat format       = ImgFormat.GIF) where T : new()
            CustomFiller <string> filler = new CustomFiller <string>(configurator.PropertyInfo.Name, typeof(T),
                                                                     () => PlaceholditUrlBuilder.UrlFor(width, height, text, backgroundColor, textColor, format));

Beispiel #5
        public static GenFuConfigurator <T> AsPlaceholderImage <T>(this GenFuStringConfigurator <T> configurator,
                                                                   int width, int height,
                                                                   string text            = null,
                                                                   string backgroundColor = null,
                                                                   string textColor       = null,
                                                                   object htmlAttributes  = null,
                                                                   ImgFormat format       = ImgFormat.GIF) where T : new()
            CustomFiller <string> filler = new CustomFiller <string>(configurator.PropertyInfo.Name, typeof(T),
                                                                     () => new StringBuilder()
                                                                     .AppendWhen($".{format}", format != ImgFormat.GIF)
                                                                     .AppendWhen($"/{backgroundColor}", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(backgroundColor))
                                                                     .AppendWhen($"/{textColor}", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textColor))
                                                                     .AppendWhen($"?text={text}", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))

Beispiel #6
        public IPropertyFiller GetFiller(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            var             newRegistrations = new Dictionary <Type, IPropertyFiller>();
            IPropertyFiller result           = null;

                Type objectType = propertyInfo.DeclaringType;
                while (objectType != null && result == null)
                    //First try to get a specific filler based on a full type name (including namespace)
                    string fullTypeName = objectType.FullName.ToLowerInvariant();

                    if (_specificPropertyFillersByObjectType.ContainsKey(fullTypeName))
                        IDictionary <string, IPropertyFiller> propertyFillers = _specificPropertyFillersByObjectType[fullTypeName];
                        result = GetMatchingPropertyFiller(propertyInfo, propertyFillers);

                    //Second try to get a more generic filler based on only the class name (no namespace)
                    if (result == null)
                        string classTypeName = objectType.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
                        if (_specificPropertyFillersByObjectType.ContainsKey(classTypeName))
                            IDictionary <string, IPropertyFiller> propertyFillers = _specificPropertyFillersByObjectType[classTypeName];
                            result = GetMatchingPropertyFiller(propertyInfo, propertyFillers);

                    objectType = objectType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType;

                if (result == null)
                    //Finally, grab a generic property filler for that property type
                    if (_genericPropertyFillersByPropertyType.ContainsKey(propertyInfo.PropertyType))
                        result = _genericPropertyFillersByPropertyType[propertyInfo.PropertyType];
                    else if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType == typeof(System.Enum))
                        result = new EnumFiller(this.GenFu, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
                        //TODO: Can we build a custom filler here for other value types that we have not explicitly implemented (eg. long, decimal, etc.)
                        result = new CustomFiller <object>(GenFu, "*", typeof(object), true, () => null);
                        newRegistrations[propertyInfo.PropertyType] = result;

            if (newRegistrations.Any())
                foreach (var newRegistration in newRegistrations)
                    _genericPropertyFillersByPropertyType[newRegistration.Key] = newRegistration.Value;