public override void OutASAssignmentExp(ASAssignmentExp node)
     AAssignmentExp replacer = null;
     PAssignop assignop = node.GetAssignop();
     Token token = null;
     PBinop binop = null;
     if (assignop is AAddAssignop)
         token = ((AAddAssignop)assignop).GetToken();
         binop = new APlusBinop(new TPlus("+", token.Line, token.Pos));
     else if (assignop is ASubAssignop)
         token = ((ASubAssignop)assignop).GetToken();
         binop = new AMinusBinop(new TMinus("-", token.Line, token.Pos));
     else if (assignop is AMulAssignop)
         token = ((AMulAssignop)assignop).GetToken();
         binop = new ATimesBinop(new TStar("*", token.Line, token.Pos));
     else if (assignop is ADivAssignop)
         token = ((ADivAssignop)assignop).GetToken();
         binop = new ADivideBinop(new TDiv("/", token.Line, token.Pos));
     else if (assignop is AModAssignop)
         token = ((AModAssignop)assignop).GetToken();
         binop = new AModuloBinop(new TMod("%", token.Line, token.Pos));
     else// if (assignop is AAssignAssignop)
         token = ((AAssignAssignop)assignop).GetToken();
     PExp rightSide;
     if (binop != null)
         rightSide = new ABinopExp(new ALvalueExp((PLvalue)node.GetLvalue().Clone()),
         rightSide = (PExp)node.GetExp().Clone();
     replacer = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("=", token.Line, token.Pos), (PLvalue)node.GetLvalue().Clone(), rightSide);
            private void CheckDynamicLvalue(PLvalue node)
                if (node.Parent() is ALvalueExp)
                    ALvalueExp parent = (ALvalueExp)node.Parent();
                    if (parent.Parent() is AAssignmentExp)
                    if (!(parent.Parent() is PLvalue))
                    {//Then this should be a data table get
                        //If this is a bulk copy type, move it out to a new variable.
                        //var pointerVar;
                        //pointerVar = dataTableGet(...)
                        PType type = data.ExpTypes[parent];
                        if (Util.IsBulkCopy(type))
                            PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(node);
                            AABlock pBlock = (AABlock)pStm.Parent();
                            AAssignmentExp assignment;
                            if (parent.Parent() is AALocalDecl)
                                //Turn into assignment
                                ALocalLvalue leftSide = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("tempName"));
                                data.LocalLinks[leftSide] = (AALocalDecl) parent.Parent();
                                assignment = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), leftSide, parent);

                                pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm) + 1, new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), assignment));

                                data.ExpTypes[assignment] =  data.LvalueTypes[leftSide] = data.LocalLinks[leftSide].GetType();

                            pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(node);
                            AALocalDecl localDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, Util.MakeClone(type, data), new TIdentifier("pointerVar"), null);
                            ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("pointerVar"));
                            ALocalLvalue lvalue2 = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("pointerVar"));
                            ALvalueExp lvalue2Exp = new ALvalueExp(lvalue2);
                            assignment = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), lvalue, parent);
                            pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), localDecl));
                            pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), assignment));

                            data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = localDecl;
                            data.LocalLinks[lvalue2] = localDecl;
                            data.ExpTypes[assignment] = data.ExpTypes[lvalue2Exp] = data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.LvalueTypes[lvalue2] = type;

                            assignmentRightSideSet = true;
                            string s = "string";
                            if (type is ANamedType)
                                s = ((ANamedType) type).AsIdentifierString();
                            else if (type is APointerType && Util.IsIntPointer(node, ((APointerType)type).GetType(), data))
                                s = "int";
                        hadPointer = false;
        public override void OutAIncDecExp(AIncDecExp node)
            PIncDecOp op = node.GetIncDecOp();
            if (!Util.HasAncestor<AABlock>(node))
                Token token = null;
                if (op is APostDecIncDecOp)
                    token = ((APostDecIncDecOp) op).GetToken();
                else if (op is APreDecIncDecOp)
                    token = ((APreDecIncDecOp)op).GetToken();
                else if (op is APostIncIncDecOp)
                    token = ((APostIncIncDecOp)op).GetToken();
                else if (op is APreIncIncDecOp)
                    token = ((APreIncIncDecOp)op).GetToken();
                errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(token, LocRM.GetString("ErrorText114")));
                throw new ParserException(token, "TypeChecking.OutAIncDecExp");

            bool plus = op is APreIncIncDecOp || op is APostIncIncDecOp;
            if (op is APreIncIncDecOp || op is APreDecIncDecOp || node.Parent() is AExpStm)
            {//++i, --i, i++; or i--;
                //Replace with assignment
                //<exp>++ => <exp> + 1
                //(... foo = <exp> ...)++ => (... foo = <exp> ...) = (... foo ...) + 1
                //(... foo++ ...)++ => (... foo++ ...) = (... foo ...) + 1

                PLvalue clone = Util.MakeClone(node.GetLvalue(), data);
                clone.Apply(new AssignFixup(data));
                PBinop binop;
                if (plus)
                    binop = new APlusBinop(new TPlus("+"));
                    binop = new AMinusBinop(new TMinus("-"));
                ABinopExp addExp = new ABinopExp(new ALvalueExp(clone), binop, new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("1")));
                AAssignmentExp exp = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), node.GetLvalue(), addExp);
            {//i++ or i--
                //Make a new local so
                //int newLocal = i;
                PLvalue lvalueClone = Util.MakeClone(node.GetLvalue(), data);
                PExp exp = new ALvalueExp(Util.MakeClone(node.GetLvalue(), data));
                data.ExpTypes[exp] = data.LvalueTypes[node.GetLvalue()];
                AALocalDecl localDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, Util.MakeClone(data.LvalueTypes[node.GetLvalue()], data), new TIdentifier("incDecVar"), exp);
                ALocalDeclStm localDeclStm = new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), localDecl);

                                     ? (PIncDecOp) new APreIncIncDecOp(new TPlusPlus("++"))
                                     : new APreDecIncDecOp(new TMinusMinus("--")));

                ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(localDecl.GetName().Text));
                exp = new ALvalueExp(lvalue);
                data.ExpTypes[exp] = data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.LvalueTypes[node.GetLvalue()];
                data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = localDecl;

                PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(node);
                PStm nodeStm = new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), node);

                AABlock block = (AABlock) pStm.Parent();

                block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), localDeclStm);
                block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), nodeStm);

                if (pStm is AWhileStm && Util.IsAncestor(exp, ((AWhileStm)pStm).GetCondition()))
                    AWhileStm aStm = (AWhileStm)pStm;
                    // newLocal = i
                    // ++i
                    //Before each continue in the while, and at the end.

                    //Add continue statement, if not present
                    block = (AABlock)((ABlockStm)aStm.GetBody()).GetBlock();
                    if (block.GetStatements().Count == 0 || !(block.GetStatements()[block.GetStatements().Count - 1] is AContinueStm))
                        block.GetStatements().Add(new AContinueStm(new TContinue("continue")));

                    //Get all continue statements in the while
                    ContinueFinder finder = new ContinueFinder();
                    foreach (AContinueStm continueStm in finder.Continues)
                        PLvalue nodeLvalue1 = Util.MakeClone(lvalueClone, data);
                        PExp nodeLvalue1Exp = new ALvalueExp(nodeLvalue1);
                        PLvalue nodeLvalue2 = Util.MakeClone(lvalueClone, data);
                        ALocalLvalue newLocalLvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("newLocal"));
                        data.LocalLinks[newLocalLvalue] = localDecl;
                        AAssignmentExp assignment = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), newLocalLvalue, nodeLvalue1Exp);
                        PStm assignmentStm = new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), assignment);

                        AIncDecExp newIncDecExp = new AIncDecExp(nodeLvalue2, plus
                                                                                  ? (PIncDecOp)
                                                                                    new APreIncIncDecOp(
                                                                                        new TPlusPlus("++"))
                                                                                  : new APreDecIncDecOp(
                                                                                        new TMinusMinus("--")));
                        PStm newIncDecExpStm = new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), newIncDecExp);

                        block = (AABlock)continueStm.Parent();
                        block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(continueStm), assignmentStm);
                        block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(continueStm), newIncDecExpStm);

 public override void OutAAssignmentExp(AAssignmentExp node)
     PType type = data.ExpTypes[node];
     if (Util.IsBulkCopy(type))
         List<PStm> replacementStatements = MakeAssignments(node.GetLvalue(), node.GetExp(),
                                                            new List<AALocalDecl>() {null});
         PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(node);
         AABlock pBlock = (AABlock) pStm.Parent();
         foreach (PStm stm in replacementStatements)
             pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), stm);