/// <summary>
        /// Returns a new mesh instance. This instance has its polygons auto-generated according to
        /// the given set "blocked" of impassable (int,int)-points. The largest possibly passable area will be
        /// a rectangle from (0,0) to (width,height).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blocked">contains all integer points that are impassable</param>
        /// <param name="remainingPolygons">The polygons that still exist within area</param>
        /// <param name="coveredByPolygonBefore">the nodes that are covered by remainingPolygons</param>
        /// <param name="scale">the mesh scale</param>
        /// <param name="area">the area that should be filled with new polygons</param>
        /// <param name="createdNodes">the still existing nodes that must be integrated</param>
        /// <param name="unite">if everything in the area should be united at last</param>
        /// <returns>a new instance of Navigation Mesh that contains all freshly created polygons (but not remainingPolygons)</returns>
        public static NavigationMesh CreateInstanceFromBlockmap(PointSet<int> blocked, List<Polygon> remainingPolygons, PointSet<int> coveredByPolygonBefore, int scale, Rectangle area, List<MeshNode> createdNodes, bool unite = true)
            GlobalValues globalValues = GlobalValues.GetInstance();
            PointSet<int> coveredByPremarkedPolygon = new PointSet<int>();
            if (globalValues.mShowMeshCreation)
                //CodeTest.mSetsToDraw.Add(coveredByPolygonBefore); // slows drawing down for big meshes

            Debug.Assert(area.Width > 0 && area.Height > 0 && area.X >= 0 && area.Y >= 0);
            int areaWidth = (area.Width / scale);
            int areaHeight = (area.Height / scale);
            int areaOffsetX = (area.X / scale);
            int areaOffsetY = (area.Y / scale);

            PointSet<int> nodeToCreate = new PointSet<int>();
            PointSet<int> nodeCreated = new PointSet<int>();
            foreach (MeshNode node in createdNodes)
                int x = ((int)(node.mVector.X)) / scale;
                int y = ((int)(node.mVector.Y)) / scale;
                nodeToCreate.Add(x, y);
                nodeCreated.Add(x, y);

            #if DEBUG
            if (areaWidth < 20 && areaHeight < 20)
                Debug.WriteLine("blocked (part):");
                NavigationMesh.PrintPointSet(blocked, areaOffsetX, areaOffsetY, areaWidth + 1, areaHeight + 1);

            List<Rectangle> premarkedPolygons = new List<Rectangle>();
            // a point(a,b) in coveredByPolygon indicates that there is already
            // a registered polygon which covers at least the square (a,b)-(a+1,b+1)

            for (int y = areaOffsetY; y < areaOffsetY + areaHeight; y++)
                for (int x = areaOffsetX; x < areaOffsetX + areaWidth; x++)
                    // we wanna create a new rectangular polygon(x,y,*,*)
                    // as big as possible.
                    if (!coveredByPolygonBefore.Contains(x, y) &&
                        !coveredByPremarkedPolygon.Contains(x, y) &&
                        !blocked.Contains(x, y) &&
                        !blocked.Contains(x + 1, y) &&
                        !blocked.Contains(x, y + 1) &&
                        !blocked.Contains(x + 1, y + 1))
                        int polyWidth = 1;
                        int polyHeight = 1;

                        while (x + polyWidth <= areaOffsetX + areaWidth
                               && HorizontalFree(blocked, x, y, polyWidth, polyHeight)
                               && HorizontalFree(coveredByPolygonBefore, x, y, polyWidth - 1, polyHeight - 1)
                               && HorizontalFree(coveredByPremarkedPolygon, x, y, polyWidth - 1, polyHeight - 1)
                               && y + polyHeight <= areaOffsetY + areaHeight
                               && VerticalFree(blocked, x, y, polyWidth, polyHeight)
                               && VerticalFree(coveredByPolygonBefore, x, y, polyWidth - 1, polyHeight - 1)
                               && VerticalFree(coveredByPremarkedPolygon, x, y, polyWidth - 1, polyHeight - 1))
                            if (globalValues.mShowMeshCreation)
                                Rectangle rectToDraw = new Rectangle(scale * x, scale * y, scale * polyWidth, scale * polyHeight);
                        Debug.Assert(polyWidth > 0 && polyHeight > 0 && polyWidth == polyHeight);
                        // We won't create the polygon now because there is a little
                        // catch (see below), but we are keeping it in mind.
                        // => fill premarkedPolygons now...
                        if (globalValues.mShowMeshCreation)
                            Rectangle premarkedFullScaled = new Rectangle(scale * x, scale * y, scale * polyWidth, scale * polyHeight);
                        Rectangle premarked = new Rectangle(x, y, polyWidth, polyHeight);
                        // ...and mark nodes as used:
                        nodeToCreate.Add(x, y);
                        nodeToCreate.Add(x + polyWidth, y);
                        nodeToCreate.Add(x + polyWidth, y + polyHeight);
                        nodeToCreate.Add(x, y + polyHeight);

                        // register in coveredByPolygon:
                        for (int i = x; i < x + polyWidth; i++)
                            for (int j = y; j < y + polyHeight; j++)
                                coveredByPremarkedPolygon.Add(i, j);
            Debug.WriteLine("premarked polygons:" + premarkedPolygons.Count);
            if (globalValues.mShowMeshCreation)
                for (int i = 0; i < premarkedPolygons.Count; i++)
                        CodeTest.mRectsToDraw.RemoveAt(CodeTest.mRectsToDraw.Count - 1);
            // Now that we have full knowledge about ALL nodes to create, we can
            // create the appropriate polygons. The catch is that sometimes it doesn't
            // suffice to create the polygon between its corners, but there are polygons
            // with more vertices in between.

            int mapWidth = GameLogic.GetInstance().GetMap().GetWidth();
            int mapHeight = GameLogic.GetInstance().GetMap().GetHeight();
            NavigationMesh result = new NavigationMesh(mapWidth, mapHeight);
            if (globalValues.mShowMeshCreation) CodeTest.mMeshesToDraw.Add(result);

            // Create each premarked polygon:
            foreach (Rectangle rectangle in premarkedPolygons)
                List<Point> vertexList = GetVertexList(rectangle, nodeToCreate);
                Debug.Assert(vertexList.Count >= 4);
                List<MeshNode> nodes = new List<MeshNode>();

                // check which nodes are already created and which need to be created:
                foreach (Point point in vertexList)
                    MeshNode node = RetrieveOrCreateNode(point, scale, nodeCreated, createdNodes, remainingPolygons, coveredByPolygonBefore);
                // now we can chain up our nodes:
                Polygon polygon = new Polygon(nodes);
                // add polygon to our mesh:
                // Damn error, I've found you at last...

                if (globalValues.mShowMeshCreation) CodeTest.DrawNow();


            // Now unite and clean everything: (At least I think we are allowed now...)
            if (unite) result.WholeUnionRun(true, null);

            if (globalValues.mShowMeshCreation)
                //CodeTest.mSetsToDraw.Remove(coveredByPolygonBefore); // again, taken out for being slow
            return result;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Unites two given polygons into one and returns it. The two polygons
        /// are deleted. Optionally applies a cleanup to the new polygon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unionEdges">the edges of the new united polygon</param>
        /// <param name="polygon1">the first of the polygons that are to be united</param>
        /// <param name="polygon2">the second of the polygons that are to be united</param>
        /// <param name="allowCleanUp">if the edges of the united polygon should
        ///  be cleaned up</param>
        /// <returns>the new united polygon</returns>
        private Polygon ApplyPolygonUnion(List<Edge> unionEdges, Polygon polygon1, Polygon polygon2, bool allowCleanUp)
            Debug.Assert(! polygon1.CanBeCleanedUp(), "Cannot unite with a dirty polygon!");
            Debug.Assert(!polygon2.CanBeCleanedUp(), "Cannot unite with a dirty polygon!");
            Polygon unionPolygon = new Polygon(unionEdges);




            if (allowCleanUp) unionPolygon.CleanUp(true);
            return unionPolygon;
        /// <summary>
        /// For code testing purpose:
        /// Returns a new special-shaped mesh instance.
        /// </summary>
        public static NavigationMesh[] GetTestInstanceForCleanUp()
            NavigationMesh[] result = new NavigationMesh[3];
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                MeshNode a = new MeshNode(0, 0);
                MeshNode b = new MeshNode(0, 10);
                MeshNode c = new MeshNode(5, 10);
                MeshNode d = new MeshNode(5, 0);
                MeshNode e = new MeshNode(0, 15);
                MeshNode f = new MeshNode(10, 15);
                MeshNode g = new MeshNode(10, 10);
                MeshNode h = new MeshNode(15, 15);
                MeshNode i = new MeshNode(15, 0);
                MeshNode j = new MeshNode(10, 0);
                Edge ab = new Edge(a, b);
                Edge bc = new Edge(b, c);
                Edge cd = new Edge(c, d);
                Edge da = new Edge(d, a);

                Edge be = new Edge(b, e); be.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge ef = new Edge(e, f); ef.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge fg = new Edge(f, g); fg.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge gc = new Edge(g, c); gc.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge cb = new Edge(c, b); cb.ImposeOwnership();

                Edge fh = new Edge(f, h); fh.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge hi = new Edge(h, i); hi.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge ij = new Edge(i, j); ij.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge jg = new Edge(j, g); jg.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge gf = new Edge(g, f); gf.ImposeOwnership();

                Polygon pA = new Polygon(new List<Edge> { ab, bc, cd, da });
                Polygon pB = new Polygon(new List<Edge> { be, ef, fg, gc, cb });
                Polygon pC = new Polygon(new List<Edge> { fh, hi, ij, jg, gf });

                result[x] = new NavigationMesh(15,15);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// For code testing purposes:
        /// Creates a raster of polygons where each one is rectangle-shaped and adjacent to each other.
        /// Note that you have to pass x as countX for x columns of squares,
        /// the same applies in y direction. The returned mesh then accepts points in the range of
        /// (0,0)-(cellWidth*countX, cellHeight*countY).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellWidth">the width of each polygon</param>
        /// <param name="cellHeight">the height of each polygon</param>
        /// <param name="countX">the number of polygons to create in horizontal direction</param>
        /// <param name="countY">the number of polygons to create in vertical direction</param>
        /// <param name="doUnite">if the polygons should be united where possible (reduces raster complexity)</param>
        /// <returns>the new mesh instance</returns>
        public static NavigationMesh[] GetTestInstance(int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int countX, int countY, bool doUnite)
            Debug.Assert(countX >= 1 && countY >= 1 && cellWidth > 0 && cellHeight > 0);
            NavigationMesh[] testMesh = new NavigationMesh[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                testMesh[i] = new NavigationMesh(countX * cellWidth, countY * cellHeight);

                MeshNode[,] nodes = new MeshNode[countX + 1, countY + 1];
                for (int x = 0; x <= countX; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y <= countY; y++)
                        nodes[x, y] = new MeshNode(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight);
                for (int x = 0; x < countX; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < countY; y++)
                        List<Edge> edges = new List<Edge>
                                               new Edge(nodes[x, y], nodes[x + 1, y]),
                                               new Edge(nodes[x + 1, y], nodes[x + 1, y + 1]),
                                               new Edge(nodes[x + 1, y + 1], nodes[x, y + 1]),
                                               new Edge(nodes[x, y + 1], nodes[x, y])
                        foreach (Edge edge in edges)
                        Polygon polygon = new Polygon(edges);
                if (doUnite)
                    testMesh[i].WholeUnionRun(true, null);

            return testMesh;
Beispiel #5
        private static void PolygonTests()
            double pi = Math.PI;
            List<MeshNode> nodes = new List<MeshNode> { new MeshNode(0, 0), new MeshNode(10, 0), new MeshNode(10, 10), new MeshNode(0, 10) };

            Polygon polygon = new Polygon(nodes);
            List<Edge> edges = polygon.GetEdges();
                HelperMethods.GetAngleDifference(edges[0].ToVector(), edges[1].ToVector()), pi / 2));
            Debug.Assert(Polygon.IsConcave(polygon.GetEdges()), "CodeTest.PolygonTests(): Polygon not concave!");
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(10, 5), false), "CodeTest.PolygonTests(): 10,5 not in Polygon!");

            Random r = new Random();
            Vector2 point1 = new Vector2((float)(10 * r.NextDouble()), (float)(10 * r.NextDouble()));
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(point1, false), "CodeTest.PolygonTests(): Random point not in Polygon!");

            Vector2 p1 = new Vector2(0, 0);
            Vector2 p2 = new Vector2(0, 10);
            Vector2 p3 = new Vector2(10, 0);
            Vector2 p4 = new Vector2(10, 10);
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(p1, false), "PointInPolygon Test failed!");
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(p2, false), "PointInPolygon Test failed!");
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(p3, false), "PointInPolygon Test failed!");
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(p4, false), "PointInPolygon Test failed!");

            List<MeshNode> nodes2 = new List<MeshNode> { nodes[1], new MeshNode(20, 0), new MeshNode(20, 10), nodes[2] };
            Polygon polygon2 = new Polygon(nodes2);
            List<Polygon> polygonNeighbours = polygon.GetAdjacentPolygons();
            List<Polygon> polygon2Neighbours = polygon2.GetAdjacentPolygons();

            Debug.Assert(polygonNeighbours.Count == 1 && polygonNeighbours.Contains(polygon2));
            Debug.Assert(polygon2Neighbours.Count == 1 && polygon2Neighbours.Contains(polygon));
            Edge commonEdge, commonEdge2;
            List<Edge> unitedEdges = polygon.GetUnion(polygon2, out commonEdge, out commonEdge2);
            Polygon unitedPolygon = new Polygon(unitedEdges);
            Debug.Assert(commonEdge.mStartNode == null);
            Debug.Assert(commonEdge.mEndNode == null);
            Debug.Assert(commonEdge2.mStartNode == null);
            Debug.Assert(commonEdge2.mEndNode == null);
            Debug.WriteLine("Use breakpoint to check the last union test.");

            Debug.WriteLine("Polygon tests done.");
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests for Navigation Mesh and Pathfinder,
        /// including performance test.
        /// </summary>
        private static void PathfinderTest()
            Debug.WriteLine("Create testMesh...");
            NavigationMesh[] testMesh = NavigationMeshFactory.GetTestInstanceForCleanUp();
            Debug.WriteLine("testMesh created. Try 1. pathfinding...");
            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Path path = PathFinder.GetInstance().CalculatePath(new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(4, 14), typeof(Minion));
            Debug.Assert(path != null);
            Debug.WriteLine("1. Pathfinding done in " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds +
                " ms. Use breakpoint to check the returned path.");
            // ********************* second pathfinder test **************************
            Debug.WriteLine("Try 2. pathfinding on another testMesh...");
            watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            int width = 5000;
            int height = 5000;
            Map map = Map.GetRandomInstance(20, width, height);
            Debug.Assert(map != null);
            Debug.Assert(GameLogic.GetInstance().GetMap() != null);
            PathFinder.GetInstance().LoadMeshFromObstructions(width, height, 5);
            Debug.WriteLine("Mesh creation done in " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms.");
            watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            // ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment
            // I want to read this out via debugger
            path = PathFinder.GetInstance().CalculatePath(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(width - 1, height - 1), typeof(Minion));
            // ReSharper restore RedundantAssignment
            Debug.WriteLine("2. Pathfinding done in " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds +
                              " ms. Check path via breakpoint.");

            // ******************************* Extreme case: Check that a direct connection is NOT feasible **************************
            List<Polygon> endPolygons = new List<Polygon>();
            List<MeshNode> meshNodes = new List<MeshNode>();
            for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                    meshNodes.Add(new MeshNode(x, y));
            List<Polygon> polygons = new List<Polygon>();
            for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                    if (!(x == 1 && y == 1))
                        Polygon polygon = new Polygon(new List<MeshNode> { meshNodes[y * 4 + x], meshNodes[y * 4 + (x + 1)], meshNodes[(y + 1) * 4 + (x + 1)], meshNodes[(y + 1) * 4 + x] });
            int startNodeIndex = 9;
            int endNodeIndex = 6;

            Stack<Edge> firstCandidateEdges = new Stack<Edge>(meshNodes[startNodeIndex].GetPolyOwnersEdges());

            Debug.Assert(!PathCleaner.IsCleanUpPossible(endPolygons, firstCandidateEdges, meshNodes[startNodeIndex].mVector, meshNodes[endNodeIndex].mVector));

            // ******************* Direct connection test ******************
            int length = 3;
            int count = 3;
            testMesh = NavigationMeshFactory.GetTestInstance(length, length, count, count, false);
            Debug.Assert(PathFinder.GetInstance().DirectConnection(new Vector2(2, 0), new Vector2(2, 3), typeof(Minion)), "Direct connection failed for (2,0)-(2,3)");
            Debug.Assert(PathFinder.GetInstance().DirectConnection(new Vector2(8, 1), new Vector2(3, 1), typeof(Minion)), "Direct connection failed for (8,1)-(3,1)");
            Debug.Assert(PathFinder.GetInstance().DirectConnection(new Vector2(8, 1), new Vector2(3, 3), typeof(Minion)), "Direct connection failed for (8,1)-(3,3)");
            Debug.Assert(PathFinder.GetInstance().DirectConnection(new Vector2(4, 9), new Vector2(5, 4), typeof(Minion)), "Direct connection failed for (4,9)-(5,4)");
            Random r = new Random();
            Vector2 point1 = new Vector2(r.Next(length * count + 1), r.Next(length * count + 1));
            Vector2 point2 = new Vector2(r.Next(length * count + 1), r.Next(length * count + 1));
            Debug.Assert(PathFinder.GetInstance().DirectConnection(point1, point2, typeof(Minion)), "Direct connection test failed for (" + point1.X + "," + point1.Y + ")-(" + point2.X + "," + point2.Y + ")");
Beispiel #7
        private static void HelperMethodsTest()
            // Angle:
            HelperMethods.GetAngleDifference(new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(0, -1)), -Math.PI / 2));

            // PointOnLine:
            Debug.Assert(HelperMethods.PointOnLine(new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(2, 2)));
            Debug.Assert(HelperMethods.PointOnLine(new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(2, 2), new Vector2(0, 0)));
            Debug.Assert(HelperMethods.PointOnLine(new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(2, 0), new Vector2(0, 2)));
            Debug.Assert(!HelperMethods.PointOnLine(new Vector2(2, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(0, 2)));
            Debug.Assert(HelperMethods.PointOnLine(new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(0, 0)));
            Debug.Assert(HelperMethods.PointOnLine(new Vector2(0, 2), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 2)));
            Debug.Assert(HelperMethods.PointOnLine(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 2), new Vector2(0, 0)));

            // PointInPolygon:
            // These points are all inside:
            Polygon polygon = new Polygon(new List<MeshNode> { new MeshNode(0, 0), new MeshNode(2, 0), new MeshNode(2, 2), new MeshNode(1, 2), new MeshNode(0, 2), new MeshNode(0, 1) });
            foreach (MeshNode node in polygon.GetNodes())
                Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(node.mVector, false));
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(1, 0), false));
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(1, 1), false));
            Debug.Assert(polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(2, 1), false));
            // Now for some points outside:
            Debug.Assert(!polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(0, -1), false));
            Debug.Assert(!polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(1, -1), false));
            Debug.Assert(!polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(2, -1), false));
            Debug.Assert(!polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(0, 3), false));
            Debug.Assert(!polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(1, 3), false));
            Debug.Assert(!polygon.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(2, 3), false));
