Beispiel #1
        public ObjController(GameboyAdvance gba)
            this.gba = gba;

            Obj = new Obj[Max_Sprites];
            for (int i = 0; i < Max_Sprites; i++)
                Obj[i] = new Obj(gba, new ObjAttributes(gba, i * 8, gba.Memory.OamRam));

            OamAffineMatrices = new OamAffineMatrix[Max_OAM_Matrices];
            UInt32 address = 0x00000006;

            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                OamAffineMatrices[i] = new OamAffineMatrix(gba.Memory.OamRam, address);

                address += 0x20;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                priorityObjList[i] = new List <Obj>();
Beispiel #2
        public LcdController(GameboyAdvance gba)
            this.gba = gba;

            frameBuffer0 = new DirectBitmap(Screen_X_Resolution, Screen_Y_Resolution);
            frameBuffer1 = new DirectBitmap(Screen_X_Resolution, Screen_Y_Resolution);
            FrameBuffer = frameBuffer0;
            drawBuffer = frameBuffer1;

            this.Palettes = new Palettes();

            DisplayControlRegister = new DisplayControlRegister(this);
            DispStatRegister = new DisplayStatusRegister(this);
            BgControlRegisters = new BgControlRegister[4];
            Bg = new Background[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                BgControlRegisters[i] = new BgControlRegister(this, i);
                Bg[i] = new Background(gba, i, BgControlRegisters[i]);

                priorityObjList[i] = new List<Obj>();

            Obj = new Obj[Max_Sprites];
            for (int i = 0; i < Max_Sprites; i++)
                Obj[i] = new Obj(gba, new ObjAttributes(gba, i * 8, gba.Memory.OamRam));

            OamAffineMatrices = new OamAffineMatrix[Max_OAM_Matrices];
            UInt32 address = 0x00000006;
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                OamAffineMatrices[i] = new OamAffineMatrix(gba.Memory.OamRam, address);

                address += 0x20;

            Windows = new Window[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Windows[i] = new Window(gba);

            drawScanline = false;
            exitThread = false;
            scanlineThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ScanlineThread));
Beispiel #3
        bool RenderSpritePixel(int screenX, int screenY, int priority, bool windowing, int windowRegion, ref int bgVisibleOverride)
            int paletteIndex;
            // If a sprite has the same priority as a bg, the sprite is drawn on top, therefore we check sprites first 
            foreach (var obj in priorityObjList[priority])
                if (obj.Attributes.RotationAndScaling)
                    // Clip against the bounding box which can be DoubleSize. This is the only time doublesize is actually checed
                    if (obj.BoundingBoxScreenSpace.ContainsPoint(screenX, screenY) == false)

                    int sourceWidth = obj.Attributes.Dimensions.Width;
                    int sourceHeight = obj.Attributes.Dimensions.Height;

                    // The game will have set up the matrix to be the inverse texture mapping matrix. I.E it maps from screen space to texture space. Just what we need!                    
                    OamAffineMatrix rotScaleMatrix = obj.Attributes.AffineMatrix();

                    // NB: Order of operations counts here!
                    // Transform with the origin set to the centre of the sprite (that's what the - width/height /2 below is for)
                    int originX = screenX - obj.Attributes.XPosition - (sourceWidth / 2);
                    int originY = screenY - obj.Attributes.YPosition - (sourceHeight / 2);
                    // Not well documented anywhere but when double size is enabled we render offset by half the original source width / height
                        originX -= sourceWidth / 2;
                        originY -= sourceHeight / 2;

                    int transformedX, transformedY;
                    rotScaleMatrix.Multiply(originX , originY, out transformedX, out transformedY);

                    // Transform back from centre of sprite
                    transformedX += (sourceWidth / 2);
                    transformedY += (sourceHeight / 2);

                    paletteIndex = obj.PixelValue(transformedX, transformedY);
                    if (obj.BoundingBoxScreenSpace.ContainsPoint(screenX, screenY) == false)

                    //paletteIndex = obj.PixelScreenValue(x, scanline);
                    paletteIndex = obj.PixelValue(screenX - obj.Attributes.XPositionAdjusted(), screenY - obj.Attributes.YPositionAdjusted());

                // Pal 0 == Transparent 
                if (paletteIndex == 0)

                // TODO: I *think* this will render the Obj window correctly but i cannot test it yet
                // This pixel belongs to a sprite in the Obj Window and Win 0 & 1 are not enclosing this pixel
                if (windowing &&
                    DisplayControlRegister.DisplayObjWin &&
                    obj.Attributes.Mode == ObjAttributes.ObjMode.ObjWindow &&
                    ((windowRegion & (int)TileHelpers.WindowRegion.WindowIn) == 0))
                    bgVisibleOverride = Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.WindowObj].DisplayBg0 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.WindowObj].DisplayBg1 |
                                            Windows[(int)Window.WindowName.WindowObj].DisplayBg2 |

                    return false;

                drawBuffer.SetPixel(screenX, screenY, Palettes.Palette1[paletteIndex]);
                return true;
            return false;