
        static void AppendBridgeMeshVertices(ref List <BridgeMeshVertex> inOutBridgeMeshVertices, ValidBridgePoint bridgePoint, bool isEvenPoint)
            BridgeMeshVertex leftVertex  = new BridgeMeshVertex();
            BridgeMeshVertex rightVertex = new BridgeMeshVertex();

            // General

            // Depending on if we are an even or uneven point, we need to invert our "right" to make sure it is also the bridges "right"
            float facingFactor = isEvenPoint ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

            // Inner Position
            leftVertex.InnerPositionWS  = bridgePoint.PositionWS;
            rightVertex.InnerPositionWS = bridgePoint.PositionWS;

            // Position

            float halfBridgeWidth = BridgeOptions.WIDTH_WS / 2.0f;

            leftVertex.PositionWS  = bridgePoint.PositionWS + facingFactor * bridgePoint.RightTangentWS * halfBridgeWidth;
            rightVertex.PositionWS = bridgePoint.PositionWS - facingFactor * bridgePoint.RightTangentWS * halfBridgeWidth;

            // Normal

            leftVertex.NormalWS  = Vector3.up;              // TODO: Calculate this from the positions themselves to make it more accurate.
            rightVertex.NormalWS = Vector3.up;

            // UV
            // As the left and the right vertex might be differently far away from the previous points,
            // we need to calculate the UVs per vertex and cannot use the UVs of the points.

            float leftVertexV  = bridgePoint.UV.x;
            float rightVertexV = bridgePoint.UV.x;

            if (inOutBridgeMeshVertices.Count >= 2)
                BridgeMeshVertex prevVertexLeft  = inOutBridgeMeshVertices[inOutBridgeMeshVertices.Count - 2];
                BridgeMeshVertex prevVertexRight = inOutBridgeMeshVertices[inOutBridgeMeshVertices.Count - 1];

                leftVertexV  = prevVertexLeft.UV.y + Vector3.Distance(prevVertexLeft.PositionWS, leftVertex.PositionWS);
                rightVertexV = prevVertexRight.UV.y + Vector3.Distance(prevVertexRight.PositionWS, rightVertex.PositionWS);

            leftVertex.UV  = new Vector2(0.0f, leftVertexV);
            rightVertex.UV = new Vector2(1.0f, rightVertexV);


        public BridgeMesh(List <BridgeMeshVertex> vertices, List <int> indicies)
            Indicies = indicies;

            Positions      = new List <Vector3>();
            InnerPositions = new List <Vector3>();
            Normals        = new List <Vector3>();
            UVs            = new List <Vector2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                BridgeMeshVertex vertex = vertices[i];


        public void Serialize(Serializer io)
            io.Serialize("Indicies", ref Indicies);


            List <BridgeMeshVertex> vertices = new List <BridgeMeshVertex>();

            if (io.GetState() == Serializer.State.Saving)
                for (int i = 0; i < Positions.Count; i++)
                    vertices.Add(new BridgeMeshVertex(Positions[i], InnerPositions[i], Normals[i], UVs[i]));

            io.Serialize("Vertices", ref vertices, false);

            if (io.GetState() == Serializer.State.Loading)
                Positions      = new List <Vector3>();
                InnerPositions = new List <Vector3>();
                Normals        = new List <Vector3>();
                UVs            = new List <Vector2>();

                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                    BridgeMeshVertex vertex = vertices[i];
