Beispiel #1
        geo FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo)
           here       = Geo[Here],
           right      = Geo[RightOne],
           up         = Geo[UpOne],
           left       = Geo[LeftOne],
           down       = Geo[DownOne],
           up_right   = Geo[UpRight],
           up_left    = Geo[UpLeft],
           down_right = Geo[DownRight],
           down_left  = Geo[DownLeft];

            if (!IsValid(here.dir))

            vec2 id_here = here.geo_id;

            if (right.geo_id != id_here ||
                left.geo_id != id_here ||
                up.geo_id != id_here ||
                down.geo_id != id_here ||
                up_right.geo_id != id_here ||
                up_left.geo_id != id_here ||
                down_right.geo_id != id_here ||
                down_left.geo_id != id_here)
                //here.dist = 1;

Beispiel #2
        color FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo, PointSampler Texture)
            color output = color.TransparentBlack;

            geo here = Geo[Here];

            vec2 subcell_pos = get_subcell_pos(vertex, Geo.Size);

            if (here.dir > _0)
                // Draw arrow
                //output += DrawDebugInfoTile(here.dir, 0, subcell_pos, Texture);

                // Draw bad cell info
                //if (here.bad == _true) output.r = 1;

                // Draw guid coloring
                vec2 guid = fmod(here.geo_id * 1293.4184145f, 1.0f);
                output.r   += guid.x;
                output.g   += guid.y;
                output.a    = 1f;
                output.rgb *= output.a;

                // Draw arrow over
                output *= DrawDebugArrow(here.dir, subcell_pos, Texture);

Beispiel #3
        geo FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo)
            geo geo_here = Geo[Here];

            geo_here.geo_id = ReducedGeoId(geo_pos_id(geo_here));
            geo_here.dist   = _0;

Beispiel #4
        geo FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo, Field <geo> OuterGeo)
                geo_here       = Geo[Here],
                geo_right      = Geo[RightOne],
                geo_up         = Geo[UpOne],
                geo_left       = Geo[LeftOne],
                geo_down       = Geo[DownOne],
                geo_up_right   = Geo[UpRight],
                geo_up_left    = Geo[UpLeft],
                geo_down_right = Geo[DownRight],
                geo_down_left  = Geo[DownLeft];

                outer_geo_here = OuterGeo[Here];

            if (IsValid(geo_here.dir))

            outer_geo_here.dist = _255; // Start off as maximum possible 1-byte distance, since we will be taking the min of surrounding distances (and adding _1)
            if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_right.dist && IsValid(geo_right.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_right);
            else if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_up.dist && IsValid(geo_up.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_up);
            else if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_left.dist && IsValid(geo_left.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_left);
            else if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_down.dist && IsValid(geo_down.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_down);
            else if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_up_right.dist && IsValid(geo_up_right.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_up_right);
            else if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_up_left.dist && IsValid(geo_up_left.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_up_left);
            else if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_down_right.dist && IsValid(geo_down_right.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_down_right);
            else if (outer_geo_here.dist > geo_down_left.dist && IsValid(geo_down_left.dir))
                InheritsFrom(ref outer_geo_here, geo_down_left);

Beispiel #5
        tile FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <tile> Tiles, Field <geo> Geo)
            tile tile_here = Tiles[Here];
            geo  geo_here  = Geo[Here];

            if (IsValid(geo_here.dir))
                tile_here.type = TileType.Trees;

Beispiel #6
        geo FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo)
            geo here = Geo[Here];

            if (here.dir == _0)

            vec2 pos = vertex.TexCoords * Geo.Size;

            set_geo_pos_id(ref here, pos);

Beispiel #7
        dirward FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <dirward> Dirward, Field <geo> Geo, Field <geo> ShiftedGeo, Field <geo_info> Info, Field <geo_info> ShiftedInfo, [Dir.Vals] float dir)
           geo_here  = Geo[Here],
           geo_shift = ShiftedGeo[Here];

            if (geo_here.dir == _0)

                info_here  = Info[Here],
                info_shift = ShiftedInfo[Here];

            if (geo_here.pos_storage != geo_shift.pos_storage)

                dist_here  = unpack_val(info_here.xy),
                dist_shift = unpack_val(info_shift.xy),
                circum     = unpack_val(;

            float diff = dist_here - dist_shift;

            float clockwise = 0, counterclockwise = 0;

            if (diff > 0)
                clockwise        = diff;
                counterclockwise = circum - diff;
                clockwise        = circum + diff;
                counterclockwise = -diff;

            dirward output = dirward.Nothing;

            output.polarity     = clockwise > counterclockwise ? 0 : 1;
            output.polarity_set = _true;

Beispiel #8
        color FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo, Field <vec4> PolarDistance, PointSampler Texture)
            color output = color.TransparentBlack;

            geo   here = Geo[Here];
            float dist = 0;

            vec2 subcell_pos = get_subcell_pos(vertex, Geo.Size);

            if (here.dir > _0)
                if (subcell_pos > vec(.5f, .5f))
                    vec2 subcell_pos_1 = get_subcell_pos(vertex, Geo.Size * 2);
                    output += DrawDebugNum(unpack_val(PolarDistance[Here].xy), subcell_pos_1, Texture) * rgb(0xFF8080);

                if (subcell_pos < vec(.5f, .5f))
                    vec2 subcell_pos_2 = get_subcell_pos(vertex, Geo.Size * 2);
                    output += DrawDebugNum(unpack_val(PolarDistance[Here].zw), subcell_pos_2, Texture) * rgb(0xFF8080);


            if (subcell_pos.y > .5)
                dist = unpack_val(PolarDistance[Here].xy);
                dist = unpack_val(PolarDistance[Here].zw);

            if (here.dir > _0)
                dist   = dist / 1024.0f;
                output = (color)vec(dist, dist, dist, 1.0f);

Beispiel #9
        geo_info FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo, Field <geo_info> Info)
            geo_info info_here = Info[Here];
            geo      here      = Geo[Here];

            if (here.dir == _0)

            vec2          pos_here  = vertex.TexCoords * Geo.Size;
            vec2          start_pos = geo_pos_id(here);
            RelativeIndex GeoStart  = (RelativeIndex)(start_pos - pos_here);

                right = Geo[GeoStart + RightOne],
                up    = Geo[GeoStart + UpOne],
                left  = Geo[GeoStart + LeftOne],
                down  = Geo[GeoStart + DownOne];

            float circum = 0;

            if (right.pos_storage == here.pos_storage)
                circum = max(circum, polar_dist(Info[GeoStart + RightOne]));
            if (up.pos_storage == here.pos_storage)
                circum = max(circum, polar_dist(Info[GeoStart + UpOne]));
            if (left.pos_storage == here.pos_storage)
                circum = max(circum, polar_dist(Info[GeoStart + LeftOne]));
            if (down.pos_storage == here.pos_storage)
                circum = max(circum, polar_dist(Info[GeoStart + DownOne]));

            // Pack the polar circumference into 2-bytes
            set_circumference(ref info_here, circum);

Beispiel #10
        dirward FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <dirward> Dirward, Field <geo> Geo)
           here  = Geo[Here],
           right = Geo[RightOne],
           up    = Geo[UpOne],
           left  = Geo[LeftOne],
           down  = Geo[DownOne];

                dirward_here  = Dirward[Here],
                dirward_right = Dirward[RightOne],
                dirward_up    = Dirward[UpOne],
                dirward_left  = Dirward[LeftOne],
                dirward_down  = Dirward[DownOne];

            if (here.dir == _0)

            if (dirward_here.polarity_set == _false)
                if (right.pos_storage == here.pos_storage && dirward_right.polarity_set == _true)
                    dirward_here.polarity = dirward_right.polarity; dirward_here.polarity_set = _true;
                if (left.pos_storage == here.pos_storage && dirward_left.polarity_set == _true)
                    dirward_here.polarity = dirward_left.polarity;  dirward_here.polarity_set = _true;
                if (up.pos_storage == here.pos_storage && dirward_up.polarity_set == _true)
                    dirward_here.polarity = dirward_up.polarity;    dirward_here.polarity_set = _true;
                if (down.pos_storage == here.pos_storage && dirward_down.polarity_set == _true)
                    dirward_here.polarity = dirward_down.polarity;  dirward_here.polarity_set = _true;

Beispiel #11
        extra FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <data> Data, Field <extra> Extra, Field <geo> Geo, Field <geo> AntiGeo)
            data  data_here  = Data[Here];
            extra extra_here = Extra[Here];
            geo   geo_here   = Geo[Here];

            if (data_here.change >= SetPolarity.Counterclockwise)
                extra_here.geo_id       = geo_here.geo_id;
                extra_here.polarity_set = _true;
                extra_here.polarity     = Polarity.Counterclockwise;
            else if (data_here.change >= SetPolarity.Clockwise)
                extra_here.geo_id       = geo_here.geo_id;
                extra_here.polarity_set = _true;
                extra_here.polarity     = Polarity.Clockwise;

Beispiel #12
        void NaivePathfind(VertexOut vertex, Field <data> Current, Field <data> Previous, Field <vec4> TargetData, Field <extra> Extra, Field <vec4> RandomField,
                           Field <geo> Geo, Field <geo> AntiGeo,
                           Field <dirward> DirwardRight, Field <dirward> DirwardLeft, Field <dirward> DirwardUp, Field <dirward> DirwardDown,
                           unit data, ref data here)
            // Get geodesic info (of both polarities)
                geo_here     = Geo[Here],
                antigeo_here = AntiGeo[Here];

            // Unpack packed info
            vec4 target      = TargetData[Here];
            vec2 CurPos      = floor((vertex.TexCoords * TargetData.Size + vec(.5f, .5f)));
            vec2 Destination = floor(unpack_vec2((vec4)target));

            // Get nearby units
                right = Current[RightOne],
                up    = Current[UpOne],
                left  = Current[LeftOne],
                down  = Current[DownOne];

                prev_right = Previous[RightOne],
                prev_up    = Previous[UpOne],
                prev_left  = Previous[LeftOne],
                prev_down  = Previous[DownOne];

            extra extra_here = Extra[Here];

            // Calculate primary and secondary direction to travel (dir1 and dir2 respectively)
                dir1 = Dir.None,
                dir2 = Dir.None;

            if (Destination.x > CurPos.x + .75f)
                dir1 = Dir.Right;
            if (Destination.x < CurPos.x - .75f)
                dir1 = Dir.Left;
            if (Destination.y > CurPos.y + .75f)
                dir1 = Dir.Up;
            if (Destination.y < CurPos.y - .75f)
                dir1 = Dir.Down;

            vec2 diff = Destination - CurPos;
            vec2 mag  = abs(diff);

            float prior_dir = Dir.None;

            bool blocked1 = false;

            if (mag.x > mag.y && Destination.x > CurPos.x + 1)
                dir1 = Dir.Right; blocked1 = Something(right) || Something(prev_right) && prior_dir != Dir.Left;
            if (mag.y > mag.x && Destination.y > CurPos.y + 1)
                dir1 = Dir.Up;    blocked1 = Something(up) || Something(prev_up) && prior_dir != Dir.Down;
            if (mag.x > mag.y && Destination.x < CurPos.x - 1)
                dir1 = Dir.Left;  blocked1 = Something(left) || Something(prev_left) && prior_dir != Dir.Right;
            if (mag.y > mag.x && Destination.y < CurPos.y - 1)
                dir1 = Dir.Down;  blocked1 = Something(down) || Something(prev_down) && prior_dir != Dir.Up;

            bool blocked2 = false;

            if (dir1 == Dir.Right || dir1 == Dir.Left)
                if (Destination.y > CurPos.y + 0)
                    dir2 = Dir.Up;    blocked2 = Something(up) || Something(prev_up) && prior_dir != Dir.Down;
                else if (Destination.y < CurPos.y - 0)
                    dir2 = Dir.Down;  blocked2 = Something(down) || Something(prev_down) && prior_dir != Dir.Up;
            if (dir1 == Dir.Up || dir1 == Dir.Down)
                if (Destination.x > CurPos.x + 0)
                    dir2 = Dir.Right; blocked2 = Something(right) || Something(prev_right) && prior_dir != Dir.Left;
                else if (Destination.x < CurPos.x - 0)
                    dir2 = Dir.Left;  blocked2 = Something(left) || Something(prev_left) && prior_dir != Dir.Right;

            // Get current coordinate
            vec2 pos_here = vertex.TexCoords * Geo.Size;

            // Get dirward extensions for each direction, as well as whether we need to cross over an obstacle to get to where we want to go in that direction.
            dirward dirward_here1 = dirward.Nothing;
            dirward dirward_here2 = dirward.Nothing;

            bool other_side1 = GetDirward(ref dirward_here1, dir1, ref Destination, ref pos_here, DirwardRight, DirwardLeft, DirwardUp, DirwardDown);
            bool other_side2 = GetDirward(ref dirward_here2, dir2, ref Destination, ref pos_here, DirwardRight, DirwardLeft, DirwardUp, DirwardDown);

            // Get polarity based on the dirward extensions
                polarity1       = dirward_here1.polarity,
                polarity2       = dirward_here2.polarity,
                chosen_polarity = Polarity.Undefined;

            // If this unit has already picked a polarity for this geodesic area, then we will stick with that polarity
            if (extra_here.geo_id == geo_here.geo_id && extra_here.polarity_set == _true)
                polarity1 = extra_here.polarity;
                polarity2 = extra_here.polarity;

            // Get geodesic info associated with primary and secondary direction (geo1 for dir1 and geo2 for dir2)
                geo1 = polarity1 == Polarity.Counterclockwise ? antigeo_here : geo_here,
                geo2 = polarity2 == Polarity.Counterclockwise ? antigeo_here : geo_here;

            // Check if we should follow the geodesic we are on
            vec2 geo_id             = geo1.geo_id;
            bool use_simple_pathing = false;

            if (geo1.dir > 0 && ValidDirward(dirward_here1) && other_side1 && dirward_here1.geo_id == geo_id && (/*geo1.dist == _0 ||*/ blocked1 || extra_here.polarity_set == _true && extra_here.geo_id == geo1.geo_id))
                dir1            = geo1.dir;
                chosen_polarity = polarity1;
            else if (geo2.dir > 0 && ValidDirward(dirward_here2) && other_side2 && dirward_here2.geo_id == geo_id && (/*geo2.dist == _0 || */ blocked2 || extra_here.polarity_set == _true && extra_here.geo_id == geo2.geo_id))
                dir1            = geo2.dir;
                chosen_polarity = other_side1 && ValidDirward(dirward_here1) ? polarity1 : polarity2;
                // If not, then use Simple Pathing
                use_simple_pathing = true;

            // If geodesic pathfinding has us running into something...
            if (!use_simple_pathing && (Something(Current[dir_to_vec(dir1)]) || geo1.dist > _0) && geo1.dist < 1)
                // Turn inward toward the obstacles, if that direction is open
                float alt_dir;
                if (chosen_polarity == Polarity.Clockwise)
                    alt_dir = RotateLeft(dir1);
                    alt_dir = RotateRight(dir1);
                if (!Something(Current[dir_to_vec(alt_dir)]) && !Something(Previous[dir_to_vec(alt_dir)]))
                    dir1 = alt_dir;

            if (use_simple_pathing)
                // Go toward the cardinal direction that is furthest away. If something is in your way, go perpendicularly, assuming you also need to go in that direction.
                if ((mag.x > mag.y || diff.y > 0 && Something(up) || diff.y < 0 && Something(down)) && Destination.x > CurPos.x + 1 && !Something(right))
                    dir1 = Dir.Right;
                if ((mag.y > mag.x || diff.x > 0 && Something(right) || diff.x < 0 && Something(left)) && Destination.y > CurPos.y + 1 && !Something(up))
                    dir1 = Dir.Up;
                if ((mag.x > mag.y || diff.y > 0 && Something(up) || diff.y < 0 && Something(down)) && Destination.x < CurPos.x - 1 && !Something(left))
                    dir1 = Dir.Left;
                if ((mag.y > mag.x || diff.x > 0 && Something(right) || diff.x < 0 && Something(left)) && Destination.y < CurPos.y - 1 && !Something(down))
                    dir1 = Dir.Down;

            // If something is in the way of the direction we want to go...
            if (IsValid(dir1) && Something(Current[dir_to_vec(dir1)]))
                // ...and we are using geodesic pathfinding and have a determined polarity...
                if (chosen_polarity != Polarity.Undefined && !use_simple_pathing)
                    // ... then if some up or right from us has polarity set, let's follow their polarity (to avoid traffic jams)

                        extra_right = Extra[RightOne],
                        extra_up    = Extra[UpOne];

                    // If someone right of us has polarity set, follow them
                    if (extra_right.polarity_set == _true)
                        chosen_polarity = extra_right.polarity;

                    // If someone above us has polarity set, follow them
                    if (extra_up.polarity_set == _true)
                        chosen_polarity = extra_up.polarity;

                    use_simple_pathing = false;

                // ... and occasionally choose random direction instead (assuming we aren't surrounded)
                vec4 rnd = RandomField[Here];
                if (rnd.x < .1f && !(Something(right) && Something(left) && Something(up) && Something(down)))
                    dir1 = RndFint(rnd.y, Dir.Right, Dir.Down);

            // Final sanity check on direction we want to follow
            if (IsValid(dir1))
                here.direction = dir1;

                // If we are choosing a polarity then we need to store it
                if (chosen_polarity != Polarity.Undefined && !use_simple_pathing)
                    // The polarity is stored in "extra", not "data", so we create a signal pumped into this "data" that will be used to modify the "extra" on a subsequent pass.
                    here.change += chosen_polarity == Polarity.Counterclockwise ? SetPolarity.Counterclockwise : SetPolarity.Clockwise;
                // If we don't have a valid direction and we're attack-moving, then we probably arrived at our destination, so let's guard for now.
                if (here.action == UnitAction.Attacking)
                    here.action = UnitAction.Guard;
Beispiel #13
        dirward FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <tile> Tiles, Field <geo> Geo, Field <dirward> Dirward, [Dir.Vals] float dir)
           here = Tiles[Here];

                geo_here       = Geo[Here],
                geo_right      = Geo[RightOne],
                geo_up         = Geo[UpOne],
                geo_left       = Geo[LeftOne],
                geo_down       = Geo[DownOne],
                geo_up_right   = Geo[UpRight],
                geo_up_left    = Geo[UpLeft],
                geo_down_right = Geo[DownRight],
                geo_down_left  = Geo[DownLeft];

                dirward_here       = Dirward[Here],
                dirward_right      = Dirward[RightOne],
                dirward_up         = Dirward[UpOne],
                dirward_left       = Dirward[LeftOne],
                dirward_down       = Dirward[DownOne],
                dirward_up_right   = Dirward[UpRight],
                dirward_up_left    = Dirward[UpLeft],
                dirward_down_right = Dirward[DownRight],
                dirward_down_left  = Dirward[DownLeft];

            if (IsBlockingTile(here))

            dirward output = dirward.Nothing;

            dirward forward = dirward.Nothing, forward_right = dirward.Nothing, forward_left = dirward.Nothing, rightward = dirward.Nothing, leftward = dirward.Nothing;
            geo     geo_forward = geo.Nothing, geo_forward_right = geo.Nothing, geo_forward_left = geo.Nothing, geo_rightward = geo.Nothing, geo_leftward = geo.Nothing;

            // Get the surrounding dirward info and store it relative to the direction we consider forward
            if (dir == Dir.Up)
                forward       = dirward_up;
                forward_right = dirward_up_right;
                forward_left  = dirward_up_left;
                rightward     = dirward_right;
                leftward      = dirward_left;

                geo_forward       = geo_up;
                geo_forward_right = geo_up_right;
                geo_forward_left  = geo_up_left;
                geo_rightward     = geo_right;
                geo_leftward      = geo_left;
            else if (dir == Dir.Right)
                forward       = dirward_right;
                forward_right = dirward_down_right;
                forward_left  = dirward_up_right;
                rightward     = dirward_down;
                leftward      = dirward_up;

                geo_forward       = geo_right;
                geo_forward_right = geo_down_right;
                geo_forward_left  = geo_up_right;
                geo_rightward     = geo_down;
                geo_leftward      = geo_up;
            else if (dir == Dir.Down)
                forward       = dirward_down;
                forward_right = dirward_down_left;
                forward_left  = dirward_down_right;
                rightward     = dirward_left;
                leftward      = dirward_right;

                geo_forward       = geo_down;
                geo_forward_right = geo_down_left;
                geo_forward_left  = geo_down_right;
                geo_rightward     = geo_left;
                geo_leftward      = geo_right;
            else if (dir == Dir.Left)
                forward       = dirward_left;
                forward_right = dirward_up_left;
                forward_left  = dirward_down_left;
                rightward     = dirward_up;
                leftward      = dirward_down;

                geo_forward       = geo_left;
                geo_forward_right = geo_up_left;
                geo_forward_left  = geo_down_left;
                geo_rightward     = geo_up;
                geo_leftward      = geo_down;

            if (geo_here.dir > 0 && IsBlockingTile(Tiles[dir_to_vec(dir)]))
                output = dirward_here;

                output.geo_id       = geo_here.geo_id;
                output.dist_to_wall = _0;

            else if (ValidDirward(forward) && forward.geo_id == geo_forward.geo_id)
                output = forward;       output.dist_to_wall += _1;
            else if (ValidDirward(forward_right) && forward_right.geo_id == geo_forward_right.geo_id)
                output = forward_right; output.dist_to_wall += _1;
            else if (ValidDirward(forward_left) && forward_left.geo_id == geo_forward_left.geo_id)
                output = forward_left;  output.dist_to_wall += _1;
            //else if (ValidDirward(rightward)     && rightward.geo_id     == geo_rightward.geo_id)     { output = rightward;     output.dist_to_wall += _0; }
            //else if (ValidDirward(leftward)      && leftward.geo_id      == geo_leftward.geo_id)      { output = leftward;      output.dist_to_wall += _0; }

Beispiel #14
 protected static vec2 geo_pos_id(geo g)
Beispiel #15
 protected static void set_geo_pos_id(ref geo g, vec2 pos)
     g.pos_storage = pack_vec2_3byte(pos);
Beispiel #16
        geo FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <tile> Tiles, Field <geo> Geo, [Vals.Bool] bool Anti)
           here       = Tiles[Here],
           right      = Tiles[RightOne],
           up         = Tiles[UpOne],
           left       = Tiles[LeftOne],
           down       = Tiles[DownOne],
           up_right   = Tiles[UpRight],
           up_left    = Tiles[UpLeft],
           down_right = Tiles[DownRight],
           down_left  = Tiles[DownLeft];

                geo_here       = Geo[Here],
                geo_right      = Geo[RightOne],
                geo_up         = Geo[UpOne],
                geo_left       = Geo[LeftOne],
                geo_down       = Geo[DownOne],
                geo_up_right   = Geo[UpRight],
                geo_up_left    = Geo[UpLeft],
                geo_down_right = Geo[DownRight],
                geo_down_left  = Geo[DownLeft];

            if (IsBlockingTile(here))

            geo output = geo_here;

            if (!(IsBlockingTile(right) && IsBlockingTile(left)) &&
                (geo_here.dir == Dir.Up && geo_up.dir == Dir.Down || geo_here.dir == Dir.Down && geo_down.dir == Dir.Up))
                output.dir = IsBlockingTile(right) ? Dir.Left : Dir.Right;

            if (!(IsBlockingTile(up) && IsBlockingTile(down)) &&
                (geo_here.dir == Dir.Right && geo_right.dir == Dir.Left || geo_here.dir == Dir.Left && geo_left.dir == Dir.Right))
                output.dir = IsBlockingTile(up) ? Dir.Down : Dir.Up;

            if (Geo[dir_to_vec(output.dir)].bad == _true && geo_here.bad == _false)
                output.dir = Reverse(output.dir);

            int surround_count =
                (IsBlockingTile(up)    ? 1 : 0) +
                (IsBlockingTile(left)  ? 1 : 0) +
                (IsBlockingTile(down)  ? 1 : 0) +
                (IsBlockingTile(right) ? 1 : 0);

            float bad_count = geo_up.bad + geo_left.bad + geo_down.bad + geo_right.bad;

            if (surround_count >= 2 && bad_count >= _1 ||
                geo_up.bad == _true && geo_down.bad == _true ||
                geo_right.bad == _true && geo_left.bad == _true)
                output.bad = _true;

Beispiel #17
        geo FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo)
                here       = Geo[Here],
                right      = Geo[RightOne],
                up         = Geo[UpOne],
                left       = Geo[LeftOne],
                down       = Geo[DownOne],
                up_right   = Geo[UpRight],
                up_left    = Geo[UpLeft],
                down_right = Geo[DownRight],
                down_left  = Geo[DownLeft];

            if (here.dir == _0)

                extr_here       = geo_pos_id(here),
                extr_right      = geo_pos_id(right),
                extr_up         = geo_pos_id(up),
                extr_left       = geo_pos_id(left),
                extr_down       = geo_pos_id(down),
                extr_up_right   = geo_pos_id(up_right),
                extr_up_left    = geo_pos_id(up_left),
                extr_down_right = geo_pos_id(down_right),
                extr_down_left  = geo_pos_id(down_left);

                val_here       = flatten(extr_here),
                val_right      = flatten(extr_right),
                val_up         = flatten(extr_up),
                val_left       = flatten(extr_left),
                val_down       = flatten(extr_down),
                val_up_right   = flatten(extr_up_right),
                val_up_left    = flatten(extr_up_left),
                val_down_right = flatten(extr_down_right),
                val_down_left  = flatten(extr_down_left);

            if (val_here < val_right)
                here.pos_storage = right.pos_storage; val_here = val_right;
            if (val_here < val_up)
                here.pos_storage = up.pos_storage; val_here = val_up;
            if (val_here < val_left)
                here.pos_storage = left.pos_storage; val_here = val_left;
            if (val_here < val_down)
                here.pos_storage = down.pos_storage; val_here = val_down;
            if (val_here < val_up_right)
                here.pos_storage = up_right.pos_storage; val_here = val_up_right;
            if (val_here < val_up_left)
                here.pos_storage = up_left.pos_storage; val_here = val_up_left;
            if (val_here < val_down_right)
                here.pos_storage = down_right.pos_storage; val_here = val_down_right;
            if (val_here < val_down_left)
                here.pos_storage = down_left.pos_storage; val_here = val_down_left;

Beispiel #18
 void InheritsFrom(ref geo outer_geo, geo inner_geo)
     outer_geo.dist   = inner_geo.dist + _1;
     outer_geo.geo_id = inner_geo.geo_id;
Beispiel #19
        geo_info FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <geo> Geo, Field <geo_info> Info)
           here  = Geo[Here],
           right = Geo[RightOne],
           up    = Geo[UpOne],
           left  = Geo[LeftOne],
           down  = Geo[DownOne];

                dist_right = polar_dist(Info[RightOne]),
                dist_up    = polar_dist(Info[UpOne]),
                dist_left  = polar_dist(Info[LeftOne]),
                dist_down  = polar_dist(Info[DownOne]);

            if (here.dir == _0)

            float dist = 0;

            // Calculate the geo_id of this cell
            geo  temp_geo = geo.Nothing;
            vec2 pos      = vertex.TexCoords * Geo.Size;

            set_geo_pos_id(ref temp_geo, pos);

            // ... if that geo_id matches the id of the geo info here, then this is the "master" or "12 o' clock" cell of the geodesic line going through this cell.
            if (here.pos_storage == temp_geo.pos_storage)
                // That means its polar distance is 0 by definition.
                dist = 0;
                // If this geodesic flows into another tile, then the polar distance here should be 1 less than the distance of the tile it flows into.
                // This is a fail safe condition that covers degenerate tiles which have nothing flowing into them and only flow out.
                if (here.dir == Dir.Left)
                    dist = max(_0, dist_left - 1);
                if (here.dir == Dir.Right)
                    dist = max(_0, dist_right - 1);
                if (here.dir == Dir.Up)
                    dist = max(_0, dist_up - 1);
                if (here.dir == Dir.Down)
                    dist = max(_0, dist_down - 1);

                // The polar distance is also 1 plus the polar distance of whatever cell comes "before" it (by following the geo backwards "counterclockwise").
                if (right.dir == Dir.Left && dist_right >= dist)
                    dist = dist_right + 1;
                if (left.dir == Dir.Right && dist_left >= dist)
                    dist = dist_left + 1;
                if (up.dir == Dir.Down && dist_up >= dist)
                    dist = dist_up + 1;
                if (down.dir == Dir.Up && dist_down >= dist)
                    dist = dist_down + 1;

            // Pack the polar distance into 2-bytes and return it in
            geo_info output = geo_info.Zero;

            set_polar_dist(ref output, dist);

Beispiel #20
        geo FragmentShader(VertexOut vertex, Field <tile> Tiles, [Vals.Bool] bool Anti)
           here       = Tiles[Here],
           right      = Tiles[RightOne],
           up         = Tiles[UpOne],
           left       = Tiles[LeftOne],
           down       = Tiles[DownOne],
           up_right   = Tiles[UpRight],
           up_left    = Tiles[UpLeft],
           down_right = Tiles[DownRight],
           down_left  = Tiles[DownLeft];

            if (IsBlockingTile(here))

            float dir = 0;

            if (IsBlockingTile(up_left))
                dir = Anti ? Dir.Left  : Dir.Up;
            if (IsBlockingTile(up_right))
                dir = Anti ? Dir.Up    : Dir.Right;
            if (IsBlockingTile(down_right))
                dir = Anti ? Dir.Right : Dir.Down;
            if (IsBlockingTile(down_left))
                dir = Anti ? Dir.Down  : Dir.Left;

            if (Anti)
                if (IsBlockingTile(right))
                    dir = Dir.Up;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(up))
                        dir = Dir.Left;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(left))
                            dir = Dir.Down;

                if (IsBlockingTile(up))
                    dir = Dir.Left;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(left))
                        dir = Dir.Down;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(down))
                            dir = Dir.Right;

                if (IsBlockingTile(left))
                    dir = Dir.Down;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(down))
                        dir = Dir.Right;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(right))
                            dir = Dir.Up;

                if (IsBlockingTile(down))
                    dir = Dir.Right;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(right))
                        dir = Dir.Up;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(up))
                            dir = Dir.Left;
                if (IsBlockingTile(right))
                    dir = Dir.Down;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(down))
                        dir = Dir.Left;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(left))
                            dir = Dir.Up;

                if (IsBlockingTile(up))
                    dir = Dir.Right;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(right))
                        dir = Dir.Down;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(down))
                            dir = Dir.Left;

                if (IsBlockingTile(left))
                    dir = Dir.Up;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(up))
                        dir = Dir.Right;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(right))
                            dir = Dir.Down;

                if (IsBlockingTile(down))
                    dir = Dir.Left;
                    if (IsBlockingTile(left))
                        dir = Dir.Up;
                        if (IsBlockingTile(up))
                            dir = Dir.Right;

            geo output = geo.Nothing;

            output.dir = dir;

            int surround_count =
                (IsBlockingTile(up)    ? 1 : 0) +
                (IsBlockingTile(left)  ? 1 : 0) +
                (IsBlockingTile(down)  ? 1 : 0) +
                (IsBlockingTile(right) ? 1 : 0);

            if (output.dir > _0 && surround_count == 3)
                output.bad = _true;
