public override void OutAEnumDecl(AEnumDecl node)
            AStructDecl replacer = new AStructDecl(node.GetVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, node.GetEndToken(),
                                                   node.GetName(), new ArrayList(), null, new ArrayList());

            TIdentifier typeIdentifier = new TIdentifier("byte");
            ASwitchStm switchStm = new ASwitchStm(new TSwitch("switch"),
                                                  new ALvalueExp(
                                                      new AAmbiguousNameLvalue(new AAName(new ArrayList() {new TIdentifier("enum")}))),
                                                  new ArrayList());
            AMethodDecl toStringMethod = new AMethodDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, null,
                                                         new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("string"), null),
                                                         new TIdentifier("toString"),
                                                         new ArrayList()
                                                                 new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null,
                                                                                 null, null, null,
                                                                                 new ANamedType(typeIdentifier, null),
                                                                                 new TIdentifier("enum"), null)
                                                         new AABlock(
                                                             new ArrayList()
                                                                     new AValueReturnStm(new TReturn("return"), new ANullExp())
                                                                 }, new TRBrace("}")));
            replacer.GetLocals().Add(new ADeclLocalDecl(toStringMethod));

            int intVal = 0;
            int min = int.MaxValue;
            int max = int.MinValue;
            List<TIdentifier> types = new List<TIdentifier>(){typeIdentifier};
            Dictionary<int, List<AALocalDecl>> usedValues = new Dictionary<int, List<AALocalDecl>>();
            foreach (AAEnumLocal value in node.GetValues())
                AIntConstExp intConst;
                if (value.GetValue() != null)
                    intConst = (AIntConstExp) value.GetValue();
                    intVal = int.Parse(intConst.GetIntegerLiteral().Text) + 1;
                    intConst = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral(intVal.ToString(), value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos));
                min = Math.Min(intVal - 1, min);
                max = Math.Max(intVal - 1, max);
                typeIdentifier = new TIdentifier("byte", value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos);
                    new ASwitchCaseStm(new ACaseSwitchCaseType(new TCase("case"), (PExp) intConst.Clone()),
                                       new AABlock(
                                           new ArrayList()
                                                   new AValueReturnStm(new TReturn("return"),
                                                                       new AStringConstExp(
                                                                           new TStringLiteral("\"" +
                                                                                              value.GetName().Text +
                                               }, new TRBrace("}"))));
                AALocalDecl localDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(),
                                                        new TStatic("static", value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos),
                                                        null, null,
                                                        new TConst("const", value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos),
                                                        new ANamedType(typeIdentifier, null), value.GetName(), intConst);
                if (!usedValues.ContainsKey(intVal - 1))
                    usedValues[intVal - 1] = new List<AALocalDecl>();
                usedValues[intVal - 1].Add(localDecl);
            if (min < 0 || max > 255)
                foreach (TIdentifier identifier in types)
                    identifier.Text = "int";
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<AALocalDecl>> pair in usedValues)
                if (pair.Value.Count <= 1)
                int value = pair.Key;
                List<ErrorCollection.Error> subErrors = new List<ErrorCollection.Error>();
                foreach (AALocalDecl decl in pair.Value)
                    subErrors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(decl.GetName(), LocRM.GetString("ErrorText179")));
                errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(replacer.GetName(), LocRM.GetString("ErrorText180") + value + ".", false, subErrors.ToArray()));
            data.Enums.Add(replacer, min < 0 || max > 255);
 public override void CaseASwitchStm(ASwitchStm node)
         Object[] temp = new Object[node.GetCases().Count];
         node.GetCases().CopyTo(temp, 0);
         for (int i = temp.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
     if (node.GetTest() != null)
     if (node.GetToken() != null)
        public override void CaseASwitchStm(ASwitchStm node)

            AALocalDecl fallThroughDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null,
                                                          new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null),
                                                          new TIdentifier(MakeUniqueLocalName(node, "switchFallThrough")),
                                                          new ABooleanConstExp(new AFalseBool()));
            AALocalDecl continueDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null,
                                                          new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null),
                                                          new TIdentifier(MakeUniqueLocalName(node, "switchContinue")),
                                                          new ABooleanConstExp(new ATrueBool()));

            AALocalDecl testVar = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null,
                                                          Util.MakeClone(data.ExpTypes[node.GetTest()], data),
                                                          new TIdentifier(MakeUniqueLocalName(node, "switchTestVar")),

            AABlock bigBlock = new AABlock();
            //AABlock previousBlock = bigBlock;
            if (node.GetCases().Count > 0)
                List<SwitchCaseData> switchCaseDatas = new List<SwitchCaseData>();
                //Join cases without a body
                for (int i = node.GetCases().Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ASwitchCaseStm caseStm = (ASwitchCaseStm) node.GetCases()[i];
                    SwitchCaseData caseData = new SwitchCaseData();
                    caseData.Block = (AABlock) caseStm.GetBlock();
                    if (caseStm.GetType() is ACaseSwitchCaseType)
                        caseData.ContainsDefault = true;

                    caseData.IsLast = switchCaseDatas.Count == 0;

                    if (switchCaseDatas.Count == 0 || caseData.Block.GetStatements().Count > 0)
                        switchCaseDatas.Insert(0, caseData);
                for (int i = switchCaseDatas.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    switchCaseDatas[i].ContainsFallthrough = CanFallthrough(switchCaseDatas[i].Block, out switchCaseDatas[i].HasBreaks, out switchCaseDatas[i].RequiresWhile);
                    if (i == switchCaseDatas.Count - 1)

                    switchCaseDatas[i + 1].TargetForFallThrough = switchCaseDatas[i].ContainsFallthrough;
                    switchCaseDatas[i].RequiresContinue = !switchCaseDatas[i].ContainsFallthrough &&
                                                          (switchCaseDatas[i + 1].RequiresContinue ||
                                                           switchCaseDatas[i + 1].ContainsFallthrough);

                AABlock previousBlock = bigBlock;
                //Make code for specific case
                foreach (SwitchCaseData switchCase in switchCaseDatas)
                    List<PExp> tests = new List<PExp>();
                    AABlock nextBlock;
                    if (switchCase.TargetForFallThrough)
                    {//Add if (continueSwitch) {}
                        ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(continueDecl.GetName().Text));
                        ALvalueExp test = new ALvalueExp(lvalue);
                        nextBlock = new AABlock();
                        AIfThenStm ifStm = new AIfThenStm(new TLParen("("), test, new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), nextBlock));
                        previousBlock = nextBlock;

                        data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = continueDecl;
                        data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.ExpTypes[test] = continueDecl.GetType();

                        //First test in next if: if (fallThrough || ...
                        lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(fallThroughDecl.GetName().Text));
                        test = new ALvalueExp(lvalue);

                        data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = fallThroughDecl;
                        data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.ExpTypes[test] = fallThroughDecl.GetType();
                    //Make code for the test in the if
                    foreach (PExp exp in switchCase.Tests)
                        ALocalLvalue leftSide = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(testVar.GetName().Text));
                        ALvalueExp lvalueExp = new ALvalueExp(leftSide);
                        ABinopExp test = new ABinopExp(lvalueExp, new AEqBinop(new TEq("==")), exp);

                        data.LocalLinks[leftSide] = testVar;
                        data.LvalueTypes[leftSide] = data.ExpTypes[lvalueExp] = testVar.GetType();
                        data.ExpTypes[test] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null);

                    if (switchCase.ContainsDefault)
                        ABooleanConstExp test = new ABooleanConstExp(new ATrueBool());

                        data.ExpTypes[test] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null);

                    PExp finalTest = tests[0];
                    foreach (PExp exp in tests)
                        finalTest = new ABinopExp(finalTest, new ALazyOrBinop(new TOrOr("||")), exp);

                        data.ExpTypes[finalTest] = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier("bool"), null);

                    //Transform breaks into assignments

                    //If we can fallthrough, and there are breaks, encase in a while stm
                    AABlock testBlock = switchCase.Block;
                    if (switchCase.RequiresWhile)
                        AABlock newBlock = new AABlock();
                        PExp whileTest = new ABooleanConstExp(new ATrueBool());
                        AWhileStm whileStm = new AWhileStm(new TLParen("("), whileTest, new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), switchCase.Block));
                        switchCase.Block = newBlock;

                    TransformBreaks(testBlock, switchCase, continueDecl, fallThroughDecl);

                    if (switchCase.ContainsFallthrough && !switchCase.TargetForFallThrough)
                    {//Add fallthrough = true;
                        ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(fallThroughDecl.GetName().Text));
                        ABooleanConstExp rightSide = new ABooleanConstExp(new ATrueBool());
                        AAssignmentExp assignment = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), lvalue, rightSide);
                        testBlock.GetStatements().Add(new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), assignment));

                        data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = fallThroughDecl;
                        data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.ExpTypes[rightSide] = data.ExpTypes[assignment] = fallThroughDecl.GetType();

                    if (switchCase.RequiresWhile)
                    {//Add break at the end of the while
                        testBlock.GetStatements().Add(new ABreakStm(new TBreak("break")));

                    //Make if
                    PStm finalIfStm;
                    if (finalTest is ABooleanConstExp)
                    {//Final if is if(true). dont add it.
                        finalIfStm = new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), switchCase.Block);
                        nextBlock = new AABlock();
                    else if (switchCase.IsLast || switchCase.ContainsFallthrough)
                    {//One armed if
                        finalIfStm = new AIfThenStm(new TLParen("("), finalTest,
                                                    new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), switchCase.Block));
                        nextBlock = bigBlock;
                    {//Two armed if
                        nextBlock = new AABlock();
                        finalIfStm = new AIfThenElseStm(new TLParen("("), finalTest,
                                                        new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), switchCase.Block),
                                                        new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), nextBlock));

                    previousBlock = nextBlock;

                //If needed, add fallThroughDecl and continueDecl
                data.Locals.Add(bigBlock, new List<AALocalDecl>());
                if (data.LocalLinks.Values.Contains(fallThroughDecl))
                    bigBlock.GetStatements().Insert(0, new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), fallThroughDecl));
                if (data.LocalLinks.Values.Contains(continueDecl))
                    bigBlock.GetStatements().Insert(0, new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), continueDecl));
                bigBlock.GetStatements().Insert(0, new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), testVar));

                node.ReplaceBy(new ABlockStm(new TLBrace("{"), bigBlock));