Beispiel #1
        // Mode 4 is another bitmap mode. It also has a 240×160 frame-buffer, but instead of 16bpp pixels it uses 8bpp pixels. 
        // These 8 bits are a palette index to the background palette located at 0500:0000 (palette 0)
        private void RenderMode4Scanline()
            byte[] vram = gba.Memory.VRam;
            Color[] palette = Palettes.Palette0;            

            int y = CurrentScanline;
            bool pixelDrawn;
            bool windowing = false;
            bool objVisibleOverride = true;
            int windowRegion = 0;
            int bgVisibleOverride = 0;


            for (int x = 0; x < Screen_X_Resolution; x++)
                pixelDrawn = false;

                for (int priority = 0; priority < 4; priority++)
                    // Sprite rendering
                    if (DisplayControlRegister.DisplayObj &&
                        (!windowing || (windowing && objVisibleOverride)))
                        pixelDrawn = ObjController.RenderSpritePixel(drawBuffer, x, y, priority, windowing, windowRegion, ref bgVisibleOverride);
                        if (pixelDrawn)

                if (pixelDrawn == false)
                    // 2nd framebuffer is at 0xA000
                    int index = vram[((y * Screen_X_Resolution) + x)];
                    drawBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, palette[index]);
Beispiel #2
        // DENNIS: the way I did threaded rendering was by caching the LCD IO registers, and updating them for the PPU whenever it started rendering the next scanline

        private void RenderScanlineTextMode()
            if(frameNumber % 30 != 0)

            if (DisplayControlRegister.BgVisible(0)) Bg[0].CacheScanline();
            if (DisplayControlRegister.BgVisible(1)) Bg[1].CacheScanline();
            if (DisplayControlRegister.BgVisible(2)) Bg[2].CacheScanline();
            if (DisplayControlRegister.BgVisible(3)) Bg[3].CacheScanline();

            int scanline = CurrentScanline;
            bool windowing = (DisplayControlRegister.DisplayWin0 || DisplayControlRegister.DisplayWin1 || DisplayControlRegister.DisplayWin1 || DisplayControlRegister.DisplayObjWin);


            // We render front to back. Once a pixel is drawn we stop going through the layers.
            // TODO: In order to do blending we may need to go through all the layers for each pixel
#if ParallelizeScanline
            var paritioner = Partitioner.Create(0, LcdController.Screen_X_Resolution, 80);
            var result = Parallel.ForEach(paritioner, (range) =>
            for (int x = range.Item1; x < range.Item2; x++)
            for (int x = 0; x < Screen_X_Resolution; x++)
                int paletteIndex;
                bool pixelDrawn = false;

                // Windowing can disable obj's and bg's
                bool objVisibleOverride = false;

                int windowRegion = 0;

                int bgVisibleOverride = 0; // bitmask for bg visible (from window)
                if (windowing)
                    windowRegion = TileHelpers.PixelWindowRegion(x, CurrentScanline, gba);

                    // 0 is outside of all windows
                    if (windowRegion == 0)
                        objVisibleOverride = Windows[(int) Window.WindowName.WindowOut].DisplayObjs;

                        bgVisibleOverride = Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.WindowOut].DisplayBg0 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.WindowOut].DisplayBg1 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.WindowOut].DisplayBg2 |
                    // Window 0 takes priority over window 1. We don't need to check if the point is within both areas as it is done in the function call above
                    else if((windowRegion & (int)TileHelpers.WindowRegion.Window0) != 0)
                        objVisibleOverride = Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window0].DisplayObjs;

                        bgVisibleOverride = Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window0].DisplayBg0 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window0].DisplayBg1 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window0].DisplayBg2 |

                    else if ((windowRegion & (int)TileHelpers.WindowRegion.Window1) != 0)
                        objVisibleOverride = Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window1].DisplayObjs;

                        bgVisibleOverride = Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window1].DisplayBg0 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window1].DisplayBg1 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.Window1].DisplayBg2 |

                    objVisibleOverride = true;
                    bgVisibleOverride = 0;

                // Start at the top priority, if something draws to the pixel, we can early out and stop processing this pixel 
                // Highest priority (0) is drawn at the front. Lower priorities can be obscured 
                for (int priority = 0; priority < 4; priority++)
                    // Sprite rendering
                    // If a sprite has the same priority as a bg, the sprite is drawn on top, therefore we check sprites first 
                    if (DisplayControlRegister.DisplayObj &&
                        (!windowing || (windowing && objVisibleOverride)))
                        pixelDrawn = ObjController.RenderSpritePixel(drawBuffer, x, scanline, priority, windowing, windowRegion, ref bgVisibleOverride);
                        if (pixelDrawn)

                    // No Sprite occupied this pixel, move on to backgrounds

                    // Bg Rendering
                    // Find the backgrounds with this priority                        
                    // In case of same priority, BG0 has highest (drawn at front)
                    for (int bgSelect = 0; bgSelect < 4; bgSelect++)
                        if (Bg[bgSelect].CntRegister.Priority != priority ||
                            DisplayControlRegister.BgVisible(Bg[bgSelect].BgNumber) == false ||
                            (windowing && ((bgVisibleOverride & (1 << bgSelect)) == 0)))

                        if(Bg[2].AffineMode && bgSelect == 1)

                        if (Bg[bgSelect].AffineMode)
                            paletteIndex = Bg[bgSelect].PixelValueAffine(x, scanline);
                            paletteIndex = Bg[bgSelect].PixelValue(x, scanline);
                        // TODO: If we need to blend then get the pixels we need to blend here

                        lock (Bg[bgSelect].ScanlineData)
                            paletteIndex = Bg[bgSelect].ScanlineData[x];

                        // Pal 0 == Transparent 
                        if (paletteIndex == 0)

                        drawBuffer.SetPixel(x, scanline, Palettes.Palette0[paletteIndex]);
                        pixelDrawn = true;

                        // Once a pixel has been drawn, no need to check other BG's

                // If nothing is drawn then default to backdrop colour
                if (pixelDrawn == false)
                    drawBuffer.SetPixel(x, scanline, Palettes.Palette0[0]);
#if ParallelizeScanline
            }); // Parallel.For
            //while (result.IsCompleted == false) ;