private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            _poolBall = new SolidBall(GetMiddlePoint(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), 80, 100, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);

            chkPoolRunning.Enabled = true;
            chkPoolRunning.Checked = true;

Beispiel #2
        private void chkIncludeShip_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const double THRUSTERANGLE = 75;

            if (chkIncludeShip.Checked)
                if (_ship == null)
                    #region Create Ship

                    // Set up the ship
                    double radius = MINRADIUSMASS + (_rand.NextDouble() * (MAXRADIUSMASS - MINRADIUSMASS));
                    SolidBall ship = new SolidBall(Utility3D.GetRandomVector(_boundryLower, _boundryUpper), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), radius, GetMass(radius), GetElasticity(), 1, 1, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);

                    // Set up the thrusters
                    MyVector thrusterSeed = new MyVector(0, ship.Radius, 0);
                    MyVector zAxis = new MyVector(0, 0, 1);

                    // Bottom Thrusters
                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE * -1));

                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_BottomLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE));

                    // Top Thrusters
                    thrusterSeed = new MyVector(0, ship.Radius * -1, 0);
                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopRight = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopRight.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE));

                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopLeft = thrusterSeed.Clone();
                    _shipThrusterOffset_TopLeft.RotateAroundAxis(zAxis, Utility3D.GetDegreesToRadians(THRUSTERANGLE * -1));

                    // Add to the map
                    _ship = new BallBlip(ship, CollisionStyle.Standard, RadarBlipQual.BallUserDefined03, TokenGenerator.NextToken());

                if (_ship != null)
                    _ship = null;
Beispiel #3
        private void btnAddSolidBall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double radius = _rand.Next(Convert.ToInt32(MINRADIUSMASS), Convert.ToInt32(MAXRADIUSMASS));
            double mass = GetMass(radius);
            double elasticity = GetElasticity();

            SolidBall ball = new SolidBall(Utility3D.GetRandomVector(_boundryLower, _boundryUpper), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), radius, mass, elasticity, 1, 1, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
            ball.Velocity.Z = 0;

            BallBlip blip = new BallBlip(ball, CollisionStyle.Standard, RadarBlipQual.BallUserDefined01, TokenGenerator.NextToken());

        private void DrawBall(SolidBall ball, Color ballColor)

            // Turn it into ints
            MyVector topLeft = ball.Position.Clone();
            topLeft.X -= ball.Radius;
            topLeft.Y -= ball.Radius;
            Point topLeftInt = topLeft.ToPoint();
            int size = Convert.ToInt32(ball.Radius * 2);

            // Draw the ball
            _graphics.DrawEllipse(new Pen(ballColor, 3), topLeftInt.X, topLeftInt.Y, size, size);

        private void DrawBall(SolidBall ball, Color ballColor, Color dirFacingStandColor, Color dirFacingOrthColor)

            // Standard Facing
            MyVector workingVect = ball.DirectionFacing.Standard.Clone();

            DrawVector(ball.Position, workingVect, dirFacingStandColor);

            // Orthogonal Facing
            workingVect = ball.DirectionFacing.Orth.Clone();

            DrawVector(ball.Position, workingVect, dirFacingOrthColor);

            // Ball
            DrawBall(ball, ballColor);

        private void btnResetShip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set up the ship
            double radius = 60;
            MyVector radiusBoundry = new MyVector(radius, radius, 0);
            MyVector boundryLower = _boundryLower + radiusBoundry;
            MyVector boundryUpper = _boundryUpper - radiusBoundry;
            _ship = new SolidBall(GetMiddlePoint(), new DoubleVector(0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0), radius, 100, boundryLower, boundryUpper);

            // Set up the thrusters
            trackBar1_Scroll(this, new EventArgs());

            chkShipRunning.Enabled = true;
            chkShipRunning.Checked = true;
        private void DrawThruster(SolidBall ship, MyVector thruster)
            MyVector worldThruster = _ship.Rotation.GetRotatedVector(thruster, true);

            DrawDot(worldThruster, 3f, Color.Silver);
 public void DrawSolidBall(SolidBall ball, DrawMode mode, CollisionStyle collisionStyle, bool drawRed)
     DrawSolidBall(ball, mode, collisionStyle, drawRed, 1d);
        /// <summary>
        /// The opacity passed in will be applied after figuring out the opacity of mode (if mode says 128, and opacity is .5, then
        /// the final opacity is 64)
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawSolidBall(SolidBall ball, DrawMode mode, CollisionStyle collisionStyle, bool drawRed, double opacity)
            Color color;
            #region Figure out the color

            if (drawRed)
                color = REDCOLOR;
                color = Color.RoyalBlue;


            int finalOpacity;
            #region Figure out the opacity

            switch (mode)
                case DrawMode.Building:
                    finalOpacity = BUILDINGBALLFILLOPACTIY;

                case DrawMode.Selected:
                case DrawMode.Standard:
                    finalOpacity = STANDARDBALLFILLOPACTIY;

                    throw new ApplicationException("Unknown DrawMode: " + mode.ToString());

            finalOpacity = Convert.ToInt32(finalOpacity * opacity);
            if (finalOpacity < 0)
                finalOpacity = 0;
            else if (finalOpacity > 255)
                finalOpacity = 255;


            MyVector dirFacing;
            #region Figure out direction facing

            dirFacing = ball.DirectionFacing.Standard.Clone();


            // Collision Style
            DrawCollisionStyle(ball.Position, ball.Radius, collisionStyle);

            // Fill the circle
            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(finalOpacity, color)))
                _viewer.FillCircle(brush, ball.Position, ball.Radius);

            // Draw direction facing
            _viewer.DrawLine(Color.FromArgb(finalOpacity, Color.White), 2d, ball.Position, dirFacing);

            #region Draw the edge

            switch (mode)
                case DrawMode.Building:
                    _viewer.DrawCircle(Color.FromArgb(finalOpacity, _buildingPenColor), STANDARDOUTLINEWIDTH, ball.Position, ball.Radius);

                case DrawMode.Standard:
                    _viewer.DrawCircle(Color.FromArgb(finalOpacity, _standardPenColor), STANDARDOUTLINEWIDTH, ball.Position, ball.Radius);

                case DrawMode.Selected:
                    _viewer.DrawCircle_Selected(ball.Position, ball.Radius);


            //TODO:  Show Stats
        private void HurtBlip(Projectile projectile, RadarBlip blip)
            #region See if a split should occur

            if (blip.CollisionStyle != CollisionStyle.Standard)

            if (!(blip is BallBlip))

            BallBlip castBlip = (BallBlip)blip;

            double ratio = projectile.Pain / castBlip.Ball.Mass;
            double rand = _rand.NextDouble();

            if (ratio < rand)


            #region Calculate Split Percents

            int numParts = 2 + _rand.Next(3);		// between 2 and 4 parts
            double[] splitPercents = new double[numParts];

            double remainder = 1d;

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < numParts - 1; cntr++)
                splitPercents[cntr] = _rand.NextDouble() * remainder;
                remainder -= splitPercents[cntr];
            splitPercents[numParts - 1] = remainder;


            #region Build Objects


            foreach (double percent in splitPercents)
                double size = castBlip.Ball.Mass * percent;

                if (size < 20)

                Ball ball;
                if (castBlip.Ball is SolidBall)
                    ball = new SolidBall(castBlip.Ball.Position.Clone(), castBlip.Ball.OriginalDirectionFacing.Clone(), size, size, castBlip.Ball.Elasticity, castBlip.Ball.KineticFriction, castBlip.Ball.StaticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
                    ball = new Ball(castBlip.Ball.Position.Clone(), castBlip.Ball.OriginalDirectionFacing.Clone(), size, size, castBlip.Ball.Elasticity, castBlip.Ball.KineticFriction, castBlip.Ball.StaticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);


                //TODO:  Lay them out so they aren't touching each other.  The smallest ones should be closest
                // to the point of impact (maybe give them slightly tweaked velocities as well so they explode
                // outward)

                _map.Add(new BallBlip(ball, blip.CollisionStyle, blip.Qual, TokenGenerator.NextToken()));

        private void radBallType_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            grpTriangleZ.Visible = false;
            grpTriangleZ2.Visible = false;
            _triangle1 = null;
            _triangle2 = null;
            _polygon1 = null;
            _polygon2 = null;

            if (radBallBall.Checked || radSolidBallSolidBall.Checked)
                #region Balls

                Ball newBall1, newBall2;

                if (radBallBall.Checked)
                    // Switch them out with a standard ball
                    newBall1 = new Ball(_ball1.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), _ball1.Radius, _ball1.Mass, _ball1.Elasticity, _ball1.KineticFriction, _ball1.StaticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);

                    newBall2 = new Ball(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), _ball2.Radius, _ball2.Mass, _ball2.Elasticity, _ball2.KineticFriction, _ball2.StaticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
                else if (radSolidBallSolidBall.Checked)
                    // Switch them out with solidballs
                    newBall1 = new SolidBall(_ball1.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), _ball1.Radius, _ball1.Mass, _ball1.Elasticity, _ball1.KineticFriction, _ball1.StaticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
                    ((SolidBall)newBall1).AngularVelocity.StoreNewValues(new MyVector(0, 0, 200));

                    newBall2 = new SolidBall(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), _ball2.Radius, _ball2.Mass, _ball2.Elasticity, _ball2.KineticFriction, _ball2.StaticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
                    ((SolidBall)newBall2).AngularVelocity.StoreNewValues(new MyVector(0, 0, 200));
                    MessageBox.Show("Unknown radio button", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                _ball1 = newBall1;
                _ball2 = newBall2;

            else if (radSphereSphere.Checked)
                #region Spheres

                // leave the balls alone?

            else if (radLineTriangle.Checked || radSphereTriangle.Checked || radTriangleTriangle.Checked)
                #region Triangles

                if (radLineTriangle.Checked)
                    #region Line Triangle

                    // I will leave ball1 alone.  I will use that one's velocity as the line

                    grpTriangleZ.Visible = true;

                    // Make the the triangle
                    if (chkTrianglePerpendicular.Checked)
                        _triangle1 = new TriangleTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(0, 0, -100, 0, 100, 0, 0, -100, 100));

                        radPoint1Neg.Enabled = radPoint1Pos.Enabled = radPoint1Zero.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint2Neg.Enabled = radPoint2Pos.Enabled = radPoint2Zero.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint3Neg.Enabled = radPoint3Pos.Enabled = radPoint3Zero.Enabled = false;
                        _triangle1 = new TriangleTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(-150, -150, 0, 150, -150, 0, 0, 150, 0));

                        radPoint1Neg.Enabled = radPoint1Pos.Enabled = radPoint1Zero.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint2Neg.Enabled = radPoint2Pos.Enabled = radPoint2Zero.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint3Neg.Enabled = radPoint3Pos.Enabled = radPoint3Zero.Enabled = true;

                        radPoint1_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint2_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint3_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                else if (radSphereTriangle.Checked)
                    #region Sphere Triangle

                    // I will leave ball1 alone.  I won't use its velocity, just radius

                    grpTriangleZ.Visible = true;

                    // Make the the triangle
                    if (chkTrianglePerpendicular.Checked)
                        _triangle1 = new TriangleTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(0, 0, -100, 0, 100, 0, 0, -100, 100));

                        radPoint1Neg.Enabled = radPoint1Pos.Enabled = radPoint1Zero.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint2Neg.Enabled = radPoint2Pos.Enabled = radPoint2Zero.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint3Neg.Enabled = radPoint3Pos.Enabled = radPoint3Zero.Enabled = false;
                        _triangle1 = new TriangleTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(-150, -150, 0, 150, -150, 0, 0, 150, 0));

                        radPoint1Neg.Enabled = radPoint1Pos.Enabled = radPoint1Zero.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint2Neg.Enabled = radPoint2Pos.Enabled = radPoint2Zero.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint3Neg.Enabled = radPoint3Pos.Enabled = radPoint3Zero.Enabled = true;

                        radPoint1_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint2_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint3_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                else if (radTriangleTriangle.Checked)
                    #region Triangle Triangle

                    grpTriangleZ.Visible = true;
                    grpTriangleZ2.Visible = true;

                    #region Triangle1 (right side)

                    // Make the the triangle
                    if (chkTrianglePerpendicular.Checked)
                        _triangle1 = new TriangleTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(0, 0, -100, 0, 100, 0, 0, -100, 100));

                        radPoint1Neg.Enabled = radPoint1Pos.Enabled = radPoint1Zero.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint2Neg.Enabled = radPoint2Pos.Enabled = radPoint2Zero.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint3Neg.Enabled = radPoint3Pos.Enabled = radPoint3Zero.Enabled = false;
                        _triangle1 = new TriangleTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(-150, -150, 0, 150, -150, 0, 0, 150, 0));

                        radPoint1Neg.Enabled = radPoint1Pos.Enabled = radPoint1Zero.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint2Neg.Enabled = radPoint2Pos.Enabled = radPoint2Zero.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint3Neg.Enabled = radPoint3Pos.Enabled = radPoint3Zero.Enabled = true;

                        radPoint1_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint2_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint3_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                    #region Triangle2 (left side)

                    // Make the the triangle
                    if (chkTrianglePerpendicular2.Checked)
                        _triangle2 = new TriangleTest(_ball1.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(0, 0, -100, 0, 100, 0, 0, -100, 100));

                        radPoint1Neg2.Enabled = radPoint1Pos2.Enabled = radPoint1Zero2.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint2Neg2.Enabled = radPoint2Pos2.Enabled = radPoint2Zero2.Enabled = false;
                        radPoint3Neg2.Enabled = radPoint3Pos2.Enabled = radPoint3Zero2.Enabled = false;
                        _triangle2 = new TriangleTest(_ball1.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), new Triangle(-150, -150, 0, 150, -150, 0, 0, 150, 0));

                        radPoint1Neg2.Enabled = radPoint1Pos2.Enabled = radPoint1Zero2.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint2Neg2.Enabled = radPoint2Pos2.Enabled = radPoint2Zero2.Enabled = true;
                        radPoint3Neg2.Enabled = radPoint3Pos2.Enabled = radPoint3Zero2.Enabled = true;

                        radPoint1Changed2_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint2Changed2_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());
                        radPoint3Changed2_CheckedChanged(this, new EventArgs());


                    MessageBox.Show("Unknown radio button", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                #region Polygons

                if (radSpherePolygon.Checked)
                    #region Sphere Polygon

                    // I will leave ball1 alone.  I won't use its velocity, just radius

                    // Make the the polygon
                    //_polygon1 = new PolygonTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), Polygon.CreateTetrahedron(_ball2.Radius * 2, true), _ball2.Radius * 2);
                    _polygon1 = new PolygonTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), MyPolygon.CreateCube(_ball2.Radius * 5, true), _ball2.Radius * 4);

                else if (radPolygonPolygon.Checked)
                    #region Polygon Polygon

                    // Polygon1 is on the right (so it uses ball2 as its source)
                    _polygon1 = new PolygonTest(_ball2.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), MyPolygon.CreateTetrahedron(_ball2.Radius * 2, true), _ball2.Radius * 2);
                    _polygon2 = new PolygonTest(_ball1.Position.Clone(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), MyPolygon.CreateCube(_ball1.Radius * 2, true), _ball2.Radius * 2);

                    MessageBox.Show("Unknown radio button", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

Beispiel #12
        private Ball BuildObject()
            double radius;
            #region Calculate Radius

            switch (_newBallProps.SizeMode)
                case BallProps.SizeModes.Draw:
                    radius = .01d;		// this function will only get called during mouse down if it's in draw mode, so I need to start with an arbitrarily small radius

                case BallProps.SizeModes.Fixed:
                    radius = _newBallProps.SizeIfFixed;

                case BallProps.SizeModes.Random:
                    radius = _rand.Next(Convert.ToInt32(_newBallProps.MinRandSize), Convert.ToInt32(_newBallProps.MaxRandSize));

                    throw new ApplicationException("Unknown BallProps.SizeModes: " + _newBallProps.SizeMode);

            if (radius < MINRADIUS)
                radius = MINRADIUS;


            double mass = UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(radius, 1d);

            MyVector velocity;
            #region Calculate Velocity

            if (_newBallProps.RandomVelocity)
                velocity = Utility3D.GetRandomVectorSpherical2D(_newBallProps.MaxVelocity);
                velocity = _newBallProps.Velocity;		// no need to clone it.  I won't manipulate it


            //TODO:  Listen to global props
            double elasticity = .75d;
            double kineticFriction = .75d;
            double staticFriction = 1d;

            Ball retVal;
            #region Build the ball

            switch (_mode)
                case AddingMode.AddBall:
                    #region Create Ball

                    retVal = new Ball(_curMousePoint.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), radius, mass, elasticity, kineticFriction, staticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);


                case AddingMode.AddSolidBall:
                    #region Create Solid Ball

                    retVal = new SolidBall(_curMousePoint.Clone(), new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), radius, mass, elasticity, kineticFriction, staticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
                    //StoreAngularVelocity(retVal);		// no reason to do this here.  it will be applied during commit (if I'm in draw mode, the size will change, and the angular velocity will need to be reapplied anyway)


                    throw new ApplicationException("Unsupported AddingMode: " + _mode.ToString());


            // Exit Function
            return retVal;
        private void PropsChangedSprtNew()
            MyVector position = null;

            // Kill Existing
            if (_ship != null)
                position = _ship.Ball.Position.Clone();
                _ship = null;
                position = Utility3D.GetRandomVector(_boundryLower, _boundryUpper);

            _cannon = null;

            #region New Ship

            //TODO:  Listen to global props
            double elasticity = .75d;
            double kineticFriction = .75d;
            double staticFriction = 1d;

            // Build New
            Ball newBall;
            RadarBlipQual blipQual;        // logic came from BallAdder.CommitObject

            switch (_type)
                case ShipTypeQual.None:

                case ShipTypeQual.Ball:
                    #region Ball

                    newBall = new Ball(position, new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), _shipSize, UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(_shipSize, 1d), elasticity, kineticFriction, staticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);

                    blipQual = RadarBlipQual.BallUserDefined00;

                    _thrustForce = GetThrustForce(newBall.Mass);
                    _torqueballLeftRightThrusterForce = _thrustForce;


                case ShipTypeQual.SolidBall:
                    #region Solid Ball

                    newBall = new SolidBall(position, new DoubleVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), _shipSize, UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(_shipSize, 1d), elasticity, kineticFriction, staticFriction, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);

                    blipQual = RadarBlipQual.BallUserDefined01;

                    _thrustForce = GetThrustForce(newBall.Mass);
                    _torqueballLeftRightThrusterForce = GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitude(((SolidBall)newBall).InertialTensorBody);


                    throw new ApplicationException("Unknown ShipTypeQual: " + _type.ToString());

            newBall.RotateAroundAxis(new MyVector(0, 0, 1), Math.PI);

            // Finish Building
            _ship = new BallBlip(newBall, CollisionStyle.Standard, blipQual, _blipToken);


            if (this.CreateNewTractorBeams != null)
                this.CreateNewTractorBeams(this, new EventArgs());

            #region Guns

            _cannon = new ProjectileWeapon(300, 150, UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(150, 1d), 25, true, _ignoreOtherProjectiles, RadarBlipQual.Projectile, false, _map, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
            _cannon.SetProjectileExplosion(450, 2, 10000);

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 2; cntr++)
                ProjectileWeapon weapon = new ProjectileWeapon(30, 20, UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(20, 1d), 100, true, _ignoreOtherProjectiles, RadarBlipQual.Projectile, false, _map, _boundryLower, _boundryUpper);
                weapon.AddBarrel(new MyVector(), new MyQuaternion());
                weapon.SetProjectileExplosion(40, 2, 300);


        private static double GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitude(MyMatrix3 inertialTensor)
            // Create a standard sized solid ball, and use that as my baseline
            SolidBall standBall = new SolidBall(new MyVector(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), STANDARDRADIUS, UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(STANDARDRADIUS, 1d));

            double averageStand = GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitudeSprtGetAvg(standBall.InertialTensorBody);
            double averageShip = GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitudeSprtGetAvg(inertialTensor);

            return THRUSTER_FORCE * (Math.Sqrt(averageShip) / Math.Sqrt(averageStand));     // I need sqrt, because the tensor's don't grow linearly