static public ObjectTableStorage GetLiCycleSlipTable(RinexObsFile ObsFile, double maxDiffer = 1)
            var    table     = new ObjectTableStorage("Li Cycle Slips Of Sats of " + ObsFile.SiteInfo.SiteName);
            double interval  = ObsFile.Header.Interval;
            var    lastTimes = new BaseDictionary <SatelliteNumber, Time>();

            var prns = ObsFile.GetPrns();

            foreach (var prn in prns)
                int    index   = 1;
                double lastVal = 0;
                foreach (var epoch in ObsFile)
                    if (epoch.Contains(prn))
                        var sat = epoch[prn];

                        if (sat.PhaseA == null || sat.PhaseB == null)
                            lastVal = 0;

                        if (lastVal == 0)
                            lastVal = sat.GfValue;

                        var differ = Math.Abs(sat.GfValue - lastVal);
                        if (differ > maxDiffer)
                            if (index == 1)
                                table.AddItem("Prn", prn.ToString());
                            //record and reset
                            table.AddItem("Cycle" + (index++), epoch.ReceiverTime);

                        lastVal = sat.GfValue;

Beispiel #2
        public static ObjectTableStorage GetSatVisiblityTable(RinexObsFile ObsFile)
            var    table     = new ObjectTableStorage("Visiblity Of Sats of " + ObsFile.SiteInfo.SiteName);
            double interval  = ObsFile.Header.Interval;
            var    lastTimes = new BaseDictionary <SatelliteNumber, Time>();

            var prns = ObsFile.GetPrns();

            foreach (var prn in prns)
                Time lastTime    = null;
                Time firstTime   = null;
                int  periodIndex = 1;
                table.AddItem("Prn", prn.ToString());
                foreach (var epoch in ObsFile)
                    if (epoch.Contains(prn))
                        if (firstTime == null)
                            lastTime  = epoch.ReceiverTime;
                            firstTime = epoch.ReceiverTime;

                        if (epoch.ReceiverTime - lastTime > interval + 0.001)
                            TimePeriod timePeriod = new TimePeriod(firstTime, lastTime);
                            table.AddItem("Period" + (periodIndex++), timePeriod.ToString());

                            firstTime = null;

                        lastTime = epoch.ReceiverTime;
                if (firstTime != null)
                    TimePeriod timePeriod = new TimePeriod(firstTime, lastTime);
                    table.AddItem("Period" + (periodIndex++), timePeriod.ToString());
                    firstTime = null;

Beispiel #3
        public void Run(string[] InputRawPathes)
            this.InputRawPathes = InputRawPathes;
            table = new ObjectTableStorage();

            foreach (var inputPath in InputRawPathes)
                if (IsCancel)
                    log.Info("Canceled at :" + inputPath);
                string subDir = Gdp.Utils.PathUtil.GetSubDirectory(InputRawPathes, inputPath);

                Process(subDir, inputPath);

        /// <summary>
        /// 转换为表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ObjectTableStorage ToTable()
            ObjectTableStorage table = new ObjectTableStorage();
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var kv in this.KeyValues)
                foreach (var item in kv.Value.KeyValues)
                    table.AddItem("Index", i);
                    table.AddItem("Name", kv.Key);
                    table.AddItem("TimePeriod", item.Key.ToString());
                    table.AddItem("Value", item.Value.Value.ToString("G8"));
                    table.AddItem("Rms", item.Value.Rms.ToString("G8"));

        /// <summary>
        /// 构建行
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="outName"></param>
        /// <param name="outValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void AddDetailRowsToTable(ObjectTableStorage table, ref int index, string outName = null, object outValue = null)
            foreach (var topKv in this.Data)         //分组遍历
                foreach (var kv in topKv.Value.Data) //一个分组一个数据
                    table.AddItem("Index", index);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outName) && outValue != null)
                        table.AddItem(outName, outValue);

                    table.AddItem("Name", topKv.Key);
                    table.AddItem("Group", kv.Key);
                    table.AddItem("Value", kv.Value.Value);
                    table.AddItem("Rms", kv.Value.StdDev);
        /// <summary>
        /// 解析
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PeriodRmsedNumeralStoarge Parse(ObjectTableStorage table)
            var storage = new PeriodRmsedNumeralStoarge();

            foreach (var row in table.BufferedValues)
                var    paramName  = row["Name"].ToString();
                var    timePeriod = TimePeriod.Parse(row["TimePeriod"].ToString());
                double val        = Double.NaN;
                double rms        = Double.NaN;
                if (row.ContainsKey("Value"))
                    val = double.Parse(row["Value"].ToString());
                if (row.ContainsKey("Rms"))
                    rms = double.Parse(row["Rms"].ToString());
                storage.GetOrCreate(paramName)[timePeriod] = new RmsedNumeral(val, rms);
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过缓存,按照系统类型,转换为表格,以便统计。
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <SatelliteType, ObjectTableStorage> BuildObsCodeTables(Dictionary <SatelliteType, List <string> > ObsCodes)
            var SatelliteTypes = ObsCodes.Keys;
            var buffer         = this.BufferedStream.MaterialBuffers;
            var tables         = new Dictionary <SatelliteType, ObjectTableStorage>();

            foreach (var epoch in buffer)
                foreach (var sat in epoch)
                    var satType = sat.Prn.SatelliteType;
                    if (!SatelliteTypes.Contains(satType))

                    if (!tables.ContainsKey(satType))
                        tables.Add(satType, new ObjectTableStorage());
                    ObjectTableStorage table = tables[satType];
                    var types = ObsCodes[satType];
                    foreach (var obsType in sat.ObsTypes)
                        if (!types.Contains(obsType))

                        table.AddItem(obsType.ToString(), sat.TryGetValue(obsType));
Beispiel #8
        static public ObjectTableStorage GetLiTable(RinexObsFile ObsFile, FileEphemerisService FileEphemerisService)
            var table = new ObjectTableStorage("LI values of " + ObsFile.SiteInfo.SiteName);

            foreach (var epoch in ObsFile)
                table.AddItem("Epoch", epoch.ReceiverTime);
                foreach (var sat in epoch)
                    table.AddItem(sat.Prn + "_Li", sat.GfValue);
                    if (FileEphemerisService != null)
                        var eph = FileEphemerisService.Get(sat.Prn, epoch.ReceiverTime);
                        if (eph != null)
                            var polar = CoordTransformer.XyzToGeoPolar(eph.XYZ, ObsFile.Header.ApproxXyz);
                            table.AddItem(sat.Prn + "_Ele", polar.Elevation);
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ObjectTableStorage GetTable(string tableName = "所有站MW计算结果")
            ObjectTableStorage table = new ObjectTableStorage(tableName);

        static public ObjectTableStorage GetMp3Table(RinexObsFile ObsFile, FileEphemerisService FileEphemerisService, double maxGfDiffer = 0.15, double maxMwDiffer = 2)
            var           table     = new ObjectTableStorage("Mp2 values of " + ObsFile.SiteInfo.SiteName);
            var           prns      = ObsFile.GetPrns();
            double        interval  = ObsFile.Header.Interval;
            List <double> validData = new List <double>();

            foreach (var prn in prns)
                //if (prn.SatelliteType != SatelliteType.C)
                //    continue;
                double                    lastGfVal = 0;
                double                    lastMwVal = 0;
                Time                      lastTime  = null;
                Time                      firstTime = null;
                List <Time>               Times     = new List <Time>();
                List <double>             DataMp3   = new List <double>();
                Dictionary <Time, double> dicMp3    = new Dictionary <Time, double>();

                foreach (var epoch in ObsFile)
                    dicMp3.Add(epoch.ReceiverTime, 0);
                    if (epoch.Contains(prn))
                        var sat = epoch[prn];
                        if (FileEphemerisService != null)
                            var eph = FileEphemerisService.Get(sat.Prn, epoch.ReceiverTime);
                            if (eph != null)
                                var    polar     = CoordTransformer.XyzToGeoPolar(eph.XYZ, ObsFile.Header.ApproxXyz);
                                double elevation = polar.Elevation;
                                if (elevation < 5)

                        if (sat.PhaseA == null || sat.RangeA == null || sat.PhaseC == null || sat.RangeC == null)
                            if (Times.Count > 30)
                                double averageMp2 = DataMp3.Average();

                                for (int i = 0; i < Times.Count - 1; i++)
                                    if (dicMp3.ContainsKey(Times[i]))
                                        dicMp3[Times[i]] = DataMp3[i] - averageMp2;
                            lastGfVal = 0;
                            lastMwVal = 0;
                            Times     = new List <Time>();
                            DataMp3   = new List <double>();

                            firstTime = null;
                            // table.AddItem(strEpoch, " ");

                        if (firstTime == null)
                            lastTime  = epoch.ReceiverTime;
                            firstTime = epoch.ReceiverTime;
                        if (lastGfVal == 0 || lastMwVal == 0)
                            lastGfVal = sat.GfValue;
                            lastMwVal = sat.MwCycle;
                        var differGf = Math.Abs(sat.GfValue - lastGfVal);
                        var differMw = Math.Abs(sat.MwCycle - lastMwVal);

                        if (epoch.ReceiverTime - lastTime > interval + 0.05 || differGf > maxGfDiffer || differMw > maxMwDiffer || epoch == ObsFile.Last())
                            double averageMp2 = DataMp3.Average();

                            if (Times.Count > 30) //arc
                                for (int i = 0; i < Times.Count - 1; i++)
                                    if (dicMp3.ContainsKey(Times[i]))
                                        dicMp3[Times[i]] = DataMp3[i] - averageMp2;
                            Times     = new List <Time>();
                            DataMp3   = new List <double>();
                            lastGfVal = 0;
                            lastMwVal = 0;
                            firstTime = epoch.ReceiverTime;
                        lastTime  = epoch.ReceiverTime;
                        lastGfVal = sat.GfValue;
                        lastMwVal = sat.MwCycle;
                if (Times.Count > 30) //last arc
                    double averageMp3 = DataMp3.Average();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Times.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (dicMp3.ContainsKey(Times[i]))
                            dicMp3[Times[i]] = DataMp3[i] - averageMp3;

                table.AddItem("Prn", prn.ToString());

                foreach (var item in dicMp3)
                    string strEpoch = item.Key.Hour.ToString() + ":" + item.Key.Minute.ToString() + ":" + item.Key.Seconds.ToString();
                    if (item.Value != 0)
                        table.AddItem(strEpoch, item.Value);
                        table.AddItem(strEpoch, "");

            //RMS to evaluate the MP
            //double average = validData.Average();
            //double countData = 0;
            //double countData1 = 0;
            //for (int i = 0; i < validData.Count - 1; i++)
            //    countData += (validData[i] - average) * (validData[i] - average);
            //    countData1 += validData[i] * validData[i];

            //double rmsMp = Math.Sqrt(countData / validData.Count);
            //double rmsMp3 = Math.Sqrt(countData1 / validData.Count);

            //table.AddItem("rmsMp", rmsMp);
            //table.AddItem("rmsMp3", rmsMp3);
