/// <summary>
        /// Constructs the Game.  Creates the graphics manager and engine component.  Then calls SetupEngineComponent, SetupGraphics, and SetupGame,
        /// in that order.  This constructor should be called from your game's Main function or from a function in the same Assembly as Main.
        /// </summary>
        public TorqueGame()
            // locate the calling assembly.  The torque engine component will need it.
            Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();

            // make sure it is not Torque
            bool isTorque = executingAssembly == typeof(TorqueGame).Assembly;
            Assert.Fatal(!isTorque, "TorqueGame Constructor - Found Torque as calling assembly, this is not expected.  Construct the TorqueGame class from your game's Main function or from a function in the same Assembly as Main");

            // create graphics and engine component
            _graphicsManager = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager(this);

            this._engineComponent = new GarageGames.Torque.XNA.TorqueEngineComponent(this, this._graphicsManager);
            this._engineComponent.ExecutableAssembly = executingAssembly;

            // add engine component

            // setup engine component

            if (TorqueEngineComponent.Instance.Settings.EnableAntiAliasing)
                _graphicsManager.PreferMultiSampling = true;
                _graphicsManager.PreparingDeviceSettings += new EventHandler<PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs>(OnPrepDeviceSettings);

            // setup graphics - do this after engine component so that code can override engine component settings

            // setup game

            // We need to allow the schema export to happen before we start running the game
            if (ExportSchema)
Beispiel #2
        ///Initialize the library using delegates to hook back to the
        ///<param name="engine">Torque engine component</param>
        ///<param name="soundBank">sound bank</param>
        ///<param name="exit">game exit</param>
        ///<param name="gamePausedGetter">
        ///getter for <see cref="GamePaused"/> property
        ///<param name="gamePausedSetter">
        ///setter for <see cref="GamePaused"/> property
        public static void Initialize(
            TorqueEngineComponent engine, 
            SoundBank soundBank, 
            ExitDelegate exit,
            Getter<bool> gamePausedGetter,
            Setter<bool> gamePausedSetter)
            _engine = engine;
            _soundBank = soundBank;
            _exit = exit;

            _gamePausedGetter = gamePausedGetter;
            _gamePausedSetter = gamePausedSetter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the engine component. Initializes the engine component with default settings, as defined
        /// in TorqueEngineSettings. Settings can be overridden be calling LoadSettings on the component. This 
        /// constructor should be called either from the TorqueGame class or from the main assembly of your game.
        /// Note that only one TorqueEngineComponent is allowed to exist at one time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The XNA game object.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The XNA graphics manager.</param>
        public TorqueEngineComponent(Game game, GraphicsDeviceManager manager)
            : base(game)
            Assert.Fatal(_instance == null, "TorqueEngineComponent - Only one TorqueEngineComponent is allowed!");
            _instance = this;

            // create default settings object
            _settings = new TorqueEngineSettings();

            _graphicsManager = manager;

            // Set the default executable assembly to the calling assembly. This should be the assembly containing the game's Main function.
            // Note that if the engine component is created from TorqueGame, the calling assembly is actually Torque, which is wrong, but
            // TorqueGame corrects for this. The code here is only needed for games that do not use TorqueGame.
            ExecutableAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
Beispiel #4
 ///Initialize the library using delegates to hook back to the
 ///<param name="engine">Torque engine component</param>
 public static void Initialize(TorqueEngineComponent engine)
     _engine = engine;